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K. Henry. 8. Persecution in the dioces of Lincolne.

MarginaliaAn. 1521
Ex Regist. Io. Longland. Lincol.

Accusers.Parties accused.Crimes obiected.

The fore
sayd Ro-
bert Co-
vpon the
listes, did
detecte these per-

dells, nor to go on pilgrimage.
An other crime against Rich.
Colyns: Because hee taught this
Robert, that in all such thinges
wherin he offended God, he should
onely shriue hym selfe to God: and
in which thinges he offended m?,
he should shriue him to man.MarginaliaAgaynst the Sacrament of the altare.
Also for teachyng him, that the
Sacrament of the altare is not ve-
ry God, but a certeine figuratiue
thing of Christe in bread: and
that the priest hath no power to c?
secrate the body of Christ.
Also for that the sayd Rich. did
teach him in Wickleffes Wicket:
howe that a m? may not make the
bodie of our lord, which made vs:
and how can we then make him
againe? The father is vnbegott?,
and vnmade: The sonne is onely
begotten and not made: and how
hen can man make that, which is
vnmade said he?
And in the same booke of Wick-
leffes Wicket, folow the wordes of
Christe thus speaking: If my
wordes be heresie, then am I an he
reticke: And if my wordes be ley-
singes, then am I a lyer. &c.
Also an other crime against Rich.
Colyns: For hauing certaine Eng-
lishe bookes, as Wickleffes Wicket,
the Gospell of S. Iohn, the Epistles
of S. Paul, Iames, & Peter in Eng
lishe, and exposition of the Apoca-
lyps, a booke of our Ladyes mat-
tens in Englishe, a booke of Salo-
mon in Englishe, a booke called,
the pricke of conscience.

Iohn Ed-
of Burford

The crime against Ioh. Edm?ds:
For hauing a certeine Englishe
booke of the Commaundementes.

Ioh. Har
MarginaliaFor speaking agaynst Idolatrye.
The crime against Iohn Harrys:
For communing with him of the
first chap. of S. Iohns Gospell: In
the beginning was the worde, and
the word was with God, and God
&c. Also for c?muning of a chap.
in Math. of the viij. beatitudes.
Item, for co?sailing him not to go
on pilgremage to saintes, because
they were idols. &c.


Rob. Ly-
VV. Ly-
& Io?ne
his wife.
and his
Rich. Co

All these were detected, for that
they being together in Bruges
house at Burford, were readyng
together in the booke of the expo-
sition of the Apocalyps, and com-
muned concernyng the matter of
openyng the booke with seuen
clapses. &c.

Iohn Ledisdall or Edon of Hungerford.
Iohn Colyns of Burford.
Iohn Colyns, and his wife of Asthall.
Iohn Clerke, of Claufield.
The wife of Richard Colyns, of Gynge.

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Accusers.Parties accused.Crimes obiected.

Tho. Co-
lyns, and
his wife,
of Gynge.

This Thomas was charged for
hauing a booke of Paule, and
Iames in Englishe.

VVilliam Colyns.
Robert Pope, of Henred.
Commentary   *   Close

John Hacker was an extraordinarily influential Lollard with a long career; see J. A. F. Thomson, The Later Lollards, 1414-1520 for details. Hacker will be arrested in London in 1527 and in 1528, he would abjure and give the names of over 40 other Lollards to the authorities (1563, p. 418 and BL, Harley 421, fos. 11r-14r).

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of Colmanstret in London.

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John Stacy, a warden of the bricklayers company. He will be charged in 1531 for aiding - and having converted - the evangelical martyr Richard Bayfield (1570, p. 1161; 1576, p. 993 and 1583, p. 1021). He will testify against Thomas Phillips and then abjured (1570, p. 1185; 1576, p. 1014 and 1583, pp. 1041-1042).

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ker of Col-

For hauing the booke of the Apo-

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A pointmaker of the parish of Micheal le Querne, London. John Hacker informed on him in 1528. He was imprisoned and later held in the house of Thomas More (then Lord Chancellor), who turned him back over to Bishop Stokesley (BL, Harley MS 421, fo. 13r; More, Apology, CWTM 9, p. 126). He abjured, but abjured his abjuration and was imprisoned in the Tower (1570, pp. 1185-6, 1576, p. 1014; 1583, p. 1042). He remained imprisoned in the Tower, but working as a gaoler. In this capacity he aided evangelical prisoners (BL, Harley MS 425, fo. 138v).

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of Lond?.

For readyng the Epistle of Saint
Peter in Englishe in the house of
Robert Colyns at Asthall.

Ioanne Colyns his owne sister, of Asthall.
Thomas Colyns his cosine, of Asthall.
Maistres Bristow, of London.
Iohn Colyns sonne of Richard Colyns,
of Gynge.
Ioanne Colyns daughter of Rich. Colyns,
of Gynge.
Henry Stacy sonne of Stacy of Colmanstret.
Tho. Steuenton of Charney in Barkeshire.
Iohn Brabant in Stanlake.
Iohn Baker Weauer, of Wytney.

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Iohn Co-
lyns of
ched to
the By-
shop these
persons here na-


The wordes of Rcihard Colyns
were these: that the Sacrament
was not the true body of Christ in
fleshe and bloud: but yet it ought
to bee reuerenced: albeit not so as
the true body of Christ.

of Gynge,
his owne
naturall fa

The crime agaynst Thomas Co-
lyns: For that viij. yeares past, this
Thomas Colyns his father had
taught this Iohn his sonne in
the presence of his mother, the x. Com
maundementes, and namely, that
he should haue but one God, and
should worship nothyng but God
alone: and that to worship saintes
& go on pilgrimage, was idolatrie.
Also that hee should not worship
the Sacrament of the altare as
God, for that it was but a token
of the Lordes body. Whiche thyng
so much discontented this Iohn Co
lyns, that hee sayd hee would dis-
close his fathers errours, & make
him to be burned: but his mother
intreated him not so to do.

Rob. Co-
lyns of

The crime agaynste Robert Co-
lyns: That this Rob. read to him
in a certeine thicke booke of Scrip
ture in Englishe.

Iohn Ed-
and hys

The crime layd to Iohn Edm?ds:
For that he read to this Iohn the
tenne Commaundementes, and
told him that Iohn Baptist sayd,
that one should come after hym
whose buckell of his showe, he was
not worthy to vndoe.
Alyce, wife of Gunne of Wytney.

Ioh. Hak
Commentary   *   Close

John Hacker was an extraordinarily influential Lollard with a long career; see J. A. F. Thomson, The Later Lollards, 1414-1520 for details. Hacker will be arrested in London in 1527 and in 1528, he would abjure and give the names of over 40 other Lollards to the authorities (1563, p. 418 and BL, Harley 421, fos. 11r-14r).

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his sonne
of Lond?.

This Iohn Hakker  
Commentary   *   Close

John Hacker was an extraordinarily influential Lollard with a long career; see J. A. F. Thomson, The Later Lollards, 1414-1520 for details. Hacker will be arrested in London in 1527 and in 1528, he would abjure and give the names of over 40 other Lollards to the authorities (1563, p. 418 and BL, Harley 421, fos. 11r-14r).

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of London, c?
ming to Burford, brought a boke
speaking of the ten plagues of Pha
rao. Also after that, an other
booke, entreatyng of the vij. Sa-

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