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1430 [1405]

Q. Mary. Thinges done in the 2. yeare of Q. Mary. Newes of Q. Maries childe.

Marginalia1554. Nouēb. where as eyther we or our Officiall or Commissary shall syt: there to say and alledge for themselues some reasonable cause, if they haue or can tell of any, why they ought not to be excommunciated, and otherwyse punished for their such negligence, slackenes, and fault, to say and to alledge, and further to do and receyue, as law & reason requireth. And what you haue done in the premisses, do you certifie vs, or our Vicar, principall Offciall, and such our Commissary, diligently and duely in all thinges, and through all things, or let him among you thus certifie vs, which hath taken vpon hym to execute this Mandate. In witnesse wherof, we haue set our seales to these presents. Dated in the bishops palace at London, the 25. day of the month of October, in the yeare of our lord. 1554. and of our translation the. 16.

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MarginaliaM. Christopherson sent to Cambridge with Gardiners iniunctions.About this tyme the Lord Chauncellor sent M. Christoferson vnto the vniuersitie of Cambridge  

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The account of Christopherson presenting Cambridge University with Gardiner's three articles and of twenty-four fellows being forced from St. John's appears to have come from a Cambridge informant, possibly the same informant who supplied the material on John Young's activities there which first appeared in 1563, p. 1000. Like that material, this account appeared in all four versions (1563, p. 1007; 1570, pp. 1646-47; 1576, p. 1405; 1583, p. 1475).

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with these 3. Articles, which he enioyned them to obserue.

The first, that euery scholer should weare his apparell according to his degree in the scholes.

The second was touching the pronunciatiō of þe Greke tongue.

The thyrd, that euery Preacher there should declare the whole stile of the kyng and Queene in their sermons.

In this vniuersitie of Cambridge, and also of Oxford, by reason of the bringing in of these thinges, and especially for the alteration of Religion, many good wits and learned men departed the Vniuersities: of whō, some of their owne accord gaue ouer, some were thrust out of their felowships, some were miserably handled: MarginaliaIn Cambridge was 34. places voyde at one tyme in one so much þt in Cambridge in the Colledge of Saint Iohn, there were. 24. places void together in whose roumes were taken in. 24. other, which neyther in vertue nor in religiō seemed to aūswere to them before. And no lesse miserable, was the state of Oxford, by reason of the tyme and the straite dealyng of the Visitors that for settyng forward their Papisticall procedinges, had no regarde or respecte to the forwardnes of good wittes, & the mayntenance of good letters beginnyng then more and more to flourish in that Vniuersitie.

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And for somuch as we haue entred into the mention of Oxford, we may not passe ouer in silence MarginaliaA popish exhortation of Doct. Tresham.the famous exhortation of D. Tresham  

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The account of William Tresham's exhortation to the students of Christ Church also appears in all four editions, although considerably altered between 1563 and 1570. (See 1563, p. 1007; 1570, p. 1647; 1576, p. 1405; 1583, p. 1475). For one thing, the 1563 edition mentioned that the incident happened while 'Doctoure [Richard] Marshall' was dean of Christ Church. This reference was removed from all subsequent editions. Foxe also moderated the insulting language between the editions and also muted his sarcasm. Foxe also deleted one of Tresham's arguments enumerating the different types of mass and the different purposes which they served. With regard to Tresham's promise to secure the 'Lady Bell of Brampton' for Christ Church, it should be noted that Tresham was the vicar of Brampton, Oxfordshire.

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who suppliyng the rowme of the Subdeane in Christes Church, after hee had called all the Studentes of the Colledge together, with great eloquence and art persuasory, begane to commend the dignity of the Masse vnto thē, declaryng that there was stuffe in Scripture enough to proue the masse good. Then to allure them to the catholicke seruice of the Church, MarginaliaThe great reasons of Doctour Tresham.he vsed these reasōs, declaring þt there were a cōpany of goodly Copes, þt were appointed to Wyndsore, but hee had found the Queene so gracious vnto him, þt they should come to Christes church. Now if they lyke honest men, would come to Church, they should weare them on holy dayes. And besides all this, hee would get them the Lady Bell of Bampton, and þt should make the sweetest ryng in all Englād. And as for an holy water sprinckle, hee had already the fayrest that was within the realme. Wherfore he thought that no man would bee so madde to forgoe these commodities. &c.

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Whiche thinges I rehearse, that it may appeare what want of discretion is in the fathers of Popery, & into what idle follies such men do fall. Whom I beseech the Lord, if it be his pleasure, to reduce to a better truth, & to open their eyes to see their owne blindnes.


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After the account of Tresham's oration, Foxe went on in the 1563 edition to give brief relations of a few important events in the autumn of 1554. Most of these were later dropped in favour of more detailed accounts of the same events which Foxe obtained.

A few phrases of Foxe's description of the opening of parliament on 12 November 1554 in the 1563 edition were retained; otherwise this material was replaced in 1570 with more detailed accounts drawn from Foxe's lost chronicle source.

To procede now further in the course and race of our story where as we lefte, beynge before in the moneth of Nouember, it foloweth more that in the *Marginalia* Where note that the Printer of Q. Maryes Statutes doth erre in his supputation, which saith, that thys Parlament began the xi. of thys moneth, which day was then Sonday. xij. daye of the same moneth of Nouember beyng Mondaye, beganne the Parlament holden at Westminster, to the beginnynge whereof both the Kyng and Queene rode in their parlament robes hauyng ij. swordes borne before them. The Earle of Penbroke bare his sword, and the Earle of Westmerlad bare the Queenes. They had ij. cappes of maynteynaunce borne before the: wherof the Earle of Arundell bare one, & the Earle of Shrewesbury the other.

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MarginaliaCardinall Poole ariueth in England. Cardinall Poole landed at Douer vpon the Wedensday beyng the xxj. day of Nouember, on which day one Acte passed in the Parlament for his restitution in bloud vtterly repealyng as false & most slaūderous that Act made against hym in kyng Henry the eyghtes tyme, and on the next day beyng Thursday and the xxij. of Nouember, the Kyng and the Queene both came to the Parliament house to geue their royal assent and to establishe this ActeMarginaliaEx Statut. an. 1. &. 2. Regis Philip & Mariæ. cap. 8. against his cōming.

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Vpon the Saterday beyng the xxiiij. of Nouember, the said Cardinall came by water to London, and so to Lābeth house which was ready prepared against his comming.

MarginaliaNouemb. 28.Vpon the Wednesday folowyng beyng the 28. of No-

MarginaliaProcession at Paules for ioye of the Queenes conceuing.uember, there was general procession in Paules for ioye þt the Queene was conceiued and quick with child, as it was declared in a letter sent from the counsaile to the Bishop of London. The same day at this procession was present ten Bishops with all the Prebendaries of Paules, & also the Lorde Maior with the Aldermen, and a great number of Commons of the Citie in their best araye. The copy of the Counsails letter here followeth, ad perpetuam rei memoriam.

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¶ A copy of a Letter sent from the Counsaile vnto Edmond Boner Bishop of London, concernyng Queene Mary conceyued with chylde.  
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A letter from Privy Council to Edmund Bonner announcing that Mary was pregnant was moved in the 1570 edition from its place after Pole's letter to Julius III to before Pole's oration to Parliament. This minor rearrangement was merely to place these materials in their proper chronological order. Foxe's note that the letter was printed by John Cawood (a note printed only in 1563, p. 1014) shows that Foxe's source was a printed copy of the letter, not an archival source.

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MarginaliaThe Councels letter to B. Boner of the Queenes conceauing of childe. AFter our harty commendations vnto your good Lordship: where as it hath pleased almighty God,. amongest other his infinite benefites of late most graciously poured vpon vs and this whole Realme, to extend his benediction vpon the Queenes maiesty in such sort, as she is conceiued and * Marginalia* If Queene Mary were quicke with childe in the 28. of the moneth of Nouemb. and afterward did labour in the moneth of Iune, then went she almost vij. monethes quicke with childe. quick of child: Wherby (her maiesty beyng our naturall liege Lady, Queene, & vndoubted inheritour of this imperial crown) good hope of certayne succession in the crowne is geuen vnto vs, and consequently the great calamities, which (for wāt of such succession might otherwise haue fallen vpon vs, and our posteritie) shall by Gods grace be well auoyded, if we thankefully acknowledge this benefite of almighty God, endeuouring our selues with earnest repentaunce to thanke honour, and serue hym, as we be most bounden: These bee not onely to aduertise you of these good newes, to be by you published in all places within your Dioces, but also to pray and require you, that both your selfe doe geue God thankes with vs for this his especiall grace, and also geue order that thankes may be openly geuen by singing of Te Deum MarginaliaTe Deum for Queene Maryes childe. in all the Churches within your said Dioces: and that likewyse all priestes, and other Ecclesiasticall ministers, in their Masses and other deuine seruices, may continually pray to almighty God, so to extend his holy hand ouer her maiesty, the kings highnes and this whole realme, as this thing beyng by hys omnipotent power graciously thus begon, may by the same be well continued and brought to good effect, to the glory of hys name. Whereunto, albeit we doubt not, ye woulde of your self haue had special regarde without these our letters, yet for the ernest desire we haue to haue this thing done out of hand, and diligently cōtinued, we haue also writtē these our letters, to put you in remēbrance: and so bid your Lordship most hartily well to fare. From Westminster the 27. of Nouember. 1554.

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Your assured louyng frendes.

S. Winton. Can-
F. Shrewesbury.
Edward Darby.
Henry Sussex.

Iohn Bathon.
R. Rich.
Thomas Wharthō.
Ioh. Huddylston.
R. Southwell.


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Pole's Oration

The glosses here show Foxe refocussing his attack on Pole, as he did earlier on Bonner. The 1563 and 1570 editions have different glosses linking Pole with avarice and (in the case of 1570) other vices; these were later dropped, and the main emphasis was on Pole as a persecutor of consciences. Foxe also uses the glosses to demonstrate Pole's involvement in a nexus of papal and imperial allegiances, drawing out some amusing images of Pole as a papal messenger/housebreaker jangling the power of the keys in the lock of English law. A clearer focus on Pole in his political and persecutory role rather than on his personal failings dominates after 1570. There are several references to earlier parts of the book in response to Pole's historical arguments: in all cases 1583 fails to give a reference, unlike 1570 and 1576.

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Also the same day in the afternone, MarginaliaCard. Poole commeth to the Parlament. Cardinall Poole came to the Parlament house, whiche at that present was kept in the great Chamber of the Court at White Hall: for that the Queene was then sicke, and coulde not go abroad: where as )the Kyng and Queenes Maiesties sittyng vnder the cloth of Estate, and the Cardinall sittyng on their right hand: with all the other Estates of the Parliament beyng present) the Byshoppe of Winchester beyng Lorde Chauncellour, began in this maner.  
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Block 33: Pole"s oration

All editions of the Acts and Monuments contain Gardiner's short introduction of Pole in parliament on 28 November 1554 and Pole's speech celebrating the restoration of England to the catholic faith (1563, pp. 1008-10; 1570, pp. 1647-49; 1576, pp. 1405-07; 1583, pp. 1476-77). In the 1570 edition, however, Foxe added a few phrases to Gardiner's introduction of Pole's oration. This addition included the information that the gate to parliament was locked during Pole's oration (which somewhat detracts from the cardinal's eloquence). Gardiner's introduction and Pole's oration were reprinted from John Elder, A copie of a letter sente unto Scotland (London, 1555), STC 7552, sigs. D1r-E2r. Elder states (sig. E2r-v) that he based his version on notes taken by a friend of his, an MP, who was present.

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¶ The wordes of winchester for receuyng of the Cardinall.

MarginaliaWinchesters wordes for Card. Poole. MY Lordes of the vpper house, and you my Maisters of the nether house, here is present the right reuerend father in God my Lord Cardinall Poole, come from the Apostolicke Sea of Rome. As Ambassadour to the Kyng and Queenes Maiesties, vppon one of the weightiest causes that euer happened in this Realme, & which perteineth to the glory of God, and your vniuersall benefite. The which Ambassage their maiesties pleasure is to bee signified vnto you all by his owne mouth, trustyng that you will receyue and accepte it in as beneuolent and thankefull wise, as their highnesses haue done, and that you will geue an attent and inclinable eare vnto him.

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When the Lord Chauncellour had thus ended his talke, the Cardinall takyng the tyme then offered, began his Oration, wherin he declared the causes of his commyng, and what were his desires and requestes. In the which meane time the Court gate was kept shut vntill he had made an ende of his Oration. The tenour and wordes whereof here foloweth.

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¶ The