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Actes and Monumentes of the Churche.

others which were not tormented to death, but euery day terrified and feared without ceasing: Of some others that were brought to the sacrifices, and commaunded to do sacrifice, which would rather thrust their right hande into the fire, then touche the prophane or wicked sacrifice. Also of some others that before they were apprehended, woulde cast downe themselues from steepe places, least that beyng taken they should commit any thyng agaynst their profession.MarginaliaTwo vyrgines with their mother martyrs. Also of two virgins very fayre and proper, with theyr mother also which had studiously brought them vp, euen from their infancy in all godlinesse, beyng long sought for, and at the last founde, and straightly kept by their keepers, whilest they made their excuse to do that which nature required, threw themselues downe hedlong into a riuer.MarginaliaTwo other maydens sisters martyrs. Also of other two yong maydēs beyng sisters, & of a worshipfull stock, & endued with many goodly vertues, which were cast of the persecutours into the sea. And these things were done at Antioche as Eusebius in hys 8. booke, and 13. chap. affirmeth.MarginaliaSyluanus Byshop of Emissa martyr. But Syluanus þe bishop of Emissa that notable martyr together with certayne others were thrown to þe wilde beastes. Euseb. lib. 8. cap. 13.

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MarginaliaMartyrs of Mesopotamia. Diuers and sundry tormentes were the Christians in Mesopotamia molested with, where they were hanged vp by the feete, & their heades downwardes, & with the smoke of a smal fire strangled.MarginaliaMartyrs of Capadocia. And also in Capadocia, where the Martyrs had their legs broken. Euseb. lib. cap. 12.

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MarginaliaMartyrs of Tarsus.
Andronicus martyrs.
Henricus de Efordia maketh mention of the Martyrs of Tarsus in Cilicia as Tharatus, Probus, and Andronicus:MarginaliaMartyrs of Pontus. But yet the Martyrs in the regions of Pontus suffered far more passing and sharper tormentes, whereof I will hereafter make mention Eusebius. ibidem.MarginaliaMartyrs of Nicomedia. So outragious was the begynnyng of the persecution whiche the Emperour made in Nicomedia in Bithinia, as afore is sayd, that he refrayned not from the slaughter of the children of Emperours, neither yet from slaughter of the most chiefest princes of his court, whom a litle before he made as much of, as if they had bene his own childrē.MarginaliaPersecution in Nicomedia exceding Peter a most valiant and constant martyr. Such an other was Peter, which amongest diuers and sundry torments, (among whom he beyng naked was lifted vp, his whole body beyng beaten with whips and torne, that a man might see the bare bones, and after they had mingled vineger & salte together, they poured it vpon the most tender partes of his body, and lastly rosted at a soft fire, as a man would rost flesh to eate) as a victorious Martyr ended his lyfe.MarginaliaDorotheus,
Dorotheus and Gorgonius beyng in great authoritie and office vnder the Emperour, after diuers torments were strangled with an halter, whiche both beyng of the priuy chamber to him, when they saw and beheld the greuous punishmēt of Peter their houshold companion: wherfore (sayd they O Emperour) do you punish in Peter that opinion whiche is in all vs? Why is that accounted in him an offence, that all we confesse, we are of that fayth, Religiō and iudgemēt þt he is of. Therfore he commaunded them to be brought forth, and almost with like paynes to be tormēted as Peter was, and afterwardes hanged. Euseb. Rufini Lib. 8. cap. 6.MarginaliaAnthimus byshop of Nicomedia wyth a great multitude of martyrs headed.
Lucianus the Elder of Antioche martyr.
After whom Anthimus the Byshop of Nicomedia, after he had made a notable confession, and bringyng with him a great company of Martyrs, was beheaded. These men beyng thus dispatched, the Emperour vaynly thought that he might cause the rest to do what euer him listed. To this ende came Lucianus the Elder of the congregation of Antioche, and was Martyred after he had made his Apologie before the Emperour. Eusebius. Lib. 8. cap. 13.

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MarginaliaSerena wife of Dioclesian Emperour
Hermanus also that monster, caused Serena the wife of Dioclesian the Emperour, to be Martyred for the Christiā Religion: so much dyd the rage of persecution vtterly forget all naturall affectes.MarginaliaEulampius.
Other Martyrs of Nicomedia doth Nicephorus in his vij. booke and xiiij. chapter recite, as Eulampius and Eulampia, Agapen, Irenea, Chionia, and Anastacia, vnder Illyricus chief officer, were bound hand & foote to a post and brent. Vincentius. Lib. 12. cap. 66. And also Euseb. Lib. 8. cap. 6. mentioneth such an other lyke matter full of horror and grief. There assembled together in their temple many Christian men to celebrate the memorie of the Natiuitie of Christ, of euery age and sorte some: There Maximianus thinkyng to haue bene geuen a very fit occasion to execute his tyranny vpon the poore Christians, sent thether such as should burne the temple, the doores beyng shut and closed rounde about. Thether came they with fire, but first they commaunded the Crier with a loude voyce to cry, that who soeuer would haue lyfe, should come out of the tēple, & do sacrifice vpō the next alter they came vnto of Iupiter, and vnles they would do this, they should all be brent with the temple. Then one stepping vp in the temple, aunswered in the name of all the rest with great courage & boldnes of mynde, that they were all Christians, & beleued that Christ was their onely God and king, and that they would do sacrifice to him, with his father and holy Ghost, and that they were nowe all ready to offer vnto him.MarginaliaTwenty thousand martirs burnt together in one Church. With these wordes the fire was kindled and compassed about the temple, and there were brent of men, wemē and children vicies mille, that is. 20000.MarginaliaMartyrs of Arabia. There were also in Arabia very many Martyrs slayne with axes, as Eusebi. Lib. 8. cap. 12. There was in Phrigia a citie, vnto which the Emperour sent his Edictes, that they should do sacrifice to the Gods, and worshyp Idoles, all which Citizens, the Maior hym selfe, the Questor, and chief Captaine confessed that they were all Christians.MarginaliaMartyrs in a certayne citie of Phrygia brent wyth the whole citie. The Citie vpon this was besieged & set on fire, and all the people. Euseb. Lib. 8. cap. 11.MarginaliaMartyrs of Melitina in Armenia. In Melitina, a region of Armenia, the Byshops and Elders were cast in prison. Eusebius eodem cap. 6. In Arabrace a region neare adioyning to Armenia Eustratius was Martyred as Nicephorus declareth. Lib. 7. cap. 14.MarginaliaEustratius of a persecutor made a Martyr.
Ex Nicephoro lib. 7. cap. 14.
This Eustratius was that countrey man borne, and very skilfull in the Greeke toung, executyng by the Emperours comaundement, the Shirifes office at Licia in the East, which also did execution there vpon the Christians, and was a Scribe of great estimation called Ordinis Ducalis. This man beholdyng the marueilous cōstancie of the Martyrs, thirsted with the desire of Martyrdome, for that he had priuely learned the Christian Religion. Therfore he not abydyng for other accusers, detected himselfe, & worthely professed that he was a Christian, openly execrating the madnes and vanitie of the wcked Ethnickes. He therefore beyng caryed away, was tyed vp, beyng first most bitterly beaten. After that he was partched with fire, beyng put vnto his boweles, and then basted with salt and vineger, and lastly so scotched and bemangled with the shardes of sharpe & cuttyng shels, that his whole body seemed to be all one continuall wound, how beit by Gods great goodnesse afterward it was restored to the first integritie. After this he was caryed away to Sebastia, where with his companionMarginaliaOrestes
Orest he was burned. At that tyme also sufferedMarginaliaEugenius.
Byshops and martyrs in Egypt.
Eugenius, Auxentius, Mardarius. Nicepho. Lib 7. cap 14. And in no lesse wise raged this persecution throughout all Egypt: where Eusebius in his. 8,. booke, and. 13. chapter maketh mention of Peleus and Nilus Martyrs and Byshops in Egypt. But at Alexandria especially were declared most notable conflictes of Christian and true constant Martyrs that suffered, whiche Phileas the Byshop of Thumitane describeth as after (God willing) shalbe declared. In this persecution of Alexandria, the principall that then suffered wasMarginaliaPetrus Bishop of Alexandria,
Bishops and Martyrs..
Peter, the Byshop of Alexandria, with the Elders of the same, most worthy Martyrs, as Faustus, Didius and Ammonius, also Phileas, Hesichius, Pachiminus, and Theodorus, which all were byshops of the congregations within Egypt, and besides them many other both famous and singular men.MarginaliaThe Christian soldiours and martyrs of Thebes. The whole legion of Christian souldiors which lay at Thebes in Egypt, vnder the Christiā Captaine Mauritius, when they would not obey the Emperours commaundement touchyng the worshyppyng of Images, were tythed to death once, and then agayne. And at last through the exhortation of Mauritius, dyed altogether like constaunt Martyrs Vincentius in speculo. Lib. 13. cap. 2.MarginaliaThe Christian souldiours and Byshops in Antino.
Likewise at Antino diuers Christian souldiours, notwithstandyng they were seriously dissuaded, suffered death together, and amongest whom were Ascla. Philemon, and Appolinius, ibidem cap. 50. and also in the other partes of Aphrica and Mauritania was great persecution, as Euseb. Lib. 8. cap. 6. Also in Sammium, of which place Chronicon maketh mention, andMarginalia79. Martirs. Scilia, where were. 79. Martyrs slayne, for the profession of Christ, as writeth Henricus de Erfordia.

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MarginaliaThe persecution in Europe. Now let vs come vnto Europe, Nicephorus in his vij. booke & 14. chap. sayth, that at Nicopolis in Thracia þe martyrs were in most miserable & pitifull wise handled, where Lysia had the execution thereof.MarginaliaEuphemia. In Chalcedon suffered Euphemia, vnder Priscus the Proconsul. Vincentius Lib. 12. cap. 77.

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Henricus de Erfordia sayth that at Rome, Iohannes and Crispus, being Priestes, had the executiō of the Martyrs. And at Boemia Agricola and Vitalis, Vincentius Lib. 12. cap. 49. And at Aquileia the Emperour commaunded euery man to kill þe Christians. Vincētius Lib. eodem. cap. 58. & amongest those Martyrs he maketh mention of Felices, and Fortunatus. Reginus also writeth, that in other places of Italy þe persecution became great, as at Florentia, Pergamus, Neaples, Campania, Beneuentus, at Venusa in Apulia, and in Thussia, and Henricus de Erfordia sayth also at Verona.MarginaliaPersecution in Fraunce. In Fraunce doubtlesse Rectionarus apointed to that office, played the cruell helhound, of whose great cruelty agaynst the Christians, many histories are full.MarginaliaVictor martyr. At Mediolanus suffered Victor. And at Massilia, Maximianus set forth his de-

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