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K. Hen. 8. The abiuration of James Baynham.

myng to þe place of this sentence: the doctrine & determination of the church. &c. and there paused, saying he would reserue þe rest tyl he saw his time. Whō then Baynham desired to be good vnto him, affirming that he did acknowledge that there was a Purgatory: that þe soules of the apostles wer in heauen. &c. Thē began he againe to reade the sentence, but Baynham againe desired hym to be good vnto hym. Wherupon he ceased the sentence, & sayd that he would accept this his confession for that tyme as sufficient.

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So Baynhā for that present, was returned to his prisō againe. Who thē the. v. day after, which was þe viij. day of Feb. appeared as before, inMarginaliaBaynham agayn brought to the Consistorye. the cōsistory. Whō the foresaid chancelor repeating againe his articles & aunsweres, asked if he would abiure & submit hym selfe: who answered that he would submit hym self,, as a good christen man should. Againe, the chācelor the second tyme asked if he would abiure.MarginaliaBaynham loth to abiure. I wyl (said he) foresake all my articles, & wyll medle no more with thē, & so being cōmaunded to lay his handes vpō the booke, read his abiuratiō openly. After the readyng whereof he burst out into these words, saying, that because there were many wordes in the said abiuration, whiche he thought obscure & difficile, he protested that by his othe he intended not to go from such defence, which he might haue had before his oth. Which done, þe chancelor asked him why he made that protestatiō? Bainhā said, for feare least any man of yl wyl do accuse me hereafter. Thē the chācelor taking þe definitiue sentēce in his hand, disposing him self (as appeared) to reade the same: well M. Bainham (said he) take your othe & kisse the booke, or els I wyl do myne office against you, and so immediatly he tooke the boke in his hand and kissed it, and subscribed the same with his hand.

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Which done, the Chancelor receiuing the abiuration at his hand, put hym to his fine, first to pay .xx. li. to the king.MarginaliaBaynham enioyned penaunce. After that, he enioyned hym penaunce, to goe before the Crosse in procession at Paules, & to stand before the preacher during the sermōs at Paules crosse, with a fagot vpōMarginaliaIames Baynham

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This woodcut gives a rare and graphic impression of the discipline of penance, showing the guilty man standing barefoot in his white garment, holding the lit candle and symbolic bundle of faggots, while the priest presides over the ceremony and the congregation bears witness below. Bainham did not prove penitent for long and was burned only two months later.

his shoulder the next sonday, & so to returne with þe Sumner to the prison againe, there to abide the bishops determination:MarginaliaBaynham dismissed out of pryson. and so the. xvij. day of Febr. he was released & dismissed home. Where he had scarse a moneth continued,MarginaliaRepentaūce of Baynham after his fall. but he bewayled  
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Somehow Foxe got confused in the 1563 edition and related this story of the penitent declaration before an evangelical congregation but claimed that John Tewkesbury was the repentent sinner (1563, p. 486). This mistake was corrected in the 1570 edition.

his fact & abiuration, and was neuer quiet in mynd & conscience, vntyl the tyme he had vttered his fall to all his acquaintaunce, and asked God and al the world forgeuenes before the congregation in those dayes, in a warehouse in Bowlane: and immediately the next sonday after, he came to S. Austens, with the new Testament in his hand in English, and the obedience of a christen man in his bosome, and stoode vp there before the people in his pewe, there declaryng openly with wepping teares, that he had denyed God, and prayed all the people to forgeue hym, and to beware of his weakenes, and not to doe as he did. For, sayd he, if I shoulde not turne againe vnto the truth (hauyng the newe Testament in his hande) this woorde of God woulde damne me both bodye and soule at the daye of iudgement. And there he prayed euery bodye rather to dye by and by, then to doo as he dyd: for he woulde not feele suche an hel againe, as he dyd feele, for all the worldes good. Beside this, he wrote also certaine letters to þe bishop, to his brother, and to others,MarginaliaBaynham agayn apprehended and cast in the Tower. so that shortly after he was apprehended and so committed to the Tower of London.

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The proces against Iames Baynam, in case of relaps.  
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The documents from this second trial of Bainham as a relapsed heretic are from a now lost court book of Bishop John Stokesley.

MarginaliaAn other processe agaynst Iames Baynham.
Ex Registro Lond.
THe. xix. day of April. 1532. M. Rich. Foxford vicar general to the bishop of London, accōpanied with certaine Diuines, & Mathew Grefton the Register sitting iudicially, Iames Bainhā was brought before hym by the Lieutenāt of the tower, before whō þe vicar general rehearsed þe articles cōteined in his abiuration before made, & shewed him a bound booke, which the sayd Bainā acknowleged to be his owne writing, saying that it was good. Then he shewed hym more of a certain letter sent vnto the bishop of London, þe which he also acknowledged to be his: obiecting also to the sayd Bainhā, that he had made & read the abiuration which he had before recited: shewyng him moreouer certain letters which he had written vnto his brother, the whiche he confessed to be his owne writing saying moreouer, that though he wrote it, yet there is one thing in the same that is nought, if it be as my Lord Chauncelour saith. Then he asked of Bainhā how he vnderstood this which foloweth, which was in his letters: yet coulde they not see nor know hym for God, whē in dede he was both God and man, yea he was three persons in one, the father, the sonne, & the holy ghost: and Bainhā sayd it was nought.MarginaliaArticles falselye depraued by the aduersaryes. Which thinges thus done, there was further obiected vnto hym these words, that he had as leefe pray to Ioane his wife, as to our Lady. The which article Bainhā denied. The said Bainhā amongst other talke as touchyng the sacramēt of þe altar, sayde: Christes body is not chawed wt teeth, but receiued by fayth. Further it was obiected against him, that notwithstandyng his abiuration, he had said that þe sacramēt of the altar was but a mysticall or memorial body: the which article Bainham denyed.MarginaliaThomas Becket. It was further laid vnto hym that he should say, that S. Thomas of Canterburye was a thiefe and murtherer, and a deuyl in hel. Whereunto he answeared thus, þt S. Thomas of Canterbury was a murtherer, and if he dyd not repent hym of his murther, he was rather a deuyl in hel, then a saint in heauen.

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MarginaliaAn other apperaunce. The. xx.  

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This date was corrected in the 1570 edition. This is an indication of both the haste in which these documents were transcribed for the1563 edition and the careful correction of the text in the 1570 edition.

day of April, in the yeare aforsaid, þe said Iames Bainhā was brought before the vicar general in þe church of al saintes of Barking, where as he ministred these interrogatories vnto hym. First, that since the feast of Easter last past, he had sayd, affirmed and beleued, that the sacrament of the altar was but a mysticall body of Christe, and afterward he sayd, it was but a memorial: the which article Bainham denyed. Then the vicar general declared vnto hym, that our holy mother þe catholike church determineth & teacheth in this maner: that in the sacrament of the altar, after the words of consecration, there remayneth no bread. The official asked Bainham whether he dyd so beleue or not. Wherunto Bainā answered, saying,MarginaliaS. Paul calleth the sacrament bread. that S. Paul calleth it bead, rehearsing these words: Quotiescūque comederitis panē hunc, & de poculo biberitis, mortem Domini annunciabitis: and in that poynt he sayth as saint Paul saith, and beleueth as the church beleueth. And beyng demaunded twise afterward what he thought therein, he would geue no other answere.

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MarginaliaTrue preachers haue as much power of the keyes as the Pope. Item, that since the feast of Easter aforesaid, he had affirmed & beleued that euery man that would take vpō hym to preach the Gospel of Christ clearly, had as much power as the Pope. To the which article he answered thus: He that preacheth the worde of God what soeuer he be, and lyueth therafter, he hath the key that bindeth and looseth both in heauen and earth. The which key is the same scripture that is preached, and the Pope hath no other power to bynde and to loose, but by the key of Scripture.

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MarginaliaArticles falslye depraued. Item, that he affirmed that S. Thomas of Canterbury was a thiefe and a murtherer and in hel. Whereunto he answeared as before.

Item, that he sayd he had as leefe to praye to Ioane his wife, as to our Lady: the which he denied as before.

Itē, that he affirmed & beleued that Christ him self was but a man, the which article he also denyed.

MarginaliaWitnes agaynst M. Baynham. The premisses thus passed, the vicar generall receiued Frances Realmes, Iohn Edwards, Raph Hilton, Iohn Ridley, Frances Dryland, and Raph Noble as witnesses to be sworne vpon the articles aforesaid, and to speake the truth before the face of the saide Iames Bainā in the presence of M. Iohn Nailer vicar of Barking, M. Iohn

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