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1038 [1037]

K. Henry. 8. A Table of persons abiured, with their articles.

Persons abiured, with their Articles.
a foule euill take hym, and all other i-
mages. Itē, that if a mā keepe a good
tongue in his hed, he fasteth well. I-
tem, for commending Luther to be a
good man for preaching twise a day.
&c. For saying that the Masse was
but a ceremony, and made to the en-
tent that men should pray only. Itē,
for saying, that if a man had a paire of
beades, or a booke in hys hand at the
church, and were not disposed to pray
it was naught. &c.

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Wil. Hale
clerke of
His Articles: That offring of mo-
ney and candles to images did not a-
uayle, sith we are iustified by þe bloud
of Christ. Item, for speaking against
worshipping of Saintes, and the
Popes pardons. For saying, that sith
the Sacramentes that the Priest
doth minister, bee as good as they,
which the Pope doth minister, he did
not see but the priest had as good au-
thoritie as the Pope. Item, that a
man should confesse iymselfe to God
only, and not to a priest. &c.

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Wil. Blom-
feld Monke  
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Almost certainly this the same william Blomefield, a Benedictine monk, who publicly denounced evgeryone in religious orders and who was imprisoned in Norwich (Thomas More, The Apology, ed. J. B. Trapp, CWTM9 [New Haven, CT, 1979], p. 113).

of Bury.
Abiured for the lyke causes.

Iohn Tyn-
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John Tyndale, a merchant tailor, had been excommunicated and handed over to the secular arm for burning in May 1529 (TNA C/85/188/28). Normally this was the first step in the process of execution for heresy, presumablyonly a sudden abjuration saved him. Later in November 1530, John Tyndale, along with Thomas Somers and Thomas Patmore (Susan Brigden, Londonand the Reformation [Oxford, 1989], p. 206) were publicallyshamed and placed in the pillory in London for smuggling William Tyndale'stranslation of theBible and other heretical works into the capital (Cal. S. P. VenIII, p. 271; Cal. S. P. Spanish IV,1, pp. 820-1; 'Two London Chronicles', ed.C. L. Kingsford in Camden Society Miscellany XII, third series 18 [London, 1910], pp. 4-5 and BL, Harley MS 425, fo. 15r). Foxe will later describe Thomas Somers'sexperiences on this occasion (1570, p. 1381; 1576, pp. 1178-9 and 1583, p. 1207).For more on John Tyndale see Susan Brigden, 'Thomas Cromwell and the "Brethren"'in Law and the Government under the Tudors: Essays presented to Sir Geoffrey Elton,ed. C. Cross, D. Loades and J. Scarisbrick [Cambridge, 1988], pp. 33 and 36-7).

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For sending v. markes  
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John Tyndale was the younger brother of William Tyndale, then in exile in Antwerp.

to his bro-
ther Wil. Tindall beyond the sea, and
for receiuing and keping with hym
certain letters from his brother.

Wil. Wors-
ley, Priest, &
His Articles: For preachyng at
Halestede, hauyng the curates licence
but not the bishops. Item, for prea-
chyng these wordes: that no man ri-
dyng on Pilgrimage, hauyng vnder
hym a soft saddle, and an easie horse,
should haue any merite therby, but þe
horse, and the saddle. &c. Item, for say-
ing that hearing of Mattins & masse
is not the thing that shall saue a mās
soule, but only to hear þe word of god.

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Iohn Stacy
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John Stacy was a warden of the bricklayers company. He was charged in 1531 for aiding - and having converted - the evangelical martyr Richard Bayfield (1570, p. 1161; 1576, p. 993 and 1583, p. 1021). He would testify against Thomas Phillips and then abjured (1570, p. 1185; 1576, p. 1014 and 1583, pp. 1041-1042).

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His Articles were agaynst Pur-
gatory, which he sayd to be but a de-
uise of the Priestes to get money. A-
gainst fasting dayes by mans prescri-
ption, and choise of meates. Agaynst
superfluous holydayes. Itē, agaynst
Pilgremage. &c.

Commentary   *   Close

The text reads 'tayler' but this is a misprint of 'tyler'. On Laurence Maxwell see 1563, p. 418.

His Articles: That the sacramēt
of the alter was not the very body of
Christ in flesh and bloud: but that he
receiued hym by the worde of God,
and in remembrance of Christes pas-
sion. Item, that the order of priest-
hode is no sacrament. That there is
no Purgatory. &c.

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Tho. Cur-
son, Monke  
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Curson had been an Augustinian monk. (See Ralph Houlbrooke, 'Persecution of Heresy and Protestantism in the diocese of Norwich under Henry VIII', Norfolk Archaeology 35 [1972], p. 323).

of Eastacre
in North-
His Articles were these: For go-
yng out of the monastery & changing
his weede  
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I.e., abandoning his monastic habit.

, and lettyng his crowne to
grow, working abrode for his liuing,
making copes and vestmentes. Also
for hauyng the new testament of Tin-
dals translation, and an other booke
conteyning certayne bookes of the old
Testament, translated into English
by certayne, whom the Papistes call

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Tho. Corn-
well, or
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Thomas Austy was the son-in-law of Thomas Vincent (BL, Harley MS 421, fo. 12r). In 1527, Austy would would be condemned to perpetual imprisonment as an obdurate heretic, but he escaped.

Hys Articles: It it was obiected,
that he beyng enioyned aforetyme by
Rich. Fitziames B. of London, for
hys penaunce to weare a fagot bor-
dered vpon hys sleue vnder payne of
relapse, he kept not the same, & ther-
fore he was condemned to perpetuall
custody in the house of S. Bartle-
mew, from whence afterward he esca
ped and fled away.

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Thomas Philipp was deliuered
by Syr Thomas More, to Byshop
Stokesley by indenture. Besides o-
ther Articles of Purgatory, Ima-
ges, the Sacrament of the altar, ho-
lydayes, kepyng of bookes, and such
lyke, it was obiected to hym, that he
beyng searched in the Tower, hadde

Persons abiured, with their Articles.

founde about hym Tracyes Testa-
ment, and in hys chamber in the To-
wer was found cheese and butter in
Lent tyme. Also that he had a letter
deliuered vnto hym goyng to þe To-
wer. Whiche letter, with the Testa-
mēt also of Tracye, because they are
both worthy to be seene, wee mynde
(God willing) to annexe also to the
story of this Thomas Phillip. As
he was oftentymes examined before
M. More & the Byshop, he alwaies
stode to hys denyall, neither coulde
there any thyng be proued clearely a-
gaynst hym, but onely Tracyes Te-
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This is the tract, edited by William Tyndale and John Frith, onWilliam Tracy and his will (In 1535, a copy of the will, with commentaries by William Tyndale and John Frith, was printed in Antwerp: the testament of master William Tracie esquier (Antwerp, 1535), STC 24167.

and his butter in Lent. One
Stacy first bare witnes against him
but after in the Court openly he pro
tested that hee dyd it for feare. The
Byshop thē willyng him to submit
hym selfe, & to sweare neuer to holde
any opinion contrary to the determi-
nation of holy Churche, hee sayde he
woulde. And when the forme of hys abiuration was geuen him to read,
he read it, but the Byshop not con-
tent with that, woulde haue him to
read it openly. But that hee woulde
not, and sayd he would appeale to þe
kyng supreme head of the Churche,
and so dyd. Still the Byshop, called
vpon to hym to abiure. He aunswe-
red, that he would bee obedient, as a
Christen man shoulde, and that hee
woulde sweare neuer to hold any he-
resye duryng hys lyfe, nor fauour a-
ny heretickes.
But the bishop not yet content,
would haue hym to read the abiura-
tion after the forme of the Churche
conceaued, as it was gyuen him. He
aunswered agayn that he would for-
sweare al heresies, and that he would
mayntaine no heresies, ne fauour any
heretickes. The Byshop with this
would not be aunswered, but needes
woulde dryue hym to the abiuration
formed after þe Popes Churche. To
whom he sayd, if it were the same ab
iuration, that he read, he would not
read it, but stād to hys appeale made to the king, the supreme head of the
Church vnder God. Agayne the by-
shop asked hym, if hee would abiure
or not. Except (said he) you will shew
me the cause, why I should abiure,
I will not say yea nor nay to it, but
will stand to my appeale, and requy-
red the Byshop to obey þe same. Thē
the Byshop readyng openly the Bill
of excommunicatiō agaynst hym, de-
nounced hym for contumax and an ex
communicate person, chargyng al mē
to haue no company nor any thyng to
do with hym.
After this excommunicatiō, what
became of hym, whether he was hol-
pen by hys appeale, or whether he
was burned, or whether he dyed in
the tower, or whether he abiured,
I finde no mention made in þe Registers.  
Commentary   *   Close

Thomas Philip was a pointmaker of the parish of Micheal le Querne, London. John Hacker informed on him in 1528. He was imprisoned and later held in the house of Thomas More (then Lord Chancellor), who turned him back over to Bishop Stokesley (BL, Harley MS 421, fo. 13r; More, Apology, CWTM 9, p. 126). He abjured, but abjured his abjuration and was imprisoned in the Tower (1570, pp. 1185-6, 1576, p. 1014; 1583, p. 1042). He remained imprisoned in the Tower, but working as a gaoler. In this capacity he aided evangelical prisoners (BL, Harley MS 425, fo. 138v).

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¶ A Letter directed to Thomas Philip in the name of the brethren, and geuen him by the way going to the tower.

MarginaliaA letter sent by the congregation to Tho. Philippe. THe fauour of him that is able to keepe you that you fall not, and to confesse your name in the kyngdome of glory and to geue you strength by his spirite to confesse hym before all his aduersaries, be with you euer, Amen.

Sir the brethren thinke that there be diuers false brethrē craftily crept in among them, to seke out their freedome in the Lord, that they may accuse them to the Lordes aduersaries, as they suppose they haue done you. Wherfore if so bee it, that the spirite of God moue you therunto, they as counsayloures desire you aboue all thynges to bee stedfaste in the Lordes veritie without feare, for hee shall and wyll be your helpe accordyng to hys promise, so that they shall

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