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1040 [1039]

K. Henry. 8. A Table of Persons abiured, with their articles.

Persons abiured, with their Articles.
Item, beyng asked if he would goe
heare Masse, he sayd he had as lieue
go to the galowes, where the theues
were hanged. Item, beyng at Ss. Mar
garet Patens  
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In the following incident, Wetzell was mocking the large rood at St Margaret Pattens, a popular image, particularly venerated by London sailors.

, and there holdyng his
armes a crosse, he sayd to the people, þt
he could make as good a knaue as he
is, for he is made but of wood. &c.

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Man, Ser-
His Articles: There is no purga-
tory. The pope hath no more power
to graunt pardon then an other sim-
ple priest. That god gaue no more au-
thority to S. Peter, then to an other
priest. That the Pope was a Knaue
and his Priests knaues all for suffe-
ring his pardons to go abroad to de-
ceyue the people. That S. Thomas
of Cant. is no same. That S. Peter
was neuer Pope of Rome.
Item, he vsed commonly to aske of
Priestes where he came, whether a
man were accursed if he handled a
chalice or no? If the priest would say
yea, then would he replye again thus:
If a man haue a shepes skin on his
handes, meanyng a payre of gloues,
he may handle it. The priestes saying
yea: well thē (quoth he) ye will make
MarginaliaPriestes set more by a payre of gloues, th? by a lay mās beleue, that God put more vertue
in a shepes skin, then he did in a chri-
sten mans hand, for whom he died.

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Henry Fel-
His trouble was, for hauyng these
bokes in english: A proper Dialogue
betwene a gentleman, and a husband-
man. The summe of scripture. The
prologue of Marke. A written boke
conteyning the Pater noster, Aue Ma
and Credo in English. The ten
Commaundements, and the 16. con-
ditions of Charitie.

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Rob. Coo-
per, priest.  
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Robert Cooper (or Cowper) was rhe rector of Hanwell, Middlesex. He later became chaplain to Edward VI, and, while a fellow at Corpus Christi, he had been tutor to Matthew Parker, the future archbishop of Canterbury (Venn, sub Cowper, Robert).

His Article only was this: for say-
ing that the blessing with a shoe sole  
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Cooper was charged with saying that a blessing from a person waving a shoe in the was of equal benefit as a blessing from a bishop.

is as good as þe bishops blessyng. &c.

His Articles were, for speakyng a-
gainst auricular confession, & priestly
penance, and against the preaching of
the doctors.

Wil. Wal-
His opinion: That the sacrament
of the aulter is not the body of Christ
in flesh and bloud, and that there is a
God, but not that God in flesh and
bloud in the forme of bread.

Grace Pal-
Witnes was brought against her
by her neighbors Iohn Rouse, Ag-
nes his wyfe, Iohn Pole of S. O-
sithes, for saying: Ye MarginaliaAgainst bearing of Palmes. vse to beare
Palmes on Palme Sonday: it skil-
leth not whether ye beare any or not,
it is but a thyng vsed and neede not.
Also ye vse to goe on Pilgrimage to
our Lady of grace, of Walsingham, &
other places: ye were better tarye at
home, and geue mony to succour me &
my children and other of my poore
neighbors, thē to go thether: for there
ye shal find but a piece of timber pain
ted, there is neither God nor our la-
dy. Item, for repentyng that she dyd
euer light candles before images. I-
tem, that the Sacrament of þe aulter is
not the body of Christ: it is but bread
which þe priest there sheweth for a to-
k? or remembrance of christes body.

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Philip Bra-
sier of Bock
His Articles: That the sacrament
holden vp betwene the priests hāds,
is not the body of Christ, but bread, &
is done for a signification. That con-
fession to a priest nedeth not. That i-
mages be but stockes & stones. That
pilgrimage is vayne. Also for say-
ing that when there is any mira-
cle done, the priestes do noynte the
images, and make mē beleue that the
Images doe sweate in labouryng for
thē, and with the offrnges the priests
finde their harlots.

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Persons abiured, with their Articles.

Ioh. Fayre-
stede of Col
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This is very probably the Henry Fasted who, in 1534, tried to disseminate evangelical books in Colchester and who reported his efforts, as well those who resisted them, to Thomas Cromwell (L&P VII, p. 170).

His Articles: For wordes spoken
agaynst pilgrimage, and Images. Also
for MarginaliaA prophesie. saying these wordes: that the day
should come, that men shall saye: cur-
sed be they that make these false gods
meanyng images.

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George Bul
of Much
MarginaliaThree confessions. His Articles: That there be 3 cō-
fessiōs: One principal to god, another
to hys neighbour, whome he had of-
fended: and the third to a Priest: and
that without the two first confessiōs,
to God, and to his neighbour, a man
could not be saued. The 3. confession
to a priest, is necessary for counsaile to
such as be ignorant and vnlearned, to
learne how to make their confession
with a contrite hart vnto god, & how
to hope for forgeuenesse: and also in
what maner they should aske forgeue
nes of theyr neighbor, whō they haue
offended. &c. Item, for saying þt Lu-
ther was a good man. Item, that he
reported, thorough the credence & re-
port of M. Patmore person of MarginaliaA welspring where Wickliffes bones were burned Had
ham, that where Wicklifs bones wer
brent, sprang vp a wel or welspryng.

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Iohn Hay-
mond Mil-
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This may be the John Hammon of Enfield, Middlesex, who in 1538 wrote to Thomas Cromwell, complaining that his parish priest was persecuting him for reading the Bible aloud to others (L&P XIV, 2, pp. 349-50).

His Articles: For speakyng & hol-
ding agaynst pilgrimage & images, &
against prescribed fastingdayes.
That priestes & religious men not
withstāding theyr vowes made, may lawfully forsake theyr vowes & ma-
ry. Item, for hauing bookes of Lu-
ther, and Tyndall.

Rob. Lamb
a Harper.
His Article: For that he standyng
accursed ij. yeres together, & not fea-
ryng the cēsures of the popes church,
went about with a song in the com-
mendation of Mart. Luther. Ioh. Hewes
His Articles: For speaking against
Purgatory, and Thomas Becket.
Item, at the towne of Farnsham,
he seyng Edward Frensham kneling
MarginaliaAgainst kneeling to the the strete to a crosse caryed before
a corse, asked, to whome he knee-
led? He sayd, to his maker. Thou art
a fole (said hee) it is not thy maker,
it is but a peece of copper or woode.
&c. Item, for these woordes: Mai-
sters ye vse to goe on pilgremage: it
were better first that ye looke vpon
your poore neighbours whiche lacke
succour. &c. Also, for saying that hee
heard thee Vicar of MarginaliaMuch baudery in Pilgrimage. Croydon thus
preach opēly: That there is as much
bawdrye kept by goyng in Pilgre-
mage to Wilsedone or Mousswell, as
is in the stewes syde. &c.

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Tho. Pat-
more Dra-
This Patmore was brother to
M. Patmore Person of Hadham  
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Susan Brigden has persuasively argued that the twoThomasPatmores were, in fact, the same person and that Patmore while still vicar ofMuch Hadham, became free of the Drapers's Company (Susan Brigden, Londonand the Reformation [Oxford, 1989], p. 206). She suggests that the purpose ofthis was to remain incognito and that the Drapers were chosen because of a significant evangelical presence in their membership. But Patmore's purpose may simply have been to acquire London citizenship. And the Drapers's Company may have been chosen beecause his father had been a member of the company.

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who was prisoned in Lollardes to-
wer for marying a Priest, and in the
same prison continued 3. yere. Thys
Patmore was accused by diuers
witnesses, vpō these Articles: That
he had as leue pray to yonder hunter
pointyng to a man paynted there in a
stayned cloth, for a peece of fleshe, as
to pray to stockes that stand in walles
meanyng Images.
Item, that men should not praye to
Saintes, but to God onely: for why shuold we pray to Saintes (said he)
they are but MarginaliaThe truth of scripture a long tyme kept frō vs. blocks and stocks? Itē,
that the truth of scripture hath bene
kept from vs a long tyme & hath not
appeared til now. Item, comming by
a tree wherin stode an image, he toke
away the waxe  
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I.e., the candles.

which hanged there
offred. Item, that he regarded not the
place whether it was halowed, or no,
where he should bee buried after he
was dead. Also, in talke with the cu-
rate of S. Peters, he defended that
priestes might mary.

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