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1041 [1040]

K. Henry. 8. A Table of persons abiured with their articles.

Persons abiured, with their Articles.

This Patmore had long hold with
the B. of Londō. First he would not
sweare infamia non præcedente  
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I.e., he would not stipulate to the charges against him nor answer them unless his accusers were produced.

he would appeale to the kyng, but all
would not serue.He was so wrapt in
the bishops nets, thathe could not get
out, but at last he was forced to ab-
iure, & fined to the king an C. l.

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MarginaliaA note. * Note in the communication betwene this Patmore, and the priest of S. Peters, that where as the priest obiected against him (as is in the register) that priests haue liued vnmaried, & without wiues these 1500. yeres in the church:MarginaliaThe papists say falsely that priestes haue bene vnmaryed these 1500. yeares. he & all other such priestes therin say falsly and deceiue the people, as by story is proued in this volume, that priests here in England had wiues by the law within these 500 yeres & lesse.

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Simō Smith
maister of
Arte of Gū-
well hall
in Cam-  
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Foxe only mentions a crucial fact later in his narrative: Smith was Patmore's curate and Benmore his maidservant. Patmore's activesupport, if not outright instigation, of this marriage was necessary.

bridge, and
Benore hys

This Simon Smith and Benore
his wife were the parties, whō M.
Patmore person of Hadham aboue
mentioned did mary, & was condem-
ned for the same to perpetuall prison.
For the which mariage, both the said
Simon & Benore his wife were cal-
led to examination before the B. and
he caused to make þe whole discourse
of all his doings,how, and where he
maried. Then, after his mariage, how
long he taried, whether he went be-
yond sea, where he was, and wyth
whom. After his returne, whether he
resorted, how he liued, what mercery
ware he occupied, what fayres he fre
quented, where he left his wyfe, how
he caried her ouer, and brought her
home againe, & how she was found.
&c. All this they made him confesse,
& put it in their register. And though
they could fasten no other crime of he-
resie vpon him, but only his mariage:
yet calling both
caused them both to abiure and suf-
fer penaunce.

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Tho. Pat-
more Per-
son of Had-

This Tho. Patmore a good man,
was he that maried the foresaid M.
Smith, & Ioane Benore his mayde
together (as is said) vpon the consent
and earnest request of the parties. For
this godly acte he susteined long tra-
uaile in the bishops court, being ma-
ny times examined of his conscience,
whether a priest might mary a wyfe
without offence to God. Wherein he
stucke a great while and appealed to
the king. When that would not help
he requi MarginaliaPriestes maryage. red to know how priestes ma-
riage could be proued heretical by the
scripture. Then Foxford the bishops
vicar, the great persecutor, allegyng
generall councels & determination of
the church, stil was vpon hym wyth
his interrogatories, asking whether
he would abiure or heare the sentence
 ead. His answer was, that he bele-
ueth the holy church, as a christen mā
doth,and it passeth his capacitie, and
desireth to be instructed, & if þe scrip
ture do teach it, he wil beleue it: and
he doth not know by the scripture the
contrary, but that a priest may mary
a wife, but by the lawes of the church
he thinketh þt a priest may not mary.
But the Chancellor still asked whe-
ther a priest might mary without of-
fence to God. At length he graunted
that priest might not mary without
offence to God, because þe church hath
forbid it, and therfore a priest can not
mary without deadly sinne.
Marginalia Remember here (good reader) to amende the place aboue pag. 993. where is sayd that Patmore died in Lollards Tower.
Ex Regist. Lond.
Item, an other Article was obiec-
ted to hym, for saying that he did not
set a bottle of hay by þe popes curse.
But at last he submitted himself af-
ter much ado, and was abiured and
after condemned to perpetuall prison. Ne-
uerthelesse I finde in the Registers,
that after 3. yeares he was released
out agayne by the bishop.

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Persons abiured, with their Articles.

Iohn Row
der, a Frēch

This man for byndyng, beyng, &
dispersing of bookes inhibited, was
enioyned beside other penaunce, to go
to Smithfield with hys bookes tyed
about hym, and to cast them in þe fire
and there to abide till they were all
brent to ashes.

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Christof. a
dutchmā, of

This man, for sellyng certeine new
Testamentes in Englishe to Iohn
Row afore MarginaliaChristopher a booke seller dyed in prison. sayd, was put in prison at
Westminster, and there dyed.

W. Nelson

His crime was, for hauing and bi-
yngof Perymā certeine bokes  
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Apparently Periman was also selling heretical books.

of Lu-
ther, Tyndall, Thorpe. &c. for rea-
dyng and perusing the same, contrary
to the kynges proclamation: for the
which he was abiured, he was priest
at Lith.

Tho. Eue
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Eve is listed inaccurately in the first edition of the Acts andMonuments as the parish clerk of Much Hadham (1563, p. 419).


His Articles: That the Sacra-
ment of the aultar was but a memo
ry of Christes Passion. That menn
were fooles, to go on Pilgremage, or
to set any candle before Images. I-
tem, it is as good to set vp staues be-
fore þe Sepulchre, as to set vp tapers
of waxe. That Priestes might haue

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Rob. Hud-
sun of S.
MarginaliaA dogge offered to S. Nicholas Byshop.
His Article: On Childermas day
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The feast of the Holy Innocents (28 December).

(sayth theRegister) hee offered in
Paules Church at offering tyme, to
the child bishop  
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It was the custom for a boty to be chosen to officiate as bishop to the services held on the feast of the Holy Innocents. The boy received small gifts and was sometimes referred to as St. Nicholas (who was the patron saint of children).

(called S. Nicolas)
a dogge for deuotion (as he sayd) and
meant no hurt, for he thought to haue
offered a halfepenye or els the dogge,
& thought the dogge to bee more bet-
ter then a halfepenye, and thee dogge
should rayse some profite to the child
and sayde moreouer it was the tenth
dogge. &c. Ex Regist.

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Hewet ser-
His crime: That after the kinges
proclamatiō he had and read the new
Testament in Englishe: Also þe boke
of I. Fryth agaynst Purgatory. &c.

Walter Ki-
ry seruant.

Hys Article: That he, after thee
kynges proclamation, had and vsed
these bookes, the Testament in Eng
lishe, the Some of Scripture, a Pri-
mer and Psalter in Englishe hydden
in his beadstraw at Worcester.

MarginaliaWhy then doth M. More say that Bilne, recanted and dyed a good man  
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Michael Lobley was a bookbinder (1570, p. 1372; 1576, p. 1162 and 1583, p.1191), who obviously used his professional contacts and activitiesto disseminate heretical literature. Thomas More claimed that Michael Lobley,after he was arrested, informed on those who purchased herteical books from him (Thomas More, The Confutation of Tyndale's Answer, ed. Louis A. Scuster,Richard C. Marius, James P. Lusardi and Richard Schoeck, CWTM 8 [New Haven, CT, 1973], II, p. 813).

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, if these be punyshed for commending him to die a good man.

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According to one contemporary, Bayfield was burned on 4 December 1531. (See Charles Wriothesley, A Chronicle of England during the reigns of the Tudors, ed. W. D. Hamilton, Camden Society, new series, 11 and 20 {2 vols., London, 1875-77], I, p. 17).

Hys Articles: That hee beyng at
Antwerpe bought certeine bokes in-
hibited, as the Reuelation of Anti-
christ, þe obedience of a Christen man,
the wicked Mammon, Frith against
Purgatory. Item, for speakyng a-
gaynst Images and Purgatory. I-
tem, for saying that Bilney was a
good man, and dyed a good man, be-
cause of a Byll that one dyd send frō
Norwiche, þt specified that hee tooke
hys death so paciently & dyd not for-
sake to dye with a good wil. &c.

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MarginaliaA ladde of Colchester dyed in prison for bringing to Bayfilde hys bookes.
A boy of

A boy of Colchester, or Northfolk
brought to Rich. Bayfield, a budget
of bokes about 4. dayes before þe said
Bayfield was taken: for the whichlb/>the lad was taken & laid in þe counter
by M. More Chācellor, & there died.

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Wil. Smith

His Articles: That he lodged often-
tymes in his house, Rich. Bayfield &
other good mē. That he receiued his
bookes into hys house, & vsed much
readyng in the new Testament. He
had also the Testament of William
Tracye. He beleued there was no

Wil. Lyn-
coln Pren

His Articles: For hauyng and re-
ceiuyng bokes from beyond the sea,
of Tyndall, Frithe, Thorpe & other.
Item, he doubted whether there wer
any Purgatory: Whether it were
well done to set vp candels to saintes:
to go on pilgrimage. &c.

Iohn Mell
of Bocksted

His heresie was this: for hauyng
and reading the newe Testament in
english, the psalter in english, and the
booke called A. B. C.
