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1052 [1051]

K. Henry. 8. The Pope suppressed in England.

be sworne.MarginaliaPreaching against the pope. During this Parliament tyme, euery Sonday preached  

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The sermons at St Paul's Cross (the outdoor pulpit set in St Paul's churchyard) to which Foxe refers must have been those of Stokesley (26 April 1534) and John Hilsey, bishop of Rochester (early December 1534). [See Millar Maclure, The Paul's Cross Sermons, 1534-1642 (Toronto, 1958), pp.184-5].

at Paules crosse a bishop, which declared the pope not to be the head of the Churche.

MarginaliaEx Edw. Hallo. After this, Commissions were sent ouer all England, to take the othe of all men and women, to the Act of succession. At which, few repined except D. Iohn Fisher byshop of Rochester  

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Fisher refused to swear on 26 April 1534 and was sent to the Tower as a result.

, sir Tho. More  
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More refused to swear on 13 April 1534 and was sent to the Tower as a result.

late lord Chauncellor, and D. Nicolas Wylson  
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Wilson refused the oath on 13 April along with some other friars of the Charterhouse.

person of S. Thomas Apostles in London.MarginaliaThe Byshop of Rochester & syr Tho. More, sent to the Tower. Wherfore these 3. persons, after long exhortation to thē made by the bishop of Canterbury at Lambeth, refusing to be sworne, were sent to the tower, where they remayned, & were MarginaliaFysher byshop of Rochester, & syr Tho. More, refuse to be sworne. oftentymes motioned to be sworne: but the Byshop and sir Tho. More excused thē by their writings, in which they sayd, that they had written before the sayd Lady Katherine to be Queene, & therfore coulde not well goe frō that which they had written. Likewise the Doctor excused, that he in preachyng had called her Queene, and therefore now could not withsay it againe: Howbeit at length he was wel contented to dissemble the matter, and so escaped: but the other two stoode agaynst all the realme in their opinion.

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From the moneth of Marche  

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The fifth session of the so-called Reformation parliament was prorogued from 30 March 1534. The sixth session began on 3 November 1534.

this Parliament farthermore was proroged to the iij. day of Nouember abouesayd. At what tyme, amongest other diuers statutes, most graciously and by the blessed will of God it was enacted that the Pope, and all his colledge of Cardinals, with his pardons and Indulgences, whiche so long had clogged this realme of England, to the miserable slaughter of so many good men, & which neuer could be remoued away before, was now abolished  
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Foxe is probably referring here to the Act extinguishing the authority of the bishop of Rome of 1536 (28 Henry VIII, c.10) which may indicate a slight confusion of dates.

eradicate, & exploded out of this land, & sent home agayne to their owne countrey of Rome, from whence they came, God be euerlastingly praysed therfore. Amen.

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¶ The Pope suppressed by K. Henry the eight.

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The Pope vnhorsed, but his chapleines ready to holde the stirrup for him to get vp agayne.
MarginaliaThe lamentable weeping & howling of all the religious route for the fall of their god the Pope.

MarginaliaAn olde prophecie of the fall of the Pope. Papa citò moritur, Cæsar regnabit vbi, Et subito vani cessabunt gaudia cleri.

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¶ An Acte  
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This is the text of the 1534 Act concerning the King's Highness to be Supreme Head of the Church of England (26 Henry VIII, c.1).

concerning the kinges highnes to be the supreme head of the Church of England, and to haue authoritie to reforme and redresse all errours, heresies and abuses in the same. Cap. i.

ALbeit the kinges maiestie iustly and rightfully is & ought to be the supreme head of the church of England, and so is recognised by the Clergy of this realme in theyr Conuocations, yet neuerthelesse for corroboration and confir-
