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1142 [1141]

K. Henry. 8. A Sermon in the Saxon tongue, agaynst Transubstantiation.

ðeah na mare might on ðam maran dæle ðōne on ðamlæsan . for ðan þe hit biþ on ælcum men ansund æfter ðære ungesewenlican mihte ; Þeos gerynu is wedd . & hiw ; Cristes lichama is soþfæstnyss ; Ðis wedd we healdaþ gerwyrnelice . oþ þt we becumō to þære soþfæstnysse . & þonne biþ þis wedd geendod ; Soþlice hit is swa swa we ær cwædon Cristes lichama . and his blod . na lichamlice ac gastlice ; Vton nu gehyran ðæs Apostoles word embe ðas gerynu ; Paulus se apostol cw&þ be ðam ealdan folce Isrehela . ðus writende on his pistole to geleaffullum mannum ; Ealle ure forþ fæderas weron gefullude on wolcne . & on sæ . & eall hi æton ðone yclan gastlicā mete and ealle hi druncon þone ylcan gastlican drenc ; Hi druncon soþlice of æfter filigendan stane . & se stan wœs Crist ; Næs se stan þe þt wæder of fleoþ lichamlice erist . ac he getacnode crist . ðeclypode ðus to eallum geleaffullum mannū swa hwam swa ðyrste come to me & drince ; & of his innoþe fleowþ liflic wæter ; þis he sæde be ðam halgan gaste ðe ða under fengon . ðe on hine gelyfdon ; Se apostol Paulus cwæþ þt þt Israhela folc æte ðone ylcan gastlican mete . and drunce ðone ylcan gastlican drenc . forþan ðe se ycla heofonlica mete þe hi afedde .xl. gæra . & þt wæter ðe of þan stane fleoþ . hæfde getacnunge cristes lichaman . & his blodes . þe nu beoþ geoffrode dæghwomlice on Godes cyrcan ; Hit wæron þa ylcan ðe we nu offriaþ . na lichamlice . ac gastlice ; We sædon eow hwene ær þt Crist halgode hlaf & win ær his þrowunge to husle . & cwæþ ðis is min lichama . & min blod ; Ne ðrowode he þa gyt . ac swa ðeah he awende ðurh ungesewēlice miht þone hlaf to his agenū lichamā . & þt win to his blod . swa swa he ær dyde . on þā westene ærðan þe he to men geboren wurde . ða þa he awende ðone heofonlicā mete to his flæsc . and þt flowende wæter of ðam stane to his agenū blode ; Fela manna æton of þam heofonlican mete on þam westene . & druncon þone gastlicā drenc . & wurdon swa þeah dede . swa swa crist sæde ; Ne mænde Crist þone deaþ þe nan man forbugan ne mæg . ac he mænde ðone ecan deaþ ðe sume of þam folce for heora geleafleste gearnodon ; Moyses & Aaron . & manega oþtre of ðam folce ðe God gelicodon . æton ðone heofonlican hlaf . ac hi næron deade þam ecū deaþ . ðeah þe hi gemænum deaþe forþ ferdon ; Hi gesawon þt se heofonlica mete wæs gesewenlic . and brosniendlic . ac hi understodon gastlice be þam gesewenlicum þinge . & hit gastlice þigdon ; Se hælend cwæþ . se ðe æt min flæsc . and drincþ min blod . he hæfþ ece lif ; Ne het he na etan þone lichaman . ðe he mid befangen wæs . ne þt blod drincan . ðe he for us ageat . ðe he for us ageat . ac he mænde mid þam worde þt halige husel . ðe gastlic is his lichama & his blod . & se þe þæs onbyrigþ mid geleaffulre heortan . he hæfþ þt ece lif ; On ðære ealdan æ geleaffulle men offrodon Gode mistlice lac . þe hæfdon to wearde getacnunge cristes lichama . ðe sylf for urum synnum syþþan geoffrode his heofonlicon fæder to onsægednysse ; Witodlice ðis husel þe nu biþ gehalgode æt godes weofode . is gemynd Cristes lichamā ðe he for us geoffrode . & his blodes ðe he for us ageat . swa swa he sylf het . doþ ðis on minum gemynde ; Æne ðrowode crist ðurh hine sylfne ac swa þeah dæghwomlice biþ ðis ðrowung geedniwod ðurh gerynu ðæs halgan husles æt þære halgan mæssan ; Vs is eac termeagenne . þt þt halige husel is ægðer ge Cristes lichama . ge ealles geleaffulles folces . æfter gastlicre gerynu ; Swa swa se wisa Agstinus be ðam cwæþ ; Gif ge willaþ understandan be Cristes lichaman . gehyraþ ðone apostol Paulum ðus cweþende ; Ge soþlice sindon Cristes lichama . & leomu ; Nu is eower gerynu geled on godes mysan . & ge underfoþ eower gerynu toþam ðe ge syfle sind ; Beoþ þt þt ge geseseon on ðam weofode . & underfoþ þt þt gesylfe sind ; Eft cwæþ se apostol Paulus be ðisum . we manega syndō an hlaf . & an lichama ; Vnderstandaþ nu . & blissiaþ . feala sindan hlaf . & an lichoma on Criste ; He is ure heafod . & we sind his lima ; Ne b þ se hlaf of anum corne . ac of manegum ; Ne þt win of anre berian . ac of manegum ; Swa we sceolon eac habban annysse on urū drihtne . swa swa hit awritē is be þā geleaffullā weorode . þt hi wærō on swa micelre annysse . swilce him eallū wære an sawul . & an heorte ; Crist gehalgode on his beode þa genynæ ure sibbe . & ure annisse . se þe underfehþ ðære annysse gerynu . and ne hilt ðe ne bend ðære soþā sibbe . ne underfehþ he na gerynu for him sylfum . ac gecydnysse togeanes him sylfum ; Micel God biþ cristenum mannum . þt hi gelome to husle gan . gif hi unscæþþingnysse on heora heortan beraþ to ðam weofode . gif hi ne beoh mid leahtrum ofsette ; þam yfelan men ne becymþ to nanū gode . ac to forwyrde . gif he ðæs halgan husles unwurþe onbyrigþ ; Halige bec beodaþ þt man ge mænege wæter to þam wine þe to husle sceal . forþan ðe þt wæter hæfþ ðæs folces getacnunge . swa swa þt win Cristes blodes ; & forþi ne sceal naþor buton oþrum beon geoffrode . æt ðære halgan mæssan . þt Crist beo mid us . & we mid Criste . þt heofod mid ðam leonum . & þa leomu mid ðam heofode ; We woldon gefyrn trahtnian be ðam lambe ðe se ealde Israhel æt heora easter tyde geoffrodon . ac we woldon ærest eow geræccan ymbe ðæs gerynu . & syþþan hu hit man ðicgan sceal ; þt getacniendlice lamb wæs geoffrode æt heora easter tide . & se apostol Paulus cwæþ on ðisum dægþenlicum pistole . þt Crist is ure easter tide . se þe for us wæs geoffrod . & on ðisum dæge of deaþe aras ; Israhel ðigde ðæs lambes flæsc . swa swa God bebead . mid þeorfum hlafum . & feldicum lactucum . & we sceolon þicgan þt halige husel cristes lichaman . & his blod buton beormā yfelnysse & manfulnysse ; Swa swa se beorma awent ða gesceaftta of heora gecynde . swa awendaþ eac leahtras ðæs mannes gecynde frā unscæþþignysse to gewemmednysse ; Se Apostol tæht þt we sceoldon gewistfullian na on yfelnysse beorman . ac on ðeorfnyssum sifernysse . and soþfæstnysse ; Lactuca hatte seo wyrt ðe hi etan sceoldon mid ðam ðeorfum hlafum . heo is biter on ðicgene ; And we sceolon mid biternysse soþre behneowsunge ure mod geclænsian . gif we willaþ Cristes lichaman þicgan ; Næs þt Israhela folc gewunod .

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