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K. Henry. 8. A Sermon in the Saxon tongue, translated into English

to hreawum flæsc . ðeah ðe God him bebude . þt hi hit hreaw ne eton . ne on wætere gesodon . ac gebræd to fire ; Se wile ðicgan Godes lichamā hreawne . se ðe buton gesceade wenþ þt he wære anfeald man us gelice . & nære God ; & se ðe æfter menniscum wisdom wyle smeagan ymbe þa gerynu cristes flæslicnysse . he deþ swylce he seoþe ðæs lambes flæsc on wætere . forþan ðe wæter getacnaþ on ðissere stowe mennisc ingehid ; Ac we sceolō witan þt ealle ða gerynu Cristes mēniscnysse wærō gefadode þurh mihte ðæs halgan gastes . ðonne ðicge we his lichamā gebrædne to fire . forþā ða se halga gast com on fires hiwe to ðam apostolum on mistlicū gereordum ; Israhel sceold etan þæs lambes heafod . & ða fet . and þt innewearde . & ðær nan þing belifan ne morte ofer niht ; Gif ðær hwæt belife . forbærnan þt on fyre . and ne tobræcan ða baan ; Æfter gastlicum andgite we etað ðæs lābes heafod . ðonne we underfoþ cristes godcundnysse on urum geleafan ; Eft ðōne we his mennisnysse mid lufe underfoþ . ðonne ete we þæs lambes fet . forðan ðe Crist is angin and ende . God ær ealle worulda . & man on ðissere woruld geedunge ; Hwæt is ðæs lābes innewearde buton Cristes digelan bebodu ða we etaþ þonne we lifes word mid grædignysse underfoþ ; Nan ðing ne moste ðæs lābes belifā oþ merigē . forþan þe godes cwydas sind to smeagenne mid swa mycelre carfulnysse . swa þt ealle his beboda mid andgite & weorce beon asmeade on nihte ðises andweardan lifes . ærðan ðe se endenexta dæg ðæs gemænelican æristes æteowige ; Gif we ðonne ealle ða gerynu Cristes flæsclicnysse ðurh smeagan ne magon . ðonne sceole we ða lafe betæcan ðæs halgan gastes mihte mid soþre eadmodnysse . & na to dyrstelice ymbe ða deopan digelnysse ofer ures andgytes mæðe smeagan ; Hi æton þt lamb mid begyrdū lendenū ; On lendenum is seo galnysse ðæs lichoman & se ðe wyle þt husel ðicgan he sceal gewryþan ða galnysse . & mid clænnysse ða halgan þigene onfon ; Hi wæron eac gesceode ; Hwæt sind gescy buton deadra nytene hyda ; We beoþ sowlice gesceode . gif we efenlæcaþ mid urum ferelde & weorce forþfarenra manna lif . ðæra þe Gode geðugon þurh gehealdsumnysse his beboda ; Hi hæfdon him stæf on handa æt ðæra ðigene ; Se stæf getacnaþ gymene . and hyrdnysse ; Þa ðe bet cunnon & magon . sceolon gyman oþra manna . & mid heora fultume underwriþan ; Þā gemettum ðæs beboden þt hi sceoldō caflice etan . for ðam þe God onscunaþ ða sleacnysse on his ðegnum . & þa he lufaþ ðe mid moder cafnesse ðæs ecanlifes minre secaþe ; Hit is awriten . Ne ecla þu to gecyrranne to God . þy læs ðe se tima losie ðurh ða sleacan elcunge ; Þa gemettan ne moston ðæs lambes ban scænan . ne þa cempan þe Crist ahengon ne mostō tobræcan his halgan sceancan . swa swa hi dydō þæra twegra sceaþena þe him on twa healfa hangodō . ac driht aras of deaþ gesund buton ælcere forrotodnysse ; & hi sceolon geseon æt þam micclam dome hwæne hi gewundodon wælhreowlice on rode ; Þeos tid is gehatē on ebreiscū gereorde Pasca . þt is on leden Trāsitur . & on englise Færeld . forþan ðe on þisum dæge ferde godes folc frā egipta landa ofer ða readā sæ . frā ðeowte to ðā behatenā earde ; Vre driht ferde eac on þisne timā . swa swa se godspellere Iohns cwæþ frā ðisū middā earde to his heofōlicū feder ; We sceolon fylian urūheafde . & farā fram deofle to Crist . fram ðissere unscæþþigan wuruld . to his staþelfæstan rice . ac we sceolon ærest on urū andweardan life faran frā leahrtum to halgum mægnum . fram unweaþū to godum þeawum . gif we willaþ æfter ðisum lænan life faran toþam ecan . & æfter urum æriste to hælende Criste ; He us gelæde to his lifigendan fæder . þe hine sealde for urum synnum to deaþe ; Si him wuldor & lof . þære weldæda on ealra worulda woruld . AMEN.

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The same in English.
A Sermon on Easter day.

MarginaliaA Sermon in old Saxon tōgue translated into Englishe. MEn beloued, it hath ben often sayd vnto you about our Sauiours resurrection, how hee on this present day, after his sufferyng mightelye rose from death. Now wil we open vnto you through Gods grace, of the holy housell, whiche ye should nowe goe vnto, and instructe your vnderstandyng about this misterye, both after the old couenaunte, and also after the new, that no doubtyng may trouble you about this liuely foode. The almightye God bad Moyses hys Captayne in the Lande of Egypt, to commaunde þe people of Israel to take to euery familye a lambe of one yere olde, the night they departed out of the countrey to the land of promise, and to offer that lambe to God, and after to cutte it, and to make theMarginalia✠ Thys signe of the crosse is beside the text, but here we must beare with the ignoraunce of that tyme. ✠ signe of the crosse with the lambes bloud vpon the side postes, and the vpper poste of their dore, and afterwarde to eate the lambes fleshe rosted, and vnleauened bread with wyld lettisse. God sayth vnto Moyses: Eate of the Lambe nothyng rawe, nor soddē, in water, but rosted at the fire. Eate the head, the feete, and the inwards, and let nothyng of it be left vntil the mornyng if any thyng thereof remayne, that shall you burne wyth fire. Eate it in this wyse: Gyrd your loynes, & do your shoes on your feete, haue you staues in your handes, & eate it in haste. This tyme is the Lordes Passouer.MarginaliaExod. 12. And there was slayne on that night in euery house through out Pharaos raigne the firste borne childe: and Gods people of Israel were deliuered frō that sodeyne death through the lambes offering and hys bloudes markyng. Then sayde God vnto Moyses Keepe thys day in your remembraunce, and holde it a great feast in your kindredes with a perpetuall obseruation, and eate vnleauened bread alwayes seuen dayes at this feaste.MarginaliaExod. 14. After this deede God ledde the people of Israel ouer the read Sea with dry foote, & drowned therein Pharao & all hys armie together with their possessiōs, & fedde afterward the Israelites fortye yeares with heauenly foode, and gaue them water out of the hard rocke, vntill they came to the promised land.MarginaliaExod. 17. Part of this storye wee haue treated of in an other place, part we shall nowe declare, to witte, that which belongeth to the holy housell. Christian men may not nowe kepe that olde lawe bodily, but it behoueth them to knowe what it ghostlye signifieth. That innocent lambe whiche the olde Israelites dyd then kyll, hadde sygnification after ghostly vnderstandyng, of Christes sufferynge, who vngyltye shedde hys holy bloud for our redemption. Hereof syng Gods seruantes at eueryMarginalia* This Masse was not then lyke to these our popish & blasphemous masses now. * Masse: Agnus Dei qui tollis peccatr mundi, miserere nobis. That is in our speech: Thou lambe of God that takest away þe sinnes of the worlde haue mercy vpon vs. Those Israelites were diliuered from that sodayne death, and from Pharaos bondage by the lambes offeryng, whiche signified Christes sufferyng: throughe whiche wee be deliuered from euerlastyng death, and from the diuils cruell raygne, if we ryghtly beleue in the true redemer of the whole worlde Christ the Sauiour. That lāb was offered in the euenyng: and our sauiour suffered in the sixt age of this worlde, This age of this corruptible worlde is reckened vnto the euening. They marked with the lābs bloude vpon the doores, and the vpper postesMarginalia* This Hebrewe letter [Thau] was not marked for the signe of the crosse, but for the worde [Torat] that is, the lawe of God: the first letter for the whole word. * Thau, that is the signe of the crosse, and were so defended frō the Angels ē killed the Egyptians first borne childe.MarginaliaEzech 9. And weMarginalia* That onely crosse is it wherwith we are marked, that Saint Paule speaketh of Ephe. 2.
Christ reconciled both to God in one body thorough his crosse.
* ought to marke our foreheds and our bodies with the token of christes roode, that we may be also deliuered from destruction, when we shall be marked both on forehead, and also in hart

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