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1210 [1209]

K. Hen. 8. Persecution in Windsore. Testwood, Filmer, Person, Marbecke, Bennet.

Marginalia[illegible text] Haynes Deane of Excester accused to the Counsayle. At this time the Canons of Excester (specially Sutharne, Treasurer of the Church, ā Doctour Brurewod þe Chaūcellour) had accused Doctor Haynes there Deane to the counsell, for preaching agaynst holy bread and holy water: and that he shoulde say in one of hys sermons (hauing occasion to speake of Matrimonie) that mariage and hanging were distenie: vpon the which they gathered treason agaynst hym, because of the kynges maryage  

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The reference is both to the execution of Katherine Howard, Henry VIII's fifth wife, in 1542, and to the king's next marriage, to Katherine Parr, in 1543.

. The byshop of Winchester (at the same tyme) had also enformed the counsayle of maister Hobby, how he was a bearer of Antony Person, and a great maintayner of heretickes.MarginaliaM. Hobby and Doct. Haynes sent to the Fleete Whereupon both he and Doctor Haynes were apprehēded and sent to þe fleete. But it was not very long after ere þt by mediation of frendes, they were both deliuered.

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MarginaliaThe secret search beginneth. Nowe, as touching the Commission for searchyng of bookes, maister Warde & Fachel of Reding were appoynted Commissioners, who came to Windsore the Thursday before Palme sonday, in the yeare of our Lord. 1543. and began their search about. xi. of the clocke at night.MarginaliaBennet, Filmer, Testwoode and Marbecke, apprehended for bookes agaynst the vi. Articles. In the whiche searche were apprehended Robet Bennet, Henry Filmer, Iohn Marbecke, and Robert Testwood, for certaine bookes and writynges found in their houses agaynst the sixe articles, and kept in ward tyl monday after, and thē set vp to þe Counsaile, all saue Testwood, with whom the Bailiffes of the towne were charged, because he laye sore diseased on the Goute. The other three beyng examined before the Counsaile, were committed to prison, Filmer and Bennet to the Bishop of Londons Gayle, and Marbecke to the Marshalsey. Whose examination is here set out, to declare the great goodnes of the Counsaile, and the crueltie of the Bishop.

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The first examination of Iohn Marbecke, before the Counsayle, on the Monday after Palme Sonday. 1544.  
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Actually 1543, not 1544.

MarginaliaThe first examination of Marbecke. THis Marbecke had begonne a great woorke in Englishe,MarginaliaThe Concordaunce of the Bible in English by Marbecke. called, The Concordaunce of the Bible. Whiche booke being not halfe finished, was among his other books taken in the search, and had vp to the Counsaile. And whē he came before them to be examined, the whole worke laye before the Bishop of Winchester, Steuen Gardiner, at the vpper ende of the boorde. Who beholding the poore man a while, saide: Marbecke, doest thou knowe wherfore thou art sent for? No my Lord, quoth he. No, quoth the Bishop, That is a marueylous thing. Forsooth my lord quoth he, vnles it be for a certaine searche made of late in Windsore, I can not tel wherfore it should be. Then thou knowest the matter wel enough, quoth the Bishop, and takyng vp a quere of the Concordance in his hand, sayd: Vnderstandest thou the Latine tongue? No, my Lord, quoth he, but simply. No, quoth þe Bishop?MarginaliaWrisley Secretary to the king, and after Lord Chauncellour And with that spake M. Wrisley (thē secretary to the king) he saith but simply. I can not tell quoth the bishop, but the booke is translated word for word out of the Latine Concordance, & so began to declare to þe rest of the Counsayle the nature of a Concordaunce, and how it was first compiled in Latine by the great diligence of the learned men for the ease of preachers, concluding with this reason,MarginaliaWinchesters reasons, how the Concordance in English would destroy the Latin tong. that if such a booke should goe forth in English, it would destroy the Latin tongue. And so castyng down the quere againe, he reached an other boke, which was the booke of Esay the Prophet, and turning to the last chap. gaue the boke to Marbecke, & asked him who had written the note in the margent. The other lokyng vpon it, said: forsooth my Lord, I wrote it. Reade it, quoth the bishop. Then he read it thus, Heauen is my seate, and the earth is my foote stoole.  

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Isaiah 66: 6.

Nay, quoth þe bish. reade it as þu haddest written it. Then shal I read it wrong, quoth he, for I had written it false. How haddest thou written it, quoth the bishop? I had written it, quoth he, thus: Heauē is my seate, and earth is not my foot stoole. Yea marye quoth the bishop, that was thy meanyng. No, my Lorde, quoth he, it was but an ouersight in writyng, for as your lordship seeth, this worde (Not) is blotted out. At this tyme came other matters vnto the Coūsaile, so þt Marbeck was had out to the next chamber. And when he had stande there a while, one of the Counsaile (named Syr Anthonye Wyngfield Captaine of the Garde) came forth,MarginaliaMarbecke sent to the Marshalsey. and callyng for Marbecke committed hym to one Belson of the Gard, saying vnto hym on this wise: Take this man & haue hym to the Marshalsey, and tell the keeper that it is the Counsailes pleasure, that he shall entreate hym gently. And if he haue any mony in his purse (as I think he hath not much) take you it from hym, least the prisoners doe take it, & minister it vnto hym as he shall haue neede. And so the messenger departed with Marbecke to the Marshalsey, and dyd his cōmission most faythfully & truely, both to the keeper & to the prisoner, as he was commaunded.

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The seconde examination of Marbecke, before the Bishops Gentleman in the Marshalsey.

MarginaliaThe second examination of Marbecke. ON the next day (which was Tuesday) by eight of the clocke in the mornyng, there came one of the Bishop of Winchesters Gentlemen into the Marshalsey, whose man brought after hym two great bookes vnder his arme, and findyng Marbecke walkyng vp and downe in the Chappell, demaunded of the keeper why he was not in yrons. I had no such commaundement, quoth he: for the messenger which brought hym yester nyght from the Counsaile, sayd, It was their pleasure he should be gently vsed. My Lord quoth the Gentlemā, wyl not be content with you, & so taking the bokes of his man, called for a chāber, vp to þe which he caryed the prisoner, & casting the bokes frō hym vpon a bed, sat him down, & said:MarginaliaTalke betwene Winchesters gentleman & Marbecke in prison.
The name of this gentle man was M. Knight.
Marbecke, my Lord doth fauour thee well, for certaine good qualities thou hast, & hath sent me hyther, to admonish thee to beware and take heede least thou cast away thy selfe wylfully. If thou wylt be plaine, thou shalt do thy self much good: if not, thou shalt do thy selfe much harme. I assure thee, my Lorde lamenteth thy case, for as much as he hath alwayes heard good report of thee: wherfore now see to thy selfe, and play the wise man. Thou art acquainted with a great sort of heretiques (as Hobby and Haynes with other moe) and knowest much of their secretes: if thou wylt now open them at my Lords request, he wyl procure thy deliueraunce out of hand, & preferre the to better liuyng.

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Alas sir, quoth he, what secretes do I know? I am but a poore man, and was neuer woorthy to be so conuersant eyther with M. Hobby or M. Haynes, to know any part of their myndes. Wel, quod the Gentleman, make it not so strange, for my lord doth know wel enough in what estimatiō they had both thee and Anthony Person for your religion. Of Anthony Person, quoth he, I cā say nothing, for I neuer saw hym with them in all my lyfe. And as for my selfe, I can not deny, but that they haue alwayes (I thanke them) taken me for an honest poore man, and shewed me much kindnes: but as for their secretes, they were too wise to commyt them to any such as I am.

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MarginaliaMarbecke can not be perswaded to detect others. Peraduenture, quoth the Gentleman, thou fearest to vtter anye thing of them, because they were thy freendes, least they hearyng thereof, might hereafter withdraw their frendship from thee: whiche thou needest not to feare, I warrant thee, for they are sure enough, and neuer like to pleasure thee more, nor no man els.

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With that the water stood in Marbeckes eyes. Why weepest thou, quoth the Gentleman? Oh sir, quoth he, I pray you pardon me, these men haue don me good, wherfore I besech the liuyng God to comfort them, as I would be comforted my selfe.

Well, quoth the Gentleman, I perceiue thou wylt play the foole: and then he opened one of the bookes, and asked hym if he vnderstood any Latine. But a litle sir, quoth he. How is it then, quoth the Gentleman, that thou hast translated thy booke out of the Latin Concordance, & yet vnderstandest not the tongue? I wyll tell you, quoth he. In my youth I learned the principles of my Grammer, wherby I haue some vnderstāding therein, though it be very smal. Thē the Gentleman began to try hym in the Latin Concordāce & English Bible, which he had brought: and when he had so don, & was satisfied, he called vp his man to fet away the bookes, & so departed, leauyng Marbecke alone in the chāber, the doore fast shut vnto hym.

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MarginaliaAn other talke betwene Winchesters gentleman and Marbecke. About a two houres after, the Gentleman came agayne, with a sheete of paper folded in his hande, & sate hym down vpon the beds side (as before) and said: By my troth Marbecke, my lord seeth so much wylfulnes in thee, that he saith it is pitie to doo thee good. When wast thou last wt Haynes? Forsooth, quoth he, about a three weekes agoe, I was at dynner with hym. And what talke, quoth the Gentleman, had he at hys boord?MarginaliaHow Winchester hunteth for D. Haynes. I cā not tel now, quoth he. No, quoth þe Gentleman, thou art not so dull wytted, to forget a thyng in so short space. Yes sir, quoth he, such familier talke as mē do vse at their boordes, is most commonly by the next daye forgotten, and so it was with me. Diddest thou neuer, quoth the Gentleman, talke with hym, nor with none of thy felowes, of the Masse, or of the blessed Sacrament? No, forsooth, quoth he. Nowe for sooth, quoth the Gentleman, thou liest, for thou hast ben sene to talke with Testwood, and other of thy felowes, an houre together in the Churche, when honest men haue walked vp and downe beside you, & as euer they haue drawen neare you, ye haue stayed your talke til they haue ben past you, because they should not heare whereof you talked. I deny not, quoth he, but I haue talked with Testwood & other of my felows, I cānot tel how oft, which maketh not that we talked eyther of the Masse, or of the Sacrament: for men may common & talke

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