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1214 [1213]

K. Hen. 8. Persecution in Windsore. Testwood, Filmer, Person, Marbecke, Bennet.

matter. For as your Lordshyp knoweth, when my husbād had certified you of the Priestes Sermon, whiche you sayd was playne heresie: then came Symons (after the Priest himselfe had confessed it) & would haue defended the priestes error before your Lordship, & haue had my husbād punished. At what tyme it pleased your Lordshyp to commende and prayse my husband for his honesty and to rebuke Symons for maintainyng the Priest in his errour, and therupon commaunded þe Priest to recāt his heresie at his comming home to Windsore. This (my Lord) you know to be true. And now my Lordes, quoth the woman, it is most certaine, that for this cause onely did Symōs euermore afterward threaten my husband to be euen with him. Therefore good my Lordes, call my husband before you, and heare him speake: and if ye finde any other matter agaynst him then this that I haue told you, let me suffer death. Is this so my Lord, quoth the Bishop of Ely and Harford? and the other could not deny it. Then they spake Latine to the Byshop of Salisbury, and he to them, & so departed.MarginaliaFilmer could not come to hys aunswere. For the matter was so wrought betwene Doctor London and Symons, that Filmer could neuer be suffered to come before the Commissioners to be examined.

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¶ The maner of their condemnations, and how they dyed.

The kyng maryed to the Ladye Katherine Parre.
WHen the tyme drew nye that the kyngs Maiestie (who was newly maried to that good & vertuous Lady Katherine Parre) should make his progresse abroad,MarginaliaSteuen Gardiner great about the kyng. the foresayd Steuen Gardiner Byshop of Winchester had so compassed his matters þt no man bare so great a swinge about the kyng, as he did. Wherwith the Gospellers were so quayled, that the best of them all looked euery houre to be clapt in the necke. For the saying wēt abroad, that the Byshop had bentMarginaliaSte. Gardiners bowe bēt to shoote at the head Deare. his bow to shoote at some of the head Deare: but in the meane tyme three or foure of the poore Rascals were caught, that is to say,MarginaliaPerson, Filmer, and Marbecke, sēt to Windsore. Anthony Person, Henry Filmer, and Iohn Marbecke, and sent to Wyndsore by the Sheriffes men, the Saterday before S. Iames day and laid fast in the townes Gaile:MarginaliaTestwoode brought out of his bed vpon crouches into pryson. and Testwood (who had kept his bed) brought out of his house vpon crouches, and layd with them.MarginaliaBennet sicke of the pestelence at London. But as for Bennet, (which should haue bene the fift man) hys chaūce was to be sicke of the Pestilence, and hauyng a great sore vpon him, was left behynd in þe Byshop of Londons Gaile, whereby he escaped the fire.

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MarginaliaA speciall Sessions procured. Now these mē beyng brought to Windsore, there was a sessiōs speciall procured to be holden þe thursday after which was S. Annes day. Agaynst the whiche Sessions (by the counsell of Doctour London and Symons) were all the Farmers belongyng to the Colledge of Wyndesore, warned to appeare: because they could not pyke out Papistes enough in the towne to go vpō the Iury. The Iudges that day were these,

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MarginaliaThe Iudges.

Doctor Capon Byshop of Salisbury.
Syr Wiliam Essex Knight.
Syr Thomas Bridges Knight.
Syr Humfrey Foster Knight.
Master Franklen Deane of Wyndsore
And Fachel of Readyng.  
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These were both important local figures. Thomas Vachell (1500-c. 1553) was MP for Reading in six parliaments. Richard Ward (c.1511-1578) was MP for New Windsor in eight parliaments.

When these had taken their places, and the prisoners brought forth before them,MarginaliaRob. Ockam Clerke of peace, then Robert Ockam occupying for that day the Clarke of peace his rowme, called Anthony Person, accodyng to the maner of the Court, and read his Inditement, which was this.

MarginaliaThe Inditement against Anth. Person. First, that he should preach two yeares before, in a place called Wyngfield, and there should say: that like as Christ was hanged betwene two theeues, euen so when the Priest is at Masse and hath cōsecrated and lifted him vp ouer his head, then he hangeth betwene two theeues, except he preach the word of God truly, as he hath taken vpon him to do.

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Also that he sayd to the people in the Pulpet: yee shall not eate the body of Christ, as it did hang vpon the Crosse, gnawyng it with your teeth that the bloude runne about your lyppes, but you shall eate him this day, as ye eate hym to morrow, the next day, and euery day: for it refresheth not the body, but the soule.

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Also after he had preached and commended the Scripture, calling it the word of God, he sayd as followeth: This is the word, this is the bread, thys is the body of Christ.

Also he sayd, that Christ sittyng with his Disciples, tooke bread and blessed, and brake it, and gaue it to his Disciples, saying: Take and eate it. This is my body. What is this to vs, but to take the Scripture of God, and to breake it to the people.

To this, Anthony aunswered & sayd: I wilbe tryed by God and his holy word, and by the true Church of Christ, MarginaliaAnth. Person aunswereth to his Inditement. whether this be heresie or no, whereof ye haue Indited me this day. So long as I preached the Byshop of Rome and his filthy traditions, I was neuer troubled: but since I haue taken vppon me to preach Christ and his Gospell, ye haue alwayes sought my life. But it maketh no matter, for when you haue taken your pleasure of my body, I trust it shall not lye in your powers to hurt my soule. Thou callest vs theeues quoth the Byshop. I say, quoth Anthony, ye are not onely theeues but murtherers, except ye preach and teach the worde of God purely and sincerely to the people, whiche ye do not nor neuer did, but haue allured them to all Idolatrie, superstition and hypocrisie,MarginaliaParrhisia Personica. for your owne lucre & glory sake, thorough the which ye are become rather Bitesheepes then true Byshops, byting and deuouring the poore sheepe of Christ like raueuing Wolues neuer satisfied with bloud: which God wil require at your hādes one day, doubt it not. ThenMarginaliaW. Simons replyeth agaynst Person. spake Symons his accuser, standing within the barre, saying: It is pitie this felow had not bene burnt long ago as he deserued. In fayth (quoth Anthony) if you had as you haue deserued, you were more worthy to stand in this place then I: but I trust in the last day when we shall both appeare before the tribunall seate of Christ, that then it wilbe knowen which of vs ij. hath best deserued this place.MarginaliaThe Papistes ieste at Gods iudgment. Shall I haue so long a day, quoth Symons, holdyng vp his finger? Nay, then I care not: and so the matter was iested out.

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¶ Robert Testwoode.

MarginaliaTeswoodes inditement. THen was Testwoode called, and his Inditement read, which was that he should say in the tyme that the Priest was liftyng vp the Sacrament: what wilt thou lift him so hye? What yet hyer? Take heede, let him not fall.

MarginaliaTestwoode aunswereth to his inditement. To this Testwoode aunswered, saying it was but a thyng maliciously forged of his enemies to bring him to his death. Yes (quoth þe byshop) thou hast bene sene, that whē þe Priest should lift vp the Sacrament ouer his head, then wouldest thou looke downe vpon thy booke, or some other way, because thou couldest not abide to looke vpon the blessed Sacrament. I beseech you my Lord, quoth Testwood, whereon did he looke that marked me so wel? Mary quoth Bucklayer the Kynges Atturney, he could not be better occupyed, then to marke such hereticke that so despised the blessed Sacrament.

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Henry Filmer.

MarginaliaFilmers inditement. THen was Filmer called and his Inditement read: that hee should say that the Sacrament of the aultar is nothyng els but a similitude and a ceremonie: And also if God be in the Sacrament of the aultar, I haue eaten twentie Gods in my dayes.

Here ye must vnderstand, that these wordes were gathered of certaine cōmunication which should be betwene Filmer and his brother. The tale went thus.

This Henry Filmer commyng vppon a Sonday from Clewer his Parish Church, in the cōpany of one or two of his neighbours, chaunced in the way to meete his brother (whiche was a very poore labouryng man) and asked him whether he went. To the Church sayd he. And what to do, quoth Filmer? To do, quoth he, as other men do. Nay, quoth Filmer, you go to heare Masse and to see your God. What if I do so, quoth he? If that be God (should Filmer say) I haue eaten xx. Gods in my dayes. Turne agayne foole and go home with me, and I will read thee a Chapter out of the Bible, that shalbe better then all that thou shalt heare or or see there.

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This tale was no sooner brought to Doct. London by William Symons (Filmers vtter enemy)MarginaliaD. London setteth brother agaynst brother. but he sēt for the poore man home to his house, where he cherished him with meate and money, tellyng him he should neuer lacke, so long as he lyued: that the selye poore man (thinkyng to haue had a dayly frēd of Doct Lōdon) was contēt to do & say what soeuer he and Symons would haue him say or do agaynst his owne brother. And when Doct. London had thus won the poore man, he retained him as one of his houshold men, vntill the Court day was come,MarginaliaFilmers own brother witnes agaynst hym. and then sent him vp to witnesse this foresayd tale agaynst his brother. Which tale Filmer denied vtterly, saying that Doct. London (for a litle meate and drinke sake) had set him on, and made him to say what his pleasure was: wherfore my Lord (quod Filmer to the Byshop) I beseech your Lordshyp weye the matter indifferētly,MarginaliaOne witnes to stand is agaynst the lawe. for as much as there is no mā in al this towne, þt can or will testifie with him, that euer he heard any such talke, betwene him & me: & if he cā bryng forth any that will witnesse the same with him, I refuse not to dye. But say what he could, it would not preuayle.

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Then Filmer seing no remedy but that his brothers ac-
