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1218 [1217]

K. Henry. 8. Persecution in Calyce. Adam Damlip, with others.
Persecutors. Persecuted. The Causes.

Steuen Gar-
diner, Bysh. of Winche-

D. Sāpson Byshop of
D. Clarke Byshop of
D. Repse B.
Haruey, Cō-
missary in
Lady Ho-
nor, wife to
the L. Lisle
deputie of

Syr Thom. Palmer, Knight.
Iohn Rooch
woode Es- quier.
Rich. Long,
of Calice.
Fraūces Ha
stings soul-
Hugh Coū-
cell seruaūt.
Sir Rafe
Syr Ioh

Tho. Lan

Ioh. Butler
W. Smith
Rafe Haire.
Iacob a Sur
A Fleming.
Philpot ser uaunt.
Sir Edmūd,
W. Tou-
ched, Post-

Pet. Bequet.
Pickering, gentleman.
Hēry Tour
ney, gentle- man.
Darby, Priest.
Ioun She-

W. Pellam.
W. Keuer-

Ioh. Whit-
Ioh. Boote.
Ro. Clod-

Copen de
Hane, aliâs


W. Cros-

death of the Bish, his
maister had trauailed
thorough Fraunce,
Commentary   *   Close

I.e., Germany, not the Netherlands.

and Ita-
ly, & as he went, con-
ferred with learned
men concerning mat-
ters of controuersie in
Religion: and so pro-
ceding in his iourney,
to Rome, whereas he
thought to haue foūd
all godlynes and sin-
cere Religion, in the
end he found there (as
he confessed) such blas
phemie of God, cōtēpt
of Christes true Re-
ligion, loosenes of life,
and aboundaunce of all
abhominations & fil-
thynes, that it abhor-
red his hart and con-
sciēce any lōger there
to remaine: MarginaliaAdam Damlip requested by Cardinall Poole to tarye at Rome. although
he was greatly re-
quested by Cardinall
Poole, there to conti-
nue, and to read three
Lectures in þe weeke in his house, for the
which he offered him
great enterteinement.
Which he refused, and
so returnyng home-
ward, hauyng a peece
of money giuen him
of the Cardinall at
his departure, to MarginaliaThis French crowne was dearely bought, for by the same he was peached of treason. the
value of a Frenche
crowne towarde hys
charges, came to Ca-
lyce, as is aforesayd.
Who as he was there wayting without the
gate for passage into
England, and beyng
there perceaued by cer
taine Calyce men,
namely,MarginaliaW. Steuens. William Ste
uens, andMarginaliaTho. Lancaster. Tho. Lan-
caster through confe-
rence of talke to bee a
learned man, and also
well affected: & more-
ouer how that hee be-
yng of late a zelous
Papist, was now re-
turned to a more per-
fect knowledge of true
Religion, was by thē
hartely intreated to
stay at Calyce a cer-
taine space, & to read
there a day or two, to
the intent he might do

some good there after his paynfull trauaile, vnto the people.  

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This verbose denunciation of the papacy was omitted after the first edition of the A&M.

To this request Adam gladly consented, so as he might be licenced by such as were in authoritie, so to do.

MarginaliaAdam brought to the Lord Deputie of Calice. Whereupon the sayd Steuens at the openyng of the gates, brought him vnto the Lord Lisle the kynges Deputie of the Towne and marches of Calyce, vnto whom hee declared throughly what conference and talke had bene betwene Adam Damlyp and him. Whiche knowen, the sayd Lord Deputie instauntly desired the sayd Damlyp to stay there and to preach three or foure dayes or more at his pleasure, saying that he should haue both his licence and the Cōmissaries also (which then was sir Iohn Butler ) so to do.  

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Lord Lisle was Lord Deputy of Calais, the governor of the city and representative of Henry VIII. John Butler was Thomas Cranmer's commissary for Calais and represented the archbishop.

MarginaliaAdam well lyked of the Deputie, and the Counsayle of Calice. Where after he had preached three or foure tymes, he was so well lyked both for hys learnyng, his vtteraunce, and the truth of his doctrine, that not onely the souldiours and commoners, but also the sayd Lord Deputie and a great part of the Counsell, gaue him maruelous great prayse & thākes for it, and the sayd Lord Deputie offered vnto him a chamber in his owne house, to dyne and suppe euery meale at his own messe, to haue a man or two of his to wayte vpon him, and to haue what soeuer it were that he lacked, if it were to be had for money, yea and what hee would in his purse to bye bookes or otherwise, so as he would tary there among them, and preache onely so long as it should seeme good to him selfe. Who refusing his Lordshyps great offer, most hartly thanked him for the same, and besought him to be onely so good vnto him, as to appointe him some quiet and honest place in the towne where he might not bee disturbed nor molested, but haue oportunitie to geue him selfe to hys booke, and would dayly once in the forenoone, and agayne by one a clocke at after noone, by the grace of God, preach among thē accordyng vnto the talent that God had lent him.MarginaliaAdam receiued of W. Steuens by the L. Deputies request. At which aunswere the Lord Deputie greatly reioysed & therupon sent for the foresayd W. Steuens, whom he earnestly required to receiue and lodge the sayd Damlyp in his house, promising what soeuer he should commaūd, to see it payd with the most: & moreouer would sēd euery meale frō his one messe a dishe of the best vnto them, and in deede so dyd: albeit the sayd Damlyp refused that offer, shewyng his Lordshyp that thinne dyet was most conuenient for Studentes. Yet could not that restrayne him but that euery meale he sent it.

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MarginaliaAdam Damlip preacheth agaynst transubstantiation and the Romishe masse. This godly man by the space of xx. dayes or more, once euery day at vij. of the cloke preached very godly, learnedly and playnly, the truth of the blessed Sacrament of Christes body and bloud, mightely inueying agaynst all Papistrie and confutyng the same,  

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In other words, Damplip preached against the Real Presence of Christ in the Sacrament. Henry VIII would have regarded such sermons as heresy.

but especially those two most pernicious errours or heresies, triflyng Transubstantiation, and the pestilent propitiatorie Sacrifice of the Romishe Masse, by true conference of the Scriptures, and applying of the auncient Doctours, earnestly therewith oftentymes exhortyng the people to returne from their Poperie, declaryng how Popish he himselfe had bene, and how by the detestable wickednes that he did see vniuersally in Rome, he was returned so farre homeward, and now became an enemy thorough Gods grace, to al Papistrie: shewyng therewith, that if gayne or ambition could haue moued hym to the contrary, he might haue bene entertained of Cardinall Poole (as you haue heard before) but for very conscience sake ioyned with true knowledge, grounded on Gods most holy word, he now vtterly abhorred all Papistrie, and willed them most earnestly to do the same.

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And thus he continued a while readyng in the Chapter house of the White Friers, but the place beyng not bygge enough, he was desired to read in the Pulpit, and so proceedyng in his Lectures (wherein he declared how the world was deceaued by the Romane Byshops, which had set forth the damnable doctrine of Transubstantiation and the reall presence in the Sacrament, as is aforesayd)MarginaliaThe idolatrous pageāt of the resurrection most sumptuously pictured out at Calice. hee came at length to speake agaynst the Pageaunt or Picture set forth of the Resurrection whiche was in Saint Nicholas Churche, declaryng the same to be but mere Idolatrie, and illusion of the Frenchmen before Calyce was English.

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MarginaliaCommission sent from the kyng to search out the false iuggling of thys Idolatrye at Calice. Vpon which Sermon or Lecture, there came a Commission from the Kyng to the Lord Deputie, M. Grendfield, sir Iohn Butler Commissary, the Kynges Mason, and Smith, with others, that they should searche whether there were (as was put in writyng, and vnder Bull and Pardon) three hostes lying vppon a Marble stone be sprinkled with bloud, and if they founde it not so, that immediatly it should be plucked downe, and so it was.MarginaliaThe false iugglinges of the Papistes espyed. For in searchyng therof, as they brake vp a stone in a corner of the Tumbe, they instead of the iij. hostes, founde souldered in the Crosse of Marble lying vnder the Sepulcher,Marginalia3. painted counters in stead of 3. hostes. three playne white counters whiche they had paynted like vnto hostes, and a bone that is in the typ of a sheepes tayle. All which trumpery Damlyp shewed vnto the people the next day folowyng, which was Sonday, out of the Pulpit, & after that they were sent by the Lord Deputie to the kyng.

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Notwithstandyng the deuill styrred vp a Doue (hee might well be called a Cormorant) the Priour of the White Friers.  

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Foxe's fondness for a pun is a little confusing here; John Dove, was the prior of the Carmelites (Whitefriars) in Calais. Dove was a religious conservative and an ally of Lord Lisle.

Who with Syr Gregory Buttoll Chapleine to the Lord Lisle, began to barke agaynst hym. Yet after the sayd Adam had in three or foure Sermons confuted the sayd Friers erroneous doctrine of transubstantiation, and of the propitiatorie Sacrifice of the Masse:MarginaliaIohn Doue Fryer, peacher of Damlip. the sayd Frier outwardly seemed to geue place, ceasing openly to inuey, and secretly practised to peach him by letters sent vnto the Clergie here in England:MarginaliaDamlip sent for to appeare before the Councell in England. so that within viij. or x. dayes after, the sayd Damlyp was sent for to appeare before the Bishop of Canterbury, with whom was assistant Steuen Gardiner, Byshop of Winchester, D. Sampson Byshop of Chichester and diuers other, before whom he most constantly affirmed and defended the doctrine which he had taught, in such sorte aunsweryng, confuting, & soluting the obiectiōs, as his aduersaries, yea euen among other, the learned godly and blessed Martyr Cranmer then yet but a Lutheran,

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