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Actes and Monumentes of the Churche.

ecutioners, a litle to stay, while he might send a message vnto the kyng, whiche was this (sent in by certaine of the kynges most trusty Eunuches)MarginaliaThe message of Vsthazares to the kyng. desiryng him that for all the old and faythfull seruice he had done to his father, & to him, he would now requite him with this one office agayne, to cause to be cryed openly by a publicke Cryer in these words following:MarginaliaThe cause openly cryed, why Vsthazares was beheaded. that Vsthazares was beheaded, not for any traitchery or crime committed agaynst the kyng or the Realme, but onely for that he was a Christian, and would not at the kynges pleasure deny his God. And so accordyng to his request it was performed and graunted. For this cause dyd Vsthazares so much desire the cause of his death to be published: because that as his shrinkyng backe from Christ, was a great occasion to many Christians to do the like: so now the same hearyng that Vsthazares dyed for no other cause, but onely for the religiō of Christ, should learne likewise by his example, to be feruent and cōstant in that which they professe.MarginaliaThe end and martyrdome of Vsthazares. And thus this blessed Eunuch dyd consummate his Martrydme. Of the whiche his Martyrdome, Symeon hearing beyng in prison, was very ioyfull, & gaue God thākes.MarginaliaThe martyrdome of Symeon Archb. Whom in the next day folowyng, beyng brought forth before the kyng and constantly refusing to condescēde to the kynges request, to worshyp visible creatures, was likewise by the commaūdement of the kyng beheaded, with a great nūber mo, whiche the same day also did suffer, to the number, as is said, of an hundred and more. All which were put to death before Symeon, he standyng by, and exhortyng them, with comfortable wordes: admonishyng them to stād firme and stedfast in the Lord.MarginaliaThe exhortatiō of Symeon the Archb. to the martyrs at their death, when he also hymselfe should suffer. Preachyng & teaching them concernyng death, resurrection, and true pietie, and proued by the Scriptures that to be true which he had sayd. Declaryng moreouer that to be true life in deede, so to dye: and that to be death in deede, to deny or to betray God for feare of punishmēt. And added further, that there was no mā alyue, but needes must once dye. For so much as to all men is appointed necessarely, here to haue an ende. But those thinges which after this life folow hereafter, to be eternall: which neither shall come to all men after one sorte. But as the condition and trade of life in diuers men doth differ, and is not in all men like: so the tyme shall come, when all men in a moment shall render and receaue accordyng to their doynges in this present life immortall rewardes: such as haue here done well, of life and glory, such as haue done contrary, of perpetuall punishment. As touchyng therefore our well doyng here, there is no doubt, but of all other our holy actions and vertuous deedes, there is no hyer or greater deede, then if a man here lose his life for his Lord God. With these wordes of comfortable exhortation, the holy Martyrs being prepared, willyngly yelded their liues to death. After whō at last folowed Symeon, with two other Priestes or Ministers of his Church,MarginaliaAbedecalaas,
Abedecalaas, and Ananias, whiche also with him were partakers of the same Martyrdome.

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MarginaliaThe story of Pusices martyr. At the sufferyng of these aboue mentioned, it happened that Pusices one of the kynges officers, an ouerseer of hys Artificers, was there present: who seyng Ananias being an aged old father, somewhat to shake and tremble at the sight of them that suffered: O father (sayd he) a litle momēt shut thyne eyes, and be strong, and shortly thou shalt see the sight of God. Vpon these wordes thus spoken, Pusices immediatly was apprehended, and brought to the kyng.MarginaliaThe free speach and boldnes of Pusices. Who there confessing himselfe constauntly to be a Christian, and for that he was very bold and hardy before the kyng, in the cause of Christes fayth, was extremely and most cruelly handled in the execution of his Martyrdome.MarginaliaThe cruell martyrdome of Pusices. For in the vpper part of his necke they made a hole to thrust in their hād, and pluckt out his toūg out of his mouth, and so was he put to death.MarginaliaThe daughter of Pusices
At which tyme also the daughter of Pusices a godly virgin, by the malicious accusation of the wicked, was apprehended and put to death.

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MarginaliaA cruell edict of Sapores against the Christians. The next yeare followyng, vpon the same day, whē the Christians did celebrate the remembraunce of the Lordes passion, which we call good Friday before Easter (as witnesseth the sayd Zozomenus.) Sapores the kyng directed out a cruell and a sharpe Edict throughout all his land, cōdemnyng to death all them, who soeuer confessed them selues to be Christians.MarginaliaInnumerable martyrs in Persia. By reason wherof an innumerable multitude of Christians, through the wicked procuryng of the malignant Magiciās, suffered the same tyme by the sword, both in Citie and in Towne: some beyng sought for, some offeryng themselues willingly, least they should seeme by their silence to deny Christ. Thus all the Christians that could be found, without pitie were slayne, and diuers also of the kynges owne court and houshold. Among whom was also Azades an Eunuche, and whom the kyng did entirely loue and fauour.MarginaliaAzades a noble courtyer Martyr. Which Azades after that the kyng vnderstode to be put to death, beyng greatly moued with the sor- ow thereof, commaunded after that,MarginaliaThe prouision of God to saue the Christians. no Christians to be slayne, but them onely which were the Doctours and teachers of Christian Religion.

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MarginaliaTrabula wyth her sister martyrs.
Trabula the sister of Symeon.
In the same tyme it happened that the Queene fell in to a certaine disease: vpon the occasion whereof the cruell Iewes with the wicked Magicians, falsely & maliciously accused Trabula, the sister of Symeon the Martyr, a godly virgin, wt an other sister also of hers:MarginaliaFalse accusation rashly beleued. that they had wrought priuy charmes to hurt the Queene, for the reuēgyng of the death of Symeon. This accusation beyng receaued and beleued:MarginaliaTrabula and her sister sawne in sunder. innocent Trabula with the other were cōdemned, and with a sawe cut a sunder by the middle. Whose quarters were the hanged vpon stakes:MarginaliaThe blynde charme of the wicked Queene. the Queene goyng betwen them, thinckyng therby to be deliuered of her sicknes. This Trabula was a mayde of a right comely beauty, and very amiable, to whom one of the Magiciās cast great loue, much desiryng and laboring by giftes and rewardes sent into the prison to wynne her to hys pleasure: promising that if she would apply to his request, she should be deliuered and set at libertie.MarginaliaExample of maydenly chastitie in Trabula. But she vtterly refusing to consent vnto him, or rather rebukyng him for his incōtinent attempt, did chuse rather to dye, then to betray either the Religiō of her minde or the virginitie of her body. Zozo.

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MarginaliaEx Ecclesiast. Hist. Zozom. Lib. 2. cap. 13 Now for somuch as the kyng had commaūded that no Christians should be put to death, but onely such as were the teachers and leaders of the flocke: the Magicians and Archmagiciās, left no diligence vntryed, to set forward the matter.MarginaliaPersecution against the Byshops & teachers of the Church in Persia. Whereby great affliction and persecutions was among the Byshops and teachers of the Church, whiche in all places, went to slaughter, especially in the countrey of Diabenor: for that part of Persia aboue all other was most Christian.MarginaliaAcepsimas byshop Martyr. Where Acepsimas the Byshop, with a great nūber of his flocke and clergy were apprehended and taken, vpon the apprehension of whom the Magiciās to satisifie the kinges commaundement, dismissed all the rest, onely depriuing them of their liuyng and goods. Onely Acepsimas the bishop they retayned, with whom oneMarginaliaIacobus priest Martyr.
Example of true Christian charitie and singular pietie in Iacobus.
Iacobus a Minister or priest of his church, was also ioyned: not of any compulsion, but onely as himselfe so desired and obtayned of those Magians, that he myght follow him, & be coupled in þe same bondes to serue the aged bishop and to relieue (so much as he might) hys calamities, and heale hys woundes. For he had bene sore scourged before of the Magians, after they had apprehended hym, and brought him to worshyp the sunne: which thyng because he would not do, they cast hym into prison agayne, where this Iacobus was wayting vpō hym.MarginaliaAthalas Deacon,
Azadanes deacō,
Abdiesus Deacon.
At the same tyme likewise Athalas a priest or Minister, also Azadanes and Abdiesus Deacons were imprisoned, and miserably scourged for the testimony of the Lorde Iesus.MarginaliaThis Archimagus, or magi (as Xenophon sayth) was an order of religion among the Persians, which had the greatest stroke in the land next to the kyng. After this the Archimagus espying his tyme, complayneth to the kyng of them, hauing authoritie and commission geuen hym (vnlesse they would worship þe sunne) to punish them as he pleased. Thys commaundement receyued of the kyng, the maister magus doth declare to them in prison. But they aunswered againe plainely, that they would neuer be eyther betrayers of Christe, or worshippers of the Sunne. Wherupon without mercy they were put to bitter tormentes.MarginaliaThe end & martyrdome of Acepsimas Byshop. Where Acepsimas strongly persistyng in the confession of Christ, endured to death. The other being no lesse rent and wounded with scourges, yet cōtinued meruaillously aliue. And because they would in no case turne from their constant sentence, were turned agayne into prison.MarginaliaAithalas lost the vse of both hys armes beyng pluckt from the ioyntes of hys body. Of whom Athalas in the tyme of his whippyng was so drawne and rackt with pulling, that both his armes beyng loosed out of the ioyntes, hanged downe from hys body: which he so caried about without vse of any hande to feede hymselfe, but as he was fed of other. Miserable and almost innumerable were the slaughters vnder the raigne of this Sapores, of Bishops, Ministers, Deacons, religious men, holy virgins, and other ecclesiasticall persons, such as did then cleaue to the doctrine of Christ and suffered for the same. The names of the bishops besides the other multitude taken away in that persecution, is recited in Sozom lib. 2. and in Niceph. lib. 8. cap. 37. in this order folowyng.MarginaliaEx Sozo.Lib. 2. cap. 13. ex Nicephor. Lib. 8. cap. 37.
Barbasymes Paulus, Gaddiabes, Sabinus, Mareas, Mocius, Iohannes, Hormisdas, Papas, Iacobus, Romas, Maares, Agas, Bochres, Abdas, Abiesus, Ioannes, Abramius, Agdelas, Sabores, Isaac, Dausas, Bicor, Maureanda with 250 other martyrs.

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Barbasymes, Paulus, Gaddiabes, Sabinus, Mareas, Mocius, Iohannes, Hormisdas, Papas, Iacobus, Romas, Maares, Agas, Bochres, Abdas, Abiesus, Ioannes, Abramius, Agdelas, Sabores, Isaac, Dausas. Bicor also, wyth Maureanda hys fellow byshop, and the rest of hys Churches vnder hym, to the number of 250. persons, which were the same tyme apprehended of the Persians. &c. Briefly to cōprehend the whole multitude of them that suffered in that persecution, the maner of their apprehension, the cruelnes of their tormēts, how & where they suffered, & in what places, it is not possible for any history to discharge. Neither are the Persians themselues (as Sozomenus recordeth) able to recite

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