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1242 [1241]

K. Hen. 8. Heresies falsely gathered by the Papists.

The place is this:MarginaliaThis place speakyng of the operation & effect of faith conteineth nothing but which is maintaynable by the scripture. the spirite of God accompanieth fayth and bryngeth with her light, wherwith a mā beholdeth him selfe in the lawe of God, and seeth hys miserable bondage & captiuitie, and humbleth hym selfe, and abhorreth hym selfe. She bryngeth Gods promises of all good things in Christ. God worketh wyth his worde, and in his woord. And as his worde is preached, fayth, rooteth her selfe in the hartes of the elect: and as fayth entreth, and the worde of God is beleued, the power of God looseth the hart from the captiuitie & bondage vnder sinne, and knitteth and coupleth hym to God and to the wyll of God, altereth hym and chaungeth hym cleane, fashioneth and forgeth him a new, geueth hym power to loue & to do that whiche before was impossible for hym either to loue or do, and turneth hym into a newe nature: so that he loueth that whiche before hated, and hateth that whiche he before loued, and is cleane altered and chaunged, and contrary disposed: and is knit and coupled fast to gods will, and naturally bryngeth forth good woorkes: that is to say, that which god commaundeth to do, & not things of his own imagination: and that doth he of his owne accorde, as a tree bryngeth forth fruite of his owne accorde. &c.

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Marginalia6. Article. 6 Workes do onely declare to thee that thou art iustifyed. Fol. 65.

If Tyndall say, that workes do onely declare our iustification, hee doth not thereby destroye good workes, but onely sheweth the ryght vse and office of good woorkes to be, noted to merite our iustification, but rather to testifie a liuely fayth, whiche onely iustifieth vs. The Article is plain by the Scripture and S. Paul.

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Marginalia7. Article. 7 Christ with all his wordes did not deserue heauen. fol. 69

Read the place. All good woorkes must be done freely wt a single eie, without respect of any thyng, so that no profite be soght therby. That commaundeth Christe where hee sayth: Free haue you receiued, free geue agayne.MarginaliaMat. 10. For looke as Christe with all his woorkes dyd notMarginalia* He meaneth in his diuinitie but in his humanitie he deserued heauē by his works, not onely for himselfe, but for vs all. * deserue heauen (for that was his already) but dyd vs seruice therewith, and neither looked for, nor sought his own profite, but ours and the honour of god his father onely: euen so we with all our workes, may not seeke our owne profit, neither in this worlde, nor in heauen, but must and ought freely to woorke to houour God wyth all, and without all maner of respect, seeke our neighbours profite, and do him seruice. &c.

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Marginalia8 Article 8 Laboryng by good workes to come to heauen, thou shamest Christes bloud. fol. 69

MarginaliaTo say that heauen is gotten by our deseruinges, is a popishe heresie & cōtrary to the scriptures. Read the place. If thou wouldest obteine heauen with the merites and deseruinges of thine own works, so doest thou wrong, yea and shamest the bloud of Christ, and vnto þe Christ is dead in vaine. Now is the true beleuer heire of God by Christes deseruyngs, yea and in Christ was predestinate and ordeyned vnto eternall life before the woorlde began. And when the gospell is preached vnto vs, wee beleue the mercy of god, and in beleuyng we receiue the spirit of God, which is the earnest of eternall life, and wee are in eternall lyfe already, and feele already in our hartes the swetnes therof, and are ouercome with the kyndnes of God and Christ: and therefore loue the wyll of God, and of loue are ready to woorke freelye, and not to obteyne that whiche is geuen vs freely and whereof we are heires already. &c.

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Marginalia9 Article. 9 Saintes in heauen can not helpe vs thether. fol. 69.

Whether Sainctes can helpe vs vnto heauen, see the scripture, and marke well the office of the sonne of God our onely Sauiour and redemer, and thou shalt not neede to secke any further.

Marginalia10. Article. 10 To builde a Church in the honour of our Lady or any other Saint, is in vayne: they can not helpe thee: they bee not thy frendes. fol. 71.

MarginaliaThe place annexed. Read the place of Tyndall. What buildest thou Churches foundest Abbeyes, Chauntreis, & colleges in the honour of Sanctes, to my mother, Sainct peter, Paule & Saintes that bee dead, to make of them thy frendes? They neede it not: yea they be not thy friends. Thy frendes are thy poore neighbours, which neede thy helpe and succour. Thē make thy friendes with thy vnrighteous Mammon,MarginaliaOur frendes to be made of wicked Māmō, are ment the poore aliue, & not the saintes departed. that they may testifie of thy fayth, and that thou mayest know & feele that thy fayth is right, and not fayned. &c.

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Marginalia11. Article. 11 Al fleshe is in Bondage of sinne, and can not but sinne. fol. 74.

Thys Article is euident inough of it selfe confirmed by the Scripture, and needeth no allegations.

Marginalia12 Article. 12 Thou canst not be damned without Christ be damned, nor Christ be saued without thou be saued. fol. 76.

MarginaliaThe place annexed. Read the place: A Phisition serueth but for sicke men, & that for such men as fele their sicknes, and mourne therfore and long for health. Christ likewise serueth but for sinners only that feele their sinne, and that for such sinners as sorow & mourne in their harts for health. Health is the power or strength to fulfil the law, or to kepe the commaundements. MarginaliaThe beleuing man standing vpō the certeintie of Gods promise, may assure himselfe of his saluation, as truely as Christ himselfe is saued, & he can no more then Christ himselfe be damned. And although the scripture doth not vse this phrase of speaking, yet it importeth no lesse in effect, by reason of the veritie of Gods promise which impossible it is to faile. Now he that longeth for that helth, that is to say, for to doe the law of God, is blessed in Christ, and hath a promise that his lust shall be fulfilled, and that he shal be made hole. Blessed are they which hunger and thurst for righteousnes sake (þt is to fulfill the law) for their lust shal be fulfilled. Mat. 5

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This longing, and consent of the hart vnto the law of God, is the working of the spirite, which God hath poured into thine hart, in earnest that thou mightst be sure that God will fulfill all his promises that he hath made thee. It is also the seale & marke which God putteth on al men that he chuseth vnto euerlasting life. So longe as thou seest thy sinne, & mournest, and cōsentest to the law & longest (though thou be neuer so weake) yet the spirite shall keepe thee in al temptations from desperation, and certifie thine harte, that God for his truth,shall delyuer thee and saue thee, yea and by thy good deedes shalte thou bee saued, not whiche thou hast done, but which Christ hath done for thee. For Christ is thine, and all his deedes are thy deedes. Christ is in thee, & thou in him, knit together inseparably, neither canst thou be damned, except Christ be dāned wt thee, nether can christ be saued except thou be saued with him. &c. The like comfortable words he hath afterward. Fol. 38. which are these, He that desireth mercy the same feeleth his own misery and sin, and mourneth in his hart for to be delyuered, that he might honour God, and God for his truth must heare him, which sayth by the mouth of Christ: Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousnes for they shalbe satisfied. God for his truthes sake must put the righteousnes of Christ in him, and washe his vnrighteousnes away in the bloude of Christ. And be the sinner neuer so weake, neuer so feeble & fraile though he haue sinned neuer so oft and so greeuous, yet so long as this lust desire and mourning to be delyuered, remayneth in him. God seeth not his sinnes, reckeneth thē not for his truthes sake and loue to Christ. He is not a sinner in the sight of God, that would be no sinner. He that would be deliuered, hath his hart loose already. His hart sinneth not but mourneth repenteth and consenteth vnto the lawe and will of God, and iustifieth God, that is, beareth record that God which made the law is righteous and iust. And suche an hart trusting in Christes bloud, is accepted for ful righteous, and his weaknes, infirmitye, and frailty is pardoned, and his sinnes are not looked vpon, vntill God put more strength in him, and fulfill his desire. &c,

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Marginalia13. Article. 13 The commaundementes be geuen vs not to doe thē, but to know our dānation & call for mercy of God, Fol. 76.

MarginaliaThis Article is falsely wrasted out of these wordes which doe not say that wee should not doe the commaundementes, but that we cannot doe them. Read the place. If thou wilt enter into life, keepe the commaundementes. Mat. 19. First remember that when God commaundeth vs to doe any thing, he doth it not therfore because that we of our selues are able to doe that hee cōmaundeth, but that by the law we might see and know our horrible damnation and captiuity vnder sinne, and so repent and come to Christ and receaue mercy. &c.

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15 Fasting is onely to auoyde surfet and to tame the body all other purposes be nought. Fol. 81.

The wordes of Tindall be these. Fasting is to abstayne from surfetting or ouermuch eating, from dronkennes and cares of the worlde, as thou mayest read Luk. 20.MarginaliaThe true end of fasting. And the ende of fasting is to tame the body, that the spirite may haue the free course vnto God and may quyetly talke with god. For ouer much eating and drinking, and care of worldly busines presseth downe the spirite, choketh it, and tangleth it, þt it cannot lift vp it selfe to God. Now he that fasteth for any other entent then to subdue the body, that the Spirite may wayt on god, and freely exercise it selfe in the thinges of god, the same is blinde, and wotteth not what he doth, erreth, & shooteth at a wrong marke, and his entent and imaginatiō is abominable in the sight of God. &c.

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Marginalia15. Article. 15 To bid the poore man pray for me, is onely to remember him to doe his duety: not that I haue any truste in hys prayer. Fol. 82.

MarginaliaThe place biddeth vs put our trust in Christ onely and not in poore mennes prayers, and so doth the Scripture likewise: & yet no heresie therein. The wordes of Tindall be these. When we desire one an other to pray for vs, that doe we to put our neighbour in remembraunce of his duety, and not that we trust in his holines, our trust is in God, in Christ, and in the truth of gods promises. We haue also a promise that when two or three or moe agree together in one thing according to the wil of god, God heareth vs, notwithstanding as god heareth manye, so heareth he few, and so heareth he one, if he pray after the wil of God, and desire the honour of God. &c.

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Marginalia10. Article. 16 Thoughe thou geeue me a thouande pound to pray for thee, I am noe more bounde nowe then I was beefore. Fol. 83.

MarginaliaThis place aunswereth for it selfe sufficiently. The words be these. If thou geue me a thousand pound to pray for thee, I am no more bound then I was before. Mannes imaginatiō can make the commaundement of god neither greater nor smaller, neither can to the law of God either adde or diminishe. Gods commaundement is as greate as himselfe. &c.

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