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K. Hen. 8. Heresies falsely gathered by the Papists.

a good entent and of a good zeale slew Christ & persecuted þe Apostles, as Paul beareth them record. Rom. x. I beare thē record (sayth he) that they haue a feruēt mynd to Godward, but not accordyng to knowledge.MarginaliaRom. 10. It is an other thyng then to do of a good mynd & to do of knowledge. Labour for knowledge, that thou mayest know Gods wil, and what he would haue thee to do.

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Our mynd, entent, and affection, or zeale are blynd, and all that we do of them is damned of god, and for that cause hath God made a testament betwene hym and vs, wherin is conteined both what he would haue vs to do, & what he would haue vs to aske of hym.

See therefore that thou do nothyng to please God withall, but that he commaundeth, neither aske any thing of him, but that he hath promised the. &c.

Marginalia26. Article. 26 Churches are for preaching onely, and not as they be vsed now. fol. 87.

This Article contayneth neyther errour nor heresie, but is playne enough of it selfe, to all them that haue their minds exercised in the scriptures of God.

Marginalia27 Article. 27 To worshippe God otherwyse then to beleeue that he is iust and true in his promise, is to make God an Idol. fol. 87

MarginaliaThe place annexed. Read the wordes of Tyndall with this Article. God is honoured on all sides, in that we count hym righteous in all hys lawes and ordinaunces, and also true in all his promises. Other worship of God is none, except wee make an idoll of hym. &c.

Marginalia28. Article. 28 Pharao had no power to let the people depart at gods pleasure, fol. 95

Marginalia29. Article. 29 Our Prelates in sinne, say they haue power. fol. 95

MarginaliaThe place annexed. Read the place in the wicked Mammon out of þe which these two Articles are gathered. S. Paule sayeth: If thou confesse with thy mouth that Iesus is the Lord and beleue with thyne hart that God raysed him vp from death, thou shalt be safe:MarginaliaRom. 10. that is, if thou beleue he raysed him vp agayne for thy saluation. Many beleue that God is rich and almighty, but not vnto themselues: and that he wyll be good to thē and defend them, and be their God. Pharao for payne of the plague was compelled to confesse his sinnes: but had yet no power to submit himselfe vnto the wyl of God, and to let the children of Israell go, and to lose so great profite for Gods pleasure. As our Prelates cōfesse their sinnes, saying: though we be neuer so euill, yet haue we the power. And agayn, the Scribes and the Phariseis (say they) sat in Moyses seat, do as they teach, but not as they doe. Thus confesse they that they are abominable. &c.

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Here folow other heresies and errours, collected by the Bishops out of the booke named, the Obedience of a Christian man, with the places of the booke annexed to the same.

MarginaliaArticles of heresy gathered by the Papistes out of W. Tyndalles Obedience. 1 HE sayeth we are bounde to make satisfaction to our neighbour, but not to God. fol.. 132

Satisfaction is a full recompence or amendes making to hym whom we haue offended, which recompence we are able to make, one man to another, and are bound so to do: but to God no man can make any mendes or recompence, but onely Gods owne sonne Christ Iesus our Sauior. For els if man coulde haue made satisfaction to God, then had Christ died in vayne, Gal. 2. Loe, what heresie or errour is this Article?

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Marginalia2 Article. 2 He saith that children ought not to mary without the consent of their parentes. fol. 120.

MarginaliaThe place annexed. The wordes of Tyndall in the Obedience be these. Let the fathers and mothers marke how they themselues were disposed at all ages and by experience of theyr owne infirmities, helpe their children, and kepe them from occasions Let them prouide mariages for them in season: teaching thē also to know, that she is not his wyfe which the sonne taketh nor he her husband which the daughter takethMarginaliaThe parentes cōsent in mariage. without the consent or good will of theyr Elders, or them that haue authoritie ouer them. If their friendes will not marry them, then are they not to blame if they mary themselues. Let not the fathers & mothers alwaies take the vttermost of their authoritie of their childrē, but at al times suffer with them, & beare their weakenes, as Christ doth ours. &c.

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Marginalia5. Article. 3 He saith, that vowes are agaynst the ordinaunce of god. fol. 109.

They that say that this article is an heresie. Let thē shew where these vowes in all the new Testament be ordayned by god, especially such vowes of single lyfe, & wilful pouertie, as by þe canon law be obtruded to yong priests & Nouices. s. Paul plainly forfēdeth any widows to be admitted vnder þe age of lx. yeres. Is not here trow you a perilous heresie?

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Marginalia4. Article. 4 He saith that a christian maā may not resist a prince being an infidell & an Ethnicke. This taketh away free will. fol. 113.

S. Peter willeth vs to be subiect to our princes, 1. Pet. 2. S. Paul also doth þe like. Rom, 13. Who was also himselfe subiect to the power of Nero: & although euery commaundement of Nero agaynste God, he did not follow, yet he neuer made resistaunce agaynst the authoritye and state of Nero, as the Pope vseth to doe agaynst the state, not onely of Infidels, but also of Christen Princes.

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Marginalia5. Article. 5 What soeuer is done before the spirite of God commeth and geueth vs light, is damnable sinne. Thys is agaynst morall vertues. Fol. 113.

What heresie Aristotle in his Ethikes can finde by this Article, I cannot tell: sure I am that the worde and spirite of God well considered, can finde none, but rather will pronounce the contrary to be a damnable heresie.

Marginalia6. Article. 6 He reproueth men that make holy Saintes theyr Aduocates to God & there he sayth that Saintes were not rewarded in heauen for their holy workes. Fol. 114.

MarginaliaThe place annexed. The words of Tindall be these. They turne from gods worde, and put their trust and confidence in the Saint & his merites, and make an aduocate, or rather a God of the saint, &c. They ascribe heauen to their imaginations and mad inuentions, and receiue it not of the liberalitie of God, by þe merites and deseruing of Christ, &c.

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Marginalia7. Article. 7 God moued the hartes of the Egiptians to hate the people. Likewise he moued Kinges, &c. fol. 118.

MarginaliaThe place annexed. The wordes in the obedience be these. In þe 107, Psalme thou readest: He destroyed þe Riuers & dryed vp the springs of water, and turned the fruitefull lande in to barennes, for the inhabytaunces therof. When the children of Israell had forgotten God in Egipt, God moued the hartes of the Egiptians to hate them, and to subdue them with crafte and wilynes. Psalme. 105,

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In the second chapter of the first book of the Kings, God was angry with the people and moued Dauyd to number them, when Ioab and the other Lordes wondered why he would haue thē numbred, and because they feared lest some euill should follow, disswaded the King: yet it holpe not, god soMarginalia* God sometimes hardneth the hartes of good Princes for the wickednes of the people * hardened his hart in his purpose, to haue an occasion to sley the wicked people. &c.

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8 Paul was of higher authoritye then Peter. Fol. 125.

MarginaliaThe place annexed. The wordes in the Obedyence bee these, I suppose saith he (speaking of Paule) that I was not behinde the hye Apostles, meaning in preaching Iesus Christ and hys Gospell, and in ministring the spirite. And in the same Cha. he proueth by the doctrin of Chirst, that he was greater thē the high Apostles. For Christ sayth, to be great in the kingdome of God, is to doe seruice and take payne for other. Vpon which rule Paul disputeth, saying: If they be the ministers of Christ, I am more, in laboures more aboundant, in stripes aboue measure, in prison more plenteous: in death oft, &c. If Paul preached Christ more then Peter & suffered more for his congregation, then is he greater then Peter, by the testymony of Christ. &c.

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Marginalia9. Article. 9 A Priest ought to haue a wife for ij. causes. Fol. 133.

MarginaliaThe place annexed. The wordes of Tyndall be these. Hee must haue a wife for two causes: One þt it may thereby be knowen who is meete for the rowme, he is vnapt for so chargeable an office: which had neuer housholde to rule.MarginaliaTruth turned to heresie. An other cause is, that chastitie is an exceeding seldome gifte, and vnchastity exceeding perelous for that degree, in as much as the people looke as well vnto the liuing, as vnto the preaching, and are hurte at once if the liuing disagree, and fall from the fayth, and beleeue not the worde. &c.

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Marginalia10. Article. 10 He condemneth auricular confession. Fol. 140.

MarginaliaRead afore pag. 1037. Of this read aboue, pag. 1037.

Marginalia11. Article. 11 Euery man is a priest and we neede no other Priest, to be a meane for vs vnto God. Fol. 144.

MarginaliaThe place annexed. The wordes in the obedyence, be these. There is a worde called in Latin Sacerdos in Greeke xxx, in Hebrue Cohā, that is, a Minister, an Officer, a Sacrificer, or a Priest, as Aaron was a Priest and sacrificed for the people, and was a medyator between God and them, and in the Englishe it should haue had some other name then Priest.MarginaliaAnd made vs Kinges and Priestes to god his father. &c.
Apoc. 1.
But Antichrist hath deceiued vs with vnknowen and straūge termes to bring vs into confusion and superstitious blindnes. Of þt maner is Christ a Priest for euer, and all wee are Priestes through hym, and neede no more of any such Priest to bee a meane for vs vnto God. &c.

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Marginalia12. Article. 12 He destroyeth the Sacraments of Matrimony and Orders. Fol. 144.

As truly as matrimony and orders be Sacramentes: so truely is this Article an heresie.

Marginalia13. Article. 13 He sayth that Purgatory is of the Popes inuention, and therfore he may doe there whatsoeuer he will. Fol. 150.

One of the Popes own writers sayth thus,MarginaliaIoannes Angelus. soules being in purgatory are vnder þe popes iurisdiction, & the pope may if he will euacuate all purgatory. Furthermore þe olde Fathers make litle mentiō of purgatory, þe Greek church neuer
