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K. Henry. 8. Heresies falsely gathered by the Papistes.

beleued Purgatorye: S. Augustine doubteth of purgatory and the Scriptures playnly disproue Purgatory: Sainct Iohn sayth: The bloude of Iesus Christe the Sonne of God purgeth vs from all sinne.Marginalia1, Iohn. 1. And the Pope sayth: sinne can not be purged but by the fire of purgatory, now whose inuention can Purgatory be, but onely the Popes.

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Marginalia14 Article. 14 Saintes be saued not by their merites, but onely by the merites of Christ. fol. 151.

MarginaliaVeritie made heresy. What can be more manifest and playne by the Scriptures, then this? Esay sayth: Al we haue erred, euery man in his owne wayes, And God hath layd vpon him all our iniquities. &c.

Marginalia15. Article. 15 He saith, no man may be hired to pray. fol. 155.

MarginaliaThe place annexed. The woordes in the obedience be true, which are these: To pray one for an other are we equally bounde: and to pray is a thing that we may alwaies do what soeuer we haue in hand, and that to doe, may no man hyre an other: Christes bloud hath hyred vs already. &c

Marginalia16. Article. 16 Why should I trust (saith he) in Paules prayer or holynes? If S. Paul were alyue, he would compare himselfe to S. Paule, and be as good as he. fol. 159.

MarginaliaThe place annexed. The wordes of Tyndall, be these. Why am not I also a false Prophet if I teach thee to trust in Paul, or in his holynes or prayer, or in any thing sauyng in Gods worde, as Paule did? IfMarginaliaThe wordes of Tyndall import no such meaning as is in the Article. Paule were here and loued me, as he loued them of his tyme, to whē he was a seruānt to preach Christ: what good could he do for me or wish me, but preach Christ and pray to God for me to open myne hart, to geue me hys spirit, & to bring me vnto the ful knowledge of Christ? Vnto which port or hauen whē I am once come, I am as safe as Paul, ioynt heire wyth Paul of al the promises of God. &c

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Marginalia17. Article. 17 He saith that all that be baptised, become Christ hymselfe. fol. 163.

MarginaliaThe place annexed. With this Article conferre the wordes of the Obedience, which be these. In Math. 28. sayth Christ: in as much as ye haue done it to any of the least of these my brethrē, ye haue done it to me. And in as much as ye haue not done it vnto one of the lest of these, ye haue not done it to me. Here seest thou that we are christes brethren, & euen Christ hymselfe, & whatsoeuer we do one to an other, that do we to Christ. &c.

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Marginalia18. Article. 18 He sayth that the children of fayth be not vnder no law. fol. 163.

MarginaliaThe place annexed.
The Article is true, being truely taken.
The wordes of Tyndall are these. I serue thee not because thou art my maister or my king, for hope of reward or feare of payne, but for the loue of Christ. For the children of fayth are vnder no law, as thou seest in the epistle to þe Romains, to the Galath. and the 1. to Tim. but are free. The spirit of Christ hath written the liuely law of loue in theyr hartes, which driueth them to worke of their owne accorde, freely and willingly for the great loue sake onely which they see in Christ, and therefore neede they no lawe to compell them. &c.

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Marginalia19. Article. 19 There is no dede so good, but that the law condemneth it. fol. 177.

MarginaliaThe place annexed. The place in the Obedience, is this. Thou hast the story of Peter how he smote of Malchus eare, and how Christ healed it agayne. There hast thou in playne text, great fruite and great edifying, which I passe ouer. Then come I, whē I preach of the law and the Gospell, and borow this example to expresse the nature of the law and of the Gospel, and to paint it vnto thee before thine eyes,MarginaliaWhat heresy is in this. and of Peter and hys sword make I the law, and of Christ the gospell saying: as Peters sword cutteth of the eare, so doth the law. The law damneth, the law killeth and mangleth the consciēce. There is no eare so righteous, that can abide the hearyng of þe law. There is no dede so good, but that the law damneth it. But Christ, that is to say the Gospell, the promises and Testament that God hath made in Christ, healeth the eare & conscience, which the law hath hurt. &c.

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Marginalia20. Article. 20 To aske of God more then he hath promised, commeth of a false faith and is plaine Idolatry. fol. 171.

MarginaliaThe place annexed. The wordes of Cyndall are these. Looke wherin thou canst best kepe the commaundements, thether get thy selfe, and therin abide. &c. If we haue infirmities þt draw vs frō the lawes of God, let vs cure them with the remedies that God hath made.MarginaliaWhat heresy is in this. If thou burne, marry, for God hath promised thee no chastitie, as long as thou mayest vse the remedy that he hath ordeyned: no more thē he hath promised to slack thine hunger without meate. Now to aske of God more thē he hath promised, commeth of a false fayth, and is playne Idolatry, &c.

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Marginalia21. Article. 21 Our payne taken in keping the commanudements, doth nothing but purge the sinne that remayneth in the fleshe. But to looke for any other reward or promotion in heauen then God hath promised for Christes sake, is abominable in the sight of God. fol. 171.

MarginaliaThe place annexed. Consider the place in the Obedience, which is this. To looke for any other reward or promotion in heauen, or in þe life to come, then that which God hath promised for Chri stes sake, and which Christ hath deserued for vs with his payne taking, is abhominable in þe sight of God: For christ onely hath purchased the rewarde, and our paine takyng to keepe the commaundementes, doth but purge the sinne that remayneth in the flesh, and certifie vs that we are chosen & sealed with Gods spirite, vnto the reward that Christ hath purchased for vs. &c.

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Marginalia22. Article. 22. The Pope hath no other authoritie but to preach onely. fol. 173.

MarginaliaThis heresie is only to the pope: but none at all to God. Christ sayd to Peter: Feede my sheepe. Iohn. 21. And, thou being conuerted, cōfirme thy brethren. Luke. 22. And to his Apostles he sayd: Goe ye into all the world & preach the Gospell. &c. Againe, S. Paule. 1. Corinth. 1. saith: That Christ sent him not to baptise, but to preach. To what other office or function he sent the pope, let them iudge which consider the Scriptures.

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Marginalia23. Article. 23. If thou bynde thy selfe to chastitie to obteyne that which Christ purchased for thee, so surely art thou an infidell. fol. 175.

MarginaliaThe place annexed. Read and conferre the place of Tyndall, which is this. Chastitie canst thou not geue to God, further then God lēdeth it thee. If thou canst not liue chaste, thou art bounde to mary, or to be damned. &c.

MarginaliaChastitie. For what purpose thou bindest thy selfe, must be seene. If thou doe it to obtaine therby that which Christ hath purchased for thee, so art thou an Infidel, and hast no part with Christ. If thou wilt see more of this matter, looke in Deuteronomy, & there shalt thou find it more largely intreated. &c

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Marginalia24. Article. 24. He denyeth, rebuketh and damneth miracles. fol. 176.

MarginaliaThe place annexed. The words in Tindals Obedience be these:MarginaliaMiracles how farre to be beleued. And whē they cry myracles, myracles, remēber that God hath made an euerlasting Testament which is in Christes bloud, against which we may receiue no myracles, no neither the preaching of Paul himselfe if he come agayne, by his owne teaching to the Galathians, nether yet by the preaching of the Aungels of heauen. &c.

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The end of Gods myracles is good: the end of these miracles is euill. For the offeringes which are the cause of the myracles, do but minister and maintaine vice, sinne and all abomination, and are geuen to them that haue to much, so that for very aboundaunce they fome out their owne shame and corrupt the whole world with the stinch of their filthinesse. &c.

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Marginalia25. Article. 25. He sayth that no man should serue God with good intent or zeale: for it is playne Idolatry. fol. 177.

MarginaliaThe place annexed. The place is this in the Obedience. Remember Saul was cast away of God for euer, for his good entent.MarginaliaGood intentes without Gods word, God abhorreth. God requireth obedience vnto hys word, and abhorreth all good intentes and good zeales which are without Gods worde: for they are nothing els but playne idolatry and worshipping of false Gods. &c.

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¶ Here folow other heresies and errours collected by the byshops, out of the booke called the Reuelation of Antichrist, with the places of the booke, out of the which they were gathered, annexed to the same.

MarginaliaArticles out of the booke called the reuelation of Antichrist. 1. TO bynde a man perpetually to any vowe of Religion, is (without doubt) an errour. fol. 19.

The place of the booke called the Reuelatiō, whēce this article is gathered, is this as foloweth: Which the Fathers did neither, make nor keepe (he meaneth vowes) but with the libertie of the spirite, bynding no man perpetually to th m. For if they did, (without doubt) they erred according to mans fragilitie. &c.

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Marginalia2. Article. 2. To say the constitutions of Religion are good, because holy men did ordeyne them, as Augustine, Benedict, Fraunces, Dominicke, and such other, and to folow such examples of Fathers, is to leaue the fayth. fol. 19.

MarginaliaThe place annexed. The place of the article is this. But they obiect the statutes and ordinaunces are good. Holy men did make them, as Augustine, Benedict, Bernard, Frances, Dominicke, & such other. To this I aunswer: That is euen it that Christ and the Apostles did meane, that these workes shoulde be lyke to those things which are taugh in the gospell:Marginalia2. Pet. 2. for that they cal counterfeityng of the doctrine, and priuely bringyng in of sectes & heresies, because they take only of the fathers examples of workes, and leaue the faith. &c.

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Marginalia3. Article. 3 All moral diuines haue a wicked conscience ful of scrupulositie. fol. 3.

Morall diuines be they whose doctrine and hope of saluation consisteth in morall vertues, rather then in christiā faith, apprehending þe free promises of god in Christ. And they þt be such can neuer be certified in conscience of their saluation but always be ful of feare & scrupulositie. S. Paul therfore saith: It is therfore of faith þt it might come by grace, & the promise might be firme and sure to the whole sede. Rom. 4.MarginaliaRom 4

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4 Morall