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1246 [1245]

K. Henry. 8. Heresies falsely gathered by the Papists.

Marginalia4. Article. 4 Morall vertues, as iustice, temperaunce, strength, chastitie described by naturall reason, maketh a Synagogue, and corrupteth Christes fayth. fol. 64.

MarginaliaThe place annexed. The place of this Article gathered out of the Reuelat. is this: So many he (the Pope he meaneth) corrupteth, as he hath subdued and led vnder hys lawes and imperie. And who is he in the world that is not subiect vnder him, except they be infantes, or peraduēture some simple persons, which are reserued by the inscrutable counsell & prouision of God? O thou man of sinne: O thou sonne of perdition: O thou abhomination: O thou corrupter: O thou author of euil cōsciences: O thou false maister of good consciences: O thou enemy of faith and christen liberty, who is able to rehearse, yea to comprehende in his mynd the infinite waues of this monstrous Marginalia* By this king he meaneth the king of faces which Daniell speaketh of in the 8. chapter. * Kings euills.

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If he had ordeyned these his lawes in those workes of vertues that are cōmended in the x, preceptes, or els in such as the philosophers and naturall reason did describe, as are iustice strength, temperance, chastitie, myldnes, truth, goodnes, and such other: peraduēture they should only haue made a Sinagoge or els haue ordeyned in the world a certaine ciuil iustice: for through these also fayth should haue bene corrupted as it was amongst the Iewes. Howbeit now he keepeth not himselfe within these boundes, but runneth at riot and more at large, raysing infinite tempestes of mischief, entising and drawyng vs to ceremonies and his owne fayned traditions, and byndeth vs lyke asses and ignorant fooles, yea and stockes, vnto them. &c.

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Marginalia5. Article. 5 Christ toke away al lawes, and maketh vs free and at liberty, and most of all he suppresseth al ceremonies. fol. 65. 63.

MarginaliaThe place annexed. The place of this Article gathered out of the Reuelat. is this: Christ taking away all lawes to make vs free and at liberty, did most of all suppresse and disanull the ceremonies which did consist in places, persons, garments, meates, daies and such other, so that their vse should be to all men most fre and indifferent. &c.

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What he meaneth by taking away all lawes, he declareth a litle before, saying: he hath not deliuered vs from the law, but from the power and violence of the law, which is the verye true losing. But for all that, he hath not taken away frō the powers and officers their right, sword, and authority to punish the euill, for such pertayne not to his kingdome, vntill they are made spirituall, and then freely and with a glad hart they serue God.

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Marginalia6. Article. 6 If the Pope would make all the obseruations of the ceremonies, as Lent, fasting, holy dayes, confession, matrimony, masse, mattins, and reliques. &c. free and indifferent, he should not be Antichrist: but now because he commaundeth them in the name of Christ, he vtterly corrupteth the Churche, suppresseth the faith, and aduaunceth sinne. fol. 67.

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If the Pope will inferre a necessitie of those things, which Christ leaueth free and indifferent, then what doth he make hymself but Antichrist? The Article is plaine and is founded vpon the doctrine of Christ, and s. Paul.

Marginalia7. Article. 7 To beleue in Christ maketh sure inheritors with Christ. fol. 1.

Marginalia8. Article. 8 If a man say, then shall we no good workes do? I answer as Christ did: This is the worke of God to beleue in hym whom he hath sent. fol. 1.

MarginaliaThe place annexed. The place of these two Articles gathered out of the Reuelat. is this: Who is this light that we are exhorted to beleue in? Truly it is Christ, as s. Iohn doth testifie: He was the true light that lighteneth all men which come into the world. MarginaliaIohn. 1 To beleue in this light, maketh vs the children of lyght, and the sure inheritors with Iesus Christ. Euē now haue we cruell aduersaries, which set vp their bristles, saying: why? shal we then do no good workes? To these we aunswer as Christ did to the people in the 6. of S. Iohn, which asked hym what they should do, þt they might worke rhe workes of God? Iesus answered and sayd vnto them: This is the worke of God that ye beleue on him whom he hath sent. And after it followeth: Verily, verily I say vnto you he that beleueth on me, hath euerlastyng lyfe. MarginaliaIohn. 5. To this also cōdescēdeth S. Ioh. in his epistle saying: These things haue I written vnto you that beleue on the name of the sonne of God, that you may surely know how that you haue eternall lyfe. What is the name of the sonne of God? Truely hys name is Iesus, that is to say, a sauiour: therefore thou must beleue that he is a sauiour.

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But what auayleth this? The deuils do thus beleue & tremble. They know that he is the sonne of God, and sayd vnto him, crying: O Iesu the sonne of God, what haue we to do with thee? MarginaliaIacob. 2.
Math. 8.
They know that he hath redemed mākind by his passion, and labored to let it. For when Pilate was set downe to geue iudgement, hys wyfe sent vnto him, saying: Haue thou nothyng to doe with that iust man, for I haue suffred many thinges this day in my slepe about hym. MarginaliaMath. 27. No doubt she was vexed of the deuill, to the entent that she should perswade her husband to geue no sentence vpon him, so that Satan might the longer haue had iurisdiction ouer mankynd. They know that he hath suppressed sinne & death as it is written: Death is consumed into victory. Death where is thy sting? Hell where is thy victory? The styng of death is sinne: the styng of sinne is the law. But thankes be vnto God, which hath geuē vs victory through our lord Iesus Christ: MarginaliaOsee 13.
Heb. 2.
1. Cor. 15.
Rom. 8.
Who by sinne, damned sinne in the flesh. For God made hym to be sinne for vs, that is to say, a sacrifice for our sinne (and so is sinne taken in many places) whiche knew no sinne that we by hys meanes should be that righteousnes which before God is allowed. It is not therfore sufficient to beleue that he is a sauiour and redemer: but that he is a sauiour and redemer vnto thee. &c

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Marginalia9. Article. 9 Nombryng of sinnes maketh a man a more sinner yea a blasphemer of the name of God. fol. 3 .

MarginaliaThe place annexed. The place of this Article gathered out of the Reuelat. is this: Knowledge thy selfe a sinner, that thou mayest be iustified. Not that the numbryng of thy sinnes can make thē righteous, but rather a greater sinner, yea and a blasphemer of the holy name of God, as thou mayest see in Cain, which sayd that hys sinnes were greater then that he might receiue forgeuenes, and so was a reprobate. &c.

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Marginalia10. Article. 10 God byndeth vs to that which is impossible for vs to accomplishe. fol. 3.

MarginaliaThe place annexed. The place of this Article gathered out of þe Reuelat. is this: If thou aske of me why he byndeth vs to that which is impossible for vs to accomplishe: thou shalt haue S. Augustine aunswere, which sayth in the second booke that hee wrote to Hierome, that the lawe was geuen vs, that wee might knowe what to do, and what to eschewe, to the entēt that when we see our selues not able to do that which wee are bound to do, nor auoyde the contrary, we may thē know what wee shall pray for, and of whome we shall aske this strength, so that wee may say vnto our father: Good father commaunde what soeuer it pleaseth the, but geue vs þe grace to fulfill that thou commaundest. And when we perceiue þt we can not fulfil his will, yet let vs confesse that the lawe is good and holy, and that we are sinners and carnall, sold vnder sinne. MarginaliaRom. 7. But let vs not here sticke, for now are we at hell gates, and doubtles should fall into vtter desperation, except God dyd bryng vs agayne shewing vs his gospell and promise, saying: feare not litle flocke, for it is your fathers pleasure to geue you a kyngdome. &c. MarginaliaLuke 12.

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Marginalia11. Article. 11 Synne can not condemne vs: for our satisfaction is made in Christ which dyed for vs. fol. 4.

MarginaliaThe place annexed. The place of this Article gathered out of the Reuelat. is this: Synne hath no power ouer vs, neither can condemne vs for our satisfaction is made in Christe, which dyed for vs that were wicked, and naturally the children of wrath. But God whiche is riche in mercy, through the great loue where with he loued vs, euen when we were dead through sinne, hath quickened vs with Christ, & with him hath raysed vs vp, and with him hath made vs sit in heauēly things through Iesus Christ, for to shewe in times to come, the excedyng riches of his grace in kindnes towards vs through Christ Iesus: for by grace are ye saued through fayth, and that not of our selues, for it is the gifte of God, and cōmeth not of workes, least any man should boast him selfe. &c. MarginaliaEphes. 2.

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Marginalia12 Article. 12 I wil shew thee an euident argument and reason that thou mayest knowe without doubte, who is Antichrist. Al they that do pursue, are Antichrists. The Pope, bishops, Cardinals and their adherentes doe pursue: therfore the Pope, Byshops, and Cardinals, & their adherentes are Antichrists. I weene our Sillogismus be well made. fol. 9.

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MarginaliaThe place annexed. The place of this Article gathered out of the Reuelat. is this: I wyll shewe the an euident reason that thou mayest knowe without doubtyng whiche is the very Antichrist: & this argument may be grounded of their furious persecutiō which Paule doth confirme writyng to the Galathyans We (deare brethren) are the children of promise as Isaac was (not the sonnes of the bond woman as Ismael:) but as he that was borne after the flesh dyd persecute him that was borne after þe spirite, euē so is it now. Marke Paules reason. By Isaac are signified the elect, and by Ismael the reprobate. Isaac did not persecute Ismaell, but contrarye, Ismaell dyd persecute Isaac. Now let vs make our reasō.

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MarginaliaMaior. Bar-
All they that do persecute are Ismaell, the reprobate
and Antichristes.
MarginaliaMinor. ba-
But all the popes, cardinals, bishops, and their adhe-
rents do persecute:
MarginaliaConclusio. ra.
Therfore all the popes, cardinals, bishops, and theyr
adherents be Ismael, the reprobate and Antichristes.

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I wene our Syllogismus is wel made, and in the first figure.

Read the place and see how he proueth the partes of this argument more at large:

Marginalia13. Article. 13 I thinke verily that so long as the successors of the Apostles were persecuted and maritred, there were good chri
