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K. Henry. 8. Heresies falsely gathered by the Papistes.

sten men and no longer. fol. 10.

The bishops of Rome in the primitiue church were vnder persecution the space welneare of 300. yeres, vnder the which persecution, as good as 30. of them and mo died martyrs. Since that tyme haue succeded 204. Popes whiche haue lyued in great wealth and abuondance, amongest whō if the booke of Reuelation thinke that there is not 4. to bee found good christen men, I thinke no lesse but that he maye so thinke without any heresie.

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Marginalia14. Article. 14 It is impossible that the worde of the crosse should bee without affliction and persecution. fol. 10.

S. Paule sayth: who so euer wyl lyue vertuously in Christ Iesu, shall suffer persecution. And how then can this be true in Paul, and in this man heresie?Marginalia1. Tim. 3.

Marginalia15. Article. 15 That the Apostles did curse euer any man, truly we can not read in Scripture: for Christ commaūded them to blesse those that cursed them. fol. 11.

MarginaliaThe place annexed. Vpon what good ground of the Reuelatiō this heresie is wroūg out, let the place be conferred, which is written in these woordes folowing: They are as mercyfull as the Woolfe is on his pray. They were ordeyned to blesse men, but they curse as the deuyl were in them. Paul sayth, that he hath power to edifie,Marginalia1. Cor. 10. and not to destroy.Marginalia1. Cor. 13. But I wot not of whom these bloudy beastes haue their authoritie, which do so much reioyce in cursing & destruction. We reade how Paul did excōmunicate the Corinthian (and that for a great transgression) to the entent that he might be ashamed of his iniquitie,Marginalia1. Cor. 5. and desired agayne the Corinthians to receyue hym with all charitie:Marginalia2. Cor. 2. but that the Apostles dyd curse any man, truely we can not reade in scripture, for Christ commaunded them to blesse those that cursed them, and to pray for those that persecuted them. &c.

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Marginalia16. Article. 16 By workes, superstitions, and ceremonies, we decay frō the fayth, which alone doth truly iustifie and make holy. fol. 15.

Note here (good reader) how peruersly & corruptly this article is drawen. For where the place of the booke, which is written, fol. 15. expresly speaketh of trustyng to works, meanyng that wee shoulde put no confidence in workes, but onely in fayth in Christ Iesus,MarginaliaFalse wrasting. this article to make it appeare more infamous and hereticall, leaueth out the false trust, and speaketh simply, as though workes should decay fayth. Reade the place which is written in these words folowing: Daniel calleth not this word Peschaim, any maner of sinne, but those special and chiefe sinnes which resist and fight agaynst the truth and the fayth: as at the trustynge in workes, superstitions, and ceremonies, by the which we decay from the fayth. &c

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Marginalia17. Article. 17 The abusion of the Masse with all his solemnities, with vigils, yeare myndes, foundations, burials, and all the busines that is done for the dead, is but a face and a cloke of godlines, and disceiuyng of the people: as they were good works, rather for the dead then for the quicke. fol. 24.

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True godlynes consisteth in fayth, that is, in the true knowledge of the sonne of God whō he hath sent, & in the obseruation of Gods cōmaundements. All other rites & additions instituted by man, are no part of true godlines. And who so putteth trust & confidēce therein, as beyng thinges meritorious for the dead, is deceyued. Such funerals saint Austen calleth rather refreshynges of the liuyng, then relieuynges and helpes of the dead.

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Marginalia18. Article. 18 To kepe and obserue one day to fast, and another to abstaine, to forbeare such a meat vpō the fasting daye to deserue heauen therby, is a wicked face and cloke, and agaynst Paul. fol. 29.

The truth of this Article is manifest enough, to be voyd of all errour and heresie, vnlesse it be heresie, to beleue & hold with the scripture, S. Paul sayth, if heauen and our righteousnes come by the law, then Christ died in vayne. Gal. 2MarginaliaGalat. 2.

Marginalia19. Article. 19 The multiplication of holydayes, of feastes of Corpus Christi, of the visitation of our lady. &c. is a wicked face and colour, and in dede folish, vnprofitable and vayne. fol. 30.

This Article likewise nedeth no declaration conteynyng in it a true & necessary cōplaint of such superfluous holydais of the popes making. Which as they bring with thē much occasiō of wickednes, idlenes, dronkēnes & vanitie, so hauyng also ioyned vnto them opinion of religion, and meritorious deuotion and gods seruice, they gender superstition, & nourish the people in the same.

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Marginalia20. Article. 20 Keping of virginitie and chastitie of religion is a diuilish thyng. fol. 30.

MarginaliaAn other place falsly depraued by the papistes. The place cited in the booke of the Reuelation of Antichrist, doth sufficiently open it selfe, spekyng and meanyng onely of those Monkishe vowes, whiche by the canonicall constitution of the Pope, are violently forced vpon Priests and Monkes the coaction wherof S. Paule doth rightly call the doctrine of deuils. And here note by þe way an other tricke of a Popishe cauiller. For where the woordes of the booke speake playnely of the chastitie of the Religious, frau dulently turnyng it to an vniuersalitie sayth, the chastitie of religiō, wherby it might seme to the simple reader more odious and hereticall. The wordes of the place be these.

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Keeping of virginitie & chastitie of the religious seemeth to be a godly & a heauenly thing: but it is a deuilishe thyng. Of the which it is spokē in the 4. of the first epistle to Tim. Forbidding to mary. &c.Marginalia1. Tim. 4. where as againe our most reuerēd father maketh that thing necessary, that Christ would haue fre, wherof Daniel in the 11. chap. speaketh: He shal not be desirous of women.MarginaliaDan. 11. Here Daniel meaneth that he shall refuse and abstaine from mariage, for a cloke of godlynes, and not for loue of chastitie.

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Marginalia21. Article. 21. Worshipping of Reliques is a proper thing and a cloke of aduauntage agaynst the precept of God, and nothing but the affection of men. fol. 30. 31.

MarginaliaThe place annexed. These be the wordes in the Reuel. This (the worshipping of reliques he meaneth) is a proper & most fruitefull cloke of aduaūtage. Out of this were inuēted innumerable pilgrimages, with the which the foolish & vnlearned people might loose their labour, monie and time, nothing in þe mean season regarding their houses, wiues & children, contrary to the commaundement of God: when as they might do much better deedes to their neighbors, which is the precept. &c.

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Marginalia[illegible text] Article. 22. There is but one speciall office that pertayneth to thine orders, and that is to preach the word of God. fol. [illegible text]

MarginaliaRead afore pag [illegible text] Of this matter sufficient hath bene said before in the 22. article alledged out of the booke of the Obedience.

Marginalia[illegible text] Article. 23 The Temple of God is not stones and woode, neither in the time of Paule was there any house which was called the Temple of God. fol. 37.

The place of this article is this: Which is an aduersary (the Pope he meaneth) and is exalted aboue all that is called God or that is worshipped:MarginaliaThe place speaking of the temple where Antichrist sitteth, is not so greuous as the Article maketh. so that he shall sit in þe temple of God and shew hymselfe as God. Doth not he sit in þe Temple of God, which sayth and professeth hymselfe to be the maister in the whole Church? what is the Temple of God? Is it stones and woode? Doth not Paule say: The Temple of God is holy, which Temple are ye? Neither in the tyme of Paule was there any house, which was called the tēmple of God, as we now call them. What meaneth this sitting, but reigning, teaching, and iudging? Who sith the beginning of the Church, durst presume to call hymselfe the master of the whole Church, but onely the Pope? &c.

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Marginalia[illegible text] Article. 24 He that fasteth no day, that sayth no Mattens, and doth none of the preceptes of the Pope, sinneth not, if he thinke that he doth not sinne. fol. 43

MarginaliaThe place is there cleare and plaine without any daunger of heresie. The place in the Reuel. is thys: Because he feareth the consciences vnder the title & pretence of Christes name, he maketh of those things which in themselues are no sinnes, very greuous offences. For he that beleueth that he doth sinne if he eate flesh on the Apostles euē, or say not Mattēs and Prime in the morninge, or els leaue vndone any of the Popes precepts, no doubt he sinneth: Not because the dede which he doth is sinne, but because he beleueth it is sinne, and that agaynst this foolishe beliefe & conscience he offendeth. Of the which foolishe conscience onely the Pope is head author. For an other doyng the same deede, thynking that he doth not sinne, truely offendeth not. And this is the cause that the spirit of Paul cōplayneth that many shall depart frō the fayth.MarginaliaTraditions how they doe hurt. And for this foolishe conscience mēs traditions be pernicious & noysome, þe snares of soules hurting the fayth & the libertie of the Gospel. If it were not for this cause, they should do no hurt. Therefore the deuill through the Pope abuseth these consciences to stablishe the lawes of his tyrāny, to suppresse the faith & libertie, and to replenishe the world with errour, sinne and perdition. &c.

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Marginalia25. Article. 25 Christ ordeyned the Sacrament of the aultar, onely to nourishe the fayth of them that liue: but the Pope maketh it a good worke, and a sacrifice to be applied both to quicke and dead. fol. 48.

MarginaliaThe place toucheth the abuse Sacrament and is not agaynst the sacrament. The place is this: Sathan hated the Sacrament, and knew no way how to suppresse & disanull it: Therefore he found this craft, that the sacrament which Christ did onely ordeine to nourishe & stablishe the faith of them that liue) should be counted for a good worke and sacrifice, & bought and sold: And so faith is suppressed and this holesome ministery is applied, not to the quicke, but vnto the dead, that is is to say, neither to the quicke, neither yet to the dead. O this incredible fury of God. &c.

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Marginalia26 Article. 26. These signes (he speaketh of miracles and visions or apparitions) are not to the increase of the faith and Gospell, for they are rather agaynst the fayth and Gospell, and they are the operation of sathan, and lying signes. fol. 49.

MarginaliaThe place conteyneth a true cōplaint of false illusions, and may wel be borne. The place is as foloweth: Who is able to number the monstrous marueils onely of them that are departed? Good Lord, what a Sea of lyes hath inuaded vs, of apparitions, coniuringes, and aunsweres of spirites? By the which it is brought to passe, that the pope is also made the kyng of them

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