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K. Henry. 8. Heresies falsely gathered by the Papistes.

uour together, let any indifferent reader iudge.

Marginalia[illegible text] Article. 38 The Pope did condemne the truth of the word of god openly at Constaunce in Iohn Huss, perseuering vnto this day in the same stubbernes. fol. 15.

MarginaliaIohn Hus. Touchyng the condemnation of Iohn Hus, and the maner of hys handlyng & the cause of his death, read his storye before begynnyng pag. 568. and consider moreouer hys Prophesie of the hundreth yeares after hym expired pag. 612. how truly the sequele dyd folow in M. Luther, & thē iudge of his cause, good reader, as the truth of Gods woorde shall lead the. And thus much concernyng these slaunderous articles.

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MarginaliaArticles out of the Sūme of the scriptureHere follow other heresies and errours, collected by the Byshops out of the booke named the Summe of the Scripture, with the places of the booke annexed to the same.

Marginalia1. Article. THe water of the foūt hath no more vertue in it thē hath any other water. fol. 1.

Marginalia2. Article. 1 The water of Baptisme lyeth not in halowed Water or in other outward thyng, but onely in fayth. fol. 6.

MarginaliaThe place annexed. The place of these two articles gathered out of the Sūme of the Scripture is this. The water of Baptisme taketh not away our sinne: for then were it a precious water, and then it behoued vs dayly to wash our selues therin. Neyther hath the water of the Fount more vertue in it selfe, thē the water that runneth in the riuer of Rhene. When philip baptised the Eunuch, the seruant of Candace, the Queene of Ethiope, there wus then no hallowed water, nor candell, nor sault nor creame, neither white habite: but he baptised hym in the first water they came to vpē þe way.MarginaliaActes. 8. Here maiest thou perceiue that the vertue of Baptisme lieth not in hallowed water, or in the outward thinges that we haue at the Founte, but in the fayth onely. &c. Christe hath healed vs (sayth Saint Paule by the bath of regeneration and renouation of the holy Ghost.MarginaliaTit. 3.

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Marginalia3. Article. 3 Godfathers and Godmothers be bound to helpe their childrē that they be put to schole, that they may vnderstād the Gospell, and the Epistles of S. Paul fol. 15.

MarginaliaThe place annexed. The place of this article gathered out of the sayde booke is this: The Godfathers and Godmothers be bounde to helpe the children that they be put to schole, to the entent, þt they maye vnderstand the Gospell, the ioyfull message of God, with the Epistles of S. Paule. God hath commaūded to publishe, and to shew the Gospell, not onely to priestes but to euery creature. Goe ye (sayth Christ vnto his Disciples) into the vniuersall worlde and preach the Gospell to euery creature.MarginaliaMarke. 16. For we be all equally bound to knowe the Gospell and the doctrine of the new testament. &c. And S. Paule writyng to the Corinth, confesseth that he sendeth his Epistles to all the Churche, that is to say, to all the assemble of Christen men, and to all thē that call on the name of Iesus. &c.

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Marginalia4. Article. 4 We thinke when we beleue that God is God, and can our Crede, that wee haue the fayth that a Christian man is bound to haue. but so doth the deuill beleue. fol. 17.

Marginalia5 Article. 5 To beleue that the Father, the Sonne, & the holy Ghost be one God, is not the principall that wee must beleue: our fayth doth not lye principally in that, for so beleueth the deuill. fol. 18.

MarginaliaThe place annexed. The place out of the whiche these two articles are collected, is this: We thinke, when we beleue that God is God, and can our Crede, that we haue the fayth whiche a Christian is bounde to haue. The deuill beleueth also that there is a God and a life euerlastyng, and a hell, but hee is neuer the better for it: and he trembleth alwaye for this fayth, as sayth Saint Iames: The deuils beleue, and they tremble.MarginaliaIam. 2. A man might aske: what shall I then beleue?MarginaliaWhat true fayth is that iustifieth. Thou shalt beleue playnely and vndoubtedly that the father, the sonne and the holy ghost is one onely God &c. But this likewise beleue the wicked spirites, and are nothyng the better therfore. There is yet an other fayth which Christ so much requireth of vs in the Gospell, & wherunto also Saint Paull almost in all his Epistle so strongly exhorteth vs, that is, that we beleue the Gospell, when our Lorde began first to preach, he sayd (as rehearseth saynt Marke) repent and beleue the Gospell.MarginaliaMarke. 1. Of this fayth, read before in the first article gathered out of the wicked Mammon, and in the ix. and. x. of the Reuelation of Antichrist.

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Marginalia6. Article. 6 If wee beleue that God hath promised vs euerlastyng lyfe, it is impossible that we should perish. fol. 20.

Lo here good Reader, an other manifest example of the vnhonest dealyng and false cogging of these mē. For where the place of the author, speaketh expressely of putting our trust in god and his promisesMarginaliaThe place of the author, falsely wrasted. the article pretily leaueth out our trusting in gods promise, and saith only: if we beleeue þt god hath promised. Read the place and conferre it with the article and thē iudge whether there be no differēce betwene trustyng in the promise þt God hath made of euerlastyng life, & beleuing onely that God hath made the promise of euerlastyng lyfe. The place here foloweth as it is there written.

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When with a perfect courage we put all our trust in god and in his promises, it is impossible that we should perish, for he hath promised vs life euerlasting. And for as much as he is almighty, he may well performe that that he hath promised: and in that he is mercifull and true, he will performe hys promise made vnto vs, if we can beleue it stedfastly, and put all our trust in him.

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Marginalia7. Article. 7 If thou canst surely and stedfastly beleue in God, he wil hold hys promise. For he hath bound himselfe to vs, and by his promise he oweth vs heauen, in case that we beleeue hym. fol. 21.

MarginaliaTrue doctrine made heresie. Seyng all our hope standeth onely vpon the promise of God, what heresie then is in this doctrine, to say that God oweth vs heauen by hys promise, which is no other to mean but that God can not breake promise. And now iudge thou good reader, whether is more heresie to say: that god oweth vs heauen by hys promise, as we say: or this, that god oweth vs heauen by the condignitie & congruitie of our woorks as the Papists say?

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Marginalia8. Article. 8 All Christes glory is ours. fol. 27.

Marginalia9. Article. 9 We nede not to labour for to be Christes heires & sonnes of God, and to haue heauen: for we haue all these thinges already. fol. 24.

The wordes out of the which these two heresies are gathered, be these: We be made his heyres, and all his glory is ours, as s. Paul largely declareth. This hath God geuē vs without our deseruyng and we nede not to labour for these things, for all these we haue alredy. &c.

MarginaliaTrue doctrine made heresie. They which note these articles for heresie, by the same iudgement they may make heresie of s. Iohns gospel and of Paules epistles, and of all together. S. Iohn saith, the glory which thou gauest me, I haue geuē them that they may be one, as we also are one.MarginaliaIohn 7. As many as receyued him, to thē gaue he power to be the sonnes of god.MarginaliaIohn. 1. S.Paul saith: The same spirite certifieth our spirit, that we are the sonnes of God. If we be sonnes then are we also heyres, the heyres I meane of God, and heyres annexed with Christ.MarginaliaRom. 8.

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Marginalia10. Article. 10 We nede not to labour by our good workes to get euerlasting lyfe: for we haue it already: we be all iustified: we be all the children of God. fol. 28,

Marginalia11. Article. 11 All that thinketh that good workes helpe or profite any thing to get the gift of saluation, they blaspheme against God, and rob God of his honour. fol. 28.

Marginalia12 Article. 12 If we be circumcised, that is to say, if we put any trust in workes, Christ shall not helpe vs. fol 28

Marginalia13. Article. 13 We deserue nothing of God. fol. 30.

Marginalia14. Article. 14 We deserue not euerlasting lyfe by our good workes, for God hath promised it vnto vs, before that we began to do good. fol. 40

Marginalia15 Article. 15 Euery christen man must kepe Gods commaundemētes by loue, and not by hope, to get for his seruice euerlastyng lyfe. fol. 42

Marginalia16. Article. 16 The Iewes kept the commaundementes, and the law of God: yet they could not come to heauen. fol. 43.

Marginalia17 Article. 17 Men trustyng in their good workes, are like to the thefe on the left side, and are such men as commeth to the church daily, kepeth holydayes and fasting dayes, and heareth masses, and these people be sonest damned: for this is one of the greatest errours in Christendome, to thinke that thy good workes shal helpe to thy saluation. fol. 47.

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MarginaliaTrue Christianitie turned to heresie. If these articles be made heresie, which referre the benefite of our inheritance of lyfe and saluation to Gods gift, and not to our labors: to grace and not to merites: to fayth, and not to the law of workes, then let vs shut vp clean the new testament, and away with gods word, and set vp a new diuinity of the Popes makyng: yea let vs leaue Christ with hys heretical gospell, and in hys stede set vp the Byshoppe of Rome with hys Talmud, and become the Disciples of hys decretals. And certes, except christen princes begin betyme to take some zeale of God vnto them, and looke more seriously vpon the matter, the procedings of these men seme to tend to little better, then to driue vs at length from true Christianitie, to an other kynde and forme of religion of theyr own inuention, if they haue not brought it welnere to passe alredy.

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Marginalia18. Article 18 To serue God in a tediousnes, or for feare of hell, or for the ioyes of heauen, is but shadowes of good workes, & such seruice doth not please God. fol. 41

MarginaliaThese conteine no matter eyther of errour or heresie. The place is this: Workes done in fayth be alonely pleasant vnto God and worthy to be called good workes: for they be the workes of the holy ghost that dwelleth in vs by this fayth. But they that are done by tediousnes & euil wil, for feare of hell, or for desire of heauē, be nothing els but shadowes of workes making hypocrites. The end of our good workes is onely to please God, knowledging that if we doe

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