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K. Henry. 8. Heresies falsely gathered by the Papistes.

neuer so much, we can neuer do our duety: for they that for feare of hell, or for the ioyes of heauen do serue god, do a cōstrayned seruice, which god will not haue. Such people doe not serue God because he is their God and their father, but to haue their reward and to auoyde hys punishmentes, and such people are hyred men, and waged seruauntes, and are not children. But the children of God serue their father for loue. &c.

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Marginalia79 Article. 19 We must loue death, and more desire to die, then to feare death. fol. 34.

Although our nature bee frayle & full of imperfection, so that we do not as we should, yet doyng as we ought and as we are lead by the Scriptures to do, we shoulde not dread, but desire rather to dye, and to be with Christ, as the place it selfe doth well declare, which is this:

MarginaliaThe place is sound & perfect. We must loue death, and more desire to dye and to be with God, as dyd Saint Paule, then to feare death. For Iesus Christ dyed for vs, to the intent that wee shoulde not feare to dye, and he hath slayne death, and destroyed the stinge of death as writeth S. Paule, saying: O death where is thy sting? Death is swallowed vp in victory.Marginalia1. Cor. 15. And to the Philippians: Christ is to me lyfe & death, is to me aduauntage.MarginaliaPhi. 1.

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Marginalia20. Article. 20 God made vs his children and his heyres, while we wer his enemies, and before we knew him. fol. 44.

MarginaliaHeresie made where none is. I meruell what the Papistes meane in their Registers to condemne this article as an heresie, vnlesse their purpose be vtterly to impugne & gaynstand the scripture, and þe wrytynges of Saint Paule, who in the fyft chapter to the Romaines, and other his Epistles, importeth euen the same doctrine in all respectes, declaryng in formall woordes that we be made the children and heyres of God, and that wee were reconciled vnto hym when we were hys enemies.MarginaliaRom. 5.

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Marginalia21. Article. 21 It were better neuer to haue done good worke, and aske mercy therfore, then to do good workes, and thinke that for them God is bound to a man by promise. fol. 48.

Marginalia22. Article. 22 We can shew no more honour to God, then fayth and trust in him. fol. 48

MarginaliaWhat heresie can be drawen out of this place. The place out of the which these two articles are gathered, is this: It were better for the a thousand folde that thou haddest ben a sinner, and neuer done good deede, & to acknowledge thine offences and euill lyfe vnto God, askyng mercy with a good harte, lamentyng thy sinnes, then to haue done good workes and in them to put thy trust, thinkyng that therefore God were bound to thee. There is nothyng which (after the maner of speakyng) bindeth God, but fyrme and stedfast fayth and trust in hym and his promises. &c. For we can shew vnto God no greater honour, thē to haue fayth and trust in hym: for who so euer doth that, he confesseth that God is true, good, mighty & mercifull. &c.

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Marginalia23 Article. 23 Fayth without good workes, is no little nor no feble fayth, but it is no fayth. fol. 50.

Marginalia24. Article. 24 Euery man doth as much as he beleueth. fol. 50

The place out of the whiche these two Articles be gathered, is this: If thy fayth induce the not to do good workes then hast thou not þe right fayth, thou doest but onely think that thou hast it. For S. Iames sayth, that fayth without woorkes is dead in it selfe,MarginaliaIames. 3. He sayth not that it is litle or feeble, but that it is dead and that is dead, is not.MarginaliaHeresie picked out where none is. Therfore when thou art not moued by fayth vnto the loue of god and by the loue of god vnto good workes, thou hast not faith but fayth is dead in the, for the spirite of God that by fayth commeth into our hartes to styrre vp loue, canot be idle. Euery one doth as muche as he beleueth, and loueth as much as he hopeth, as writeth S. Iohn. He that hath this hope that he is the sonne of God, purifieth hymself as he is pure.Marginalia1 Iohn 2. He sayth not, he that purifieth hym selfe hath this hope for the hope must come before, procedyng from the fayth, as it behoueth that the tree must first be good which must bring forth good fruite.

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Marginalia25 Article. 25 We cannot be without motions of euill desires: but we must mortifie them, in resisting them. fol 52.

MarginaliaNo man cā finde any heresie in this place except he be a Pharisey They which note this article of heresie, may note them selues rather to be lyke the Pharisie. Luke. 18. who foolyshly flatteryng hym selfe in the false opinion of hys owne righteousnes, was not subdued to the righteousnes which standeth before God, by fayth, & therfore went home to his house lesse iustified then the publican, If the scriptures condemne the hart of man to bee crooked euen from his youth, Gene, 6. and also condemneth all þe righteousnes of man to be like a fyled cloth, and if S. Paul coulde fynde in his flesh no good thing dwellyng, but sheweth a continuall resistance betwene the olde man and the new, then must it folow, that these phariseis which condemne this article of heresie, eyther cary no fleshe nor no olde man about them to be resisted or verelye, saye what they wyll, they cannot chuse but bee combred with euill motions for the inwarde man continually to fight agaynst. The place of the author sufficiently defendeth it selfe, as foloweth.

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Saint Paule byddeth vs mortifie all our euill desires & carnal lusts, as vncleanes, couetousnes, wrath, blasphemy, detraction, pride, and other lyke vices.MarginaliaCol. 3
The place of the author.
And vnto þe Rom 6. he sayth: let no sinne raigne in your mortall bodyes, That is to say. albeit that we cannot lyue without the motion of such euill desires, yet we shall not suffer them to rule in vs, but shall mortifie them in resistyng them. &c.

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Marginalia26. Article. 26 All true christianitie lyeth in loue of our neighbours for God, and not in fasting, keping of holy dayes, watching, praying, and singing long prayers daily and all day long, hearing Masse, running on pilgrimage. &c. Fol. 52

MarginaliaConferre this article with the scripture, & thou shalt see no heresie in it. The place of this article is this: Thou hast alwayes occasion to mortifie thine euil desires to serue thine neighbour, to comfort hym, and to helpe hym, with worde and deede, with counsel and exhortation & other semblable means. In such loue towards our neighbor for the loue of God, lieth al the law and the prophetes (as sayth Christ) yea and all christianitie: and not in fasting, keping of holydayes, watchyng, singing and long prayers daily and all day long hearyng of masses setting vp of candles, runnyng on pilgrimages and such other things, which as wel the hypocrites, proud people, enuious and subiect to all wicked affections, do. &c.

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Marginalia27. Article. 27 Many doctors in diuinitie, and not only common people beleueth that it is the part of Christen faith only to beleeue that Iesus Christ hath liued here in earth. fol. 53. 54

MarginaliaTo beleue that Christ here liued & died is good: but thys is not the thing onely that maketh a Christiā mā. The place is this: We beleue that Iesus Christ hath here lyued on earth, and that he hath preached, and that he dyed for vs, and did many other thinges. When we beleue these things after the story, we beleue that this is our christen fayth. This not only the simple people beleueth, but also Doctors in diuinitie, which are taken for wyse men. Yea the deuil hath also this fayth, as sayth S. Iames: The deuils beleue, and they tremble.MarginaliaIam 2. For as we haue sayd before, þe deuil beleueth that god is god, and that Iesus Christ hath here preached, that he dyed, was buried, and rose agayne. This must we also beleue but this is not the fayth whereof speaketh the gospell and s. Paul. &c.

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Of this fayth and what it is reade before in the place of þe 4. and. 5. articles of this booke, and of the 1. Article gathered out of the wicked Mammon, and the. 9. & 10. Article of the Reuelation of Antichrist.

Marginalia28 Article. 28 He that doth good against hys will, he doth euil. Fol. 56

MarginaliaThe place aunswering to the article. The place is this: All good dedes which are not done by loue and good wyll, are sinne before God, as saith s. Augustine. He that doth good agaynst hys wil, doth euil, albeit that he doth, be good. For that I do against my wil, I hate and when I hate the commaundemēt, I hate also him that hath commaunded it. &c.

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Marginalia29 Article. 29. No man doth more then he is bound to do, and therefore no man may make other partakers of their good works. fol. 59.

The woordes be these: The Prophet Esay sayth: We are all as an vncleane thing, & all our iustice is as it were a filthy cloth,MarginaliaEsay. 64. and therfore I can neuer maruell enough, that many of the religious persons would make other partakers of their good workes, seyng that Christe sayth in the Gospell:MarginaliaWhosoeuer gathereth heresie of thys article must needes shew himselfe to be an hereticke. When ye haue done all those thinges whiche are commaunded you, saye, we are vnprofitable seruauntes wee haue done but that whiche was our duety to do. For none can do to much. None doth more then hee is bounde to doe. but onely Iesus Christ (whiche onely as sayth S. Peter neuer did synne, neither was there deceite founde in hys mouth)Marginalia2. Pet. hath done that he was not bounde to do: and as the prophet Esay sayth, hath taken vppon hym our imfirmities, and borne our sorowes: hee was wounded for our offences, and smitten for our wickednes, and by hys strypes are we made whole. &c.MarginaliaEsay. 53.

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Marginalia30. Article. 30 Christ hath gotten heauen by his passion, but that right hath he no nede of, but hath graunted it to al them that beleue in his promises. fol. 59.

MarginaliaThe doctrine of thys Article is sound. Read the place: Iesus Christ possesseth the kyngdome of heauen by double right. First because he is the sonne of god, and very inheritour of hys kyngdom. Secondly because he hath gotten it by hys passion and death. Of his second ryght he hath no neede, and therfore he geueth it to all them that beleue and trust in hym and in hys promises.

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Marginalia31 Article. 31 If God had promised vs heauen for our good woorkes, we should euer be vnsure of our saluation. fol. 59.

Marginalia32. Article. 32 Be our synnes neuer so great, that it semeth impossible to vs to be saued, yet without any doubt we must beleue to be saued. fol. 59.

MarginaliaThe doctrine of these articles be as true as the Gospel. The wordes out of the which these two Articles bee gathered are these: If god had promised heauen vnto vs because of our workes, we should euer then be vnsure of our saluation. For we should neuer know how much, nor how long we should labor to be saued, and should euer be in feare that we had done to litle, and so wee shoulde neuer die ioyfully. But God would assure vs of heauen by hys promise, to the entent we should be certayn and sure, for he is

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