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K. Henr. 8. Heresies falsely gathered by the Papistes.

truth and can not lye: and also to the entent that we should haue trust and hope in hym. And notwithstandyng that after the greatnes & multitude of our sinnes, it seeme to vs a thyng impossible, yet always we must beleue it without any doubt, because of hys sure promise. And whosoeuer doth this, he may ioyfully die and abide the iudgement of God, which els were intollerable. Read more hereof before in the xi. article taken out of the wicked Mammon.

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Marginalia33. Article. 33 If thou loue thy wife because she is thy wife, that is no loue before God: but thou shalt loue her because she is thy sister in God. fol. 83.

The wordes be these: Our Sauiour Christ hath commaunded nothing so straightly as to loue one another: yea to loue our enemies also. Then how much more should the mā and wyfe loue together.MarginaliaA difference betwene carnall loue, & spirituall loue: & yet in matrimynie both are necessary. But there be but few that knowe how to loue the one the other as they ought to doe. If thou loue thy wyfe onely because she is thy wife, and because she serueth and pleaseth thee after the flesh, for beauty, birth, riches, and such lyke, this is no loue before God. Of such loue speaketh not s. Paule. For such loue is among harlots, yea among brute beastes: But thou shalt loue her because she is thy sister in the christē fayth, & because she is inheritour together with thee of the glory of god, & because ye serue together one God, because ye haue receiued together one baptism &c. Thou shalt also loue her for her vertues, as shamefastnes, chastitie, diligence, sadnes, pacience, temperance, secrecy obedience, and other godly vertues. &c.

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Marginalia34. Article. 34 It is nothing but al incredulitie to runne in pilgrimage and seke God in one certaine place, which is lyke mighty in all places. fol. 62.

The matter of this Article is euident to all indifferent & learned iudgements to be voyd of all doubt of heresie.

Marginalia35. Article. 35 Men should see that their children come to Church to heare the Sermon. fol. 89.

The place of this article is this: Of the Festiuall dayes thou shalt bring thy children to the church to heare the sermon, and when thou shalt come home, thou shalt aske them what they haue kepte in memory of the Sermon. Thou shalte teache them the Christian fayth.MarginaliaWhat meaneth these men, trowe you, to make this doctrine an heresie? Thou shalte admonish them to lyue wel, and to put all their hope and trust in god, and rather to die then to do any thing that is against the will of God. And principally thou shalt learne them the contents of the prayer of our sauiour Christ, called þe Pater noster, that is to say, how they haue an other father in heauen, of whom they must loke for all goodnes, and wythout whom they can haue no good thing: and how that they may seke nothyng in all their workes, and in all their intentes, but the honour of theyr heauēly father: And how they must desire that this father would gouerne al that they do, or desire: And how that they must submit all to his holy will, which cannot be but good. &c. Thou shalt buy them wholesome bokes, as the holy gospel, the epistles of the holy Apostles, yea both the new and the old Testament, that they may vnderstand and drinke of the sweete fountayne & waters of lyfe.

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Marginalia36. Article. 36 Thou shalt not vexe or greue by iustice or otherwyse the poore that oweth vnto thee: for thou mayest not do it without sinne. fol. 97.

The place is this: Thou shalt not vexe or greue by iustice, &c. as Christ sayth: resist not euil, but whosoeuer striketh thee on the right cheke, turne to hym the other also. &c.MarginaliaMat. 5. S. Paul sayth: Render not euil for euil, and if it be possible, as much as is in you, lyue in peace with all men, not reuenging your selues my welbeloued, but geue place to wrath, for it is written: to me be the vengaence, and I will render it, sayth the Lord god.MarginaliaRom. 12.
Heb. 10.

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Marginalia37. Article. 37 Some textes of Canon law suffreth warre, but the teaching of Christ forbiddeth all warres. Neuerthelesse when a city is besieged, or a country inuaded, the lord of the coūtrey is bound to put his lyfe in ieopardy for his subiectes. fol. 119.

Marginalia38. Article. 38 So a Lord may vse horrible warre charitably and Christianly fol. 119.

As touching warre, to be moued or stirred first of our partes against any people or countrey vpon any rash cause, as ambition, malice, or reuenge, the gospel of Christ geueth vs no such sworde to fight withall.MarginaliaHow Christians may warre lawfully. Notwithstandyng for defence of country and subiects, the magistrate being inuaded or prouoked by other, may lawfully, and is bound to doe hys best, as the city of Marpurgh did well in defendyng it selfe against the Emperour. &c.

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Marginalia39. Article. 39 The gospell maketh all true christen men seruantes to all the world. fol. 79.

MarginaliaCraftie cogging in this Article. He that compiled this article craftily to make the matter to appeare more haynous, leaueth out the latter part which should expound the other, that is: by the rule of charity: for that the author addeth withall. By which rule of charitie, and not of office and duety, euery christen man is bound one to helpe an other, as Christ himself beyng Lord of all, yet of charitie was as seruant to euery man, to do him good. Read the place of the summe of the scripture, in the page as in the article it is assigned.

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Marginalia40. Article. 40 The Gospell is written for all persons, estates, Prince, Duke, pope, Emperour. fol. 112.

They which noted this Article for an heresie, I suppose could little tell eyther what God, or what the Scripture meaneth.

Marginalia41. Article 41 When iudges haue hope that an euill doer will amend they must be always mercifull, as Christ was to the woman taken in aduoutry. The temporall law must obey the gospel and them that we may amend by warning, we shal not correct by iustice. fol. 113.

The purpose of the booke whence this article is wrasted, being wel vnderstand, intendeth not to bynd temporal iudges and maiestrates from due execution of good lawes, but putteth both them, and especiall spirituall iudges, in remembrance by the example of Christ to discerne who be penitent offenders, and who be otherwyse, and where they see euidēt hope of earnest repentaunce and amendment, if they be ecclesiastical Iudges, to spare them: if they be ciuil magistrates, yet to temper the rigour of the law (as much as they conueniently may) with mercifull moderation, which the Grekes doo call.

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And thus much hitherto of these heresies and Articles collected by the bishops, and inserted in theyr own registers out of the bokes aboue specified. The names of the bishops and collectors were these: Sir Tho. More L. Chancellour Wil. Warrham Archb. of Cant. Tonstall Bish. of London, Ste. Gardiner B. of Wint. Rich. Sampson Deane of the chappel, Rich. Wolman M. of Requests, Ioh. Bell, D. Wilson, with a great nūber mo, as in the registers doth appeare. Ex Regist. Cant. & Londinensi.

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MarginaliaTruth maliciously sclaundered & depraued of the Papistes. I shal not nede I trusty (gentle reader) further here to tary thee with recityng mo places: when these alredy rehersed may suffice for a tast and a trial for thee sufficiēt, to note and consider how falsely and most slaunderously these catholikes haue depraued, and misreported the bookes and writinges of good men. Who might almost gather heresies as well of s. Iohn gospell, and S. Paules epistles, as out of these places. Thus may we see what can not malice do, beyng set on mischiefe? or what can not the spirit of spite and cauillyng finde out, beyng inflamed with hatred, and blown with the bellowes of ambition and iniquity? And as they haue done with these, the lyke partes they haue and do practise stil agaynst all other,MarginaliaThe Popes crowne, and the monkes bellies, two perilous thinges to be touched. whosoeuer in defense of truth, dare touch neuer so little eyther the Popes crowne, or the bellies of hys clergy: for these ij. sores in no case they can abyde to be touched. And hereof only cōmeth all this crying out, heresie, heresie, blasphemy, errour & schisme. Although þe doctrine be neuer so sound and perfect after the scripture, yet if the writer be not such in all poyntes (especially in these two aboue touched) as wil sing after their tune, and daunse after their pype, he is by and by an heretike, by vertue of their Inquisition.MarginaliaThe Popes Church vpholden with lying and cauilling. So did they with the articles of the learned Erle Ioannes Picus Mirandula. So did they with I. Reueline or Capnion. So did they also with good Ioh. Colet here in england. Also with the lyke spirit of lying and cauillyng, the catholike faculties of Louane, Spayne and Paris, condemned the workes and writyngs of Erasmus & of many mo. So full they are of censures, articles, suspicions, offences, inquisitions, so captious they be in takyng, so rashe in iudgyng, so slaunderous of reporte, so practised in deprauyng, misconstruyng and wrastyng true meanynges into wrong purposes. Briefly, so pregnant they be in finding heresies where none are, that eyther a man must say nothyng or serue their deuotion, or els he shall procure their displeasure, that is, shall be demed for an heretike. Yea & though no iust cause of any heresie be ministred, yet where they once take disliking, they will not sticke sometimes with false accusatiōs to presse him with matter, which he neuer spake nor thought. If Luther had not stirred against the Popes pardons and authoritye, he had remayned still a white sone of the mother Catholick church, and all had ben wel done, what soeuer he did. But because hee aduentured to touche once the triple crown, what floudes of heresies, blasphemies and articles were cast out against him, enough to drowne a whole world?MarginaliaImpudent lyes vpon M. Luther. what lies and forged crimes were inuented against hym?

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Here now cōmeth Staphylus and furious Surius, wyth their fraternitie, and say, that hee learned his Diuinitie of the deuill. Then foloweth another certaine ChronographerMarginaliaEx [illegible text]. who in his lying story reporteth most falsely that Luther dyed of Dronkēnes.MarginaliaM. Bucer most shamefullly sclaundered. With like malice the sayd Chronographer writeth also of M. Bucer, falsely affirming vpon his information, that he shoulde deny at his death, Christe our Messias to be come. When not onely D. Redman whiche

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