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1269 [1268]

K. Hen. 8. The blinde Bull of Pope Leo. X. Agaynst M. Luther.

maketh a man an hypocrite, yea a greater sinner.

It is an olde prouerbe, and to be preferred before the doctrine of all that haue written hytherto of contrition: from henceforth to trāsgresse no more.MarginaliaBest repentance is a new lyfe. The chiefest and the best penaunce is a newe life.

Neuer presume to confesse thy veniall sinnes, nor yet all thy mortall sinnes, for it is impossible to remember all the mortal sinnes that thou hast committed, and therfore in the primitiue church they confessed the mortall sinnes, whiche onely were manifest.

While we seeke to nūber vp al our sinnes sincerely vnto the priest, we meane nothing els herein, but that we wyll leaue nothing to the mercy of God, to be forgeuen.

In confession no man hath his sinnes forgeuen, except he beleue, whē the priest forgeueth, the same to be remitted: yea otherwise his sinne remaineth vnforgeuē, vnles he beleue the same to be forgeuen. For els remission of the priest, and geuing of grace doth not suffice, except beliefe come on his part that is remitted.

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Thinke not thy sinne to be assoyled, for the worthynesse of thy contrition, but for the word of Christ: What so euer thou loosest. &c.MarginaliaMath. 16. When thou art absolued of the priest, trust confidently vpon these wordes, and beleue firmely thy self to be absolued, and then art thou truely remitted.

Admit the party that is cōfessed wer not cōtrite (which isMarginalia* Impossible because it can not be that the faith of the true confessour can be without contrition. * impossible, or that the priest pronounced the wordes of losing, not in earnest, but in iest: yet if the party beleue that he is absolued, he is truely absolued in deede.

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In the sacrament of penance and absolution, the pope or bishop do no more, then any inferior Priest can do. Yea and where a Priest is not to be had, there euery Christian man, yea or Christian woman standeth in as good steed.

Marginalia* He meaneth thys because that as no man knoweth all his sinnes, so no man can be contrite for thē sufficiently. * None ought to saye to the priest, that he is contrite, neither ought the priest to aske any such matter.

It is a great errour of them which come to the holy housel trusting vpon this, that they are confessed, that their conscience grudgeth them of no deadly sinne, that they haue said their prayers, and done such other preparatiues before: all those doo eate and drinke to their owne iudgement. But if they beleue there to obteyne Gods grace, this fayth maketh them pure and worthy.

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It were good that the church should determine in a general Councel, lay men to cōmunicate vnder both kindes: and the Bohemians so dooing, be therein neither heretikes, nor schismatikes.

The treasures out of which the Pope doth graunt his Indulgences, are not the merites of Christ, nor of the Saintes.

Indulgences & pardons be a deuout seducing of the faithful, & a hinderance to good workes: and are in the number of them, which be thinges Marginalia* This he correcteth in his Assertions of these Articles, and sayth that Indulgences be neyther lawfull nor expedient. And likewise he correcteth & reuoketh the Articles following of Indulgences and taketh al Indulgences and pardons cleane away. * lawful, but not expedient.

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Pardons and Indulgences, to them which haue them, auaile not to remission of the punishment due before God, for actual sinnes committed.

They which thinke that Indulgences are wholesome & conducible to the fruite of the spirite, are deceiued.

Indulgēces are only necessary for publicke trāsgressions, & are onely graūted to them that are obstinate and impacient.

Indulgences & pardons are vnprofitable to. 6. sortes of persons. 1. to thē that be dead, or lie in dying. 2. to thē that be weake & infirme. 3. to such as haue lawful impedimēts. 4. to thē that haue not offended. 5. to such as haue offended, but not publikely. 6. to those that amend and do wel.

Excommunications be onely outward punishmentes, and do not depriue a man of the publike spiritual prayers of the Church.

Christians are to be taught rather to loue excommunication, then to dread it.

The bishop of Rome, successour of Peter, is not the vicar of Christ, ordeyned by Christ and saint Peter, to haue authoritie ouer al the Churches in the world.

The wordes of Christ to Peter, What so euer thou losest, &c. Mat. 16. extende no further, but onely to those thinges, which be bound of Peter hym selfe.

It is not in the hands either of the church, or of the pope, to make articles of the faith, yea or lawes either of maners, or good workes.

Albeit the Pope with a great part of the church teaching so or so, did not erre therin: yet it is no sinne nor heresie for a man to hold contrarye to them, namely in suche thinges, whiche are not necessary to saluation, so long as it is not otherwise condemned or approued by a general Coūcel.

we haue a waye made playne vnto vs, to infringe the authoritie of Councels, & freely to gainstand their doinges, & to iudge vpon their Decrees, & boldly to speake our knowledge what soeuer we iudg to be true, whether the same be approued or reproued by any general Councel.

Some of the articles of Iohn Hus condemned in the Cū cell of Constance, are Christian, most true and Euangelical, whom the Vniuersal Church can not condemne.

In euery good worke the iust man sinneth.

* Euery good worke of ours, when it is best done, is a veniall sinne.

To burne heretikes, is agaynst the wyl of the spirite.Marginalia* This Article is true, if the worke should be brought to be tryed by Gods iudgement. And here also he correcteth hym selfe in thys worde veniall because all sinnes are damnable.

Marginalia* He meaneth that we should specially reforme our lyues, which deserue the Turkes to plague vs. * To fight against the Turkes, is to repugne against God, visiting our iniquities by them.

Free wyl after sinne, is a title & name onely of a thing, and while a mā doth that which lieth in him, he sinneth deadly.

Purgatory can not be proued out of holy scripture, which is Canonicall.

Soules in Purgatory be not certain of theyr saftie, at least not al, neither is it proued by reasons or by scriptures, that they be vtterly out of the state to deserue, or encrease charitie.

Marginalia* These Articles also of Purgatorye he correcteth and taketh Pugatorye cleane away. * Soules in Purgatory do sinne without intermission, so long as they seeke rest, and dread punishement.

The Soules being deliuered out of Purgatory by the praiers of the liuyng, be lesse blessed, then if they had satisfied for them selues.

Ecclesiastical prelates and worldly Princes should not do amisse, if they woulde scoure away al the bagges of begging fryers.

All whiche errors there is no man in his right wittes, but he knoweth the same in their seueral respects, how pestilent they be, how pernitious, how much they seduce godly and simple mindes, and finally how much they be against al charitie, & against the reuerence of the holy church of Rome the mother of al faythfull, and maistresse of the faith it selfe, and against the sinues & strength of ecclesiastical discipline, which is obedience, the fountaine and wellspring of all vertues, and without the which euery man is to be conuinced easily to be an Infidel.

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We therfore desiring to proceede in the premisses more earnestly, as behoueth in things of most importance, & meanyng to cut of the course of this pestiferous & cankered decease, least it should spread it self further in the Lords field, like hurtfull brambles or bryers, and vsing vpon the said errors, and euery of them, diligent tryall, debating, strait examination, ripe deliberation: & further, weeping & thorowly sifting al and euery of the same together with our reuerend brethren,MarginaliaConcilium malignantium the Cardinals of the churche of Rome, the Priors of the orders regular, or ministers generall, also wt diuers other professors and maysters of Diuinitie, and of both the lawes, and those the best learned: do finde the foresaid errors or articles respectiuely, as is aforesaid, not to be catholike, nor to be taught as Catholike, but to be agaynst the doctrine or tradition of the Catholique Churche, and agaynst the true interpretation of holy Scripture receyued by the same: to whose author Augustine thought we ought so much to leane, that he would not (as he sayd) haue beleued the Gospell, if the authoritie of the Church had not therto moued hym.

[Back to Top]MarginaliaThe Pope taketh vpon hym the title of a false Church.

For by these errors, or at least by some of them it foloweth consequently, that the same Church which is guyded by the holy ghost, now doth, & euer hath erred, which is vtterly agaynst that which Christ at the time of his ascension (as we reade in the holy gospel of Math.) promised to his disciples, saying: I am with you vntyl the end of the world &c. and also against the determination of the holy Fathers, against the expresse ordinances or Canons of Councels and head bishops, whō not to obey, hath alwaies bene the cause & nourse of al heresies & schismes, as Cyprian doth witnes.

[Back to Top]MarginaliaThe Articles of Luther condemned.

Wherefore by the councel and assent of the sayd our reuerend brethren, vpon due consideratiōs of al and singular the premisses, by the authoritie of almighty God, & of the blessed Apostles Peter and Paul, and our owne, we do condemne, reproue, and vtterly reiect al and singular the articles or errours aforesaid respectiuely, as some to be heretical, some to be sclaunderous, some offensiue to godly eares, or els seducing simple myndes, & repugnaunt to the Catholike truth, and by the tenure hereof, we here decree and declare that they ought of all Christen people both men and women, to be taken as damned, reproued, & reiected. And therfore forbidding here vnder paine of þe greater curse & excommunicatiō, losing of their dignities, whether they be eclesiastical or temporal, and to be depriued and made vncapable of all regular orders & priuiledges, geuen and graūted by the See apostolike, of what condition soeuer they be: also of losing their liberties to hold generall scholes, to reade and professe any science and facultie: of loosing also their tenures and feofmētes, & of in habilitie for euer to recouer þe same againe, or any other: moreouer vnder payne of secludyng frō christian burial, yea and of treason also, & incurring such paines and punishmentes expressed in the lawe, as are due for all heretikes and fautours of the same: we charge and com-

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