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1273 [1272]

K. Hen. 8. Martin Luthers aunswere to the Bull of Pope Leo, in Englishe.

would shew me in all the Churche an Article that is erroneous and not hereticall:MarginaliaHereticall. for if it bee erroneous it differreth nothyng from hereticall, but onely in stiffenes of defending. For all thinges be equally either true or false, although affectiō in some one thing which is true or false may be greater or lesser.MarginaliaErroneous. Ye se therfore agayn how these men for al their braggyng Bulls, are not hable to produce mee one Article which is erroneous and not heretical, and yet lyke brainsicke men they will nedes bable they know not them selues what condemnyng that whiche they finde erroneous and not hereticall: which can not stand either in matter or in wordes: so that such as are the Articles, such is the condemnation.

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MarginaliaScandalous The lyke wisedome also they shewe in affirming that to be scandalous, which is neither hereticall nor erroneous. That Article I woulde fayne see eyther in my bookes or in the woordes and woorkes of any wryter els from the begynnyng of the worlde to the latter end. What made my Papistes then to excogitate, these so prodigious monsters, but onely their monstrous furye and madnes? Vnlesse peraduenture they meane those Articles so to bee scandalous, as commonly all true and Catholyke Articles are wont to be. For what is more scandalous then verytye? Yea onely truth and veritie is scandalous to all proud and senseles persons, as is sayd of Christ. 1. Cor. 1. We preach (sayth Saint Paul) Christ crucified, a stumblyng stone to the Iewes, and to the Gentils foolishnes.Marginalia1. Cor. 1. And Luke. 2. He is set to bee the fall and rysing vp of many in Israell.MarginaliaLuke. 2. Wherfore, where as my Papistes do distinguishe scandalous Articles from hereticall and erroneous, and for asmuch as that whiche is not hereticall nor erroneous, must needes be Catholycke & true: it foloweth therof that these scandalous Articles bee vnderstanded and cōdemned of them for such as be very catholyke and sound. O worthy condemnation and meete for the Papistes. Marke here good reader: the impiety of these blynde bussardes: whether they role them selues: how they deryde and mocke them selues: how easely they are taken in their owne woordes: how fonde and foolishe they are in al their studyes, not onely in not prouyng any errour or slaūder in these Articles, but also in goyng about onely to expresse them: how they cast out thinges impossible and moste foolishly repugnant to them selues. Where is thē thou most presumptuous and shameles Bull: thy doltishe respectiue now become? Whether respectedst thou? Verely into þe bottomles pitte of impietie, and thine owne brutishe stoliditie.

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MarginaliaOffensiue. The lyke also is to bee sayd touching the Articles offensiue, which must be neither sclanderous, neither erroneous, nor hereticall, seeyng they are distincted by such great Rabbines. Who will not now maruell at the deepe & profound wisedome of these Papistes, which could finde out that to be offensiue in the Church, which is neither false, neither hereticall, nor sclanderous: but true, sounde, Catholicke and edifying, and yet must that also be condemned? And who would not now desire and couet to be condemned also of such harebraynd Idiotes, who by their owne condemning do vtter themselues to approue thynges damnable, and to condemne thinges iustifiable, that is which openly shewe themselues, to their owne great ignominy and shame, to be more senseles then stockes, rockes, or blockes. Go ye now therfore, O ye impious and braynlesse papistes, and if you will needes write, shewe your selues more sober: for this Bull (it appeareth) was spued out in your nyght feastes amonges your drabbes and harlottes, or els hudled vp in the Canicular dayes or madde mydsommer Moone: For neuer were there any disserdes that would shew them selues so madde.

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MarginaliaThe Popes dyrt cast in his owne teeth. Let vs now returne this dyrt of Antichrist and cast it in hys owne teeth, and of hys owne wordes let vs Iudge him and condemne hym, that hereafter he may learne to take better heede, and be better aduised in his lying. For as the prouerbe sayth, a lyer had neede to haue a good memory. If some Articles be offensiue, and other heretical, and thou cōdemnest hym which is no heretick, and consequently a true Catholicke, although he be sixe hundreth times offensiue, doth not thy shameles mouth then condemne thy selfe, not onely of heresie, but of extreme impietie, blasphemy & treason agaynst Gods holy truth, shewing thy selfe to be the man in deede which is the Aduersary, and is extolled aboue all that which is called god, or is worshipped? Art not thou then the man of sinne and the sonne of perdition, which denyeth God hys redeemer, & taketh away the loue of truth, to stablishe the setting forth of his errour, for men to beleue iniquitie, as Paul foretold?Marginalia1. Thess. 2. For if the Article be not hereticall, it can not be offensiue or sclaunderous, but onely to such heretickes as Antichrist is, and Satanistes of all pietie. See therefore how this shameles & most foolishe Bull, whiles it condemneth in me one thing to be hereticall, and an other offēsiue, doth manifestly declare the authors therof to be true heretickes and the enemyes of God in deede. MarginaliaProuerb. 21.So that now it may appeare, that there is no knowledge nor counsell agaynst the Lord, seeing blynd impiety is thus caught in the words of his owne mouth: so truely it is said that he which casteth vp a stone on high, it falleth downe agayne vpon his owne pate.

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MarginaliaThe Pope vttereth his own wickednes. And (which is chiefest of all) by this their wicked contradiction it commeth to passe, that the cogitations of their owne hartes be reueiled, and that they themselues chiefly do vtter and disclose their owne wickednes which they couet most to conceile, that all men may see how ready they are to condemne all veritie euen at once. For when they affirme such Articles to be hereticall, which neither they can, not know, nor yet dare shew or name to be heretical, what haue we therby to vnderstād but that they are the aduersaries of Christ from the bottome of their hartes, and ready to impugne all truth, and yet notwithstanding with theyr damnable hypocrisie they pretende themselues to be condemners of heresies? Learne, learne ye beetell headed Asses with your blustering Buls, learne I say, what it is, Christ to be a signe of contradiction and a stone of offence.Marginalia Luke. 2.
1. Pet. 2.
How soone and easely is all your inward impietie and your ignominy disclosed with the same couert of words, wherewith in vayne ye went about to cloke the same? Thus thē haue we here proued by this first and manifest argument, that the foresayd Bull proceedeth from none other, then very Antichrist hym elfe, the chiefest aduersary of God and of all godlynes. And now let either Eccius or the pope acknowledge if he dare, and then consider what opiniō we ought to haue of him, or what name to geue hym: in whom all cursed names, as in one heape, do concurre together and agree, as impietie, blasphemy, ignoraunce, foolishnes, hypocrisie, lying, briefly Sathan himselfe with his Antichrist.

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MarginaliaThe Popes Bull condemneth also such bookes of M. Luthers which haue no errour. Neither doth this impiety any thing lesse appeare in that also which I will now say. For this worshipfull Bull decreeth in playne and most impudent wordes, that those bookes also of myne ought to be burned, in the which are no errours conteyned, to the ende that the memorye of me may be vtterly rooted out. Canst thou O Christen reader, now doubt that the great Dragon of hell himselfe speaketh in this Bull? It is an old prouerbe, that the Asse singeth therfore euill fauouredly, because he taketh his note to hie. So this Bull in lyke maner should haue pyped more tunably, if shee had not set vp her blasphemous throte so open agaynst heauen, so impudently and deuilishly condemnyng also the manifest and euident truth. For hetherto Sathan whensoeuer he oppressed the truth, did it vnder the colour of truth: but this man of sinne, the Aduersary which is extolled aboue God, without all colour, not priuely but apertly, and that in the open Church of God, without all shame taketh vpon hym to condemne, and commaundeth to be burned the syncere veritie of Christ knowne and allowed both of him and of all others. What could be more done amongest the Turkes? What place is this worthy of (I pray thee) but the deepe dungeon of hell?MarginaliaThe papistes pretend to know & maintaine the veritie of Christ, and yet can not abyde it. And are ye not afeard ye Antichristes, with your brutish Bulles, least stones & trees should sweat with bloud, at the most horrible sight of thys your execrable impietie and blasphemy?

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Where art thou now good Emperour Charles? Where are ye Christen Kynges and Princes: Ye haue gyuen your name to Christ in Baptisme, & can ye now abide these infernall voyces of such an Antichrist? Where be ye Byshops? Where be ye Doctors? Where be all ye that confesse Christ? Can ye hold your peace at these horrible and prodigious monsters of the Papistes, O miserable Churche of God, which art made now so great a scorne and a very mockyng stocke of Sathan. O miserable are all they whiche liue in these tymes. The wrath of God is finally come vpon the Papistes enemies to the crosse of Christ and veritie of God, resistyng all men, and forbyddyng the truth of Christe, to bee taught and preached as S. Paul said of the Iewes. Admit I pray you, that I were such a one in deede, as that cursed & malicious Bull doth make me to be, an hereticke, erroneous, schismaticall, offensiue, scandalous in certeine of my bokes:MarginaliaThe pope condemneth as well the good bookes of M. Luther as the other without all respect of truth or of the cause. yet why should the other bookes of myne be condemned, which are Catholicke, Christian, true, edifiing, and peaceable? Where haue these wretched Papistes learned thys religion, that for the persons cause beyng euill, they shoulde damne and burne the holy and sound veritie of God? Can ye not destroy men, but you must also destroy the truth? Wil ye plucke vp the good wheate also with the cockle? Will ye scatter also þe corne away together with þe chaffe? And why then recaeue ye Origine in his Catholicke bookes, and doe not vtterly reiecte hym altogether? yea why suffer ye wicked Aristotle (in whom is nothyng taught but errours) & do not at least in some parte condemne him? Why burne ye not and set on fyre the wicked barbarous, vnlearned, and hereticall Decretals of the pope? Why do ye not all this, I say: but only for t ye are set in this holy place for none other cause, but onely to be that abominatiō spoken of in Daniell,

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