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1305 [1304]

K. Edw. 6. The 4. Seßion or appearaunce of Boner before the Cōmißioners.

MarginaliaAnno. 1549. MarginaliaThe 4. appearing of Boner before the kinges Commissioners. AFter this declaration beyng sent downe and receaued from the Kyng, the Byshop of London (accordyng to the Commissioners assignement the Monday before,) appeared agayne before them vppon Wedensday, the xviij. of September, in the great Haule at Lambeth. Where vnder hys wonted Protestation, first hee declared that although he had already sufficiently aunswered all thynges:MarginaliaBoner exhybiteth more matter in writing, why he ought not to be declared pro confeßo. yet further to satisife the terme assigned vnto him, to shew cause why he ought not to be declared pro confesso, vpon the Articles theretofore ministred agaynst hym, and to the whiche he had not fully aunswered, he had then a matter in writyng to exhibite vnto them, why he ought not so to be declared, whiche he read there openly. Wherein first vnder his accustomed vnreuerent termes of pretensed, vniust, and vnlawfull processe and assignation, he sayd he was not boūd by þelaw (for good and reasonable causes) to obey the same, especially their assignation.

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MarginaliaCauses alleaged of Boner why he ought not to obey the Commissioners assignation. And first, for that the same was onely pronounced by Syr Thoms Smith, one of the pretensed Commissioners, without the consent of his pretensed Colleagues: or at the least hee as a Commissioner dyd prescribe the Actuary what to write, whiche he ought not to haue done, because by law he ought not to haue intermedled therin, for that hys Colleagues did the first day begyn to sit as Iudges agaynst hym the Bishop, without the presence of the sayd Syr Thomas Smith.

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MarginaliaThe 2. cause. And secondly, because his aunsweres, aswell vnto the pretensed denounciation, as also vnto all the Articles theretofore obiected agaynst him, were as full and sufficient, as the lawe required (or at least wyse there was nothyng good in lawe apparaunt to the contrary) and therefore hee was not enforced by law farther to aunswere without farther allegation.

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MarginaliaThe 3. cause. And because also, that all their procedyngs thereto were so extraordinarily done, that they had confounded all maner of lawfull processe,MarginaliaThe popes lawe. sometymes proceedyng ad denunciandū, sometymes ex oficio mero, and sometimes ex officio mixto, contrary vnto the kynges Ecclesiasticall lawes, and contrary also vnto their Commission in that behalfe.

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MarginaliaThe 4. cause. And likewise because diuers of the Articles pretensed were superfluous and impertinent, not reuealyng though they were proued, contayning in them vntruth and falsitie, some obscure and vncertaine, some dependyng vppon other Articles, either denyed, or at the least qualified, some captious and deceitfull to bryng the aunswere into a snare, and some also beyng Articles of the law, in such sorte, as by the Ecclesiasticall lawes of this Realme the Kynges subiectes were not bounde to make aunswere thereunto.

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MarginaliaThe 5. cause. And lastly, because that Syr Thomas Smith Secretary to the kynges Maiestie, when that the Byshop was last with the Counsell in the Counsell Chamber at White Haull, after the departure of the Lorde Protectour and the rest of the Counsell, did hym selfe alone (without any other) write certaine Articles or Iniunctions (amongest the whiche was that of the kinges authoritie in hys minoritie) and afterward did copy the same at a table within the sayd Counsell Chamber, and so himselfe did deliuer them vnto him. By reason wherof that is not true, which in the Commission, denounciation, and Articles was deduced and obiected agaynst him.

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MarginaliaThe intolerable contempt and vnreuerent behauiour of Boner noted and openly reproued. When these fonde and friuolous obiections were thus read, the Archbyshop seyng his inordinate and vntolerable contempt towardes them, charged him very sharply saying:MarginaliaThe wordes of the Archbishop to Boner. My Lord of London, if I had sitten here onely as Archbyshop of Canterbury, it had bene your part to haue vsed your self more lowly, obediently & reuerently towardes me then ye haue: but seing that I with my Colleagues sit here now as Delegates from the Kynges Maiestie, I must tell you playne, you haue behaued your selfe to to much inordinately. For at euery tyme that we haue sitten in Commission, you haue vsed such vnseemely fashions without all reuerence and obedience, geuyng taūtes and checkes, aswell vnto vs, with diuers of my seruantes and Chaplaines, as also vnto certaine of the aūcientest that be here, callyng them Fooles and Dawes, with such like, as that you haue geuen to the multitude an intolerable example of disobediēce. And I ensure you my Lord, there is you and one other Byshop whō I could name, that haue vsed your selues so contemptuously & disobediently, as the like I thinke hath not before bene heard of or sene: whereby ye haue done much harme.

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MarginaliaBoners scornefull aūswere to the Archb. At which wordes, the grosse Byshop (a beast a man might iustly terme him) sayd scornefully to the Archbishop, you shew your selfe to be a meete Iudge.

MarginaliaThe Archbyshop. The Archbyshop then proceedyng, layd to his charge how vndiscretlye the last day in the Chappell he had called all the people Woodcockes.

MarginaliaBoner. Whereunto he aunswered, that the last Session William Latymer one of the denouncers beyng there present, had practised with the audience that when he lifted vp his hand to them, they should (and did as it were by a token geuen them) say as he sayd, and do as he dyd: as at one tyme vpon the liftyng vp of his hand, they cried nay, nay, and at an other tyme yea yea, and laughed they could not tell wherat, with such like fashions.

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MarginaliaThe vayne suspicion of Boner. Vnto which wordes Latymer seyng hys vayne suspicion, replied, saying that he lifted not vp hs hād at any tyme, but onely to cause them hold their peace.

MarginaliaThe wordes of Secretarie Smyth to Boner. Then Secretarie Smith sayd to the Byshop, that in all his writynges and aunsweres that he had hetherto layd in, hee would not once acknowledge them as the Kynges Commissioners,MarginaliaAll thinges pretensed with Boner that made agaynst hym. but vsed alwayes Protestations with diuers inckehorne and naughtie termes, callyng them pretensed Commissioners, pretensed Delegates, pretensed Commission, pretensed articles pretensed proceedynges, so that all thynges were pretensed with him. In deede (sayd he) such termes the Proctors of Churches vse, to delay matters for their Clientes when they will not haue the truth knowen. But you my Lord to vse vs the kinges maiesties cōmissioners wt such termes, you do therin very lewdly & naughtely. And I pray you what other thyng did the rebels?

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MarginaliaBoner and the rebels compared together. For when Letters or Pardons were brought them from the Kyng and his Counsell, they would not credite them, but sayd they were none of the Kynges or his Counselles, but Gentlemens doynges, and made vnder a bushe, with such like termes. But now my Lord, because hetherto we can not make you confesse whether in your Sermon that you preached, ye omitted the Article touchyng the kynges Maiesties authoritie in his tender age or not, but still haue sayd that ye will not otherwise aunswere then ye haue done, and that ye haue already sufficiently aunswered (with many such like delayes) so as we can by no meanes induce you to confesse playnly what you dyd, yea or nay: therefore I say, to the intent we may come to the truth, we haue dilated the matter more at large, and haue drawen out other Articles whereunto you shalbe sworne, and then I trust you will dally with vs no more as you haue done. For although you make your aunsweres in writyng, yet you shalbe examined by vs and make your aunsweres by mouth to þe same Articles, or elles you shall doe worse. In deede I do not (as I sayd) discommed your Protestatiōs and termes of law, if it were in a young Proctour that would helpe his Clientes cause: but in you it may not be suffered so to vse the Kynges Commissioners.

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MarginaliaNew Articles and Iniunctions ministred to Boner. Then did the Delegates minister vnto him certaine new Articles and Iniunctions, and did there onerate him with a corporall othe in forme of law to make a full and true aunswere thereunto. The Byshop notwithstandyng, still (accordyng to his wonted maner) vnder his former Protestation protested of the nullitie and inualiditie of those Articles, Iniunctions, and processe, desiryng also a Copye thereof, with a competent tyme to aunswere therunto.MarginaliaBoner agayne assigned the next day to appeare. To whom othe Iudges decreed a Copie, commaundyng him to come to his examination to the Archbyshop the next day at viij. of the clocke before noone.

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MarginaliaNew witnesses against Boner. Then the Commissioners did receaue for witnesse, vpon those new Articles now ministred vnto the Byshop, Syr Iohn Mason, Syr Thomas Chalenor Knightes, Maister William Cicill, Armygel Wade, and William Hunnynges Clerkes to the Kynges Maiesties Counsaile, whom they onerated with a corporall othe in the presence of the Byshop, who still protested of the nullitie of their receiuyng and swearyng, obiectyng agaynst them and their sayinges: and therewith repeatyng his Interrogatories already ministred, sayd he had mo to minister by to morow at viij. of the clocke.

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MarginaliaBoners information agaynst M. Williā Latimer Preacher. The same day and tyme likewise the Byshop exhibited vnto the Commissioners an information, or rather cauillation agaynst William Latimer, for that he, notwithstandyng that hee had in all his talke pretended the great tranquilitie of this Realme, which was greatly impeached and hindered when that any the Kynges subiectes should thinke that his Maiestie hath not as full power & authoritie royall in his minoritie as whē his Maiestie came to perfect age, or should thinke that his subiectes were not boūde to obey the same, yet hath of late there in open audiēce reported, that he hath heard with his eares diuers persons vnreuerētly speake of the kyngs Maiestie saying: tush the kyng is but a babe or child, what lawes cā he make? or what can he do in his minoritie? let him haue a tost & butter or bread and milke, & that is more meter for him then to make lawes or statutes to bynd vs to obey them: we are not bound to obey till he be past his minoritie, and come to his full and perfect age: with the hearyng of which wordes the Byshop also charged the Commissioners, and that bycause Latymer at the recitall of the same in their presence, was neither by them cōtroled, nor yet caused to bryng forth the same per-

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