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1332 [1331]

K. Edw. 6. Articles ministred against Winchester. Winchester sequestred.

MarginaliaAn 1550. MarginaliaThe Masse full of abuses & well chaunged to the Communion. was full of abuses and had very few thynges of Christes institution besides the Epistle, Gospell, Lordes prayer, and the wordes of the Lordes supper: the rest for the more part were inuented and deuised by Bihops of Rome, and by other men of the same sort, and therfore iustly taken away by the statutes and lawes of this realme: and the communion which is placed in the stede therof, is very godly and agreable to the Scriptures.

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MarginaliaSacrament in both kindes. 8 Item, that it is most conuenient and fit, and accordyng to the first institution, that all christen men should receyue the Sacrament of the body and bloud of Christ in both the kyndes, that is in bread and wyne.

MarginaliaMasse the popes ordinaunce. 9 And the Masse wherin the Priest doth onely receyue & the other do but loke on, is but the inuention of man and the ordinaunce of the byshop of Romes church, nor agreable to Scripture.

MarginaliaThe Sacrament not to be adored. 10 Item, that vpon good and godly considerations, it is ordred in the sayd boke and order, that the Sacrament should not be lifted vp and shewed to the people to be adored, but to be with godly deuotion receiued as it was first instituted.

MarginaliaAll images abolyshed. 11 Item, that it is well, politikely and godly done, that the kings maiesty by Act of Parlament, hath commaunded all Images which haue stand in Churches or Chappels, to be clerely abolished and defaced, least hereafter at any time,they should geue occasiō of Idolatry or be abused, as many of thē heretofore haue bene with pilgrimages & such Idolatrous worshipping.

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MarginaliaMasse bookes, Grayles, &c. defaced. 12 And also that for lyke godly and good considerations,by the same authoritie of Parliament, all Massebokes, Cowchers, Grayles, and other bokes of the seruice in latin heretofore vsed, should be abolished and defaced, as well for certayne supersititions in them conteyned, as also to auoid dissension: and that the sayd seruice in the church should be throrough the whole realme in one vniforme conformity, and no occasion through those old bokes geuen to the contary.

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MarginaliaVowed chastitie of priestes hath no commaundement of God. 13 That bishops, priestes, and deacons haue no commaundement of the law of God, eyther to vow chastity, or to abstayne continually from mariage.

14 Item, that all canons, constitutions, lawes positiue, and ordinances of man, which do prohibite or forbid mariage to any bishop, priest, or deacon, he iustly and vpon godly groūds and considerations, taken away and abolished by authoritye of Parlament.

MarginaliaHomelies to be read in the Church. 15 The Homilies lately commaunded and set forth by the kings maiesty to be red in the congregation of England, are godly and wholesome and do teach such doctrine as ought to be embraced of all men.

MarginaliaThe kings boke of order. 16 The boke set forth by the kings maiesty by authority of Parlament conteinyng the forme and maner of makyng and consecratyng of Archbishops, bishops, priestes and deacons is godly and in no poynt cōtrary to the wholesom doctrine of the gospel, & therfore ought to be receiued and approoued of all the faythfulll members of the church of England, and namely the ministers of Gods word, and by them commended to the people.

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MarginaliaOrders of Subdeacon, Benet, & Colet nedeles in the Church. 17 That the orders of Subdeacon, Benet and Colet, and such others as were commonly called Minores ordines, bee not necessary by þe word of god to be rekoned in the church and be iustly left out in the sayde boke of orders.

MarginaliaDoctrine of our saluation sufficiently cōteined in the scripture. 18 That the holy Scriptures conteyne sufficiently all doctrine required of necessity for eternall saluatiō through faith in Iesus Christ, and that nothing is to be taught as required of necessity to eternall saluation, but that which may be concluded and proued by the holy Scriptures.

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MarginaliaParaphrases of Erasmus. 19 That vpon good and godly considerations, it was and is commaunded by the kings maiesties Iniunctions, that the Paraphrases of Erasmus in english should bee set vp in some conueniēt place in euery parish church of this realm where as the parishioners may most commodiously resorte to read the same.

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20 And because these Articles aforesaid, do conteine onely such matters as be alredy published and openly set forth by the kings maiesties authority, by the aduise of his highnesse Counsaile for many great and godly comsiderations, and amongst others for the common tranquillitie and vnity of the Realme: hys Maiesties pleasure by the aduise aforesayd is,MarginaliaWinchest. required to subscribe to these articles. that you the Bishop of Winchester shall not onely affirme these Articles with subscription of your hande: but also declare and professe your selfe well contented, willyng, and ready to publish and preach the same at such tymes and places, and before such audience as to his Maiestie from tyme to tyme shall seeme conuenient and requisite, vpon the paine of incurryng such penalties and punishmentes, as for not doyng the same may by his Maiesties lawes be inflicted vpon you.

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These Articles were sent the 15. of Iuly.

The bishop of Winchester receiuyng and perusing these Articles, made this aunswer agayne: That first touchyng the Article of submission, he would in no wyse consent, affirming as he had done before, that he had neuer offended the kings Maiesty in any such sorte as should geue hym cause thus to submit himself: praying earnestly to be brought vnto hys trial: wherin he refused the kings mercy and desired nothing *Marginalia* So ye might fortune to haue turned your altar to an halter. but Iustice. And for the rest of þe articles he answered that after he were past hys trial in this first poynt, & were at liberty, then it should appeare what he wouldedo in them: not beyng (as he sayd) reasonable that he shoulde subscribe them in prison.

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Of this answere when the king and his Counsell had intellygence by the foresayd Master of the horse, Secretary Peter, the Byshop of London, and M. Goodricke who had beene wyth him, it was agreed that he should be sent for before the wholl Counseil and peremptorely examyned once agayne, whether he would stand at this pont or no: which if he did, then to denounce vnto him the sequestration of his benefice, and consequently the intymation, in case he were not reformed within 3. monethes, as in the day of his appeaānce shall appeare. The tenor and wordes of which Sequestration with the Intimation followeth.

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¶ The wordes of the Sequestration with the Intimation to the bishop of Winchester.

MarginaliaThe tenor of the sequestration read to Winchest. FOrasmuch as the kinges maiestye our most gratious soueraigne Lord vnderstandeth, and it is also manyfestlye knowen and notoryous vnto vs, that the clemency and long sufferance of his maiestye worketh not in you that good effect and humblenes and conformitye, that is requisite in a good subiect: and for that your first disobedyences, contēpts, and other misbehauyoures, for the which you were by hys Maiesties authority iustly committed to warde, haue sithēs your sayd committing, daily more and more increased in you in such sort as a great slaunder and offence is thereof rysen, in many partes of the Realme, wherby also much slaunder, dissention, trouble and vnquyetnes is very like more to ensu if your foresayde offences beinge as as they be openly knowen, should passe vnpunished:MarginaliaThe causes why this Sequestration was layd against Wint. we let you witte that hauing specyall and expresse Commission and commaundement from his Maiesty, aswell for your contumacyes and contemptes so long contynued and yet dayly more encreasing, as also for the exchange of the slaunder and offence of the people, which by your sayd ill demeanoures is rysen, and for that also the Church of Winchester may be in the meane tyme prouyded of a good minister that may and will see all thinges done and quyetly executed according to lawes and cemmon orders of this Realme, and for sundry other great and vrgent causesMarginaliaWinchest. sequestred frō his byshopricke. we doe by these presentes sequester all the fruites, reuenues landes and possessions of your Bishoprck of Winchester, & discerne, deeme and iudge the same to be committed to the seuerall receite collection and custody of such person or persons as hys Maiestye shall appoint for that purpose. And because your former disobediences and contemptes so long contynued, so many tymes doubled, renued and aggrauated, do manyfestly declare you to be a person without all hope of recouery and plainely incorrigible: we eftsoones admonishe and require you to obay his Maiestyes sayd commaundemēt and that you doe declare your selfe by subscription of youre hand, both willyng & well contented to accept, allow preach and teach to others the sayd Artycles, and all suche other matters as be or shalbe set forth by his Maiestyes authoritye of supreme head of this Church of England, on thys side, and within the terme of 3. monethes, whereof wee appoynt one moneth for the first monition, one moneth for the second monityon and warning, and one moneth for the third and peremptory monytion.

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MarginaliaIntimation geuen to Winchest. Within which tyme as you may yet declare your conformytye, and shal haue paper, penne and ynke when you wil cal for them for that purpose, so if you wilfully forbeare and refuse to declare your selfe obedyent and conformable as is aforesayd, we intymate vnto you that hys Maiestye, who lyke a good gouernour desireth to keepe both hys common wealth quyet, and to purge the same of euyll men (especially ministers) entendeth to proceede agaynst you as an incorrigyble person and vnmeete minister of this church, to depriuation of your sayd bishoprick.

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Neuerthelesse, vpon dyuers good considerations, and specially in hope he might within hys time be yet reconcyled, it was agreed that the sayd bishops house and seruāts should be mayntayned in their present estate, vntill the tyme that this Iniunction should expire, and the matter for the meane tyme to be kept secrete.

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After this sequestration the sayd Bishop was cōmensed vnto Lambeth before the Archbishop of Cāt. and other the Kinges Cōmissioners by vertue of the kings speciall letter
