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1360 [1336]

K. Edw. 6. The comming in of Queene Mary.

MarginaliaAn. 1552. for your gentlenes to come and see me, I thanke you: but for your offring to preach before me, I thanke you neuer a whit.

Then the said bish. was brought by sir Thomas Wharton, to the place wher he dined, & desired to drinke. And after he had dronke, he paused a litle while, loking very sadly, & sondenly brake out into these wordes: Surely I haue done amisse. Why so, quoth sur Thomas Wharton?MarginaliaByshop Rydley repenteth to haue dronken there where Gods worde was refused. For I haue dronke (saith he) in that place where Gods word of-fred hath ben refused: whereas if I had remembred my dutie, I ought to haue departed immediately, and to haue shaked of the dust of my shooes for a testimonie against this house.  

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The symbolism of Ridley's action is based on Luke 10: 10-11. Ridley is saying that Mary has rejected God's Word and those conveying it.

These wordes were by the said bishop spoken with such a vehemencie, that some of the hearers afterward confessed their heare to haue stand vpright on their heades. This done, the said bishop departed, and so returned to his house. Testified by a certayne reuerend personage yet alyue, beyng then the Bishops Chaplayne.

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And thus making an end of this ninth Booke, touchyng the storye and raigne of kyng Edward, and hauyng also somewhat sayde before of the nature and disposition of the Ladye Mary, whereby the waye maye be prepared the better to the troubles of the next booke folowing: we intende (the grace of God assistyng vs therein) nowe further to proceede in describyng the actes and proceedynges of the foresaide Lady Marye, commyng nowe to bee Queene, and aduaunced next after this godly kyng Edward, to the Crowne of this Realme of England.

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¶ The end of the Ninth booke.