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Q. Mary. A Letter of Lady Iane to her fathers Chaplaine M. H. An other to her sister.

Marginalia1554.lyke cloth and woole, but my righteousnes shall endure for euer, and my sauyng health from generation to generation. What art thou then (saith he) that fearest a mortall man, the child of man, which vadeth away lyke the flower: and forgettest the Lord that made thee, that spread out the heauens, and layd the foundation of the earth? I am thy Lord thy God, that make the sea to rage, and be stil, whose name is the Lord of hostes. I shall put my word in thy mouth and defend thee with the turnyng of an hand. And our Sauiour Christ sayth to his Disciples: MarginaliaMath. 10.They shal accuse you and bryng you before Princes and rulers for my names sake, and some of you they shall persecute and kill: but feare you not (sayth heMarginaliaLuke. 12.) nor care you not what you shall say: for it is the spirite of your father that speaketh within you. Euen the very heares of your head are all numbred. Lay vppe treasure for your selues (sayth heeMarginaliaMath. 10.) where no theefe commeth, nor moth corrupteth. Feare not them that kill the body but are not able to kill the soule, but feare hym that hath power to destroye both soule and body. MarginaliaIohn. 15.If ye were of the world, the world would loue his owne: but because ye are not of the world, but I haue chosen you out of the world, therfore the world hateth you.

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Let these and such lyke consolations taken out of the Scriptures, strengthen you to Godward. Let not the exāples of holy men and women go out of your mynde as Daniell and rest of the Prophetes, of the three children, of Eleazarus that constant father, of the vij. of the Machabies children, of Peter, Paule, Steuen, and other Apostles and holy Martyrs in the begynnyng of the Church: As of good Symeon Archbishop of Scloma, and Zetrophone, with infinite other vnder Sapores the kyng of the Persians and Indians, who contemned all tormentes deuised by the tyrauntes, for their Sauiours sake. Returne, returne agayne into Christes warre, and as becommeth a faythfull warriour, put on that armour that S. Paule teachethMarginaliaEphes. 6. to be most necessary for a Christian man. And aboue all thynges take to you the shield of fayth, and be you prouoked by Christes owne example to withstand the deuill, to forsake the world, and to become a true and faythfull member of his mysticall body, who spared not his owne body for our sinnes.

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Throw downe your selfe with the feare of his threatned vengeaunce for this so great and haynous an offence of Apostasie: and comfort your selfe in the other parte with the mercy, bloud and promise of him that is ready to turne vnto you when soeuer you turne vnto him. Disdayne not to come agayne with the lost sonne, seyng you haue so wandred with hym. Be not ashamed to turne agayne with hym from the swyll of straungers, to the delicates of your most benigne and louyng father, acknowledgyng that you haue sinned agaynst heauen and earth. Agaynst heauen by stayning the glorious name of God, and causing his most sincere and pure word to be euill spoken of thorough you. Agaynst earth by offendyng so many of your weake brethren to whō you haue bene a stumblyng blocke thorough your sodayne slydyng. Be not abashed to come home agayne with Mary, and weepe bitterly with Peter, not onely with shedyng the teares of your bodily eyes, but also powryng out the streames of your hart, to wash away out of the sight of God the filth and myre of your offensiue fall. Be not abashed to say with the Publicane. MarginaliaLuke 18.Lord be mercyfull vnto me a sinner. Remember the horrible hystory of Iulian of old, and the lamentable case of Spyra of late, whose case (me thinke) should be yet so greene in your remembraunce, that beyng a thyng of our tyme, you should feare the lyke inconuenience seyng you are fallen into the lyke offence.

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Last of all, let the lyuely remembraunce of the last day bee alwayes afore your eyes, remembryng the terrour that such shall bee in at that tyme, with the runnagates and fugitiues from Christe, whiche settyng more by the worlde then by heauen, more by their lyfe then by hym that gaue them lyfe, dyd shrinke, yea dyd cleane fall awaye from hym that forsooke not them: and contrarywise the inestimable ioyes prepared for them that fearyng no perill nor dreadyng death, haue manfully fought, and victoriously triumphed ouer all power of darkenesse, ouer hell, death, and damnation, thorough their most redoubted Captaine Christe, who nowe stretcheth out hys armes to receaue you, ready to fall vppon your necke and kysse you, and last of all to feast you wtih the deyntyes and delicates of hys owne precious bloud, whiche vndoubtedly, if it might stand with his determinate purpose, hee woulde not let to shed agayne, rather then you should be loste. To whom with the Father and þe holy Ghost be all honour, prayse and glorie euerlastyng. Amen.

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Be constant, be constant, feare not for payne:
Christ hath redeemed thee, and heauen is thy gayne.

¶ A Letter written by the Lady Iane in the ende of the new Testament in Greeke, the which she sent vnto her Sister Lady Katherine, the night before she suffered.

MarginaliaA faythfull exhortation of the Lady Iane to the Lady Katherine her sister, to read Gods word.I Haue here sent you (good Sister Katherine) a booke, which although it be not outwardly trimmed with gold, yet inwardly it is more worth then precious stones. It is the booke (deare Sister) of the law of the Lord. It is his Testament and last will whiche he bequethed vnto vs wretches: whiche shall lead you to the path of eternall ioy: and if you with a good mynde read it, and with an earnest mynde do purpose to folow it, it shall bryng you to an immortall and euerlastyng lyfe. It shall teach you to lyue, and learne you to dye. It shall wynne you more then you should haue gayned by the possession of your wofull fathers landes. For, as if God had prospered him you should haue inherited hys landes: so if you apply diligently this booke, seekyng to direct your lyfe after it, you shalbe an inheritour of such riches, as neither the couetous shall withdraw from you, neither theefe shall steale, neither yet the mothes corrupt. Desire with Dauid (good Sister) to vnderstand the law of the Lord your God. MarginaliaSo lyue to dye, that by death you may lyue.Lyue still to dye, that you (by death) may purchase eternall lyfe. And trust not that the tendernesse of your age shall lengthen your lyfe. For as soone (if GOD call) goeth the young as the old, and labour alwayes to learne to dye. Defie the world, deny the deuill, and despise the fleshe, and delite your selfe onely in the Lord. Be penitent for your sinnes, and yet despayre not: be strong in fayth, and yet presume not, and desire with S. Paule to be dissolued and to be with Christ, with whom euen in death there is lyfe. Be lyke the good seruaunt, and euen at midnyght be wakyng, lest when death commeth and stealeth vppon you lyke a theefe in the night, you bee with the euill seruaunt found sleepyng, and lest for lacke of oyle, you be found lyke the fiue foolishe women: and lyke him that had not on the weddyng garment, and then ye be cast out from the Mariage. Reioyce in Christ, as I do. Follow the steppes of your Maister Christ, and take vp your Crosse: lay your sinnes on his backe and alwayes embrace hym. And as touchyng my death, reioyce as I do (good Sister) that I shalbe deliuered of this corruption, and put on incorruption. For I am assured that I shall for losing of a mortall lyfe, wynne an immortall lyfe: the whiche I pray God graunt you, and send you of his grace to lyue in his feare, and to dye in the true Christian fayth, from the whiche (in Gods name) I exhort you that you neuer swarue, neither for hope of lyfe, nor for feare of death. For if ye will deny his truth to lenghthen your lyfe, God will deny you, and yet shorten your dayes. And if you will cleaue vnto him, hee will prolong your dayes to your comfort and his glory: to the whiche glory God bryng me now, and you hereafter whē it pleaseth him to call you. Fare you well good Sister, and put your onely trust in God, who onely must helpe you.

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¶ Here followeth a certaine effectuall Prayer made by the Lady Iane, in the tyme of her trouble.

MarginaliaA prayer of the Lady Iane.O Lord, thou God and father of my lyfe, heare me poore and desolate woman, which flyeth vnto thee, onely in all troubles and miseries. Thou O Lord art the onely defendour and deliuerer of those that put there trust in thee: and therfore I beyng defiled with sinne, encombred with affliction, vnquieted with troubles, wrapped in cares, ouerwhelmed with miseries, vexed with temptations, and greuously tormented with the long imprisonment of this vyle Masse of clay my sinnefull body: do come vnto thee (O mercyfull Sauiour) crauyng thy mercy and helpe: without the which so litle hope of deliureaunce is left, that I may vtterly despayre of any libertie. Albeit it is expedient, that seyng our lyfe standeth vppon trying, we should be visited sometyme with some aduersitie, wherby we might both be tried whether we be of thy flocke or no, and also know thee and our selues the better: yet thou that saydest that thou wouldest not suffer vs to be tempted aboue our power, be mercyfull vnto me now a miserable wretch, I besech thee: which with Salomon do cry vnto thee, humbly desiryng thee, that I may neither be to much puffed with prosperitie, neither to much pressed downe with aduersitie: lest I beyng to full, shoulde denye thee my GOD, or beyng to lowe brought shold despayre and blaspheme thee my Lord and Sauiour. O mercyfull GOD, consider my miserie best knowen vnto thee, and be thou now vnto me a strong tower of defence, I humbly require thee. Suffer me not to be tempted aboue my power, but either be thou a deliuerer vnto me out of this great miserie, either elles geue me grace paciently to

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