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1420 [1395]

Q. Mary. D. Cranmer sclaundered to set vp the Masse. Q. Mary crowned.

Marginalia1554. Aprill.M. Bradford, M. Becon, and M. VeronM, were committed to the Tower:MarginaliaMaister Bradford with others, committed to the Tower. with whom also M. Sampson should haue bene committed,  

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The very interesting account of Thomas Sampson eluding capture at Elsing's house (1570, p. 1634; 1576, p. 1394; 1583, p. 1465) almost certainly came from an oral source, very probably Sampson himself.

and was sought for the same tyme in M. Elsynges house in Fleetestreete (where M. Bradford was taken) and because hee was not founde, the Byshop of Winchester fumed lyke a Prelate with the messenger.

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Vpon the Friday beyng the. 18. of August, the Duke of Northumberland, the Marques of Northampton, and the Earle of Warwicke were arrayned at Westminster, and there the same day cōdemned, the Duke of Northfolke that day being the hygh Iudge.

Vpon Saterday the. xix. of August, Syr Andrew Dudley, sir Iohn Gates, sir Henry Gates, and Syr Thomas Palmer were arraigned at Westminster, & condemned the same day, the L. Marques of Winchester being hye Iudge.

Vpon Sonday the xx. of August Doctor WatsonMarginaliaD. Watson preached at Paules Crosse. the Byshop of Wnchesters Chaplayne Preached at Paules Crosse, at whose Sermon was present the Marques of Winchester, the Earle of Bedford, the Earle of Pēbroke, the Lord Rich, and. two hundreth of the Garde with their Halbardes, lest the people would haue made any sturre agaynst the Preacher.

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Vpon Monday the. xxj.of August the Duke of Northumberland, the Marques of Northampton, Syr Andrew Dudley, Syr Iohn Gates, and Syr Thomas Palmer heard a Masse within the Tower, and after Masse they all fiue receaued the Sacrament in one kynde onely, as in the Popishe tyme was vsed. On the whiche day also Queene Mary set forth a Proclamation, signifying to the people that she could not hyde any longer the religion which she from her infancie had professed. &c. inhibityng in the sayd Proclamation Printyng and Preachyng, the tenour wher of read before pag. 1338.

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MarginaliaExecution at the Tower hill.Vpon the Tuesday being the. xxij. of August, the duke of Northumberland, Syr Iohn Gates, and Syr Thomas Palmer, were beheaded at the Tower hill, as before is sayd, pag. 1338. The same day certaine noble personages heard Masse within the Tower, and likewise after Masse, receaued the Sacrament in one kynde.

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Vpon Sonday the xxvij. day of August, Doct. Chedsey Preached at Paules Crosse, and the same day the Byshop of Canterbury, Syr Thomas Smith, and the Deane of Paules were cited to appeare the weeke folowing before the Queenes Commissioners, in the Byshops Consistory within Paules.

In this meane tyme it was noysed abroad by runnyng rumours falsely and craftely deuised,  

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The most important of the items derived from non-chronicle sources in this section is Cranmer's 'purgation' of rumours that he had celebrated mass, (1570, p. 1695; 1576, p. 1395; 1583, pp. 1465-66) which is one of the first items Foxe took from Bull's LM. In the account of Cranmer's life in the 1563 edition, Foxe discussed the purgation (1563, p. 1474) and, in fact, the wording of this description of the circumstances behind the purgation is strikingly close to passages in this account. Foxe had also mentioned the purgation earlier in the 1570 edition (1570, p. 1579; 1576, p. 1397; 1583, p. 1418). But when Foxe printed the actual purgation, he was simply reprinting it from the LM (pp. 17-19).

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either to stablishe the credite of the Masse, or els to bryng Thomas Crāmer Archbishop of Canterbury out of credite, that he to curry fauour wyth Queene Mary, should promise to say Dirige Masse after the old custome, for kyng Edward, and that he had already sayd Masse at Cāterbury. &c. Wherfore to stop the noyse and sclaūder of those rumours, the sayd Thomas Archbyshop of Caunterbury the. vij. day of September set forth a letter, which was allso printed, in purgation of hym selfe, the copy of which letter here ensueth.

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¶ A purgation of Thomas Archbyshop of Caunterbury agaynst certaine sclaunders falsely raysed vpon hym.

MarginaliaThe Archb. of Canterbuty purgeth himselfe agaynst false rumors.AS the deuill, Christes auncient aduersary, is a lyer and the father of lyes, euen so hath hee styrred vp his seruauntes and members, to persecute Christ and his true word and religion with lying: which he ceasseth not to do most earnestly at this present tyme. For where as the Prince of famous memory kyng Henry the eight seyng the great abuses of the Latine Masse, reformed some thynges therein in his lyfe tyme, and after our late soueraigne Lord kyng Edward the vj. tooke the same whole away for the manifold and great errours and abuses of the same, & restored in the place ther of Christes holy Supper accordyng to Christes owne institution, and as the Apostles vsed the same in the primatiue Church: the deuill goeth about now by lying to ouerthrow the Lordes holy Supper, agayne, and to restore his Latine satisfactory Masse, a thyng of his owne inuention and deuise. And to bryng the same more easely to passe, some haue abused the name of me Thomas Archbyshop of Caunterbury, brutyng abroad that I haue set vp the Masse againe at Canterbury, and that I offered to say Masse at the buriall of our late soueraigne Prince kyng Edward the vj.MarginaliaThe Archb. of Cant. falsely reported to say Masse and that I offered also to say Masse before the Queenes hyghnesse and at Paules Churche, and I wot not where. And although I haue bene wel exercised these xx. yeares to suffer and beare euill reportes and lyes, & haue not bene much greued therat, but haue borne all thynges quietly, yet when vntrue reportes and lyes turne to the hinderaūce of Gods truth, they are in no wise to be suffered. Wherfore, these be to signifie vnto the world, that it was not I that did set vp the Masse

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at Canterbury, but it was a false flatteryng, lying, and dissemblyng Monke,MarginaliaThis Monke was Doctor Thornton, a cruell murtherer of Gods people. Of whose horrible end ye shall read hereafter, and partly also in the lyfe of Cranmer. whiche caused Masse to be set vp there without myne aduise or Counsell: Reddat illi Dominus in die illo. And as for offeryng my selfe to say Masse before the Queenes highnes or in any other place, I neuer did it, as her grace well knoweth. But if her grace will giue me leaue, I shalbe ready to proue, agaynst all that wil say the contrary, that all that is conteined in the holy Communion set out by the most innocēt & godly Prince K. Edward the vj. in hys high Court of Parlamēt, is conformable to that order which our Sauiour Christ did both obserue and commaunde to be obserued, and which his Apostles and primatiue Church vsed many yeares, whereas the Masse in many thynges not only hath no foūdation of Christ, his Apostles, nor the primatiue Churche, but is manifestly contrary to the same and conteineth many horrible abuses in it. And although many either vnlearned or malitious do reporte that M. Peter Martyr is vnlearned, yet if the Queenes highnes will graūt therunto, I with the sayd M. Peter Martyr and other foure or fiue whch I shall chuse, will by Gods grace take vppon vs to defend, not onely the common Prayers of the Churche, the ministration of the Sacramentes and other rites and ceremonies: but also all the doctrine and religion set out by our said soueraigne Lord kyng Edward the vj. to be more pure and accordyng to Gods word, then any other that hath ben vsed in England these 1000. yeares: so that Gods word may be iudge, and that the reasons and proufes of both partyes may be set out in writyng, to the intent, as well that all the world may examine and Iudge thereon, as that no man shall start backe from his writyng. And where they boast of the fayth that hath bene in the Church these 1500. yeares, we wil ioyne with them in this point, & that the same doctrine and vsage, is to be folowed, which was in the Church 1500. yeares past, and we shall proue that the order of the Church, set out at this presēt in this Realme by Acte of Parlament, is the same that was vsed in the Church 1500. yeares past, and so shall they be neuer hable to proue theirs.

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The same Thursday beyng the. vij. of Septēber Lord Mountacute, and Lord chief Baron were deliuered out of the Tower.

The. xiij. of September the reuerend father maister M. Hugh Latymer was committed to the Tower.

The. xiiij. of Septēber the Byshop of Canterbury was committed to the Tower.

The. xxvj. of September, one Maister Gray of Cambridge called before hym one M. Garth, for that hee would not suffer a boy of Peter house to helpe hym say Masse in Penbroke hall, which was before any law was established for that behalfe.

MarginaliaIn this Pageant stoode a certayne man vpon the top of the Eagle vppon Paules steple with a flagge in hys hand.The Queene came to the Tower of London vpon the Thursday beyng the. xxviij. of September, and vppon the Saterday followyng, she rode from the Tower thorough the Citie of London, where were made many Pageauntes to receiue her, and so was triumpauntly brought to Westminster to White hall.

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Vpon the Sonday beyng the first day of October, the Queenes hyghnesse went from White hall to Westminster Abbey, accompanyed with the most part of the Nobilitie of this Realme, namely these: The Duke of Norfolke, the Earle of Arundell, the Earle of Shrewsbury, the Marques of Winchester, the Earles of Darby, Bedford, Worcester, Cumberland, Westmerland, Oxford, Sussex, Deuonshyre, Penbroke, the Lord Dacres of the North, Lorde Ferrys, Lord Cobham, Lord Aburgeyny, Lord Wentworth, Lord Scroupe, Lord Rich, Lord Vaus, L. Haward, Lord Conias, Lord Morley, Lord Paget, and the Lord Willowbye, with many other Nobles, and al the Embassadours of diuers countreys, the Maior of Londō with al the Aldermen. Also out of the Abbey to receiue her commyng, came three siluer Crosses, and to the number of foure score or neare vppon, of singing men, all in very ritch and gorgeous copes. Amongest whom were the Deane of Westminster, and diuers of her Chaplaynes, whiche bare euery one some ensigne in their handes, and after them followed. x. Byshops mytred all, and theyr Croyser staues in theyr handes, and rich copes vpon them euery one. And in this order they returned frō Westminster hall before the Queene to the Abbey, MarginaliaQ. Mary crowned.where she was crowned by Steuen Gardiner Byshop of Winchester, and Lord Chauncellour of England. At the time of the Coronation Doctour DayMarginaliaDoct. Dayes Sermon. Byshop of Chichester made a Sermon to the Queenes maiestie and to the rest of the nobilitie.

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MarginaliaGenerall pardon at the Queenes Coronation.Also there was a generall Pardon proclaymed within the Abbey at the sayd time of her Coronation, MarginaliaExempted out of the Pardon.out of which Proclamatiō all the prisoners of the Tower & of the Fleete were excepted and 62. more. Whereof M. Whitchurch and M. Grafton were two.

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