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1422 [1397]

Q. Mary. The godly end of the Dukeof Suffolke. be noted by the way of story, that vppon the xv. day of the sayd moneth beyng Thursday, there was seene within the Citie of London about ix. of the clocke in the forenoone, straunge sightes. MarginaliaStraunge sightes seene before the comming in of K. Philip, and subuertion of Religion.There was sene two Sunnes both shynyng at once, the one a good pretie way distaunt from the other. At the same tyme was also sene a Raynebow turned contrary, and a great deale hygher then hath bene accustomed. The common standyng of the Raynebow is thus ⁀ but this stoode thus ‿ with the head downeward, and the feete as it were vpward. Both these sightes were sene as well at Westminster, in Chepeside, on the Southside of Paules, as in very many other places, and that by a great nūber of honest men. Also certeine Aldermē went out of the Guild Hall to behold the sight.

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As touching the rysing of Maister Wyat,  

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After following his chronicle source(s) through the minutiae of events in London in 1553-54, Foxe suddenly passes over Wyatt's rebellion and Suffolk's uprising 'because most of these matters have bene briefly touched before, or els may be founde in other Chronicles' (1570, p. 1637; 1576, p. 1397; 1583, p. 1468).

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wyth Syr W. Cobham and others in Kent, & their commyng to London in the moneth of February: also of the Queenes commyng to the Guild Hall, and her Oration there made: and after of the takyng of the sayd Wyat and his company: likewise of the apprehension of the Duke of Suffolke wyth his brother Lord Iohn Gray: and the next day after of beheadyng of Lord Gildford and Lady Iane, which was the. xij. day of February: and how the day before, which was the. xj. of the sayd moneth, Lord William Haward and sir Edward Hastynges were sent for the Lady Elizabeth:MarginaliaThe Lady Elizabeth sent for. and how the same Sonday Syr Harry Iseley, Maister Culpeper, and Maister Winter were committed to the Tower, MarginaliaThe Byshop of Winchester preacheth.the Byshop of Winchester the same day beyng the. xj. of February, preachyng before the Queene, & perswadyng her to vse no mercy toward these Kētishmē, but seuere executiō, al which was in the moneth of February: because most of these matters haue bene briefly touched before, or els may be founde in other Chronicles, I will cease to make any further story of them: hauyng somewhat notwithstandyng to declare touchyng the raynment and death of the Duke of Suffolke.

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MarginaliaThe Duke of Suffolke arraigned.Vpon Saterday being the. xvij. day of February, the Duke of Suffolke was arraigned at Westminster, and the same day condemned to dye by hys Peres, the Earle Arundell was chiefe Iudge for this day.

Vpon the Sonday followyng, which was the. xviij. day of the sayd moneth, Sessions was kept in London, which hath not before bene seene to be kept vpon the Sonday.

Vpon the Monday the. xix. of February, the Lord Cobhams three sonnes and foure other men were arraygned at Westminster: of which sonnes the youngest was condemned, whose name is Thomas, and the other two came not at the barre, and the other foure were condemned.

MarginaliaThe Lorde Iohn Gray arraigned.Vpon the Tuesday beyng the. xx. of February, the Lord Iohn Gray was arraigned at Westminster, and there condemned the same day, and other three men, whereof one was named Nailer.

Vppon the Wedensday the. xxj. of February the Lord Thomas Gray, and sir Iames Croft were brought through London to the Tower with a number of horsemen.

MarginaliaSyr Nicolas Throgmorton committed to the Tower.Vpon the Thursday beyng the xxij. of February, Syr Nicholas Throgmorton was committed to the Tower.

Vpon the Friday beyng the xxiij. of February. 1554. the Duke of Suffolke was beheaded at the Tower hill the order and whose death here foloweth.

¶ The godly ende and death of the Duke of Suffolke beheaded at Tower hyll. an. 1554. Febr. 23.  
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Block 25: Mantel's apology

The account of Suffolk's death and the printing of the 'apology' of Walter Mantel (the elder) are both in the Acts and Monuments for one reason: to exorcise the spectre of Northumberland and his recantation. Without explicitly mentioning Northumberland, Foxe could use the constancy of these high-profile protestants to counteract the charge (made decades earlier by Thomas More) that the protestants were unwilling to die for their faith.

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MarginaliaThe order and maner of the Duke of Suffolkes death.ON Friday the. xxiij. of February. 1554. about. ix. of the clocke in the fore noone, the Lord Henry Gray Duke of Suffolke was brought forth of the Tower of London vnto the Scaffold on the Tower hill, with a great company. &c. and in hys commyng thether there accompanyed him Doctour Weston as hys Ghostly father, MarginaliaD. Weston the Dukes ghostly father, against the Dukes will.notwithstandyng, as it should seeme, agaynst the will of the sayd Duke. For when the Duke went vp to the Scaffold, the sayd Weston beyng on his left hand, preased to goe vp with hym. The Duke with his hand put him downe agayne of the stayres:MarginaliaWeston put backe by the Dukes hand. and Weston takyng hold of the duke, forced him downe likewise. And as they ascended the second tyme, the Duke agayne put hym downe.

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Then Weston sayd that it was the Queenes pleasure he should so do. Wherewith the Duke castyng his handes abroade, ascended vppe the Scaffold, and paused a pretye while after. And then he sayd: MarginaliaThe wordes of the Duke to the peopleMaisters, I haue offended the Queene, and her lawes, and thereby am iustly condemned to dye, and am willyng to dye, desiryng al men to be obedient, and I pray GOD that this my death may be an ensample to all men, beseechyng you all to beare me witnesse, MarginaliaThe godly fayth and confession of the Duke at hys death.that I dye in the fayth of Christ, trustyng to be saued by hys bloud onely, and by no other trumpery, the whiche dyed for me, and for all them that truely repent, and stedfastly trust in hym. And I do repent, desiryng you all to

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pray to God for me, that when you see my breath depart from me, you wil pray to God that he may receiue my soule. And then he desired all men to forgeue hym, saying that the Queene had forgeuen him.

Then M. Weston declared with a loude voyce that the Queenes Maiestie had forgiuen him. With that diuers of the standers by sayd with meetely good and audible voyce: such forgiuenes God send thee, meanyng Doctour Weston. MarginaliaThe Duke prayeth.Then the Duke kneeled downe vppon his knees and sayd the Psalme Miserere mei Deus, vnto the end, holding vp hys handes and lookyng vp to heauen. And when he had ended the Psalme, he sayd: In manus tuas Domine commendo spiritum meum. &c. Then he arose and stode vp and deliuered hys cap and his skarffe vnto the excutioner.

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Then the sayd executioner kneeled downe and asked the Duke forgiuenes. MarginaliaThe Duke prepareth hym to death.And the Duke sayd, God forgiue thee & I do, & when thou doest thine office, I pray thee do it well, and bryng me out of this world quickly, and God haue mercy to thee. Thē stode there a mā and said, my Lord, how shall I do for the money that you do owe me? And the Duke sayd, alas good felow, I pray thee trouble me not now, but go thy way to my officers. Then he knitte a kercher about his face and kneeled downe and sayd, Our father whiche art in heauen &c. vnto the ende. MarginaliaThe end of the Duke of Suffolke.And then he sayd, Christ haue mercy vpon me, and layd downe his head on the blocke, and the executioner tooke the Axe, and at the first choppe stroke of his head, and held it vp to the people. &c.

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The same day a number of prisoners had their pardon, & came through the Citie with their halters about theyr neckes. They were in *Marginalia* The number of these were 240. which with haltars about their neckes passed through the Cytye to Westminster and had their Pardon. number about two hundreth.

Vpon the Saterday the 24. of February, Syr Williā Sentlow was committed as prisoner to the master of the horse to be kept. This Syr William was at this time one of the Lady Elizabethes Gentlemen.

Vpon the Sonday beyng 25. of February, Syr Iohn Rogers was committed to the Tower.

MarginaliaPriestes diuorced.In this weeke all such Priestes within the Dioces of London as were maried, were diuorced from their liuings, and commaunded to brynge in their wyues within a fortenight, that they might lykewise be diuorced frō them. This the Byshop dyd of his owne power.

MarginaliaGentlemen sent into Kent to be executed.Vpon the Tuesday in the same weeke beyng the 27. of February, certayne Gentlemē of Kent were sent into Kēt to be executed there. Their names were these, the ij. Mātelles, ij. Kneuettes, and Bret: with these M. RudstonMarginaliaM. Rudston with certayne others, pardoned. also & certaine other were condemned, and shoulde haue bene executed, but they had their pardon.

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As touchyng the foresayd M. Mantel the elder,  

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In the 1563 edition, Foxe already had a brief account of the elder Mantel's refusal to recant his beliefs at his execution. (It was originally part of an account of the Marian persecution in Kent at the end of the work. In the 1570 edition, Foxe moved the brief account to introduce Mantel's denial of rumours that he had recanted.

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here by the way is to be noted, that as he was lead to execution, & at hys first casting vnder the Gallowes, the rope brake. Then they would haue had him recanted the truth, and receiued the sacrament of the aultar (as they terme it) & then they sayd he should haue the Queenes pardō: but Maister Mātell lyke a worthy Gentleman, refused their serpentine coūsell, and chose rather to dye, then to haue life for dishonouryng of God.

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Moreouer, as touching the sayd M. Mantel, for that he was reported falsely to haue fallen from the constancy of his profession, to cleare himselfe thereof, and to reproue the sinister surmise of hys recantation, he wrote thys briefe Apologie in purgation of hymselfe: the copie whereof you shall heare.

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¶ The Apologie of M. Mantell the elder.  
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Mantel's denial, first printed in the 1570 edition (1570, pp. 1638-39; 1576, pp. 1397-98; 1583, pp. 1468-69) must have circulated among the protestants in Kent and was very probably sent to Foxe by one of them after the 1563 edition was published.


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Mantell's Apology

Mantell's apology is a profession of faith which is also a short narrative of interrogation, with a combination of scriptural references and pointers to argument dominating. There is focus on an admission by Bourne that the Mass was a communion, and other glosses make the point that Mantell was not stubborn but constant; the glosses do not mention his particular concern that the Queen should realise this. Glosses also show a discrepancy in dates between editions, and a reference that was dropped after the 1570 edition.

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MarginaliaMarch. 2.PErceiuyng that already certayne false reportes are raysed of me concerning my aunsweres in the behalfe of my beliefe,MarginaliaThe beliefe of M. Mantell the elder. whyles I was prysoner in the Tower of London, and consideryng how sore a matter it is to be an occasion of offence to any of those litle ones that beleue in Christ: I haue thought it the duty of a Christian mā as neare as I cā (with the truth) to take away this offence. MarginaliaD. Bourne sent to M. Mantell.It pleased the queenes maiesty to send vnto me M. Doct. Bourne, vnto whom at the first meeting I acknowledged my faith in all poyntes to agree wyth the foure Creedes, that is, the cōmō Creede, the Creede of Nicene, Quicunque vult, and Te deū laudamus.

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Further, as concerning confession and penaunce, I declared that I could be cōtent to shew vnto any learned minister of Christes Church, any thing that troubled my conscience, and of such a man I would most willyngly heare absolution pronounced.

MarginaliaM. Mantell opposed in the Sacrament.Touchyng the Sacrament of the aulter (as he termed it) I sayd that I beleued Christ to be there present as the holy Ghost ment when these wordes were written: Hoc est corpus meum.

Further, when this would not satisfie, I desired hym to cōsider that I was a cōdemned man to die by a law, & that it was more meete for me to seeke a redynes & preparatiō
