Thematic Divisions in Book 11
1. The Martyrdom of Rogers 2. The Martyrdom of Saunders 3. Saunders' Letters 4. Hooper's Martyrdom 5. Hooper's Letters 6. Rowland Taylor's Martyrdom 7. Becket's Image and other events 8. Miles Coverdale and the Denmark Letters 9. Bonner and Reconciliation 10. Judge Hales 11. The Martyrdom of Thomas Tomkins 12. The Martyrdom of William Hunter 13. The Martyrdom of Higbed and Causton 14. The Martyrdom of Pigot, Knight and Laurence 15. Robert Farrar's Martyrdom 16. The Martyrdom of Rawlins/Rowland White17. The Restoration of Abbey Lands and other events in Spring 155518. The Providential Death of the Parson of Arundel 19. The Martyrdom of John Awcocke 20. The Martyrdom of George Marsh 21. The Letters of George Marsh 22. The Martyrdom of William Flower 23. The Martyrdom of Cardmaker and Warne 24. Letters of Warne and Cardmaker 25. The Martyrdom of Ardley and Simpson 26. John Tooly 27. The Examination of Robert Bromley [nb This is part of the Tooly affair]28. The Martyrdom of Thomas Haukes 29. Letters of Haukes 30. The Martyrdom of Thomas Watts 31. Censorship Proclamation 32. Our Lady' Psalter 33. Martyrdom of Osmund, Bamford, Osborne and Chamberlain34. The Martyrdom of John Bradford 35. Bradford's Letters 36. William Minge 37. James Trevisam 38. The Martyrdom of John Bland 39. The Martyrdom of Frankesh, Middleton and Sheterden 40. Sheterden's Letters 41. Examinations of Hall, Wade and Polley 42. Martyrdom of Christopher Wade 43. Nicholas Hall44. Margery Polley45. Martyrdom of Carver and Launder 46. Martyrdom of Thomas Iveson 47. John Aleworth 48. Martyrdom of James Abbes 49. Martyrdom of Denley, Newman and Pacingham 50. Richard Hooke 51. Martyrdom of William Coker, et al 52. Martyrdom of George Tankerfield, et al 53. Martyrdom and Letters of Robert Smith 54. Martyrdom of Harwood and Fust 55. Martyrdom of William Haile 56. George King, Thomas Leyes and John Wade 57. William Andrew 58. Martyrdom of Robert Samuel 59. Samuel's Letters 60. William Allen 61. Martyrdom of Roger Coo 62. Martyrdom of Thomas Cobb 63. Martyrdom of Catmer, Streater, Burwood, Brodbridge, Tutty 64. Martyrdom of Hayward and Goreway 65. Martyrdom and Letters of Robert Glover 66. Cornelius Bungey 67. John and William Glover 68. Martyrdom of Wolsey and Pigot 69. Life and Character of Nicholas Ridley 70. Ridley's Letters 71. Life of Hugh Latimer 72. Latimer's Letters 73. Ridley and Latimer Re-examined and Executed74. More Letters of Ridley 75. Life and Death of Stephen Gardiner 76. Martyrdom of Webb, Roper and Park 77. William Wiseman 78. James Gore 79. Examinations and Martyrdom of John Philpot 80. Philpot's Letters 81. Martyrdom of Thomas Whittle, Barlett Green, et al 82. Letters of Thomas Wittle 83. Life of Bartlett Green 84. Letters of Bartlett Green 85. Thomas Browne 86. John Tudson 87. John Went 88. Isobel Foster 89. Joan Lashford 90. Five Canterbury Martyrs 91. Life and Martyrdom of Cranmer 92. Letters of Cranmer 93. Martyrdom of Agnes Potten and Joan Trunchfield 94. Persecution in Salisbury Maundrell, Coberly and Spicer 95. William Tyms, et al 96. Letters of Tyms 97. The Norfolk Supplication 98. Martyrdom of John Harpole and Joan Beach 99. John Hullier 100. Hullier's Letters 101. Christopher Lister and five other martyrs 102. Hugh Lauerocke and John Apprice 103. Katherine Hut, Elizabeth Thacknell, et al 104. Thomas Drury and Thomas Croker 105. Thomas Spicer, John Deny and Edmund Poole 106. Persecution of Winson and Mendlesam 107. Gregory Crow 108. William Slech 109. Avington Read, et al 110. Wood and Miles 111. Adherall and Clement 112. A Merchant's Servant Executed at Leicester 113. Thirteen Burnt at Stratford-le-Bow114. Persecution in Lichfield 115. Hunt, Norrice, Parret 116. Martyrdom of Bernard, Lawson and Foster 117. Examinations of John Fortune118. John Careless 119. Letters of John Careless 120. Martyrdom of Julius Palmer 121. Agnes Wardall 122. Peter Moone and his wife 123. Guernsey Martyrdoms 124. Dungate, Foreman and Tree 125. Martyrdom of Thomas More126. Martyrdom of John Newman127. Examination of John Jackson128. Examination of John Newman 129. Martyrdom of Joan Waste 130. Martyrdom of Edward Sharpe 131. Four Burnt at Mayfield at Sussex 132. John Horne and a woman 133. William Dangerfield 134. Northampton Shoemaker 135. Prisoners Starved at Canterbury 136. More Persecution at Lichfield
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1452 [1426]

Q. Mary. Example of Gods marueilous working in M. Saunders and D. Pendleton.

MarginaliaAn. 1555. February.selfe without this grace geuen from aboue, though he seeme otherwise neuer so stoute in him selfe:MarginaliaStrength to stand in Christ, cōmeth not of our selues, but is the gift of God. here therfore haue we added to the foresayd story of Laurence Saunders, the communication which in the begynnyng of his trouble, was betwene him and Doct. Pendleton, by the example whereof, such as stand, may learne to vnderstand and take heede with due feare, & not to bragge: to leane to the grace of the Lord, and not to presume in themselues.

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¶ A certaine communication betwene Laurence Saunders and Doctor Pendleton, in the begynnyng of Queene Maries tyme.

MarginaliaTalke betwene M. Saunders, and Doctour Pendleton.AT the chaunge of Religion in this Realme, and the begynnyng of Queene Maries reigne, Doct. Pendleton and M. Saunders men knowen to the world, not onely to be learned but also earnest preachers of Gods word in the tyme of blessed kyng Edward,MarginaliaD. Pendleton a stout preacher of the Gospell in King Edwardes tyme. met together in the countrey, where by occasion they were at that tyme, and as the case required (by reason of the persecution that was then at hand) fell to debate what was best for them to do, in so daūgerous a season. Whereupon Maister Saunders, whether thorough very frailty in deede of his weake flesh that was loth to tast of the bitter cuppe,  

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Saunders is referring to Christ's words in the garden of Gethsemane (see Matthew 26:39, Mark 14:36 and Luke 22:42).

though his spirite were ready thereunto: or whether it were vpon the mistrust of his own strength, that he might receiue the greater power frō aboue: or whether it were not for any one of the sayd causes alone, but for both together, or such lyke: seemed so fearefull and feeble spirited, that he shewed hym selfe in appearaunce, lyker either to fall quyte from GOD & his word, which he had taught, or at least to betake him to his heeles and to flye the land, rather then to sticke to his profession and abyde by his tackle:MarginaliaM. Sauders timerous in Christes cause at the first beginning. so as Doctour Pendleton (who on the cōtrary side, appeared not so byg of body, but as bold in courage, nor so earnest before in Pulpit, but as ready now to seale the same with his bloud) tooke vppon him to comforte Maister Saunders all that he might, admonishyng him (as he could do it very well) not to forsake cowardly his flocke when he had most neede to defend the wolfe from them: neither hauyng put his hand to Gods plough, to start now aside and geue it ouer, nor yet (that is worst of all) hauyng once forsaken Antichrist, to fal either himselfe, or to suffer others by his example to returne to their vomite agayne.

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After whiche and such lyke perswasions byddyng hym be of good comfort, and to take a good hart vnto him: what man (quoth hee) there is a great deale more cause in me to be afearde them in you, for as much as you see, I cary a greater masse of fleshe vpon my backe then you do, and beyng so laden with a heauier lumpe of this vyle carkase ought therfore of nature to be more frayle then you: MarginaliaThe stout braggs of D. Pendletō at the first beginning.and yet, sayth he, I wil see the vttermost droppe of this grease of myne molten awaye, and the last gobbet of this fleshe consumed to ashes, before I will forsake GOD and hys truth. Whereunto the other aunsweryng but litle, and wishyng that almighty God would geue him more strength then he presently felt in him selfe,MarginaliaGod geueth strength where feblenes is confessed. acknowledgyng his owne weakenes, consented notwithstandyng though it were somewhat fayntly, to ioyne with him in the profession of the Gospell, and so to go vp to London and set forth the same: wherupon they gaue ech other their handes.

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Now when they were come to London, Lord what a great chaunge was there betwene these twoo personnes. The poore feeble faynt harted Saunders, by the goodnesse of almightie GOD, takyng hart of grace to him, seekyng the same in humilitie, boldly and stoutely confirmed his flocke out of the Pulpite, where his charge lay, mightely beatyng down Antichrist, and lustely preached Christ his Maister, for the which he afterward suffred most willyngly as in afore declared. MarginaliaExample how feble man is of hymselfe without the Lord support hym.Whereas on the other side, Pendleton the proude (who, as it appeared by the sequele, had bene more stoute in wordes, then constaunt in deedes and a greater bragger, then a good warriour) followed Peter so iustly in crackes, how soeuer hee dyd in repentaunce (which God onely knoweth,) that he came not so soone to London but he chaunged his typet,  

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Literally, he changed a garment which he wore as part of his clerical dress. Apparently this was a popular proverb negatively characterizing a change of behaviour (see OED), but Foxe is also taking a jab at the wearing of clerical vestments.

and played the Apostata,  
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Apostate or traitor.

preachyng in stede of sounde doctrine, nothyng almost but errours and lyes aduauncyng Antichrist, and ouerthrowyng poore Christ with all his mayne: so that his former boldnes came to nothyng, vnlesse it were a contrary key, becommyng of a faythfull pastour a false runnagate, and of a true Preacher a sworne enemy of Gods euerlastyng Testament, to the great offence of his brethren, the hurt of his flocke, and the vtter vndoyng, without Gods greater mercy, of his owne soule. Wherin are specially to be considered the deepe & meruailous iudgementes of God, who as hee can and doth make strong whom it pleaseth him, when he seeth hys tyme, and most commōly such as appeare most feeblest: euen so contrarywise throweth hee downe o-

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ther some, seeme they neuer so stoute, stand they neuer so much in their owne conceites. Wherefore Marginalia
He that standeth let hym take heede he fall not.
Rom. 13.
let him that standeth take heede he fall not: and let vs pray continually to almighty God though we haue fayth, that he wil helpe & encrease our fayth, that in him it may be made stronge, which of it selfe is so weake, that it is soone ouerthrowen.

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This blessed man of God enduryng long tyme in prison, did not passe al his tyme in vnfruitful idlenes, but  

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Saunders' letters

The glosses mainly offer support in this section, giving scriptural references and identifying the recipients of the letters. An effect of this is to give a kind of outline of the ties which bound the Marian protestants together: the lessons and comforts of scripture were grafted on to the various patterns of association highlighted in the glosses naming the recipients of the letters: ties between pastor and flock, ties within the godly family, ties of friendship and comfort. Some of the glosses help to characterise Saunders in the scriptural terms which dominate the section: the gloss 'To this his flocke the parish of Alhallowes in Bredstreate. He wrote also a fruitefull letter, exhorting and charging them to beware of the Romish religiō and constantly to sticke to the truth which they had confessed' notes Saunders addressing his 'flock'; 'What it is to follow Christ' and 'The true badge of Christ. Iohn 13' highlight the link between suffering and following Christ). The only variation from this supprtive work can be found in the glosses next to Saunders' brother's letters urging him to return to Catholicism ('Iustice sayth. Audi Alteram partem'; 'He meaneth peraduenture when the Sanctus is singing for then the Organs pipe merely and that may giue some Comfort').

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There are various references which are badly positioned: the gloss 'Iosephes handling of his brethrē applyed to Christ' is well positioned in 1570 and 1576, but badly in 1583; in all the other cases 1570 has accurately placed references while 1576 and 1583 do not. A scriptural reference given correctly as '2. Cor. 4.' in 1570 appears as '1. Cor. 4.' in both 1576 and 1583.

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MarginaliaM. Saunders diligent in writing letters out of prison.stil from time to tyme did visite hys frendes (as is sayd) and especially hys wife, with many letters full of godly instruction & consolation.  
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Laurence Saunders' Letters

Almost all of these letters first appeared in Bull's Letters of the Martyrs and were only added in 1570. This is a striking tribute to the extent of Bull's research and Foxe's indebtedness to it. With this additional material, the Rerum format of a martyr's life interspersed with a martyr's letters comes closer to the pattern of the Acts and Monuments: a martyr's life, followed by his letters.

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All which letters it shal not be greatly needfull here to insert, partly because they are to be found in the booke of letters,  
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Bull's Letters of the Martyrs.

MarginaliaRead the booke of letters of the Martyrs. partly because we entend also (if God wil) to prosecute the same more at large.  
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A reference to Foxe's plan, which was never realised, to include a separate volume reprinting all the writings of all the martyrs. (See Evenden and Freeman, p. 37).

In the meane tyme it shall not be out of place here presētly to comprehend certain of them, as in order followeth.

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¶ A letter sent to M. Farrar B. of S. Dauides, D. Taylour, M. Bradford, and M. Philpot.  
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First in Letters of the Martyrs, p. 211.

MarginaliaA letter of M. Saunders sent to B. Farrar, D. Taylor, M. Bradford and Maister Philpot.GRace, mercy & peace in Iesus Christ our Lord &c. Good Fathers and dear brethren, be thankfull vnto our moste gracious God, which hath preserued vs, and shall (I doubte not) from blaspheming his blessed name: yea not only that, but also ex ore Infantium & Lactentium perficiet laudem. &c. i. MarginaliaPsal. 8.Out of the mouthes of very babes & sucklinges shall be set forth his prayse. They offer vs (forsooth) our liberty and pardon, so that we will rise with them vnto that fayth which we with them were fallen from. Ye or no, must be aunswered in hast. They will not admit any needful circumstances, but al (as heretofore) most detestable & abhominable. Rise with them we must vnto the vnity. A pardō (say I) of me must not be so dearly purchased. A pardō I desire, for to liue with an vnclogged conscience. The Donatistes (say they) sought for such singularity, but they were not meete to liue in a common wealth, no more bee you, as you shall shortly vnderstand. Wherfore away with hym: yea the time was named within this seuennight. MarginaliaIohn. 11.There be. xij. houres in the day. Death shall be welcome (say I) as being looked for long since, and yet do iustice ye were best, for Abels bloude cryed ye wote what. The spirit of God be vpon you, & God saue your honors. Thus departed I from them. Pray, Pray. Ah, ah, puer sum, nescio loqui. i. I am a child, I cannot speak. My brother P. shal shew you more herein. By hym sende me word what you haue done. Fare ye well, and pray, pray. I would gladly meete with my good brother bradford, on the backe side about a xj. of the clocke. Before that tyme I cannot start out, we haue such outwalkers, but then wyll they be at dinner.

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Yours as you know, Laurence Saunders.

¶ A letter which L. Saunders did write to his wife, and others of the faythfull, after his condēnation to the fire, written the last of Ianuary, 1555. out of the Counter in Breadstreet.  
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First in Rerum, pp. 415-17, then in 1563; Letters of the Martyrs, pp. 204-06 and subsequent editions of the Acts and Monuments. ECL 260, fo. 254r-v and ECL 262, fos. 167r-169r are copies of this letter.

MarginaliaA comfortable letter of M. Saunders to his wyfe and others of the faythfull flocke.THe grace of Christ, wt the consolation of the holy Ghost, to the keeping of fayth and a good conscience confirme & keepe you for euer vessels to Gods glory, Amen.

Oh what worthy thankes can be geuen to our gracious God for hys vnmeasurable mercies plentifully poured vpō vs? And I most vnworthy wretch cannot but poure forth at this present, euen from the bottom of my hart, the bewayling of my greate ingratitude and vnkindnes towardes so gracious a good God and louing father. I besech you all, as for my other many sinnes, so especially for that sinne of my vnthankefulnes, craue pardon for me in your earneste prayers, commēding me to Gods great mercyes in Christ.

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To number these mercies in particular, were to number the drops of water which are in the Sea, the sandes on the shore, the starres in the sky. O my deare wife, and ye the rest of my frendes, reioice with me, I say reioice wt thanksgeuing for this my present promotion, in that I am made worthy to magnifie my God, not only in my life by my slow mouth and vncircumcised lippe,s bearing witnes vnto his truth, but also by my bloud to seale the same, to the glory of my God and confirming of his true Church. And as yet I testifie vnto you, that MarginaliaThe sweete comfort of Christ taketh away the feare of death from Saunders.the comfort of my sweet Christ doth driue from my phantasie the feare of death. But if my dear husband Christ doe for my tryall, leaue me alone a little to my selfe, alas I know in what case I shalbe thē: but if for my proofe he do so, yet I am sure he wil not be long nor farre from me. Though he stand behind the wall & hide hymselfeMarginaliaCant. 2. (as Salomō saith in his mistical ballet) yet will he peepe in by a crest to see how I do. He is a very tender harted Ioseph: MarginaliaIosephes handling of his brethren applyed to Christ.though he speake roughly to his brethren & handle thē hardly, yea & threaten greuous bondage to his best beloued

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