Thematic Divisions in Book 11
1. The Martyrdom of Rogers 2. The Martyrdom of Saunders 3. Saunders' Letters 4. Hooper's Martyrdom 5. Hooper's Letters 6. Rowland Taylor's Martyrdom 7. Becket's Image and other events 8. Miles Coverdale and the Denmark Letters 9. Bonner and Reconciliation 10. Judge Hales 11. The Martyrdom of Thomas Tomkins 12. The Martyrdom of William Hunter 13. The Martyrdom of Higbed and Causton 14. The Martyrdom of Pigot, Knight and Laurence 15. Robert Farrar's Martyrdom 16. The Martyrdom of Rawlins/Rowland White17. The Restoration of Abbey Lands and other events in Spring 155518. The Providential Death of the Parson of Arundel 19. The Martyrdom of John Awcocke 20. The Martyrdom of George Marsh 21. The Letters of George Marsh 22. The Martyrdom of William Flower 23. The Martyrdom of Cardmaker and Warne 24. Letters of Warne and Cardmaker 25. The Martyrdom of Ardley and Simpson 26. John Tooly 27. The Examination of Robert Bromley [nb This is part of the Tooly affair]28. The Martyrdom of Thomas Haukes 29. Letters of Haukes 30. The Martyrdom of Thomas Watts 31. Censorship Proclamation 32. Our Lady' Psalter 33. Martyrdom of Osmund, Bamford, Osborne and Chamberlain34. The Martyrdom of John Bradford 35. Bradford's Letters 36. William Minge 37. James Trevisam 38. The Martyrdom of John Bland 39. The Martyrdom of Frankesh, Middleton and Sheterden 40. Sheterden's Letters 41. Examinations of Hall, Wade and Polley 42. Martyrdom of Christopher Wade 43. Nicholas Hall44. Margery Polley45. Martyrdom of Carver and Launder 46. Martyrdom of Thomas Iveson 47. John Aleworth 48. Martyrdom of James Abbes 49. Martyrdom of Denley, Newman and Pacingham 50. Richard Hooke 51. Martyrdom of William Coker, et al 52. Martyrdom of George Tankerfield, et al 53. Martyrdom and Letters of Robert Smith 54. Martyrdom of Harwood and Fust 55. Martyrdom of William Haile 56. George King, Thomas Leyes and John Wade 57. William Andrew 58. Martyrdom of Robert Samuel 59. Samuel's Letters 60. William Allen 61. Martyrdom of Roger Coo 62. Martyrdom of Thomas Cobb 63. Martyrdom of Catmer, Streater, Burwood, Brodbridge, Tutty 64. Martyrdom of Hayward and Goreway 65. Martyrdom and Letters of Robert Glover 66. Cornelius Bungey 67. John and William Glover 68. Martyrdom of Wolsey and Pigot 69. Life and Character of Nicholas Ridley 70. Ridley's Letters 71. Life of Hugh Latimer 72. Latimer's Letters 73. Ridley and Latimer Re-examined and Executed74. More Letters of Ridley 75. Life and Death of Stephen Gardiner 76. Martyrdom of Webb, Roper and Park 77. William Wiseman 78. James Gore 79. Examinations and Martyrdom of John Philpot 80. Philpot's Letters 81. Martyrdom of Thomas Whittle, Barlett Green, et al 82. Letters of Thomas Wittle 83. Life of Bartlett Green 84. Letters of Bartlett Green 85. Thomas Browne 86. John Tudson 87. John Went 88. Isobel Foster 89. Joan Lashford 90. Five Canterbury Martyrs 91. Life and Martyrdom of Cranmer 92. Letters of Cranmer 93. Martyrdom of Agnes Potten and Joan Trunchfield 94. Persecution in Salisbury Maundrell, Coberly and Spicer 95. William Tyms, et al 96. Letters of Tyms 97. The Norfolk Supplication 98. Martyrdom of John Harpole and Joan Beach 99. John Hullier 100. Hullier's Letters 101. Christopher Lister and five other martyrs 102. Hugh Lauerocke and John Apprice 103. Katherine Hut, Elizabeth Thacknell, et al 104. Thomas Drury and Thomas Croker 105. Thomas Spicer, John Deny and Edmund Poole 106. Persecution of Winson and Mendlesam 107. Gregory Crow 108. William Slech 109. Avington Read, et al 110. Wood and Miles 111. Adherall and Clement 112. A Merchant's Servant Executed at Leicester 113. Thirteen Burnt at Stratford-le-Bow114. Persecution in Lichfield 115. Hunt, Norrice, Parret 116. Martyrdom of Bernard, Lawson and Foster 117. Examinations of John Fortune118. John Careless 119. Letters of John Careless 120. Martyrdom of Julius Palmer 121. Agnes Wardall 122. Peter Moone and his wife 123. Guernsey Martyrdoms 124. Dungate, Foreman and Tree 125. Martyrdom of Thomas More126. Martyrdom of John Newman127. Examination of John Jackson128. Examination of John Newman 129. Martyrdom of Joan Waste 130. Martyrdom of Edward Sharpe 131. Four Burnt at Mayfield at Sussex 132. John Horne and a woman 133. William Dangerfield 134. Northampton Shoemaker 135. Prisoners Starved at Canterbury 136. More Persecution at Lichfield
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1537 [1511]

Q. Mary. The story and trouble of Thomas Wattes.

Marginalia1555. Iune.the knowledge of his holy word, that he may therby learne to leaue the euill and know the good, and alwayes be pricked forward with fatherly instructions to folow my footesteps: that as almighty God hath made me worthy through his speciall grace to worke his will in obedience, he may learne to follow me his father in the lyke, to Gods honour & prayse: And this I require you in Gods behalfe to fulfill or cause to be fulfilled, as ye before the lyuing God wyll make aūswere for the same. I haue left for the child certayn bookes which shalbe deliuered vnto you, wherein his instructiō & saluation lyeth if he learne & practise the same. And thus, most humbly beseching you once againe, to be as good vnto him as your promise was to me, that is, to be a father, & a wal of defēce vnto him in all troubles, I leaue him in your hād through the lord Iesu, & desire hym to bles both him & you accordyng to his good promise: and all that good which ye shall doe vnto him, I shal most hartely desire the euerlasting God to recōpēce vnto you in his kingdome, where I hope to meete both him and you among all gods elect. To which God be al praise honor and glory, Amē.

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Yours and all mens in Christ Iesu, Thomas Haukes.

¶ The History of Thomas Wattes, examined tryed, and burnt for the truth of the Gospell.  
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The Martyrdom of Thomas Wats

The Rerum merely mentions that Wats was executed at Chelmsford on 10June 1555. All the information Foxe printed on Wats appeared in the 1563 edition, although the materials were rearranged in the 1570 edition. The letter to Bonner from the Essex justices, the articles objected against Wats together his answers and the description of Wats's appearances in Consistory court all come from official records, probably a court book, which is now lost. The background on Wats's life, the account of the examination of Wats by Lord Rich and the description of Wats's execution came from oral sources and eyewitness accounts. (The disorder of this material in the 1563edition and its subsequent rearrangement show that this material came to Foxe from different sources). The account of Wats's life and martyrdom was reprinted without alteration in the 1576 and 1583 editions.

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Thomas Watts

Most of the glosses in this section give brief summaries of the content of the articles against Watts and his answers to them. As is usual, 1563 simply uses marginal numbers to distinguish articles, while later editions use verbal glosses. Foxe in the gloss 'Q. Maryes seruice reproued' interestingly goes out of the way (if one compares it to the text) to make the point that the religious service in question was the queen's. Sir Anthony Browne's turn against his former profession is also highlighted in the margin ('Syr Anthony Browne a Gospeller in K. Edwardes dayes & a persecuter in Queene Maryes dayes'). A reference in 1563 to two who wanted to be burned along with Watts was later dropped, although the piece of text it corresponds to was retained: perhaps Foxe did not want to emphasise a case which could be portrayed as seeking martyrdom.

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MarginaliaIune. 10. The story of Thomas Wattes Martyr.THomas Wates of Billerica, within the County of Essex, and of the Dioces of London, was by his occupation a lynen Draper, who before  
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This little anecedote about Wats giving away his possessions and settling his affairs appeared at the end of the account of Wats in the 1563 edition. This indicates that this particular anecdote came to Foxe from a different source than the material on Wats's background.

he was apprehended, had sold and made away his cloth in his Shop, and disposed his thyngs beyng set in order to his wife and children, and gaue away much of his cloth vnto the poore:MarginaliaThomas Wattes disposeth his goodes before he should be apprehended.For he looked alwayes to be takē by Gods aduersaries and his, as shortly after came in deede to passe: so that vppon the 26. day of Aprill he was apprehended and brought before the Lord Rich and other Commissioners at Chelmisford, and there beyng accused for not commyng to the Church, was vpon the same examined before the Lord Rich, Henry Tyrell, Syr Anthony Browne, Edmond Tyrell, Thomas Mildmā, Iohn Wiseman, Roger Appleton, Rich. Weston, Iustice Gaudy. &c. The summe & principall effect of which examination here vnder foloweth briefly expressed.

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¶ The examination of Tho. Wattes, before the Lorde Rich and others.  
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This examination appeared at the end of the account of Wats's martyrdom, indicating that it came from another source than the other material. It is clearly written by a spectator, or more probably, Wats himself and not taken from an official record.

MarginaliaThe examination of Thomas Wattes before the Lord Rich, and other the Queenes commissioners.WHen this Tho. Wattes came before þe Lord Rich and other the Iustices, whose names are specified in the letter following (which they sent vnto the byshop of London against him) at the Sessions at Chelmisforde, þe Lord Rich sayd these wordes or the lyke in effect vnto him.

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MarginaliaThe wordes of the Lord Rich to Tho. Wattes.Wattes, ye be brought hither (as I vnderstand) because of disobedience to the Kyng and Queenes lawes. Ye will not come to the Church, ye will not heare Masse: &c. but haue your conuenticles, a sort of you in corners, contrary to the Kyng and Queenes procedinges. Vnto which his wordes Wattes aunswered and sayd.

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MarginaliaWatses wordes to the Lord Rich.My Lord, if I haue offended a law, I am subiect here to the law. Thē Anthony Browne Iustice sayd vnto him: Wattes, I pray the tell me, who hath bene thy schoolemaister to teach thee this geare, or where diddest thou first learne this Religion? Forsooth (quoth Wattes) euen of you Sir: MarginaliaSyr Anthony Browne a Gospeller in King Edwards dayes and a persecutor in Q. Maryes taught it me, and none more then you. For in King Edwardes dayes in open Sessions you spake agaynst this Religion now vsed, no preacher more. You thē sayd, the Masse was abhominable, and all their trumpery besides, wishing and earnestly exhorting that none shoulde beleue therin, and that our beliefe should be onely in Christ: and you sayd then, whosoeuer should bring in any straunge nation to rule here, it were treason and not to be suffered.

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Then sayd Browne to my Lord Rich: he belyes me my Lord. What a knaue is thys? he will soone belye me behynd my backe, when he doth it before my face: and my Lorde Rich sayd agayne, I dare say he doth so.

After these wordes, Wattes toke occasion to speake somewhat of K. Philip, and of his comming in: but what it was, I coulde not iustly learne: but this much was heard that after those wordes spoken, the Bench among them selues stoode vp, and sayd one to an other: treason, sauing one good man called Iustice Gaudy,MarginaliaIustice Gaudy a good man. who a litle before was about to speake: but when hee heard them crye treason hee helde downe his head, as one greeued and troubled at their doinges.

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In conclusion, the Commissioners beyng wery of him, or els not willing to medle further in such high matters, sent him vp to the Byshop of London, with their letter withall importing the cause of his sendyng vp, as by the cōtentes thereof here vnder followeth to be seene.

¶ A letter sent by certaine Iustices in Essex to Boner Byshop of London.  
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The accounts of Wats's appearance in Consistory court, along with the letter from the Essex justices, and the articles objected against him with his answers, are taken from official documents, probably a court book, which is now lost.

MarginaliaA letter of the Lord Rich, Henry Tyrell and other Iustices to Boner.AFter our most harty commendations to your good Lordship, these shall be to aduertyse you, that at our Sessions of Oyer and Terminer holden at Chelmisford the 26. day of April last past, there came before vs in open Courte one Thomas Wattes of Billerica within your dioces by ordinary processe, and then and there being examined why he refused to come to his parish Church, and there to receaue the sacrament of the aultar, and heare diuine seruice, according to the institution of holy Church, he openly there aunswered generally that like as the seruice of the Church set out in the dayes of the late Kyng Edward þe sixt, was sayd by vs now to be abominable, hereticall, schismaticall, and all nought, so he sayd that all that is now vsed & done in þe Church is abhominable, hereticall, schismaticall, and all nought with diuers other erroneous & arrogant words: MarginaliaTho. Wattes sent vp by the Iustices of Essex to Byshop Boner.and therefore we haue thought good to sende hym to your Lordship, to bee further examined by you of his particular opinions, as to your pastorall office shall seeme conuenient, certifying you further, that in our opinion he is one of the most arrogant heretickes þt hath bene heard speake, or euer came before you, & not meete to be kept here in any Gaole: aswell for feare of corrupting others, as for dyuers & sundry other special causes hereafter to be more declared. Thus leauing to molest your good Lordship, we commit you to the holy ghost. Geuen at Chelmysforde the xxvij. daye of Apryll. Anno. 1555.

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Your good Lordships most assured,MarginaliaThe names of the Iustices.

R. Rich.
Henry Tirrell.
Antony Browne.
Edmund Tirrell.
T. Myldman.
Iohn Wyseman.
Roger Appleton.
Richard Weston.

Now when the Byshop had receiued him, how he vsed him it is easye (by his common practises with others) to iudge. What his priuate conferences were I know not: but what was publickely done in the Cōsistory at Paules (the cōmon Stage for these tragedies) you shall here see.

¶ The first appearaunce of Thomas Wattes in the Byshops Consistory.  
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The accounts of Wats's appearance in Consistory court, along with the letter from the Essex justices, and the articles objected against him with his answers, are taken from official documents, probably a court book, which is now lost.

MarginaliaThe first appearance of Thomas Wattes in the Byshops Consistory.FIrst vpon Thursday, beyng the seconde daye of Maye Thomas Wattes was brought thether before the Byshop of London, and there being examined vpon his wordes had before the Lord Rich and others (as is conteyned in their letters) he did earnestly affirme the same to be true. Whereupon the Byshop obiected, and examined him vpon these Articles folowing, to the which he aunswered, as vnder may appeare.

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¶ Articles obiected agaynst Thomas Wattes of Byllerica in the Countey of Essex, within the Dioces of London, by Boner Byshop there, as ensueth.  
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The accounts of Wats's appearance in Consistory court, along with the letter from the Essex justices, and the articles objected against him with his answers, are taken from official documents, probably a court book, which is now lost.

MarginaliaArticles against Tho. Wattes.1 FIrst that the sayd Thomas Wattes was of Billerica and so of the iurisdiction of the Bishop of London.

MarginaliaThe sacramentes of the Church of Rome.2. Item, that he beleued not in the Sacramentes of the holy and Catholicke church, as the catholicke church of Rome & all other Churches members of the same, euer hetherto hath beleued & is taught of all good and faythfull people, nor hath alowed the said sacramentes, rittes, vsages, or ceremonies of the said Church, but hath despised the same.

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MarginaliaThe substance of the sacrament.3. Item, that he beleueth and also hath taught others, that the substaunce of materiall bread and wyne do remayne in the Sacrament of the aultar after the consecration, and that the sayd materiall bread and wyne are the signes and tokens of Christes body hanged vpon the Crosse, and of his bloud there shed, and that in the sayd Sacrament there is onely a memory or remembraunce of Christes body and bloud and nothing els.

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MarginaliaThe presence in the sacrament.4. Item, that he beleueth, and doth precisely affirme, that the very true presence of Christes body and bloud in substaunce, is not in the Sacrament of the aultar, but onely in heauen, and no where els.

MarginaliaThe Masse abominable.5. Itē, that he beleueth, affirmeth, & sayth, þt the Masse now vsed in the church of Rome here in England, & other places, is full of idolatry, abominatiō, & wickednes, and that Christ did neuer institute it, nor ordayne it, nor yet alow it as a good & laudable thing to be vsed in his Church.

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MarginaliaConfession to God.6. Itē, that he beleueth & affirmeth that auricular cōfessiō to be made vnto the Priest, is not necessary, but superfluous: & that it is inough for a mā to beleue onely, & to cōfesse him self vnto God, wtout any priest or minister, at any tyme, though he may haue the priest to confesse him vnto.

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7. Item, that he beleueth that Luther, Wickleffe, Doct.
