Thematic Divisions in Book 11
1. The Martyrdom of Rogers 2. The Martyrdom of Saunders 3. Saunders' Letters 4. Hooper's Martyrdom 5. Hooper's Letters 6. Rowland Taylor's Martyrdom 7. Becket's Image and other events 8. Miles Coverdale and the Denmark Letters 9. Bonner and Reconciliation 10. Judge Hales 11. The Martyrdom of Thomas Tomkins 12. The Martyrdom of William Hunter 13. The Martyrdom of Higbed and Causton 14. The Martyrdom of Pigot, Knight and Laurence 15. Robert Farrar's Martyrdom 16. The Martyrdom of Rawlins/Rowland White17. The Restoration of Abbey Lands and other events in Spring 155518. The Providential Death of the Parson of Arundel 19. The Martyrdom of John Awcocke 20. The Martyrdom of George Marsh 21. The Letters of George Marsh 22. The Martyrdom of William Flower 23. The Martyrdom of Cardmaker and Warne 24. Letters of Warne and Cardmaker 25. The Martyrdom of Ardley and Simpson 26. John Tooly 27. The Examination of Robert Bromley [nb This is part of the Tooly affair]28. The Martyrdom of Thomas Haukes 29. Letters of Haukes 30. The Martyrdom of Thomas Watts 31. Censorship Proclamation 32. Our Lady' Psalter 33. Martyrdom of Osmund, Bamford, Osborne and Chamberlain34. The Martyrdom of John Bradford 35. Bradford's Letters 36. William Minge 37. James Trevisam 38. The Martyrdom of John Bland 39. The Martyrdom of Frankesh, Middleton and Sheterden 40. Sheterden's Letters 41. Examinations of Hall, Wade and Polley 42. Martyrdom of Christopher Wade 43. Nicholas Hall44. Margery Polley45. Martyrdom of Carver and Launder 46. Martyrdom of Thomas Iveson 47. John Aleworth 48. Martyrdom of James Abbes 49. Martyrdom of Denley, Newman and Pacingham 50. Richard Hooke 51. Martyrdom of William Coker, et al 52. Martyrdom of George Tankerfield, et al 53. Martyrdom and Letters of Robert Smith 54. Martyrdom of Harwood and Fust 55. Martyrdom of William Haile 56. George King, Thomas Leyes and John Wade 57. William Andrew 58. Martyrdom of Robert Samuel 59. Samuel's Letters 60. William Allen 61. Martyrdom of Roger Coo 62. Martyrdom of Thomas Cobb 63. Martyrdom of Catmer, Streater, Burwood, Brodbridge, Tutty 64. Martyrdom of Hayward and Goreway 65. Martyrdom and Letters of Robert Glover 66. Cornelius Bungey 67. John and William Glover 68. Martyrdom of Wolsey and Pigot 69. Life and Character of Nicholas Ridley 70. Ridley's Letters 71. Life of Hugh Latimer 72. Latimer's Letters 73. Ridley and Latimer Re-examined and Executed74. More Letters of Ridley 75. Life and Death of Stephen Gardiner 76. Martyrdom of Webb, Roper and Park 77. William Wiseman 78. James Gore 79. Examinations and Martyrdom of John Philpot 80. Philpot's Letters 81. Martyrdom of Thomas Whittle, Barlett Green, et al 82. Letters of Thomas Wittle 83. Life of Bartlett Green 84. Letters of Bartlett Green 85. Thomas Browne 86. John Tudson 87. John Went 88. Isobel Foster 89. Joan Lashford 90. Five Canterbury Martyrs 91. Life and Martyrdom of Cranmer 92. Letters of Cranmer 93. Martyrdom of Agnes Potten and Joan Trunchfield 94. Persecution in Salisbury Maundrell, Coberly and Spicer 95. William Tyms, et al 96. Letters of Tyms 97. The Norfolk Supplication 98. Martyrdom of John Harpole and Joan Beach 99. John Hullier 100. Hullier's Letters 101. Christopher Lister and five other martyrs 102. Hugh Lauerocke and John Apprice 103. Katherine Hut, Elizabeth Thacknell, et al 104. Thomas Drury and Thomas Croker 105. Thomas Spicer, John Deny and Edmund Poole 106. Persecution of Winson and Mendlesam 107. Gregory Crow 108. William Slech 109. Avington Read, et al 110. Wood and Miles 111. Adherall and Clement 112. A Merchant's Servant Executed at Leicester 113. Thirteen Burnt at Stratford-le-Bow114. Persecution in Lichfield 115. Hunt, Norrice, Parret 116. Martyrdom of Bernard, Lawson and Foster 117. Examinations of John Fortune118. John Careless 119. Letters of John Careless 120. Martyrdom of Julius Palmer 121. Agnes Wardall 122. Peter Moone and his wife 123. Guernsey Martyrdoms 124. Dungate, Foreman and Tree 125. Martyrdom of Thomas More126. Martyrdom of John Newman127. Examination of John Jackson128. Examination of John Newman 129. Martyrdom of Joan Waste 130. Martyrdom of Edward Sharpe 131. Four Burnt at Mayfield at Sussex 132. John Horne and a woman 133. William Dangerfield 134. Northampton Shoemaker 135. Prisoners Starved at Canterbury 136. More Persecution at Lichfield
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1705 [1679]

Q. Mary. The story and life of Steuen Gardiner B. of VVinchester.

MarginaliaAnno. 1555. Nouember.hym, as ouertooke hym, not so much burdened him, as made him burdenous to the whole realme. He was of a proude stomake  

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Of a proud spirit.

and high minded, in his owne opinion and conceite flatteryng hym selfe to much, in wit craftie and subtile, toward his superiour flattering and fraire spoken, to his inferiours fierce, against his equal stout  
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Proud, arrogant, haughty (OED).

and enuious, namely if in iudgement and sentence hee any thyng withstode him: as appered betwene the good Lord Cromwell and hym in the reigne of king Henry, beyng of like hautines of stomacke, as the poetes writ of Pelides, Cedere nescius.  
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Foxe text Latin

Pelides, Cedere nescius

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2003)

not knowing how to yield

Actual text of Horace, Odes I. 6.

Nos, Agrippa, neque haec dicere nec gravem
Pelidae stomachum cedere nescii

[Horace’s genitivenesciiis changed to a nominative nescius to fit into Foxe's sentence grammatically. Also a Latin alphabet Greek first declension nominative endingPelidesis used in place of the original genitivePelidae]

Who although woulde geue no place to men, yet notwithstandyng I wishe he would haue geuē place to truth, accordyng as he semed not altogether ignorant of the truth. What his knowledge was therin, it is euident partly to vnderstand as well by his booke De vera obedientia,  
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Stephen Gardiner, De vera obedientia (London, 1535), STC 11584. This work argued that the English king, and not the pope, was the legitimate head of the English church. It was frequently cited by protestants as proof of Gardiner's opportunism and lack of principle.

as also by his Sermon before King Edward: also by hys aunsweres to the Councell the same time:  
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Gardiner's answers to the articles the privy council charged against him in 1550 are printed in 1563, pp. 755-68; 1570, pp. 1524-32; 1576, pp. 1300-06 and 1583, pp. 1550-06.

& moreouer by hys owne wordes maye be gathered in sundrye places, as more plainly may appeare by that which hereafter foloweth.  
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See 1563, pp. 1384-86; 1570, pp. 1956-59; 1576, pp. 1683-86 and 1583, pp. .

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Vpon his estimatiō & fame he stode to to much, more then was meete for a man of his coate & callyng, whose profession was to be crucified vnto the worlde: whiche thing made hym so stiffe  

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Stubborn, obstinate.

in maintainyng þt hee had once begon to take vpon hym. I wil not here speake of that whiche hath bene constantly reported to mee, touchyng the monstrous makyng & mishaped fashion of his feete and toes, the nailes whereof were said not to be like to other mens, but to crooke douneward, and to be sharp like the clawes of rauening beasts.  
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Foxe derived this colourful, if spurious, piece of gossip from John Ponet, A shorte treatise of politike power (Strasburg, 1556), STC 20178, sig. I4r. Notice thatFoxe does not say that this information is true, he merely repeats it by saying that he will not repeat it.

What his learning was in the Ciuill and Canon lawe, I haue not to say. What it was in other liberal sciences and arts this I suppose, þt neither his cōtinuāce in study, nor diligēce of readyng was such (by reason of his to much intermedlyng in Princes matters) as coulde truely well merite vnto him the title of a depe learned manne.MarginaliaWinchester not worthy the title of a lerned man.But what learnyng or cunnyng soeuer it was hee had, so it fared in hym, as it doth in Butchers, whiche vse to blowe vp their fleshe:  
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Unscrupulous butchers sometimes increased the apparent size of their wares by inflating the entrails.

euen so he with boldnes and stoutnes, and specially with aucthoritie made those giftes that he had to appeare much greater then they were in very deede. Wherunto vse peraduenture also & experience abroad brought no litle helpes, rather then either quickenes of witte, or happines of education.

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And as touching Diuinitie, he was so variable, waueryng with tyme, that no constant censure can be geuen what to make of hym. If his doyngs, & writynges were accordyng to his conscience, no man can rightlye say whether he was a right protestant or Papist. If he wrote otherwise then he thought, for feare, or to beare wt time, then was he a double depe dissembler before God and man, to say & vnsay, to write & vnwrite, to sweare and forsweare so as he did.MarginaliaThe mutabilitie of Steuen Gardiner in religion. For firste in the beginnyng of Quene Annes time,  

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I.e., Anne Boleyn.

who was so forward or so busy in the matter of the kings diuorce as Ste. Gardiner? who was first sent to Rome and then to the Emperour with Edward Foxe, as chief agēt in the behalfe of Lady Anne.  
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Foxe's account is confused here. Gardiner was sent on two missions to Clement VII, one in 1528 and one in 1529, as part of Henry VIII's efforts to secure a divorce from Catherine of Aragon. But Gardiner was not sent on an embassy to Charles V until 1540, years after Anne Boleyn was dead, and the purpose of this embassy had nothing to do with advancing the protestant cause.

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By whō also he was preferred to the Bishopricke of Wint. as Edm. Boner was by þe Lord Cromwel to the Bishopricke of London. Againe, at the abolishing of the Pope, who so ready to sweare, or so vehemēt to write against the Pope as he, as not only by his Sermons, but also by his boke De obedientia may appeare. In which booke De obedientia, leste any should thinke him drawen therunto otherwise thā by his own consent, he plainly declareth how not rashly nor vppon a sodeine, but vppon long deliberation and aduisement in hym selfe about the matter, he at length vttered hys iudgemēt: Wherof read before, pa. 1030. And moreouer, he so vttered his iudgement in writyng againste the vsurped supremacie of the Pope, that commyng to Louane,MarginaliaTouching the doinges of Winchester at Louane, read the letter of Driander to Crispine pag 1687. afterwarde he was there accompted for a person excommunicate, and a schismaticke, in so muche that he was not permitted in their Churche to say Masse, and moreouer in their publicke sermōs they opēly cried out against hym. Wherof read hereafter folowing pa. 1687.

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And thus long continued he firme & forward, so that who but Winchester duryng al the tyme and reigne of Qeeene Anne. After her decease that tyme by litle and litle caried hym awaye, till at length MarginaliaThe first turnyng of Winchester from the Gospell, and why?the emulation  

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Ambitious rivalry (OED).

of Cromwels estate, and especially (as it seemeth) for his so much fauoring of Boner (whom Winchester at that tyme in no case could abide)  
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See Glyn Redworth, In Defence of the Church Catholic: The Life of StephenGardiner (Oxford: 1990), pp. 83-84 on Gardiner's animosity towards Bonner at this point in their lives.

made hym an vtter enemy both against hym: and also his Religion: till againe in King Edwardes daies he began a little to rebate from certeine pointes of Popery, and somewhat to smell of

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the Gospell, as both by hys Sermon before kyng Edward, and also by his subscribyng to certaine Articles may appeare: MarginaliaAn other halfe turne of Winchester from Popery to the Gospell.and this was an halfe turne of Stephen Gardiner from Popery againe to the Gospell, and (no doubt) he would haue further turned, had not the vnlucky decaye of the Duke of Somerset cleane tourned him away from true Diuinitie to plain Popery:MarginaliaWinchester turned to a full Papist. wherin he continued a cruell persecutour to his diyng daye.

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And thus much concernyng the trade & profession of Ste. Gardiners Popish diuinity. In which his popish trade, whether he folowed more true iudgement, or els tyme, or rather the spirite of ambition and vaine glory, it is doubtfull to say, MarginaliaWinchester neuer constant in him selfe, nor agreing with other Papistes.and so muche the more doubtful, because in his doynges and writinges a man may see hym not onely contrarye to hym selfe, but also in some points contrary to other Papistes. And furthermore, where he agreeth with them, hee semeth therein not so muche to folowe his owne sense, as the mind and meanyng of Pereseus:  

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I.e., the Spanish theologian Martin Perez de Ayala.

MarginaliaA great part of Winchesters diuinitie is to be found in Pereseus.out of whose booke the greatest parte of Wynchesters Diuinitie seemeth to be borowed.

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And therfore, as in the true knowledge of gods holy word and scripture he appeareth no body:  

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Note that a passage which appeared here in the 1563 edition, conceding that Gardiner was 'in tong and utterance somewhat perchaunce praiseworthy' was dropped in later editions. Because it is so grudging, this is an impressive testimony to Gardiner's eloquence.

so in his pen & stile of writings MarginaliaWinchesters stile lesse farre he is frō cōmendation, then he is from all plaines and perspicuitie, In whose obscure and perplexe kind of writyng although peraduenture some sense may be found with some searching, yet shall no reader finde anye swetenes in his readyng,

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What moued him to be so sturdy against M. Cheke, & Sir T. Smith for þe Greke pronunciation, other may thinke what they please: I speake but what I thinke, that he so did, for that he sawe it a thing rather newly begun, then truely impugned.  

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Sir Thomas Smith, lecturer in Greek, and John Cheke had, since themid-1530s, been teaching Greek with an 'ancient' pronunciation (i.e., the pronunciation putatively used in ancient Greece rather than the modern Greek pronunciation). This 'ancient' pronunciation was championed by many humanists, notably Erasmus, but Gardiner favoured the modern pronunciation which had been traditionally taught in universities. In his capacity as chancellor of Cambridge, Gardiner banned the 'ancient' pronunciation from being taught at the University. Cheke and Smith wrote Latin treatises attacking Gardiner's position and Gardiner defended his position in lengthy Latin letters. (See J. A. Muller, Stephen Gardiner and the Tudor Reaction [London: 1926], pp. 121-23.

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Such was the disposition of that mā (as it semeth) that of purpose he euer affected to seme to be a patrone of al old customes, though they were neuer so rotten with age. This one thing I cannot but smyle at in my mynde, when I see MarginaliaThe vayne bragging of Ste. Gardiner noted.howe hee braggeth and vaunteth himselfe in al his letters to the Lord Protector and other of the Counsel, of the hie fauour of his noble King of famous memory, the Kings father that dead is. &c. when nothyng was lesse true, neither did the king lesse fauour any English man then him, as by the depositiōs both of the erle of Warwicke and of the Lorde Paget maie appeare in the pages of the firste booke. 824. 816.MarginaliaRead in þe firste booke of Actes & Monumētes pag. 824. 816. But into this false and fooles paradise he was brought through the sayd Lorde Paget, who, as he reporteth himselfe in his messages from the king to the said Winchester, deluded hym, tellyng hym much otherwise then the king had spoken, whiche thing puffed vp this vain glorious Thraso not a little, thinking the Moone was made of grene cheese. &c.

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But whatsoeuer he was, seeyng he is now gone, I referre hym to his Iudge, to whō he shall stand or fall. As concernyng his death and maner thereof, I would they whiche were present thereat, woulde testifie to vs what they saw. This wee haue all to thinke, that his death happened so oportunely, þt Englād hath a mighty cause to geue thanks to the Lord therfore: not so much for the great hurt he had done in time past in peruertyng his Princes, in bringyng in the. vi. Articles, in murderyng Gods Saintes, in defasing Christes sincere Religion. &c. MarginaliaSte. Gardiner especially hunteth for the life of Lady also especiallye for that hee had thought to haue brought to passe in murdrying also our Noble Queene that now is. For what soeuer daunger it was of death þt she was in, it did (no doubt) procede frō that bloudy Bishop, who was the cause therof.  

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Foxe persistantly, and unfairly, claimed that Gardiner was largely responsible for the imprisonment of Elizabeth and that the bishop sought to have her killed. For a discussion of this see Thomas S. Freeman, 'Providence and Prescription: The Account of Elizabeth in Foxe's "Book of Martyrs"' in Susan Doran and Thomas S. Freeman (eds.), The Myth of Elizabeth, (Basingstoke, 2003), pp. 30-31.

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MarginaliaQ. Elizabeth preserued.And if it be certaine which we haue heard, that her highnes beyng in the Tower, a wrytte came doune from certayne of the Councell for her Execution, it is out of controuersie, that wily Winchester was the onely Dedalus  
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In classical mythology Daedalus was a brilliant inventor and engineer.

and framer of that ingine.  
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I.e., plot.

Who (no doubt) in that one daye had brought this whole realme into wofull ruine, had not the Lorde most gratious councell, through M. BridgesMarginaliaM Bridges Liuetenant, the Lordes organe in sauing the Lady Elizabethes life.then the Lieutenaunt, cōming in hast to the Queene, certified her of the matter, and preuented Achitophels bloudy deuises. For the whiche, thankes be to the same our Lord and Sauiour, in the congregacion of all English Churches, Amen.

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Of thinges vncertaine, I muste speake vncertainly, for lacke of fuller information, or els peraduenture they be in þe Realme that can say more thē here I haue expressed. For as Boner, Story, Thornton, Harpsfield, Dunning, with other, were occnpied in puttyng þe poore braunches of gods Saintes to death: so this Bishop for his part bent all his deuises & had spent al his pouder  

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in assailyng the roote, and in casting such a platforme (as he himselfe in wordes at his death is sayd to

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