Thematic Divisions in Book 12
1. Exhumations of Bucer and Phagius along with Peter Martyr's Wife2. Pole's Visitation Articles for Kent3. Ten Martyrs Burnt at Canterbury4. The 'Bloody Commission'5. Twenty-two Prisoners from Colchester6. Five Burnt at Smithfield7. Stephen Gratwick and others8. Edmund Allen and other martyrs9. Alice Benden and other martyrs10. Examinations of Matthew Plaise11. Richard Woodman and nine other martyrs12. Ambrose13. Richard Lush14. Edmund Allen15. The Martyrdom of Simon Miller and Elizabeth Cooper16. Rose Allin and nine other Colchester Martyrs17. John Thurston18. George Eagles19. Richard Crashfield20. Fryer and George Eagles' sister21. Joyce Lewes22. Rafe Allerton and others23. Agnes Bongeor and Margaret Thurston24. John Kurde25. John Noyes26. Cicelye Ormes27. Persecution at Lichfield28. Persecution at Chichester29. Thomas Spurdance30. Hallingdale, Sparrow and Gibson31. John Rough and Margaret Mearing32. Cuthbert Simson33. William Nicholl34. Seaman, Carman and Hudson35. Three at Colchester36. A Royal Proclamation37. Roger Holland and other Islington martyrs38. Stephen Cotton and other martyrs39. Scourging of Thomas Hinshaw40. Scourging of John Milles41. Richard Yeoman42. John Alcocke43. Thomas Benbridge44. Four at St Edmondsbury45. Alexander Gouch and Alice Driver46. Three at Bury47. A Poor Woman of Exeter48. Priest's Wife of Exeter49. The Final Five Martyrs50. John Hunt and Richard White51. John Fetty52. Nicholas Burton53. John Fronton54. Another Martyrdom in Spain55. Baker and Burgate56. Burges and Hoker57. The Scourged: Introduction58. Richard Wilmot and Thomas Fairfax59. Thomas Greene60. Bartlett Greene and Cotton61. Steven Cotton's Letter62. James Harris63. Robert Williams64. Bonner's Beating of Boys65. A Beggar of Salisbury66. Providences: Introduction67. The Miraculously Preserved68. William Living69. Edward Grew70. William Browne71. Elizabeth Young72. Elizabeth Lawson73. Christenmas and Wattes74. John Glover75. Dabney76. Alexander Wimshurst77. Bosom's wife78. Lady Knevet79. Mistress Roberts80. Anne Lacy81. Crosman's wife82. Congregation at Stoke in Suffolk83. Congregation of London84. Edward Benet85. Jeffrey Hurst86. William Wood87. Simon Grinaeus88. The Duchess of Suffolk89. Thomas Horton 90. Thomas Sprat91. John Cornet92. Thomas Bryce93. Gertrude Crockhey94. William Mauldon95. Robert Horneby96. Mistress Sandes97. John Kempe98. Thomas Rose99. Complaint against the Ipswich Gospellers100. Tome 6 Life and Preservation of the Lady Elizabeth101. The Unprosperous Queen Mary102. Punishments of Persecutors103. Foreign Examples104. A Letter to Henry II of France105. The Death of Henry II and others106. Justice Nine-Holes107. John Whiteman108. Admonition to the Reader109. Hales' Oration110. Cautions to the Reader111. Snel112. Laremouth113. William Hunter's Letter
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1881 [1866]

Q. Mary. Visitation in Cābridge. Processe against M. Bucer & Phagius.

MarginaliaAnno, 1556. Ianuary.proofe to be laid to his charge: but much more vniust is it, that a man should be constrained perforce to accuse himselfe. Neuertheles these persons also, after much altercation, at length (conditionally, that their fayth geuen before to the colledge, were not impeched therby) were contented to be sworne.

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Three dayes long lasted the Inquisition there. This was now the third day of their commyng, and it was thought that the case of Bucer and Phagius was delaid longer then neded. For they looked to haue had much altercatiō and busines about the matter. MarginaliaThe consultation of the masters vpon the takyng vp of M. Bucer.Now, forasmuch as þe present state of the case required good deliberation and aduisement, the Vicechauncelor and the Maisters of the Colledges assembled at the common schooles, where euery man gaue his verdite what he thought mete to be done in this matter of Bucer. After much debatyng, they agreed altogether in this determination: that forasmuch as Martin Bucer whiles hee liued, had not onely sowed pernicious and erroneous doctrine among them, but also had himselfe beene a sectary and famous hereticke erring from the Catholicke church, and geuing others occasion to fall from the same likewise: a supplication should be made to the lord Commissioners, in the name of the whole Vniuersitie, that his dead carkas might forthwith be digged vp (for so it was nedefull to be done) MarginaliaInquisition to bee made of Mart. Bucers the intent that inquisition might bee made as touching hys doctrine, the which beyng brought in examination, if it were not found to be good and wholesome, the lawe might proceede against him: MarginaliaMart. Bucers buriall against the holy Canō lawes.for it was against the rule of the holy Canons, that his body should be buried in christen buriall. Yea, and besides that it was to the open derogation of gods honour, and the violating of his holy lawes, with the great perill of many mens soules, and the offence of the faithfull, especially in so difficult and contagious a tyme as that was. MarginaliaCauses why Martin Bucer & Paulus Phagius bodies ought to bee taken vp.Wherefore it was not to be suffered, that they, which vtterly dissented from all other men in the trade of their liuyng, lawes, and customes, should haue any part with them in honour of buriall. And therefore the glory of God first and before all thinges ought to be defended, the infamie (which through this thing riseth on them) with al spede put away, no roume at all left vnto those persons to rest in, who euen in the same places where they lay, were iniurious and noyesome to the very elementes, but the place ought to be purged, and all thinges so ordered as might be to the satisfying of the consciences of the weake. In executing wherof, so notable an example ought to be geuen to all men, that no man hereafter should be so bolde to attempt the like.

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They gaue the same verdicte by common assent vpō Phagius also. Vnto this writing they annexed an other, MarginaliaAndrew Perne Vicechauncellour, made factor for the Vniuersitie in the case of M. Bucer & the whiche they lawfully authorised Andrewe Perne the Vicechauncelor, to be the commō factor for the Vniuersity. He was a man meetest for the purpose, both for the office that he bare, MarginaliaM. Christophersons testimony of Perne.and also because that by the testimonie of Chrystopherson hee was demed to be most catholicke of all others.  

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This hostile description of Andrew Perne comes from the Historia vera andfrom Golding's Briefe treatise (sig. D4r); Foxe was merely repeating it. However, it is interesting that while Foxe concealed the identities of other prominent peopleinvolved in the exhumation of Bucer and Phagius's bodies, he made few attempts to protect Perne's reputation. One reason for this may have been Perne's continuing and barely disquised loyalty to catholicism. It also true that Edmund Grindal - and possibly Foxe himself - bitterly resented Perne's role in the posthumous degradation of Bucer. (See Patrick Collinson, 'Perne the Turncoat: An Elizabethan Reputation' in Elizabethan Essays [London: 1994], pp. 190-91).

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MarginaliaA Supplicatiō putte vp to the Inquisitors by the vniuersitie.This supplication confirmed by the consent of all the degrees of the Vniuersitie, and signed with their common seale, the next day, which was the xiij. of Ianuary, the Vicechauncelor put vp to the Commissioners. MarginaliaNote this feate of conueiance.Note here good Reader, what a feate conueyaūce this was, to suborne the Vniuersitie vnder a colourable pretēse to desire this thing of them by way of peticion. As who should say, if they had not done so, the other would neuer haue gone about it of themselues.

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But this glose was soone found out. For the Commissioners had geuen the Vicechauncelor instructions in writyng before. But peraduenture they thought by this meanes to remoue the enuy of this acte from themselues.

Thus the Vicechauncelor came vnto the Commissioners according to appointmēt made the day before, about vij. of the clocke in the morning. He had scarce declared the cause of his commyng, but that he had not onely obteyned his sute, but also euen at the very same tyme receiued the sentence of condemnation, for taking vp Bucer and Phagius, MarginaliaThe sentence of condemnatiō against Martin Bucer, and Paulus Phagius, copied out by the Datarie.faire copied out by Ormanet Datary himselfe. This was to be confirmed by the consent of the degrees of the Vniuersitie. Wherupon a solmne conuocation called congregatio regentium & non regentiū  

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Foxe text narrative
Foxe text Latin

congregatio regentium & non regentium

Foxe text translation

Not translated.

Translation (Wade 2004)

a gathering of rulers and non rulers

for the same purpose was appointed to be at ix. of the clocke: where the graduates being assembled together, the demaund was propounded cōcernyng the condemnatiō of Bucer and Phagius, and

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the grace asked, which was this: MarginaliaGrace asked in the congregatiō for the takyng vp of Martin Bucer.Pleaseth it you that M. Bucer for the heresies now recited, and many other by him written, preached, and taught, wherein he dyed without repentaunce, and was buried in christen buriall, maye be exhumate and taken vp agayne, &c. After this grace eftsoones beyng graunted, then was the sentence of condemnation drawen by the Datary, openly red, and immediatly an other grace asked, that the same might be signed with the common seale. The whiche request was very lightly and easily obteyned. And it was no meruayle. For nowe after the death of King Edward, since the tyme that the gouernement of the Realme came to the hande of Queene Mary, all suche persons beyng driuen awaye as had reiected the Romishe religion (in whom well nye alonely rested whatsoeuer wit and learning was in the whole Vniuersitie besides) suche a sort of raskalles were put in their roumes, that all places nowe swarmed with vnlearned & vnnurtured Chapleins. To whom nothing was greater pleasure, then to cause all men to speake sclaunder and reproch of Bucer. There were diuers yet lefte among them, that spake agaynste their demaundes. But they (because, as it commonly commeth to passe, that might ouercommeth right) coulde nothing auaile. For this is a common custome in all such matters and ordinances, that loke what the greater number decreeth, is published in the name of all: and that which the better part disallowed, seemeth as though no man at all disallowed it.

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MarginaliaIanuary. 14.The next day beyng the 14. of Ianuary,  

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This account of the celebrations at King's College on 14 January was added in 1570 and probably came from official accounts of the visitation. Foxe may havedecided to include this material in an effort to highlight the ceremonial of the catholics and implicitly criticise those who sought to retain 'popish' ceremonies and vestments in the Elizabethan church.

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all the visitors (onely Christopherson elect of Chichester excepted) came to the kynges colledge. Where first goyng into the church, and there making their prayers at the gresinges, they so proceded into the stalles, there sitting all the Masse tyme, the company standing in their copes, and singyng a solemne respōde in honour of the visitors. After the responde done, the Prouost in the best cope made to them his protestation, vnto whom the Byshop of Chester made aunswere also in Latine, declaring that he could not perceaue to what purpose his protestation was, notwithstanding they would accept it and beare with him. Then went they to Masse: which ended, the catholicke visitors approched vp to the altar, and tooke downe the sacrament, and searched the pixe, but first the two Bishops sensed the sacramēt. Then they went to the reuestry, and opened the chalices, corporas cases, and crismatory, & vewed all those thinges. And so returning into the Prouostes chamber, deuided themselues in examination of the Prouost, Viceprouost, and the rest of the company. The same day D. Bacon maister of Gonwell hall, bad the Vicechauncelour, D. Yong, D. Haruy, Swineborne, Maptide with others, home to diner. MarginaliaThe Sentence is signed with the cōmon seale of the Vniuersitie.These men immediately after dinner, caused the common seale of the Vniuersity to be put to the foresaid instrument of condemnation, accordyng as was determined the day before by the generall consent of the Graduates of the Vniuersitie. And by and by after, they caried the same to the Commissioners to their lodging. The whiche when they had receyued, forasmuch as after more diligent perusing thereof, it liked not them in all pointes, some things they rased out, some they enterlined, other some they chaunged: MarginaliaThe Sentence engrossed new that in fine, they were faine to take the paine to engrosse it new againe.

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To the signing wherof a cōgregatiō was eftsoones called of all the Graduates of the Vniuersitie agaynst the next day,MarginaliaIanuary. 15. which there beyng red ouer, a new grace again was asked and graūted for settyng to the seale. Then were the Graduates dismissed with commaūdement to resort forthwith to S. Mary church, whether the Commissioners also repayred. When they had taken their places, MarginaliaD. Haruie presenteth a Mandate from the Cardinall.Doct. Haruy presented to them before all the company, a new commission to make enquest vpon heresie, then newly sent from the Cardinal, which was red immediatly by Vincent of Noally, Ormanets Clarke. This done, Doct. Perne (who as ye heard, was factour for the Vniuersitie) exhibited to the Commissioners in the name of the Vniuersitie, the sentence of the foresayd condemnation. The copie and tenour wherof, hereafter (God willing) shall folow. This condemnation beyng openly red, MarginaliaD. Perne maketh petition that Bucer and Phagius maie bee cited to the Courte.then Doctour Perne aforesayd desired to send out processe to cite Bucer & Phagius to appeare, or any other that would take vpon them to pleade their cause, and to stand to the order of the Court agaynst the next Monday: to the intent that whē they had exhibited them selues, the

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