Thematic Divisions in Book 12
1. Exhumations of Bucer and Phagius along with Peter Martyr's Wife2. Pole's Visitation Articles for Kent3. Ten Martyrs Burnt at Canterbury4. The 'Bloody Commission'5. Twenty-two Prisoners from Colchester6. Five Burnt at Smithfield7. Stephen Gratwick and others8. Edmund Allen and other martyrs9. Alice Benden and other martyrs10. Examinations of Matthew Plaise11. Richard Woodman and nine other martyrs12. Ambrose13. Richard Lush14. Edmund Allen15. The Martyrdom of Simon Miller and Elizabeth Cooper16. Rose Allin and nine other Colchester Martyrs17. John Thurston18. George Eagles19. Richard Crashfield20. Fryer and George Eagles' sister21. Joyce Lewes22. Rafe Allerton and others23. Agnes Bongeor and Margaret Thurston24. John Kurde25. John Noyes26. Cicelye Ormes27. Persecution at Lichfield28. Persecution at Chichester29. Thomas Spurdance30. Hallingdale, Sparrow and Gibson31. John Rough and Margaret Mearing32. Cuthbert Simson33. William Nicholl34. Seaman, Carman and Hudson35. Three at Colchester36. A Royal Proclamation37. Roger Holland and other Islington martyrs38. Stephen Cotton and other martyrs39. Scourging of Thomas Hinshaw40. Scourging of John Milles41. Richard Yeoman42. John Alcocke43. Thomas Benbridge44. Four at St Edmondsbury45. Alexander Gouch and Alice Driver46. Three at Bury47. A Poor Woman of Exeter48. Priest's Wife of Exeter49. The Final Five Martyrs50. John Hunt and Richard White51. John Fetty52. Nicholas Burton53. John Fronton54. Another Martyrdom in Spain55. Baker and Burgate56. Burges and Hoker57. The Scourged: Introduction58. Richard Wilmot and Thomas Fairfax59. Thomas Greene60. Bartlett Greene and Cotton61. Steven Cotton's Letter62. James Harris63. Robert Williams64. Bonner's Beating of Boys65. A Beggar of Salisbury66. Providences: Introduction67. The Miraculously Preserved68. William Living69. Edward Grew70. William Browne71. Elizabeth Young72. Elizabeth Lawson73. Christenmas and Wattes74. John Glover75. Dabney76. Alexander Wimshurst77. Bosom's wife78. Lady Knevet79. Mistress Roberts80. Anne Lacy81. Crosman's wife82. Congregation at Stoke in Suffolk83. Congregation of London84. Edward Benet85. Jeffrey Hurst86. William Wood87. Simon Grinaeus88. The Duchess of Suffolk89. Thomas Horton 90. Thomas Sprat91. John Cornet92. Thomas Bryce93. Gertrude Crockhey94. William Mauldon95. Robert Horneby96. Mistress Sandes97. John Kempe98. Thomas Rose99. Complaint against the Ipswich Gospellers100. Tome 6 Life and Preservation of the Lady Elizabeth101. The Unprosperous Queen Mary102. Punishments of Persecutors103. Foreign Examples104. A Letter to Henry II of France105. The Death of Henry II and others106. Justice Nine-Holes107. John Whiteman108. Admonition to the Reader109. Hales' Oration110. Cautions to the Reader111. Snel112. Laremouth113. William Hunter's Letter
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1950 [1928]

Q. Mary. Iohn Rough, Margaret Mearyng, Martyrs.

MarginaliaAnno. 1558. December. March.names he knewe not, and by him was brought before the Counsaile, who sent hym vnto Newgate, and from thēce he was brought to the Bishop. And otherwise he denieth the contentes of this Article.

MarginaliaAn other appearance of Iohn Rough before the Bishop.Vpō these answeres he was dismissed, and the next daie (beeyng the. xix. daie of December) he was againe brought before the saied Bishoppe and others. Who, when they perceiued his constantnesse, determined the next daie after to bryng hym openly into the Consistorie, there to adiudge and condēne hym as an hereticke. Whiche purpose they accomplished. For the xx. daie at afternoone, in the presence of the Bishops of London, and S. Dauides, with Fecknam Abbot of Westminster, and others, he was thether produced. Where, after muche and many faire persuasions, Boner red vnto him the articles, and aunsweres before mentioned, in the which thei charged him to haue receiued the orders of the churche, and therefore might not marie, and that he had refused to consent vnto the Latine seruice then vsed in the churche. Whereunto he then answered and said, that their orders were nothyng at all, and that he beyng a priest might lawfully marie, and that his children whiche he had by his wife, were lawfull. And as touchyng þe seruice then vsed, he vtterly detested it, saiyng that if he should liue as long as did Methushelach yet he would neuer come to the churche to heare the abominable Masse, and other Seruice, beyng as it was then. MarginaliaIohn Rough condemned and degraded by Boner.Vpon whiche wordes the Bishop proceded to the actuall degradation of the saied Rough, exemtyng hym from all the benefites and priuileges of their churche: and after condemnyng hym as an hereticke, committed his bodie vnto the secular power, who takyng hym into their charge & custodie, caried hym vnto Newgate.

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MarginaliaA note of Maister Rough.Moreouer,  

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This anecdote was added to the 1570 edition.

as touchyng the said M. Rough, this is further to be noted, that he beyng in the North coūtrey in the daies of king Edward the sixt was the meane to saue D. Watsons life (who in Queene Maries tyme was Bishop of Lincolne) for a Sermon that he made there. The said Watson after that, in the said daies of quene Mary, beyng with Boner at the examination of the said M. Rough, to requite the good turne in sauing his life, detected hym there to be a pernicious hereticke, who did more hurt in the North partes then an C. besides of his opinions. Vnto whom M. Rough saied againe: Why sir, is this the rewarde I haue for sauyng your life, when you preached erronious doctrine in the daies of kyng Edward the sixt? This M. Rough said, he had liued thirtie yeres, and yet had neuer bowed his knee to Baall: and beyng before Boner, emong other talke, he affirmed that he had been twise at Rome, and there had seen plainly with his eyes, which he had many tymes heard of before, namely that the Pope was the verie Antichriste, for there he sawe hym carried on mennes shoulders, and the false named Sacramente borne before hym. Yet was there more reuerence giuen to hym, then to that whiche they coumpted to bee their God. When Boner heard this, risyng vp, and making as though he would haue torne his garmentes: haste thou, saied he, been at Rome, and seen our holy father the pope, and doest thou blaspheme him after this sorte MarginaliaB. Boner plucketh of halfe the bearde of Iohn Rough.and with that fliyng vpon hym he plucked of a pece of his bearde: and after makyng spedie hast to his death, he burnt hym half an hower before sixe of the clocke in the Mornyng, because the daie (belike) should not bee farre spent, before he had doen a mischieuous deede.

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MarginaliaAn other note concernyng Iohn Rough.Further note that this Maister Rough beeyng at the burnyng of Austoo in Smithfield,  

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Actually James and Margaret Austoo were burned at Islington, not Smithfield.

and retournyng homeward againe, mette with one Maister Farrar a Marchaunt of Hallifaxe, who asked hym where he had been. Vnto whom he aunswered: I haue been (saieth he) where I would not for one of myne eyes but I had been. Where haue you been, saied M. Farrar? Forsothe saieth he, to learne the waie. And so he told hym, he had been at the burning of Austoo, where shortly after he was burnt hymself.

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¶ A letter written by Iohn Rough, vnto certaine of his godly frendes, confirmyng and strengthnyng thē in the truthe, whiche he had before taught.  
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This letter was printed in every edition of the Acts and Monuments and also in Letters of the Martyrs, pp. 658-59.

MarginaliaA Letter of Iohn Rough.THe comfort of the holie Ghoste make you able to giue consolatiō to others, in these daungerous daies, whē Sathan is let lose, but to the triall onely of the chosen, when it pleaseth our God to sift his Wheate from the Chaffe. I haue not leasure and tyme to write the greate temptations I haue been vnder. I speake to Gods glorie: my care was to haue the senses of

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my soule open, to perceiue the voice of GOD, saiyng: Who soeuer denieth me before menne, hym will I deny before my Father and his Aungelles. And to saue the life corporall, is to loose the life eternall. And he that will not suffer with Christe, shall not raigne with hym. Therfore moste tender ones, I haue by Gods spirite giuen ouer the fleshe, with the fighte of my soule, and the spirite hath the victorie. The fleshe shall nowe ere it bee long, leaue of to synne: the spirite shall raigne eternally. I haue chosen the death to confirme the truthe by me taught. What can I doe more? Consider with your selues, that I haue doen it for confirmation of Goddes truthe. Praie that I maie continue vnto the ende. The greatest parte of the assault is past, I praise my God. I haue in al my assaultes felt the present aide of my God, I giue him moste hartie thākes therefore. Looke not backe, nor be ye ashamed of Christes Gospell, nor of the bondes I haue suffered for the same: thereby ye maie bee assured it is the true worde of GOD. The holy ones haue been sealed with the same marke. It is no tyme for the losse of one man in the battell, for the campe to tourne backe. Vp with mennes hartes, blowe doune the dawbed walles of heresies: Let one take the Banner, an other the Trumpette, I meane not to make corporall resistaunce, but praie, and ye shall haue Elias defence, and Elizeus conpanie to fight for you. The cause is the lordes. Now my brethrē I can write no more, tyme will not suffer, and my harte with panges of death is assaulted: but I am at home with my GOD yet aliue. Praie for me, and salute one an other with the holy kisse. The peace of God reste with you all, Amen. From Newegate prison in hast, the daie of my condemnation.

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Iohn Rough.

¶ Margaret Mearyng, Martyr.

MarginaliaThe storie and examination of Margaret Mearyng, Martyr.IT is before declared, that in the companie of Iohn Rough, was burned one Margarete Mearyng, who, as the Register maketh mention, was at one tyme and daie brought with the saied Rough forthe to examination: where the Bishop hauyng no priuate matters to charge her withall, did the 18. daie of December obiecte againste her those common and accustomable Articles mentioned before page. 1585. To the whiche she aunswered as followeth.

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MarginaliaHer answeres to the Articles.Marginalia1.FIrst, that there is here in yearth a catholicke church and that there is the true faithe of Christe obserued, and kept in the same Churche.

Marginalia2.Item,. that there were onely twoo Sacramentes in the Churche, namely the Sacramente of the bodie and bloud of Christ, and the Sacrament of Baptisme.

Marginalia3.Item, that she was Baptised in the faithe, and belief of the saied Churche, renouncing there, by her Godfathers and Godmothers, the deuill and all his workes. &c.

Marginalia4.Item, that when she came to the age of fowertene yeres, she did not knowe what her true beleefe was, because she was not then of discretion to vnderstande the same, neither yet was taught it.

Marginalia5.Item, that she had not gone from the catholicke faithe at any tyme: but she saied that the Masse was abhominable before the sight of GOD, and before the sight of all true Christian people, and that it is the plaine Cup of fornication, and the whore of Babilon. And as concernyng the Sacramente of the altar, she saied she beleued there was no suche Sacrament in the catholicke Churche. Also she saied, that she vtterly abhorred the authoritie of the Bishoppe of Rome, with all the Religion obserued in the same Antichristes Churche.

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Marginalia6.Item, she aunswered to the sixt Article, as to the first, before specified.

Marginalia7.Item, that she hath refused to come to her Parishe Churche, because the true Religion of Christe was not then vsed in the same: and farther saied that she had not come vnto the Churche by the space of one yere, & three quarters, then laste past, neither yet did meane any more to come vnto the same in these Idolatrous daies.

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Marginalia8.Item, as touching the maner of her apprehension, MarginaliaMargaret Mearyng apprehended by Cluney.she saied that Cluney the Bishoppes Somner, did fetche her to the Bishop.

These aunsweres beyng then registered, they were againe (with the saied Articles) propounded againste her the xx. day of December, and there beyng demaunded if she would stande vnto those her aunsweres, she saied: I will stand to them vnto the death: for the very Aungels of heauen doe laugh you to scorne, to se your abhominatiō that you vse in the church. MarginaliaSentence against Margaret Mearyng.After þe whiche wordes the Bishoppe pronounced the sentence of condemnation: and then deliueryng her vnto þe Sheriffes,

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