Thematic Divisions in Book 12
1. Exhumations of Bucer and Phagius along with Peter Martyr's Wife2. Pole's Visitation Articles for Kent3. Ten Martyrs Burnt at Canterbury4. The 'Bloody Commission'5. Twenty-two Prisoners from Colchester6. Five Burnt at Smithfield7. Stephen Gratwick and others8. Edmund Allen and other martyrs9. Alice Benden and other martyrs10. Examinations of Matthew Plaise11. Richard Woodman and nine other martyrs12. Ambrose13. Richard Lush14. Edmund Allen15. The Martyrdom of Simon Miller and Elizabeth Cooper16. Rose Allin and nine other Colchester Martyrs17. John Thurston18. George Eagles19. Richard Crashfield20. Fryer and George Eagles' sister21. Joyce Lewes22. Rafe Allerton and others23. Agnes Bongeor and Margaret Thurston24. John Kurde25. John Noyes26. Cicelye Ormes27. Persecution at Lichfield28. Persecution at Chichester29. Thomas Spurdance30. Hallingdale, Sparrow and Gibson31. John Rough and Margaret Mearing32. Cuthbert Simson33. William Nicholl34. Seaman, Carman and Hudson35. Three at Colchester36. A Royal Proclamation37. Roger Holland and other Islington martyrs38. Stephen Cotton and other martyrs39. Scourging of Thomas Hinshaw40. Scourging of John Milles41. Richard Yeoman42. John Alcocke43. Thomas Benbridge44. Four at St Edmondsbury45. Alexander Gouch and Alice Driver46. Three at Bury47. A Poor Woman of Exeter48. Priest's Wife of Exeter49. The Final Five Martyrs50. John Hunt and Richard White51. John Fetty52. Nicholas Burton53. John Fronton54. Another Martyrdom in Spain55. Baker and Burgate56. Burges and Hoker57. The Scourged: Introduction58. Richard Wilmot and Thomas Fairfax59. Thomas Greene60. Bartlett Greene and Cotton61. Steven Cotton's Letter62. James Harris63. Robert Williams64. Bonner's Beating of Boys65. A Beggar of Salisbury66. Providences: Introduction67. The Miraculously Preserved68. William Living69. Edward Grew70. William Browne71. Elizabeth Young72. Elizabeth Lawson73. Christenmas and Wattes74. John Glover75. Dabney76. Alexander Wimshurst77. Bosom's wife78. Lady Knevet79. Mistress Roberts80. Anne Lacy81. Crosman's wife82. Congregation at Stoke in Suffolk83. Congregation of London84. Edward Benet85. Jeffrey Hurst86. William Wood87. Simon Grinaeus88. The Duchess of Suffolk89. Thomas Horton 90. Thomas Sprat91. John Cornet92. Thomas Bryce93. Gertrude Crockhey94. William Mauldon95. Robert Horneby96. Mistress Sandes97. John Kempe98. Thomas Rose99. Complaint against the Ipswich Gospellers100. Tome 6 Life and Preservation of the Lady Elizabeth101. The Unprosperous Queen Mary102. Punishments of Persecutors103. Foreign Examples104. A Letter to Henry II of France105. The Death of Henry II and others106. Justice Nine-Holes107. John Whiteman108. Admonition to the Reader109. Hales' Oration110. Cautions to the Reader111. Snel112. Laremouth113. William Hunter's Letter
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1958 [1931]

Q. Mary. The Examination and Martyrdome of. 7. burnt in Smithfield.
MarginaliaAnno. 1558. Iune.

Marginalia10.Tenth, ye haue not beleued, nor doe beleue at this present, that the seruice in latin, commonly vsed and obserued in the church of this realme, is good and lawfull, and not agaynst the word of God.

Marginalia11.Eleuenth, ye haue in times past liked, allowed, and approued, as good and godly, and so doe like, alow, and approue at this present, the seruice in English, the bookes of common prayer, the bookes of Communion, the religion and faith set forth and vsed in the time of King Edward the sixt, especially as it was set forth and vsed in the latter dayes of the sayd Kyng Edward.

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Marginalia12.Twelfth, ye haue in times past beene very desirous, and so are at this present, that the sayd English seruice, the sayd booke of common prayer, the said booke of cōmunion, and the sayd religion and fayth so set forth and vsed in King Edwardes time, might now agayne be restored, set foorth, and vsed, and your selfe freely at your libertie, without any restraynt, or letters to vse it: and also in all pointes and thinges to doe therin, as ye did, especially in the latter dayes of the sayd Edward the sixt.

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Marginalia13.Thirtene, ye haue of late bene charitably sent to from me the Byshop of London, and also by mouth exhorted that where of late ye did leaue your Churches, and went in the time of diuine seruice into the fieldes & prophane places, to read English Psalmes, and certayne English bookes, ye would leaue of that, and beyng out of prison, and at your libertie, come in to your own Parish Churches, there to heare Mattins, Masse, and Euensong, after the common order of the Churches of this Realme, and to make due confession of your sinnes to your owne Curate, and receiue at hys handes (as of the minister of Christ, hauing therin sufficient authoritie) absolution of your sinnes, heare Masse, receiue the Sacrament of the altar, with a true faith, accordyng to the belief of the Catholike Church, and obserue all other the rites and customes of the said Catholicke church vsed in this realme of Englād, aswell in goyng in processiō after the Crosse, as also otherwise generally.

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Marginalia14.Fourtene, ye beyng so required, haue refused, and doe refuse so to doe, saying amongest other vayne and light wordes, that forasmuch as ye were imprisoned by the space of 6. weekes, not knowing wherwith ye were charged, your peticion should be and was, that ye might first aūswere to your former cause, and then ye would be ready to aunswere me the sayd Byshop to all that by me should be layd to your charge.

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¶ Vnto the whiche Articles, all the fornamed 7. (onely Reynold Eastland excepted) made aunswere in effect as hereafter foloweth.

¶ The aunsweres of the forenamed persons to the Articles aforesayd.

Marginalia1.MarginaliaThere aunsweres to the Articles aforesaied.TO the first Article they aunswered all affirmatiuely. Roger Holland addyng that hee came not to their Latin seruice these. 2. yeares before.

Mathew Ricarby added that he came not to churche since Latine seruice was renued, because it is agaynst the woord of God, and Idolatrie committed in creping to the Crosse.

Henry Pond added, if he had licence then to goe to church, he would.

Marginalia2.To the. 2. Article they all aunswered affirmatiuely: Henry Pond adding as in the first Article. Iohn Floyd added that the Latin seruice then vsed, was set vp by man, and not by God, and this he learned (he sayd) in Kyng Edwardes dayes, which hee beleued to be true. Robert Southam added, that he refused to come to Church, because it is furnished with idoles, and because the sacrament of the altar he beleued to be an idoll.

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Marginalia3.To the 3. Article they all aunswered affirmatiuely. For they said, that the customes, rites, and ceremonies of the Church then vsed, are not agreable to Gods word.

Marginalia4. 5.To the 4, and fifth Articles they all aunswered affirmatiuely, adding that they beleued no Priest hath power to remit sinne.

Marginalia6.To the. 6. Article  

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Notice that in the 1570 edition, Foxe straightened out the complicated syntax of this article.

Iohn Holyday, Henry Pōd, and Robert Southam aunswered, that since the Queenes Maiesties reigne, but Robert Southam added, not for. x. yeares before, he had receiued the Sacrament of the altar, either at their Curates handes or any other Priest. Iohn Floyd, Mathew Ricarby, and Roger Hollād aunswered affirmatiuely, addyng in effect that the Sacrament of the altar is no Sacrament approued by the word of God. &c.

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Marginalia7.To the 7. Article they all confessed the contentes therof to be true in euery part: Henry Pond addyng that he knoweth not nor beleueth any such Sacramēt called the

Sacrament of the altar, but confesseth the Sacrament of the Lordes Supper, and beleueth that to bee approued. Iohn Floyd added that those that knele and worship the Sacrament of the altar, commit idolatrie. &c.

Marginalia8. 9. 10.To the. 8. 9. 10. Articles, they all confessed the contētes of those Articles to be true. But Iohn Holyday, Henry Pond, and Iohn Floyd added, that they do allow the Latin seruice for them that vnderstādeth the same, so farre forth as it agreeth with Gods word. For some part there of is not agreable to Gods worde (they sayd:) but to such as do not vnderstand the said seruice in Latin, they do not allow it, for it doth not profite them. Robert Southam added & sayd, that it was a fonde question to aske a simple man, whether the Latin seruice bee good and lawfull. Mathew Ricarby and Roger Holland denied the seruice in Latin to be good.

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Marginalia11.To the 11. Article, they all cōfessed the same to be true in euery part, sauing Henry Pond, and Mathew Ricarby, who aunswered in effect that they could not iudge therof, but leaue them to be tryed by the word of God.

Marginalia12.To the 12 Article, they graunted & confessed the same to be true, and desired of God that the seruice were in the Englishe agayne.

Marginalia13.To the 13. Article they all graunted and confessed the same to be true.

Marginalia14.To the 14. Article they all graunted and confessed the same to be true in euery part.

Thus haue ye the aūsweres of these mē to the foresayd Articles, saue that Reginald Eastland required to aunswere therunto, refused so to do, MarginaliaAn othe to ende a strife lawful, but to beginne a strife it is vnlawfull.alledgyng that he knoweth that to end a strife an oth is lawfull, but to begin a strife an oth is not lawfull, and therefore hee now refuseth to take his oth in the begynnyng of this matter agaynst him. Whereupon beyng charged by the Byshop, he said: for his not aunswering to the Articles, he was contēt to stand vnto the order of the law for his punishment, whatsoeuer it should be.

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MarginaliaThe condemnation of Reinold Eastlāde.The 17. day after of the sayd moneth of Iune, the said Eastland appeared agayne before þe Bishop, who stāding firme in that he had said before, denied to make any aunswere in that case. &c. Wherupō the said Eastland with the other. 6. his felow prisoners, were assigned by the Bishop to repayre agayne to the same place at afternoone, who beyng there present in the foresayd consistory as they were commaunded, and standyng altogether before the sayd Byshop, he begynnyng thus with them, asked thē, if he had committed them to prison. They said no, but M. Cholmley and the Recorder of London committed them to Newgate.

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Then being demaunded further by the Byshop if he had done any thing or acte to keepe them in prison, or to hinder their liberty from prison, to this they aunswered, they could not tell. Then the foresayd articles beyng agayne recited to them, all they aunswered and knowledged them to be the articles, & that they would stand to their aunsweres made to the same. Whereupon the Byshop disseuering them a part one from an other, proceeded with them seuerally, first beginning with Reginald Eastland, who there declared that hee had bene vncharitably hādled and talked withall since his first imprisonment in that behalfe. Then being required to reconcilie hym selfe agayne to the catholicke faith, and go from his opinions, MarginaliaThe wordes of Eastland to the Bishop at his condemnation.he sayd, that he knew nothyng why hee should recant, and therefore woulde not conforme hym selfe in that behalfe. &c. and so the sentence was read agaynst him, and he geuen to the secular power. &c.

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MarginaliaThe cōdemnation of Iohn Holidaie.After hym was called in Iohn Holiday, who likewise beyng aduertised to renoūce his heresies (as they called them) & to returne to the vnitie of their church, sayd, MarginaliaThe wordes of Ihō Holidaie.that he was no hereticke, nor did hold any heresy, neither any opinion contrary to the catholicke fayth, & so would offer hym selfe to be iudged therein. Whereupō he likewise persisting in the same, the sentēce was pronounced against him, cōdemning him to be burnt.

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MarginaliaThe cōdemnation of Henrie Ponde.Next to him was condemned with the like sentence, Henry Pond, because he would not submit him self to the Romish church, saying to Boner, that he had done or spokē nothing wherof he was or would be sory, but that he did hold the truth of God and no heresie. &c.

MarginaliaThe condemnation of Iohn Floyd.After whom next followed Iohn Floyd, who likewise denyed to bee of the Popes church, and sayd hys mynde of the Latin seruice, that the prayers made to saintes is idolatrie, & that the seruice in Latin is profitable to none but only to such as vnderstand the Latin. Moreouer, being charged by Boner of heresie, and

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