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Archbyshops of Canterbury.

and superstition of that tyme in both states: as well ecclesiasticall, as temporall: in estemyng Christes religion chiefly to consist in geuyng to churches, and in maintaining of monkery, MarginaliaThe doctrine of iustification vnknowen.falsly beyng perswaded that remission of theyr sinnes and remedy of their soules therin did lie: in building monasteries, erectyng churches and cloysters, and in placyng monkes in the same, and such other almes dedes, and workes of deuotion. Wherin appeareth how ignoraunt that tyme was of the true doctrine of Christes faythe, & of free grace of the Gospell, which promiseth lyfe, remedy, and iustification, MarginaliaIustification by fayth in Christ.not by any deuout merites of ours, nor by any workes either of þe law of God, or of the inuētiōs of mā: but onely and freely by our fayth vpon Christ Iesus þe sonne of God, in whome onely consisteth all the promises of god: Amen.

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Now remayneth as in the former boke before, so in this likewyse, to prosecute the order and race of Archbishops of Caunterbury: as we haue done the race of kinges, beginnyng with Etheredus, who succeded next after Celnock the. 17. Archbishop of that sea, mentioned, where we laste left before. Pag. 132.

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The names and order of the Archbishops of Caunterbury, from the tyme of King Egbert to king William Conquerour.

19.Pleimūdus.29This Pleimsidus was schole-
maister to good king Alfred.
22.Odo.20By the prayers of this Odo,
the monkish stories say, that
the sword of king Ethelstane
was brought agayne into hys
scabbard. As touching the epi-
stle of this Odo, sent to other
bishops, vide pag. 200.
23Elfius, or Elsi-
1This Elfius first bishop of
Winchester, came to the see of
Canterbury by the cōmaūde-
mēt of kyng Edgar (some say
by bribes) contrary to þe mynd
of Odo. Wherupon in the first
day of his consecration, he in-
sultyng vpon the tombe of O-
do with despite, shortly after
went to Rome for hys palle,
where in his iourney vpon the
Alps he died for cold, insomuch
that his horses beyng killed, &
he put in their warme bellies,
yet could get no heate. Malmes.
24Dunstan.20¶ Polydorus ma-
keth Dunstane to
be the. 23. archb.
Of this Dunstan many
Monkish miracles be fayned,
as of the harpe vppon the wall
MarginaliaS Dunstanes harpe vpon the wall fast by a pynne did hange a.
Without mans helpe wyth lye & all, and by it selfe did swange a.
playing by it self: Gaudent in
cælis &c.
of our lady with her
company appearing to him, sin-
ging: Cantemus domino socie
cantemus honorem. Dulcis a-
mor Christi personet ore pio.

Also of the angels singing Ky-
rieleyson. &c.
Item of holdyng
the Deuill by the nose wyth a
payre of tonges, tempting him
with women Malmes. Item,
of seyng the holy Ghost at hys
masse in likenes of a Doue. I-
tem, in deliueryng the soule of Edwine from the deuill. I-
tem, in foreseyng the death of
kyng Edred, by the death and
fallyng of his horse. Item, of
hys mother beyng great with
Dunstane, when all the can-
dels of others wente out, her
onely candle remayned light, &
many other like fables. &c.
25Ethelgarus.126Elfricus.1127Siricius.5This Siricius was þe coū-
seller to king Elgelrede, to re-
deme peace of the Danes, with
a great tribute.
28Elphegus.629Liuingus.730Egelnodus.1731Edsius.11Elphegus because he deni-
ed to pay to the Danes a tri-
bute, was stoned to death at
Greenewich, and of some is cal-
led a martyr.
32Robertus.2This Robertus caused God-
wine and hys sonnes to be ba-
nished, accusing them of trea-
son. But afterward they being
restored, he went to Rome, and
at his returne dyed.
33Stigandus.17Stigandus being an english
man, in the tyme of Williā Cō-
queror the Normane, was by
the craft of the sayde William
cōueyed into Normādy where
a while with great honour he
was entertayned. At lengthe
the sayde William procured se-
cretly the Popes letters to de-
pose hym, that he might place
Lanfrancus in hys rowme.
This Stigādus died at lēgth
in prison.

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The ende of the third Booke.