Thematic Divisions in Book 12
1. Exhumations of Bucer and Phagius along with Peter Martyr's Wife2. Pole's Visitation Articles for Kent3. Ten Martyrs Burnt at Canterbury4. The 'Bloody Commission'5. Twenty-two Prisoners from Colchester6. Five Burnt at Smithfield7. Stephen Gratwick and others8. Edmund Allen and other martyrs9. Alice Benden and other martyrs10. Examinations of Matthew Plaise11. Richard Woodman and nine other martyrs12. Ambrose13. Richard Lush14. Edmund Allen15. The Martyrdom of Simon Miller and Elizabeth Cooper16. Rose Allin and nine other Colchester Martyrs17. John Thurston18. George Eagles19. Richard Crashfield20. Fryer and George Eagles' sister21. Joyce Lewes22. Rafe Allerton and others23. Agnes Bongeor and Margaret Thurston24. John Kurde25. John Noyes26. Cicelye Ormes27. Persecution at Lichfield28. Persecution at Chichester29. Thomas Spurdance30. Hallingdale, Sparrow and Gibson31. John Rough and Margaret Mearing32. Cuthbert Simson33. William Nicholl34. Seaman, Carman and Hudson35. Three at Colchester36. A Royal Proclamation37. Roger Holland and other Islington martyrs38. Stephen Cotton and other martyrs39. Scourging of Thomas Hinshaw40. Scourging of John Milles41. Richard Yeoman42. John Alcocke43. Thomas Benbridge44. Four at St Edmondsbury45. Alexander Gouch and Alice Driver46. Three at Bury47. A Poor Woman of Exeter48. Priest's Wife of Exeter49. The Final Five Martyrs50. John Hunt and Richard White51. John Fetty52. Nicholas Burton53. John Fronton54. Another Martyrdom in Spain55. Baker and Burgate56. Burges and Hoker57. The Scourged: Introduction58. Richard Wilmot and Thomas Fairfax59. Thomas Greene60. Bartlett Greene and Cotton61. Steven Cotton's Letter62. James Harris63. Robert Williams64. Bonner's Beating of Boys65. A Beggar of Salisbury66. Providences: Introduction67. The Miraculously Preserved68. William Living69. Edward Grew70. William Browne71. Elizabeth Young72. Elizabeth Lawson73. Christenmas and Wattes74. John Glover75. Dabney76. Alexander Wimshurst77. Bosom's wife78. Lady Knevet79. Mistress Roberts80. Anne Lacy81. Crosman's wife82. Congregation at Stoke in Suffolk83. Congregation of London84. Edward Benet85. Jeffrey Hurst86. William Wood87. Simon Grinaeus88. The Duchess of Suffolk89. Thomas Horton 90. Thomas Sprat91. John Cornet92. Thomas Bryce93. Gertrude Crockhey94. William Mauldon95. Robert Horneby96. Mistress Sandes97. John Kempe98. Thomas Rose99. Complaint against the Ipswich Gospellers100. Tome 6 Life and Preservation of the Lady Elizabeth101. The Unprosperous Queen Mary102. Punishments of Persecutors103. Foreign Examples104. A Letter to Henry II of France105. The Death of Henry II and others106. Justice Nine-Holes107. John Whiteman108. Admonition to the Reader109. Hales' Oration110. Cautions to the Reader111. Snel112. Laremouth113. William Hunter's Letter
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Quene Mary. Diuers saued by Gods prouidence. The Duchesse of Suffolke.

MarginaliaAnno. 1558.sed of all the Inholders, suspecting Master Bertie to be a Launceknight, and the Duchesse to be his womā. The childe for colde and sustenance cryed pitifully, the mother wept as fast, the heauens rayned as fast as the cloudes coulde poure.

Master Bertie destitute of all other succour of hospitalitie, resolued to bring the Duchesse to the porch of the great church in the towne, & so to bye coales, victualles, and strawe for their miserable repose there that night, or at least till by Gods helpe he might prouide her better lodging. M. Bertie at that time vnderstoode not much Dutch, and by reason of euill wether and late season of the night, he could not happen vpon any that could speake English, French, Italiā, or Latin, till at last goyng towardes the Church porch, MarginaliaGods prouidence in time of distresse.he heard ij. striplinges talking Latin, to whom he approched, and offred them two stiuers to bring him to some Wallons house.

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By these boyes, and Gods good conduicte, he chaūced at the first vpon the house where Master Perusell supped that night, who had procured thē the protectiō of the Magistrates of that towne. At the first knocke, the goodman of the house him self came to the doore, & opening it, asked M. Bertie what he was. M. Bertie said, an English mā, that sought for one M. Perusells house. The Wallon willed Master Bertie to stay a while, who went backe and told Master Perusell that the same English gentleman of whom they had talked the same supper, had sent, by likelihoode, his seruaunt to speake vith him. MarginaliaThe meeting of M. Perusell & the Duchesse at Wesell.Whereupon M. Perusell came to the doore, & beholding Master Bertie, the Duchesse, and their childe, their faces, apparells, and bodyes so farre from their olde forme, deformed with durt, wether, and heauines, could not speake to them, nor they to him for teares. At length recouering thē selues, they saluted one an other, and so together entred the house, God knoweth full ioyfully: Master Bertie chaunging all his apparell with the goodman, the Duchesse wyth the goodwife, & their child with the child of the house.

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Within few dayes after, by M. Perusells meanes, they hiered a very faire house in the towne, and did not let to shew them selues what they were, in such good sort, as their present condition permitted. It was by this tyme through the whole Towne what discurtesie the Inholders had shewed vnto them at their entrie, in so much as on the Sonday followyng, MarginaliaThe Citizens of Wesel admonished by their precher of their hardnes toward straungers.a Preacher in the Pulpit openly in sharpe termes rebuked that great inciuilitie towardes straūgers, by allegation of sundry places out of holy Scriptures, discoursing how not onely Princes sometyme are receiued in the Image of priuate persons, but Aungels in the shape of men, and that God of his Iustice would make the straungers one day in an other land, to haue more sense of the afflicted hart of a straunger.

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The tyme thus passing forth, as they thought them selues thus happily settled, MarginaliaA frendly part of Syr Iohn Mason towardes the Duchesse.sodeinly a watchword came from Sir Iohn Mason, thē Q. Maries Ambassadour in Netherland, that my Lord Paget had feyned an errant to the Bathes that wayes: and wheras the Duke of Brūswicke was shortly with x. ensignes to passe by Wesell for the seruice of þe house of Austricke agaynst the French king, MarginaliaA traine layd for þe Duchesse by the L. Paget and þe Duke of Brunswicke.þe said Duchesse & her husbād should be with the same charge and companie intercepted.

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Wherfore, to preuent the crueltie of these enemies, MarginaliaM. Bertie and þe Duchesse remoue to Wineheim vnder the Palsgraue.M. Bertie with his wife and child departed to a place called Wineheim in high Dutchland vnder the Palsgraues dominion, where vnder his protection they cōtinued till their necessaries began to faile them, and they almost feyntyng vnder so heauy a burden, began to fayle of hope.

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MarginaliaThe helping hand of þe Lord againe in their necessitie.At what tyme, in the middest of theyr dispayre, there came sodeinly letters to them from the Pallatine of Vilua and the king of Poole, beyng instructed of their hard estate by a Baron named Ioannes Alasco,MarginaliaIoann. Alasco a meanes to the king of Poole, for þe Duchesse of Suffolke. that was sometime in Englād, offring them large curtesie. MarginaliaThe Duchesse inuited into Pooleland by the kynges letters.This puruision vnlooked for, greatly reuiued their heauie spirites. Yet considering they shoulde remoue from many their countreymen and acquaintance, to a place so farre distant, a Countrey not haunted with the English, and perhaps vpō their ariuall not finding as they looked for, the ende of their iourney should be worse thē the beginning: they deuised thereupon with one Master Barloe, late Bishop of Chichester, that if he would vouchsafe to take some paines therein, they would make him a fellow of that iourney. So finding him prone, they sent him with letters of great thankes

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to the King and Pallatine, MarginaliaM. Barlow a messenger from the Duchesse to the king of Poole. and also with a few principall Iewelles (which onely they had left of many, to solicite for them, that the king would vouchsafe vnder his seale, to assure them of the thing whiche he so honorably by letters offred.

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MarginaliaThe Pallatine of Vilua a great frend to the Duchesse.That sute by the forewardnes of the Pallatine, was as soone graūted as vttered. Vpō which assurance the sayd Duchesse and her housband, with their family, MarginaliaThe Duchesse taketh her iourney toward Pooleland.entred the iorney in Aprill. 1557. frō the castle of Wineheim, where they before lay, towardes Franckford.MarginaliaThe troubles happening to the Duchesse in her iourney to Pooleland.In þe which their iorney, it were long here to describe what daungers fell by the way vpon them, and their whole company, by reason of the Lātgraues Capitaine, who vnder a quarell pretēsed for a spaniell of M. Berties, set vppon them in the high way, wyth hys horsemen, thrusting their borespeares through the wagon where the children & women were, M. Bertie hauing but iiij. horsemen with him. In the which brable it happened the Capitaines horse to be slayne vnder him.

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Whereupon a rumour was sparsed immediately through townes and villages about, that the Lantgraues captaine should be slaine by certaine Wallōs, which incensed the ire of the Countrey men there more fiercely agaynst M. Bertie, as afterward it proued. For as hee was motioned by his wife to saue him selfe by the swiftnes of his horse, and to recouer some towne there by for his reskue, hee so doyng was in worse case then before, for the townesmē and the Captaynes brother supposing no lesse but that the Captaine had bene slayne, pressed so egerly vpō him, that he had bene there taken and murthered among them, had not he (as God would) spying a ladder leaning to a window, by the same got vp into the house, & so gone vp into a garret in the toppe of the house, where he with his dagge and rapyre defended himselfe for a space: but at length the Burghmaster comming thether with an other Magistrate, which could speake latin, he was counselled to submit him self to the order of the law. Master Bertie knowing him selfe cleare, and the captayne to be aliue, was the more bolder to submit him selfe to the iudgement of the law, vpon condition that the Magistrate would receaue him vnder safeconduct, and defend him frō the rage of the multitude. Which beyng promised, M. Bertie putteth himself and his weapō in the Magistrates hand, and so was committed to safe custody, while the truth of his cause should be tryed.

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Then Maister Bertie writyng hys letters to the Lantgraue and to the Earle of Erbagh, the next daie early in the mornyng the Earle of Erbagh dwellyng within eight miles, came to the town, whether the Duchesse was brought with her wagon, Maister Bertie also beyng in the same towne vnder custody. The Earle, who had some intelligence of the Duchesse before, after hee was come, and had shewed such curtisie as hee thought to her estate was seemely, the townesmen perceauing the Earle to behaue himselfe so humbly vnto her, began to consider more of the matter, and further vnderstanding the Captayne to be aliue, both they and especially the authors of the sturre shrunke away, and made all the frendes they coulde to Master Bertie and his wife, not to report their doynges after the worst sort.

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And thus Master Bertie and his wife escaping that daunger, proceded in their iourney toward Poleland,MarginaliaM. Bertie with the Duchesse honourably intertained of the king of Poole. where in cōclusion they were quietly entertained of the king, & placed honorably in the Earldome of the sayd king of Poles in Sanogelia, called Crozā, where M. Bertie wyth the Duchesse hauing the kinges absolute power of gouernment ouer the sayd Earldome, continued both in great quietnes and honour, till the death of Queene Mary.

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¶ Thomas Horton Minister.

MarginaliaA story of Thomas Horton, Minister.AS ye haue heard of the daūgerous troubles of the Duchesse of Suffolke in tyme of her exile for religion sake, whom notwithstanding the Lordes present protection still deliuered in all destresses, as well from her enemyes in England, as in Dutchland from the Launceknightes there: so haue we no lesse to behold and magnify the Lordes mercyfull goodnes in preseruing of Thomas Horton from the like perills of the same countrey. Which Thomas Horton, what a profitable instrument hee was to the Church of Christ in Queene Maries time, all our English men almost beyond the seas then, did both know and feele.

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This good Thomas Horton, as he vsed oftentimes

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