Thematic Divisions in Book 4
1. Lanfranc2. Gregory VII3. William the Conqueror4. William Rufus5. Henry I6. Stephen and Henry II7. Frederick Barbarossa8. Thomas Becket9. Becket's letters10. Becket's martyrdom and miracles11. Events of 1172-7812. Waldensians13. Other incidents of Henry II's reign14. First year of Richard I's reign15. Strife at Canterbury16. Richard I and Third Crusade17. William Longchamp18. King John19. Henry III's early reign20. Innocent III and mendicant orders21. Papal oppression of the English Church22. Albigensian Crusade23. Hubert de Burgh24. Gregory IX25. Schism between Greek and Latin Church26. Papal exactions from England27. Louis IX on Crusade28. Frederick II29. Opponents of Papacy30. Robert Grosseteste31. Aphorisms of Robert Grosseteste32. Persecution of Jews33. Papal oppression and Alexander IV34. Conflicts in universities and mendicant orders35. Henry III and the barons36. Battle of Lewes37. Battle of Evesham38. End of baronial war39. Ecclesiastical matters and Edward prince of Wales goes on crusade40. Foreign events in Henry III's reign41. First seven years of Edward I's reign42. War with Scotland43. Philip IV and Boniface VIII44. Events of 1305-745. Cassiodorous's letter46. Pierre de Cugniere47. Death of Edward I48. Piers Gaveston49. The Despensers and the death of Edward II50. John XXIII and Clement VI51. Rebellion in Bury St. Edmunds52. Edward III and Scotland53. Edward III and Philip VI54. Edward III and Archbishop Stratford55. Events of 1341-556. Outbreak of the Hundred Years War57. Anti-papal writers58. Quarrel among mendicants and universities59. Table of the Archbishops of Canterbury
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K. Henry .1. K. Steuen. Matilde.

serued and kept in all Cathedral churches.

MarginaliaThe vnchast lyfe of priestes condemned by the nature of the storkes.Item, that many prelates be so cold in doyng their dueties Also reprocheth the vnchast and voluptuous demeaner of Ecclesiasticall persons by the example of storkes, whose nature is (sayth he) that if any of their company, leauyng his owne mate, ioyneth with any other: all the rest flyeth vpon hym (whether it be he or she) beateth him, and plucketh his fethers of: what then (sayth he) ought good Prelates to do to such a person of their company, whose filthynes and corrupt life both defileth so many, and stinketh in the whole church.

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MarginaliaAmendment of life ought first to begin with priestesAgayne, for asmuch as we read in the booke of Esdras, lib. ij. chapt. ix. that he purgyng Israell of straunge women, began first with the Priestes: So now likewise in the purgyng and correctyng of all sortes of men, first the purgation ought to begin with these, accordyng as it is written by the Prophet Ezechiell. Begyn first with my sanctuary, &c.

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MarginaliaThe realme of Fraūce interdited.Moreouer, how that in the tyme of Phillippe kyng of Fraunce, the whole Realme was interdited, for that the kyng had but one woman in steede of his wife, which was not his wife by law. MarginaliaKing of Portingale deposed.And agayne, seyng in these our dayes, the king of Portingale hath bene sequestred frō his dominion, by the authoritie of the Church (beyng thought not sufficient to gouerne) what then ought to be sayd to that Prelate: which abuseth other mens wiues, virgines, and nunnes, which also is found vnable and insufficient to take vpon hym the charge of soules?

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MarginaliaThe knightes of the Rhodes and Templars.About the yeare of our Lord. 1128. the orders of the knightes of the Rodes, called Ioannites: also the order of Templars rose vp.

MarginaliaPope Innocentius the. ij.After Honorius, next in the same vsurpation succeded Pope Innocentius, ij. an. 1130. But as it was with his predecessors before hym, that at euery mutation of new Popes, came new perturbations: and commonly neuer a Pope was elected, but some other was set vp agaynst hym (sometymes, ij. sometymes iij. Popes together) so likewise it happened with this Innocentius: for after he was chosen, the Romaines elected an other pope named Anacletus. MarginaliaHurly burly betwene popes.Betwixt these two Popes was much ado, and great conflictes through the partakyng of Rogerius duke of Sicile takyng Anacletus part agaynst Innocentius, vntill Lotharius the Emperour came: who rescuyng Innocentius, droue Rogerius out of Italy. Our storyes recorde, that kyng Henry was one of the great helpes in settyng vp and maintayning this Pope Innocentius agaynst Anacletus, Gisburnens.

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MarginaliaThe popes curse proclaimed against such that strike any priest.Amongst many other thynges this Pope decreed, that whosoeuer did strike a Priest or Clerke being shauen, he should be excommunicate, and not to be absolued, but onely on the Pope himselfe.

MarginaliaThe death of kyng Henry.
An. 1135.
About the tyme of doyng of these thynges (beyng the yeare of our Lord. 1135) kyng Henry beyng in Normandy (as some say) by takyng there a fall frō his horse (as other say) by takyng a surfet in eatyng Lamprees: fell sicke and dyed, after he had reigned ouer the Realme of Englād. xxxv. yeares and odd monethes, leauyng for his heyres, Matilde The Emprise his daughter, with her young sonne Henry to succede after him: to whom all the Prelates and nobilitie of the Realme were sworne. But contrary to their othe made to Molde in the presence of her father before: William the Archbyshop of Cant. & the nobles of the Realme, crowned Stephen Earle of Boloyne, and sisters sonne to kyng Henry, vpon S. Stephens day in Christenmas weeke. MarginaliaPeriurie iustlye punished.Which Archbyshop, the next yeare after dyed: beyng (as it was thought) iustly punished for his periury. And many other Lordes which did accordyngly, went not quite without punishment. In like iustice of punishment is numbred also Roger byshop of Salisbury, who contrary to his othe (beyng a great doer in the coronation of Stephen) was apprehended of the same kyng, and miserably (but iustly) extermined.

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MarginaliaEx chronico Angliae, incerti autorii.A certaine writen English story I haue, which addeth more and sayth, MarginaliaThe bishop of Sarum and of Lincolne taken prisoners of the King. And led wyth ropes about their neckes.that kyng Stephen (hauyng many foes in diuers quarters, keepyng there holdes and castels agaynst him) went then to Oxford, and tooke the Byshop of Salesbury: and put a rope about his necke, & so led hym to þe castle of the Vice (that was his) & commaunded them to render vp the castle, or he would slay and hang their Byshop. Which castle beyng geuen vp, the kyng tooke the spoyle therof. The like also he did to the Byshop of Lyncolne named Alexander, whom in lyke maner he led in a rope to a castle of the Byshops, that was vpon Trent: and bad them deliuer vp the Castle, or els he would hang their Lord, before the gate. Long it was before the castle was geuen vp: yet at length the kyng obteinyng it, there entred and tooke all the treasure of the Byshop. &c. Rog. Houed. MarginaliaRoger Houed. in vita Steph.Fabian alled-MarginaliaEx Fabian. In vita. Step.gyng a certaine old author, whom I can not finde: referreth a great cause of this periury to one Hugh Bigot, steward sometyme with kyng Henry. Who immediatly after the death of the sayd Henry, came into England: and before the sayd Archbishop & other Lordes of the land, tooke wilfully an oth, and sware: that he was present a litle before the kynges death, when kyng Henry admitted for his heyre (to be kyng after hym) Stephen his nephew: for so much as Molde hys daughter had discontented hym. Whereunto the Archbishop with the other Lordes gaue to hasty credence. But this Hugh (sayth he) escaped not vnpunished: for he dyed miserably in a short tyme after, ex Fabia. Albeit all this may be supposed rather to be wrought not without the practise of Henry Byshop of Winchester, and other prelates (by his setting on) whiche Henry was brother to kyng Stephen. &c.

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¶ King Stephen.

K. Stephen.
THus when king Stephen contrary to his othe made before to Molde the Emperice, had taken vpon hym the crowne  

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Stephen and Henry II

The Foxe Project was not able to complete the commentary on this section of text by the date by which this online edition was compiled (23 September 2008). This commentary will become available in due course from the 'Late Additions and Corrections' page of the edition.

(as is aboue sayd) he sware before the Lordes at Oxford: that he would not hold the benefices that were voyded, and that he would remit the Danegelt, with many other thynges: which after he litle performed. Moreouer, because he dread the comming of the Empresse, MarginaliaBuilding of castels in England.he gaue licence to his Lordes, euery one to build vpon their owne ground, strong castels or forteresses, as them lyked. All the tyme of his reigne he was vexed with warres, but especially with Dauid kyng of the Scottes: with whom he was at length accorded: but yet the Scottish kyng dyd him no homage, because he was sworne to Maude the Empresse: Notwithstandyng yet Henry the eldest sonne to kyng Dauid, did homage to kyng Stephen. MarginaliaThe crueltie of the Scots against the Englishmen.But he after repentyng therof, entred into Northumberland with a great host, and brent and slew the people in most cruell wise, neither sparyng man, woman, nor child. Such as were with child they ript: the childrē they tost vpō their speare pointes: and laying the Priestes vpon the altares, they mangled and cut them all to peeces after a most terrible maner. But by the manhode of the English Lordes and souldiours, and through the meanes of Thurstine Archbyshop of Yorke: they were met withall, and slayne a great number of them, and Dauid their king constrayned to geue Henry his sonne hostage for suretie of peace. Marginalia1140.In the meane tyme, kyng Steuen was occupied in the South coūtreys besiegyng diuers castels of diuers Byshops, & other Lordes: and tooke them by force, and fortified them with his knightes and seruaunts to the entent to withstād the Empresse, whose commyng he euer feared.

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MarginaliaMaude the Empresse came into England against Steuen.About the vi. yeare of his reigne, Maude the Empresse came into England out of Normandy, & by the ayde of Robert Earle of Gloceter, and Ranulphe of Chester, made strong warre vpon kyng Stephen: MarginaliaKyng Steuē taken prisoner.In the end whereof the kinges partie was chassed, and hymselfe taken prisoner, & sent to Bristow, there to be kept in sure hold. The same day, when kyng Stephen should ioyne his battayle: it is sayd in a certaine old Chronicle before mynded, that he beyng at the Masse (which then the byshop of Lyncolne sayd, before the kyng) as he went to offer vp his taper, it brake in two peeces. And when the Masse was done, (at what tyme the kyng should haue bene housoled) the rope wherby the pyxe did hange, dyd breake, and the pyxe fell downe vpon the altar.

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After this field, the Queene (kyng Stephens wife, lyeng then in Kent) made great labour to the Empresse and her counsaile, to haue the kyng deliuered and put into some house of religion, but could not obtayne. MarginaliaWhat it is for princes to be hard & strait to their subiectes.Also the Londiners made great sute to the sayd Empresse, to haue and to vse agayne Saint Edwardes lawes, and not the lawes of her father, which were more straite and straunge to them then the other: which when they could not obteyne of her and her coūsaile: the Citizens of Londō (beyng therwith discontented) would haue taken the Empresse. But she hauyng knowledge therof, sled priuely from London to Oxford. But then the kentishmen and Londiners takyng the kyngs part, ioyned battaile agaynst the Empresse: there the foresayd Robert Earle of Gloceter, and base brother to the Empresse was taken. MarginaliaK. Steuen, & Rob. erle of Glocester deliuered by exchange.And so by exchaunge, both the kyng, & Earle Robert were deliuered out of prison. Then Stephen (without delay) gatheryng to him a strong army: straitly pursued the foresayd Matilde or Maulde, with her frendes: besiegyng them in the Castell of Oxford. In the siege wherof, fell a great snow, and frost, so hard: that a man well laden might passe ouer the water. Vpon the occasion wherof the Empresse (bethinking herselfe) appointed with

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