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The state of the primitue Churche compared with this latter Church of Rome.
Marginalia Rome further then the word limitteth.

warrant of the word, or example of tyme will geue. For although the Churche of Rome hath (as other particular Churches haue) authoritie to binde and absolue, yet it hath no such authoritie to absolue subiectes from their othe, subiection, and loyalty to their rulers and Magistrates, to dispense with periury, to denounce remissiō, where no earnest repentaunce is sene before, to number remission by dayes and yeares, to dispense with thynges expressely in the word forbidden, or to restrayne that which the word maketh free, to deuide Religion into Religions, to bynde and burthen consciences with constitutions of men, to excommunicate for worldly matters, as for breakyng of parkes, for not ringyng bels at the Byshops commyng, for not bringyng litter for their horse, for not paying their fees and rentes, for withholdyng the Church goods, for holdyng on their princes side in princely cases, for not goyng at the Popes commaundement, for not agreeyng to the Popes election in an other princes Realme, with other such thynges mo & more vayne then these. &c. Agayne, although the Scripture geueth leaue and authoritie to the Byshop and Churche of Rome to minister Sacramentes, yet it geueth no authoritie to make Sacramentes, much lesse to worshyp Sacramentes. And though their authoritie serueth to baptise mē, yet it extendeth not to Christen bels: neither haue they authoritie by any word of God to adde to the word of God, or take from the same, to set vp vnwritten verities vnder payne of damnation, to make other articles of belief to institute straunge worship, otherwise then he hath prescribed, which hath told vs how he would be worshipped. &c.

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The iurisdiction of the pope abused & vsurped in temporall matters where he hath nothing to doe.
The third abuse of the Popes iurisdiction standeth in this that as in spirituall iurisdiction they haue vehemently exceeded the boundes of Scripture, so they haue impudently intermedled them selues in temporall iurisdiction, wherin they haue nothyng to do. Inso much that they haue trāslated the Empire, they haue deposed Emperours, Kynges, Princes and rulers and Senatours of Rome, and set vp other, or the same agayne at their pleasure, they haue proclamed warres and haue warred them selues. And where as Emperours in auncient tyme haue dignified them in titles, haue inlarged them with donations, and they receauyng their confirmation by the Emperours, haue like ingratfull clientes to such benefactors, afterward stampte vpon their neckes, haue made thē to hold there sturrup, some to hold the bridle of their horse, haue caused them to seeke their confirmation at their hand, yea haue been Emperours themselues: sede vacante, & in discordia electionis, and also haue bene Senators of the Citie. Moreouer haue extorted into their owne handes the plenarie fulnes of power and iurisdiction of both the swordes, especially since the tyme of Pope Hildebrand: which Hildebrand deposing Henricus the. iiij. Emperour, made him geuen attendance at his Citie gate. And after him Pope Bonifacius the eyiht shewed him selfe vnto the people on the first day like a Bishop, with his keyes before him, and the next day in his robes Imperiall, hauyng a naked sword borne before him, lyke an Emperour. an. 1298. And for somuch as this inordinate iurisdiction hath not onely bene vsed of them, but also to this day is mainteined in Rome, let vs therfore now compare the vsage hereof to the old maner in times past, meaning the primitiue and first age of the Church of the Romains. Wherein the old Byshops of Rome in those dayes, as they were then subiecte to their Emperours, so were other Byshops in like maner of other nations subiecte euery one to his king and prince acknowledgyng them for their Lordes, & were ordered by their autoritie and obeyed their lawes, and that not onely in causes ciuile, but also in regiment Ecclesiasticall as appeareth dist. 10. cap. 1. et. 2. dist. 97. cap. De illicita. Also 24. q. 3. MarginaliaPopes submitted in the olde tyme to EmperorsSo was Gregorius surnamed Magnus, subiecte to Mauritius, & to Phocas although a wicked Emperor. So also both Pope and people of Rome tooke their lawes of the Emperours of Constantinople, and were submitted to them, not onely in the tyme of Honorius an hundreth yeares after Constantine the great, but also in the tyme of Martinianus. an. 451. and so further vnto the time of Iustiniā, and of Carolus Magnus, and also after the dayes of them. MarginaliaEx cap. 8. de iuramentis calumniat.In all which continuance of tyme, it is manifest that the Emperiall law of Martiane did rule and bynde in Rome, both in the dayes of Iustinian an. 150. yeares after, till the tyme of the Empire beyng translated from Grece vnto Fraunce. Whereby it may appeare false, that the Citie of Rome was geuen by Constantine the first, vnto the Byshop of Rome to gouerne, for that Pope Bonifacius the first writyng to the Emperour Honorius, calleth in the same place Rome the Emperours Citie. dist. 97. cap. 1. MarginaliaDist. 97. cap. 1.And Lotharius, also Emperour appointed Magistrates and lawes in Rome, as is aboue mentioned. Moreouer for further probation hereof, that both the Byshop of Rome and all other Ecclesiaticall persons were in former tyme, MarginaliaPlatin. in vita Euge. 2.and ought to be subiect to their Emperours and lawfull Magistrates, in causes as well spirituall as ciuile, by many euidences may appeare, taken out both of Gods law, and mās law. MarginaliaEuidences prouing Ecclesiasticall persons toAnd first by Gods law we haue example of godly King Dauid, who numbred all the Priestes and Leuites, and disposed them into. xxiiij. orders

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Marginaliahaue bene subiect to their Magistrates, in causes both Ecclesiasticll and tēporall.
Euidences out of the Scripture.
2. Para. ca. xxx. xxxi.
4. Reg. 18.
or courses, appointyng them cōtinuallye to serue in the ministery euery one in his proper order & turne, as came about: which institution of the Clergy, also good kyng Ezechias afterward renued, of whom it is written: he did that was right in the sight of the Lord, accordyng to all thynges, as his father Dauid had done before, he tooke away the hye groues, and brake downe images &c.4. Reg. 8. The sayd Ezechias also reduced the Priestes and Leuites into their orders, prescribed by Dauid before, to serue euery one, in his office of ministration. 2. Paral. 30. 31. MarginaliaThe order of Abias was the eight order among the Priestes.
1. par. 24.
And this order from Dauid still continued till the tyme of Zachary at the cōming of Christ our Lord, beyng of Abias course, which was the. viij. order of the Priestes appointed to serue in the tabernacle. Luc. 1. To passe ouer other lighter offices translated from the Priestes to the kynges authoritie, as concernyng the orderyng of oblations in the temple, and reparations of the Lordes house, MarginaliaSalomon.Kyng Salomon displaced Abiathar the high Priest, by his kyngly power, and placed Sadoch in his stede. 3. Reg. cap. 2. Also dedicatyng the temple of the Lord with all the people, blessed the whole congregatiō of Israell. 3. Reg. 8. MarginaliaIudas Machabeus. Iudas Machabeus also elected Priests, such as beyng without spot had a zeale to the law of the Lord, to purge the tēple, which the Idolatrous Gentils had before prophaned. 1. Machab. 4. Marginalia1. Mac. 10.Also Kyng Alexander writing to Ionathas, appointed him for chief Priest in his countrey. 1. Mac. 10. Marginalia1. Mac. 14.Demetrius ordeined Simon, & Alchinus in the like office of priesthode. MarginaliaIosaphat.
2. Par. 19.
Iosaphat likewise as in the whole land did set iudges, so also in Hierusalem he appointed Leuites and Priestes, and heades of families to haue the hearyng of causes, & to minister iudgement ouer the people. 2. Paral. 19. By these and many other is to be seen, that Kynges and Princes in the old tyme as well, when Pristes were borne Priestes, as when they were made by election, had the dealyng also in Ecclesiasticall matters, as in callyng þe people to Gods seruice, in cuttyng down groues, in destroying images, in gathering tithes into the Lordes house, in dedicating the tēple, in blessing the people, in casting downe the brasen Serpent within the temple, in correcting & deposing Priestes, in cōstituting the order & offices of Priestes, in commaundyng such thynges as pertained to the seruice & worship of God, & in punyshyng the contrary. &c. And in the new Testament what meaneth the exāple of Christ himselfe both geuyng & teachyng tribute to be geuen to Cesar, to Cesar I say, and not to the hye priest? What meaneth his words to Pilate not denying power to be geuen to him from aboue?MarginaliaIohn. 19

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And agayne declaryng the kyngs of nations to haue dominion ouer them, & willyng his Disciples not so to doe, geuing vs to vnderstand the difference betwene the regiment of his spirituall kingdome, and of the kyngdome of this world, willyng all worldly states to be subiect vnder the superiour rulers and magistrates, in whose regiment is dominion and subiection, and not in the other. Whereunto accordeth also the doctrine of S. Paule, where it is written: let euery soule be subiect to the hyer powers, MarginaliaRom. 13.vnder whose obedience neither Pope, Cardinall, Patriarch, Byshop, Priest, Frier nor Monke is excepted, nor exempted, as Theophilactus expoundyng the same place declareth, and sayth: vniuersos erudit, siue sacerdos sit ille, siue monachus, siue Apostolus, vt se principibus subdant: MarginaliaTheophilactus.that is, he teacheth all sortes, whether he be Priest, or Monke, or els Apostle, that they should submit them selues vnder their Princes. &c. And S. Austen writyng ad Bonifacium, sayth in much like sort: Quicunq; autem legibus imperatoris, quæ pro Dei veritate feruntur, obtemperare non vult, acquirit grande suppliciū, MarginaliaAug. ad Bonifaciumthat is: whosoeuer refuseth to obey the lawes of the Emperour, which make for the veritie of God, incurreth the daunger of great punishment. &c. Also in an other place, writyng contra Cresconium hath these wordes: In hoc enim reges sicut eis diuinitus præcipitur, Deo seruiunt, in quantum reges, si in suo regno bona iubeant, mala prohibeant, non solùm quæ pertinēt ad humanā societatem, verumetiam quæ ad diuinā religionem, &c. MarginaliaAug. Contra. Cresconium. Lib. 3. cap. 5.that is, Kynges accordyng as it is inioyned them of God, do serue God in that they are kyngs, if they in their kyngdome commaūde those thinges that be good, and forbid thinges that be euill, such as appertaine not onely to humaine societie, but also to Gods Religion, &cMarginaliaThomas de regim. princip. Lib. 1. Cap. 12..And yet to come more neare to the Popes owne Doctors, Thomas Aquine not much discre

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