Thematic Divisions in Book 4
1. Lanfranc2. Gregory VII3. William the Conqueror4. William Rufus5. Henry I6. Stephen and Henry II7. Frederick Barbarossa8. Thomas Becket9. Becket's letters10. Becket's martyrdom and miracles11. Events of 1172-7812. Waldensians13. Other incidents of Henry II's reign14. First year of Richard I's reign15. Strife at Canterbury16. Richard I and Third Crusade17. William Longchamp18. King John19. Henry III's early reign20. Innocent III and mendicant orders21. Papal oppression of the English Church22. Albigensian Crusade23. Hubert de Burgh24. Gregory IX25. Schism between Greek and Latin Church26. Papal exactions from England27. Louis IX on Crusade28. Frederick II29. Opponents of Papacy30. Robert Grosseteste31. Aphorisms of Robert Grosseteste32. Persecution of Jews33. Papal oppression and Alexander IV34. Conflicts in universities and mendicant orders35. Henry III and the barons36. Battle of Lewes37. Battle of Evesham38. End of baronial war39. Ecclesiastical matters and Edward prince of Wales goes on crusade40. Foreign events in Henry III's reign41. First seven years of Edward I's reign42. War with Scotland43. Philip IV and Boniface VIII44. Events of 1305-745. Cassiodorous's letter46. Pierre de Cugniere47. Death of Edward I48. Piers Gaveston49. The Despensers and the death of Edward II50. John XXIII and Clement VI51. Rebellion in Bury St. Edmunds52. Edward III and Scotland53. Edward III and Philip VI54. Edward III and Archbishop Stratford55. Events of 1341-556. Outbreak of the Hundred Years War57. Anti-papal writers58. Quarrel among mendicants and universities59. Table of the Archbishops of Canterbury
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K. Henry .3. Questions of lack vp land to the Friers.

MarginaliaGraues be fit for dead men & not costely houses.ny Lordes of England. For ye mowe wenden through the realme, and eche night welnigh lygge in your owne courts, and so mow but right few Lordes do.

11 Why hyre ye to ferme your limitors, geuing therfore eche yeare a certaine rente, and will not suffer one in an others limitation, right as ye were your selfes Lordes of countreys.MarginaliaFriers not the kings liege men.Why be ye not vnder your Bishops visitations, & liege men to our king.

MarginaliaFriers neede no mens prayers.Why are ye no letters of brether hedes of other mēs praiers, as ye desire that other men should aske letters of you?

If your letters be good, why graunt ye them not generally to all maner of men for the more charite?

12 Mow ye make any man more perfite brother for your prayers thē God hath by our beleue? MarginaliaFriers greater & better then our baptime & his owne graunt? if ye mow, certes then ye be aboue God.

Why make ye men beleue that your golden trentall song of you to take therfore. x. s. or at the lest, v. s. wole bring soules out of hell or out of purgatory? MarginaliaO vncharitable Fryersif this be soth, certes ye might bring all soules out of payne, & that wull ye nought, and then ye be out of charite.

13 Why make ye mē beleue, that he that is bured in your habite shall neuer come in hell and ye wyte not of your selfe whether ye shall to hell or no: and if this were sothe, ye shuld sell your hye houses to make many habites, for to saue many mens soules.

14 Why steale ye mens children for to make hem of your secte? MarginaliaFriers stealers of mēs children.sith the theft is agaynst Gods heste, and sithe your sect is not perfite: ye know not whether þe rule that ye bind hym to, be best for hym or worst.

15 Why vnderneme ye not your brethren for their trespas after the law of the Gospell: sith that vndernemyng is the best that may be. But ye put them in prison oft when they do after Gods law, and by Saint Augustines rule: if any did amisse and would not amende him, ye should put hym from you.

16 Why couete ye shrift and buriyng of other mens perishens, and none other Sacrament that fallyth to Christen folke.MarginaliaShrift, & burials were more gaynfull thē the ministring of the sacramentes.

Why bussy ye not to here shrift of poore folke as well as of rich lordes and Ladies? sithe they mowe haue more plenty of shrift fathers then poore folke mow.

Why say ye not the Gospell in howses of bededred men? as ye do in riche mens that mowe go to Church and heare the Gospell.

Why couete you not to bury poore folke among you? MarginaliaPoore men haue no soules sayth my fellow frier.sithe that they bene most holy (as ye fayne that ye bene for your pouerty).

17 Why will ye not be at her diriges as ye haue bene at riche mens? sith God prayseth hem more then he doth other men.

What is thy prayer worth? sithe thou wilt take therfore: for of all chapmen ye nede to be most wise for dread of simonie.

What cause hast thou that thou wilt not preach þe Gospell, as God sayth that thou shuldest? MarginaliaThese be they that will not enter themselues nor suffer other men that would.sith it is the best lore and also our beleue.

Why be ye euill apayed that seculer priestes shuld preach the Gospell? sith God hymselfe hath boden hem.

18 Why hate ye the Gospell to be preached, sithe ye be so miche hold therto: MarginaliaThe frier getteth by In principio and yet hateth the Gospell.for ye win more by yere with In principio, then with all the rules that euer your patrons made, and in this ministrels bene better then ye: for they contrarien not to the mirthis that they maken but ye contrarien the Gospell both in word and dede.

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19 Frere, when thou receiuist a peny for to say a Masse: whether sellest thou Gods body for that peny, or thy prayer, or els thy trauell? MarginaliaIudas for 30. pence, but the priest & frier for 4. pence selleth Christ. A comparison betwene Iudas & the frier.if thou sayest thou wolt not trauell for to say the Masse, but for the peny, and certes if this be sothe then thou louest to little mede for thy soule, and if thou sellest Gods body, other thy prayer: then it is very simonie & art became a chapman worse than Iudas that solde it for thirty pensce.

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20 Why writest thou her names in thy tables that yeueth the mony? MarginaliaThe Frier writeth because God forgetteth.sith God knoweth all thing: for it semeth by thy writing: that God wold not reward him, but thou write in thy tables, God wold els forgetten it.

Why berist thou God an honde and sclandrest hym, that he begged for hys mete? sithe he was Lord ouer all, for then had he bene vnwyse to haue begged, and haue no neede therto?

Frere after what law rulest thou thee? where findest thou in Gods law that thou shouldest thus beg?

What maner men nedeth for to beg?
for whom oweth such men to beg?
Why beggest thou so for thy brethren?

If thou sayest, for they haue neede, then thou doest it for the more perfection: or els for the lest, or els for the meane. If it be the most perfection of all: then should all thy brethren do so, and then no man neded to beg but for himself: for so shold no man beg but hym needed. And if it be the lest perfection, why louest thou then other men more then thy selfe? For so thou arte not well in charitie, sith thou shouldest seke the more perfeccion after thy power, liuyng thy selfe most after God: and thus leauyng that imperfection thou shouldst not so beg for them. And if it is a good meane thus to beg as þu doest, then should no man do so, but they bene in thys good meane, and yet such a meane graunted to you may neuer be grounded in Gods law: for then both lerid and lewed that ben in meane degre of this world, should go about and beg as ye doe, MarginaliaIt is better to labour and geue: then to loyter & beg, M. Frier.and if all should do so, certes well nigh all the world should go about and beg as ye done, and so should there be ten beggers against one yeuer.

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Why procurist thou men to yeue thee their almes, and sayest it is so medefull, and thou wilt not thy selfe wynne thee that mede.

22 Why wilt thou not beg for poore bedred men that bene poorer then any of your sect, that liggen and mow not go about to helpe himselfes, sith we be all brethren in God, and that bretherhed passeth any other that ye or any man coude make: and where most nede were, there were most perfeccion, either els ye hold thē not your pure brethrē but worse: but then ye be imperfite in your begging.

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Why make ye you so many maisters among you: sithe it is agaynst the teaching of Christ and his Apostle.

23 Whose bene all your rich courtes that ye han, & all your rich iuelis: sith ye seyne that ye han nought ne in proper ne in commen. Yf ye sayne they bene the Popes? MarginaliaFriers beg from all men to make the pope rich.why gether ye then of poore men and of Lordes so much out of the kinges hand to make your Pope riche. And sith ye sayen that it is great perfection to haue nought in proper ne in commen? why be ye so fast about to make the Pope that is your father riche, and put on hym imperfection? MarginaliaIf it be imperfection to be rich, why do the Friers desire to make the pope vnperfect.sithē ye sayne that your goodes bene all his, and he should by reason be þe most perfite man, it seemeth open lith that ye bene cursed children so to sclander your father, and make hym imperfect. And if ye sayne that the goods be yours, thē do ye ayenst your rule: and if it be not ayenst your rule, then might ye haue both plough and cart and labor as other good men done, and not so to beg by losengery, and idle as ye done. If ye say, that it is more perfection to beg thē to trauell or worch with your hand, why preach ye not openly and tech all men to do so: sithe it is the best and most perfite life to the helpe of their soules, as ye make children to begge that might haue bene riche heyres.

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23 Why make ye not your festes to poore men and yeuith hem yeftes, as ye done to the rich? sith poore men han more nede then the rich.

What betokeneth that ye go tweyne and tweyne together? If he be out of charitie, ye accord not in soule.

Why begge ye and take salaries therto more then other prestes? sith he that most taketh, most charge hath.

24 Why, hold ye not S. Frauncis rule and his testemēt? MarginaliaIf Fraunces order be contrary to Christ his testament, thē is Fraūces accursed.sith Fraunces sayth, that God shewed hym this liuing and this rule: and certes if it were Gods will, the Pope might not for do it: or els Fraunces was a lyer that sayd on this wise. And but this testament that he made, accorde wyth Gods will: els erred he as a lyer that were out of charity, and as the law sayth, he is cursed that letteth the rightfull last will of a dead man. And this testament is the last wil of Frances that is a dead man: it semeth therfore that all hys freeres ben cursed.

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25 Why will ye not touch no coyned mony with the crosse ne with the kings hed, as ye done other Iuels both of gold & siluer? Certes if ye despise the crosse or the kings hed, thē ye be worthy to be despised of God and the kyng: MarginaliaHe that is more holy in hand then in hart, is false to God.and sithe ye will receaue mony in your hartes, and not wt your hāds, it semith that ye hold more holines in your handes then in your hartes, and then be false to God.

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26 Why haue ye exempt you frō our Kynges lawes, & visityng of our bishops more then other Christen men that liuen in this realme: MarginaliaA subiect to execpt him selfe frō the lawes of hys prince smelleth of treason.if ye be not gilty of traitory to our realm, or trespasers to our bishops. But ye will haue the kinges lawes for trespasse do to you, and ye will haue power of other bishops more then other prestes, and also haue leue to prison your brethren as Lordes in your courtes more then other folkes han, that bene the kings liege men.

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27 Why shall some sect of you freres pay eche a yeare a certaine to her generall prouinciall or minister, or els to her souereines: MarginaliaFriers are forced to be theues.but if he steale a certayne number of children (as some men sayne) and certes if this be soth, then be ye constrained vpon certaine payne to do theft against Gods

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