Thematic Divisions in Book 4
1. Lanfranc2. Gregory VII3. William the Conqueror4. William Rufus5. Henry I6. Stephen and Henry II7. Frederick Barbarossa8. Thomas Becket9. Becket's letters10. Becket's martyrdom and miracles11. Events of 1172-7812. Waldensians13. Other incidents of Henry II's reign14. First year of Richard I's reign15. Strife at Canterbury16. Richard I and Third Crusade17. William Longchamp18. King John19. Henry III's early reign20. Innocent III and mendicant orders21. Papal oppression of the English Church22. Albigensian Crusade23. Hubert de Burgh24. Gregory IX25. Schism between Greek and Latin Church26. Papal exactions from England27. Louis IX on Crusade28. Frederick II29. Opponents of Papacy30. Robert Grosseteste31. Aphorisms of Robert Grosseteste32. Persecution of Jews33. Papal oppression and Alexander IV34. Conflicts in universities and mendicant orders35. Henry III and the barons36. Battle of Lewes37. Battle of Evesham38. End of baronial war39. Ecclesiastical matters and Edward prince of Wales goes on crusade40. Foreign events in Henry III's reign41. First seven years of Edward I's reign42. War with Scotland43. Philip IV and Boniface VIII44. Events of 1305-745. Cassiodorous's letter46. Pierre de Cugniere47. Death of Edward I48. Piers Gaveston49. The Despensers and the death of Edward II50. John XXIII and Clement VI51. Rebellion in Bury St. Edmunds52. Edward III and Scotland53. Edward III and Philip VI54. Edward III and Archbishop Stratford55. Events of 1341-556. Outbreak of the Hundred Years War57. Anti-papal writers58. Quarrel among mendicants and universities59. Table of the Archbishops of Canterbury
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K. Henry.3. The trouble of Hubert Earle of Kent.

warennes, shyres, and other places: how they were kept, or how they were made away. Of prisis likewise: Also of losses committed through his negligence: And of wastes made contrary to the kynges profite: of his liberties, how he did vse them. Item, of iniuries and damages wrought agaynst the clerkes of Rome, and other Italians, and the Popes Legates: for the redresse wherof, he would neuer adioyne his counsaile, according as appertained to his office being then chief Iustice of Englād. Also of scutagies, gifts, presentes, scapes of prisoners. Item, of maritagies which kyng Ihon committed to his keeping at the day of his death, and which were also in his tyme committed vnto him. To these Hubert aūswered, that he had kyng Ihons owne hād to shew for his discharge: who so approued his fidelitie, that he neuer called him to any, but clearely discharged hym frō all such countes. Wherunto aunswered agayne the Byshop of Winchester, saying: the charter of Kyng Ihon hath no force after the death of him, but that ye may now be called to a reckenyng of this kyng for the same.MarginaliaNote that wyth Wint. the kyngs charter is no longer in force then why lest he liueth.

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Ouer and besides these, other greater obiections were layd to his charge by the kyng: MarginaliaOther crimes obiected to Hubert by the for sendyng and writyng to the Duke of Austria, that he might marry hys daughter, to the preiudicie of the kyng and of the Realme, dissuadyng that she might not be geuen to him. Item, for counsailyng that kyng not to enter into Normādy with his army which he had prepared for the recouery of landes there belongyng to his right, wherby great treasure was there consumed in vayne. Item, for corruptyng the daughter of the kyng of Scottes, whom kyng Ihon his father committed to his custody, for hym to mary. Item, for stealyng from him a pretious stone, which had a vertue to make him victorious in warre and for sending the same to Leoline prince of Wales. And that by his letters sent to the sayd Leoline, William Brues a noble man was caused there traiterously to be hāged. &c. These with other crimes (whether true or false) were suggested to the King agaynst the sayd Hubert by his aduersaries. Wherunto he was required to aunswere by order of law. Hubert then seyng himselfe in such a strait, refused to aunswere presently, but required respite therunto, for that the matters were weighty which the kyng obiected to him, which was graunted to him till the 14. day of September: but in the meane tyme, Hubert beyng in feare of the kyng, fled from Lōdon to the priorie of Merton. And thus Hubert, who before for the loue of the kyng, and defence of the realme (sayth myne author) had got the hatred of all the nobles of Englād, now beyng out of the kyngs fauour was destitute of comfort on euery side: saue onely that Lucas Archbyshop of Dubline, with instant prayers and teares, labored to the kyng for him. MarginaliaPrinces fauors not to be trusted to.By this exāple and many lyke is to be sene, howe vnstable and variable a thyng is the fauour of mortall and mutable Princes: To teach all such as haue to do about Princes, how to repose and plant their trust not in mā, but in their lord God: by him to finde helpe in Christ the true Prince of all Princes, which neuer faileth. By like example was Clito serued of kyng Alexāder. Ioab of king Dauid. Bellisarius of Iustiniane. Harpagus of Astiages. Cromwell of king Henry: with innumerable mo, which in histories are to be found.

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When the day was come, that this Hubert should aunswer, kepyng among the monkes of Merton, he durst not appeare.

MarginaliaThe kinges displeasure agaynst HubertThen was it signified to hym from the kyng, that he should come vp and appeare in the court, there to aunswer to hys charge. Wherunto he answered agayne, that he misdoubted the kings anger, & therfore he did flie to the church as the vttermost refuge to all such as suffer wrong. From whence he would not stirre, till he heard þe kings wrath to be mitigated towardes hym. MarginaliaThe kinges message to the maior of london.With this, the king moued and sore displeased, directed hys letters in all hast, to the Maior of London: commaūding hym at the sight therof to muster and take vp all the Citizens that could beare harneys in þe City, and to bring to hym by force of armes the foresayde Hubert either quicke or dead, out of Merton. Wherupon, the Maior immediatly causing the great bell to be rong: assembled together the people of London, and openyng before them the kings letters: commaunded them to prepare and arme themselues, in all readines to the executing of the kings will and message.

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MarginaliaOld grudge borne in mynde.The citizens hearyng this, were therwith right glad and ready, for they were all in great hatred with Hubert: because of the execution of Constantine their Citizen aboue mentioned. pag. 272. Notwithstanding, certayne of the citizens namely Andrew Bukerel, Ihon Trauers and other moe, men of more graue and sage discretion (wisely ponderyng with themselues, what inconuenient myght rise hereof) MarginaliaSome wiser then some.went in hast to the bishop of Wint. lyeng then in Southwerke: and waking hym out of his sleepe, desired hym of his counsaile in that so sodeine and daungerous distresse: MarginaliaGood aduisement of discret Citizins.Declaring to hym, what peril might thereby ensue as well to the church of Merton, as also to the citie, by the fury of the vnordinate & fierce multitude, which will hardly be bridled from robbing and spoyling, neither will spare sheding of bloud. &c. Vnto whom agayne the bloudy bishop, gaue this bloudy counsail (sayth Parisiensis.) MarginaliaCruell counsaile geuen of Peter B. of Wint.Daungerous it is (quod he) both here and there, but yet see that you obey and execute the precept of the kyng, I counsaile you plainely. At the which counsaile of the bishop they beyng amased, went with an euill will about the busines inioyned. But the people inflamed with hatred, gladly coueted to be reuēged and to shed the bloud of the sayd Hubert. MarginaliaThe causes of despleasure betwene Hubert and the byshop of Wint.¶ The cause why Peter bishop of Wint. was so cruelly set agaynst the Iustice, was partly for the damages he had done to the Romaine priestes, as is before touched: Partly also for the old grudge, because the king commyng to his lawfull age before (through the counsail of this Hubert) losed hymselfe frō the gouernement of the said B. who had hym then in custodie. And thus rose vp the grudge and displeasure of this bishop agaynst hym.

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MarginaliaHubert prostrate vpon the ground commendeth himselfe to God.On the next morow, the Londiners issuyng out of the citie to the number of xx. M. set forth toward the Abbey of Merton, where Hubert was lying prostrate before the altar commendyng himselfe to God.

In the meane season, while the citizens were in theyr iourney, raging against the poore erle of Kent: MarginaliaSage counsaile of an Erle geuē to the was suggested to the King by Radulfe B. of Chichester, and Lord Chauncelor, that it was daungerous to excite vp the vulgare and vnruly multitude, for feare of sedition: lest peraduenture, the rude and heady people beyng stirred vp, wyll not so soone be brought downe agayne, when the K. would haue them. Moreouer, what shall be sayd (quod he) among the French men and other nations, which of great thinges loue to make them greater, and of euill thinges to make thē worse then they are: but thus iestyngly and mockingly: Se what a kynd bird is the yong king of England, which seekth to deuour hys olde nurse vnder whose winges he had bene brought vp and nurished in his youth. MarginaliaThe maruelous working of the Lords helpe at time of nede
Iuxta versum sayth the story: Alis, ales, alis alium ne longius ales.
And thus the Kyng by the perswasion hereof, chaunging his counsaile, sent in all hasty wise after the army againe, willyng them to retract their iorney, and to retire. And thus the Londiners (although much agaynst their wils) returned home, missing of their purpose: Wherin is to be obserued an other notable example of Gods working prouidence. MarginaliaEx addita mētis Mat Parisiens. Pag. 81.For when the king (sayth the story) had sent by two messengers or purseuantes to reuoke and call backe agayne the army of þe Londiners, goyng with gredy myndes to shed the bloud of the innocent Iustice: One of the messengers postyng with all spede possible, with the Kinges letters, ouertooke the army: and commyng to the forward, where the Captaines were, by vertue of the Kings letters stayed their course and bloudy purpose, wherby they could procede no farther. But the other messenger crafty and malitious, who bearyng hatred to the sayd Hubert, rather wishing hym to be slayne, then to be deliuered: lingard by the way of purpose (although being commaunded to make hast) and when he came, wēt onely but to the middle sort. MarginaliaA notable example of Gods iuste punishment striking with death him that seeketh the death of an other.More like a messenger mete to serue a dead mans arrant, then to serue the turne of them which be aliue. And so in lyke maner by the iust hande of God it fell vpon hym. For the same messenger stomblyng with his horse, riding but a soft or a foote pace, and rather walking then ridyng: fell down backward from his horsebacke, and there brake his necke and died. This mercifull message of the kyng was, as is sayde, sent by the instigation of Radulph B. of Chichester Lord Chauncelour (a vertuous and a faithfull man) and one that could skill to haue compassion on the miseries of men. MarginaliaComendatiō of Radulfe B. of Chichester.Of whom was declared before, that he beyng elected Archbishop of Canterbury, would not geue one halfepeny to their expences by the way, to get hys election confirmed by the Pope: and afterward by the sayd Pope was defeited and frustrated of his election, as relation was made before. pag. 273. And thus through Gods prouidence, by the meanes of þe kinges letters the army returned: and Hubertes life (contrary to his expectation) was preserued.

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MarginaliaThe archb. of Dubline agayne maketh intercession for Hubert.After this, the Archbishop of Dubline with much labour and great sute intreated and obteyned of the kyng to graunt vnto the sayd Hubert respite till the twelfe day of Ianuary, to prouide himselfe of hys answer to such things as were commensed agaynst hym. Then Hubert trustyng to enioy some safetie by the kings permission to him graunted, to breath hymselfe a litle and to walke abroad, toke his iourney towardes S. Edmundesbury, where his wife was. And passing through he country of Essex, was Inned

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