Thematic Divisions in Book 4
1. Lanfranc2. Gregory VII3. William the Conqueror4. William Rufus5. Henry I6. Stephen and Henry II7. Frederick Barbarossa8. Thomas Becket9. Becket's letters10. Becket's martyrdom and miracles11. Events of 1172-7812. Waldensians13. Other incidents of Henry II's reign14. First year of Richard I's reign15. Strife at Canterbury16. Richard I and Third Crusade17. William Longchamp18. King John19. Henry III's early reign20. Innocent III and mendicant orders21. Papal oppression of the English Church22. Albigensian Crusade23. Hubert de Burgh24. Gregory IX25. Schism between Greek and Latin Church26. Papal exactions from England27. Louis IX on Crusade28. Frederick II29. Opponents of Papacy30. Robert Grosseteste31. Aphorisms of Robert Grosseteste32. Persecution of Jews33. Papal oppression and Alexander IV34. Conflicts in universities and mendicant orders35. Henry III and the barons36. Battle of Lewes37. Battle of Evesham38. End of baronial war39. Ecclesiastical matters and Edward prince of Wales goes on crusade40. Foreign events in Henry III's reign41. First seven years of Edward I's reign42. War with Scotland43. Philip IV and Boniface VIII44. Events of 1305-745. Cassiodorous's letter46. Pierre de Cugniere47. Death of Edward I48. Piers Gaveston49. The Despensers and the death of Edward II50. John XXIII and Clement VI51. Rebellion in Bury St. Edmunds52. Edward III and Scotland53. Edward III and Philip VI54. Edward III and Archbishop Stratford55. Events of 1341-556. Outbreak of the Hundred Years War57. Anti-papal writers58. Quarrel among mendicants and universities59. Table of the Archbishops of Canterbury
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K. Henry.3. Guliel. de Sanct. Amore, agaynst the Pope.

MarginaliaSigne. 20. is that true Apostles are not so well intertayned as false prophetes be.chap. of Mathew. Ye shall be hated of all mē for my names sake: but yet at the length such get the victory: Accordyng to that saying of the first of Saint Ihon the v Chapiter. Euery thyng that is of God ouercommeth the world. They therfore that in the begynning reioyce and are well intertayned, but in the ende are reiected, seeme not to be true Apostles but false.

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MarginaliaSigne. 21. is that true preachers build not vpon an others mans foundationThe. xxj. signe is that true preachers goe not to preach vnto those which haue preachers appointed vnto them, because they haue not to reioyce of a company belongyng to an other mans charge, as to the Romaines the. xv. chapter. I haue preached the Gospell where Christ was not before preached, least I should build vpon an other mans foundation. And in the second Epistle of S. Paule to the Corinthians the x. chapter, he sayth: We are no boasters, nor busie in other mens matters. Glose. where an other man had layd the foundation. Likewise in the same, chapt. Not hauing pleasure to boast of other mens labours, that is to say, of those which be committed to the gouernement of an other man. Likewise Augustinus saith. Honour ought to seeke thee, and not thou honour. Also Chrisostome:

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MarginaliaAuthoritie loueth them that refuse her and yet abhorreth her not.Authoritie is in loue with such a man, as refuseth her, and yet abhorreth her not. They therfore that procure and haue desire to preach vnto the people committed to an other mans charge, which is an office of honour: especially in councels, Synods, and great assemblies, also in kynges and princes courtes, and Prelates palaces, are not true Apostles, but false teachers.

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MarginaliaSigne. 22. is that true prophets are not proud & vaine glorious as false prophetes are.The. xxij. signe is, that true Apostles when they know themselues to do much good in the church and congregatiō of God: yet notwithstandyng, are not puffed vp with pride. Ezech. 3. O sonne of man, I haue made thy face as an Adamants stone. The Adamant stone when it draweth iron vnto it, is not therby either lifted vp or altered. Likewise, a true preacher when he draweth sinners vnto hym by hys preachyng (whose hartes were as hard as iron) is neuer the more lifted vp or higher mynded therefore. But as in Luke the. 18. chapiter: when ye haue done all that ye can, and as well as ye can, yet say that you are vnprofitable seruauntes. Psalme. Not vnto vs Lord not vnto vs, but to thy name be geuen the glory. They therfore, that do arrogantly boast themselues of the fruite and benefite that they haue done in the church of God, saying: we haue geuē light to the vniuersall church, which was blynd before our tyme, and we haue put out the flame of sinne in the church of God (when perhaps they haue more furthered hypocrisie, then either truth or veritie) they are not true prophets but false, of whom it is spoken in the Psalmes. The mouth of them that speake proud things. &c.

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MarginaliaSigne. 23. is that false prophets be alwayes men pleasers.The. xxiij. signe is, that true Apostles do not seke the fauour of the world, nor yet how to please men: As to the Gal. 1. If I should please men, that is to say, if I had a desire to please men, I should not be the seruaunt of God, wherupon to Tim. the. 1. epistle & 2. chap. Not as men pleasers. Glose. Sekyng to please, because we haue not the pleasing spirite. Therfore those preachers that seke the fauor of the world, & do labour to this intent that they might please men, are not true Apostles but false.

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MarginaliaSigne. 24. is that true prophets eat what is set before them & geue God thākes, but that do not the false prophetes.The. xxiiij. signe is, that true Apostles when they haue meate and drinke they are contented, neither doe they desire ouer dainty fare, accordyng to the saying of Math. 10. chap. Eating and drinkyng those things that are set before them. Glose. The Gospell condemneth not altogether costly and delicate fare, yet so alloweth the same, that if we haue meate and drinke, we ought not to grutch, but to be therwith contented. Therfore, those preachers which although that neither they be sent, nor haue authoritie to preach, and yet are offended when they haue not fine and delicate fare, are not true Apostles but false preachers.

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MarginaliaSigne. 25. is that false prophets do loue more theyr owne estimation, then that the worde of God should be truely taught.The. xxv. signe is, that true Apostles do loue more the law of God, then their owne estimatiō amongst their neighbors: Accordyng to that in the. 7. chapter of the Prouerbs. Keepe my law as the apple of thine eye, and bind the same vpon thy fingers, and write the same in the table of thy hart: whervpon in the. 119. Psalm. The law of thy mouth is derer vnto me then thousands of gold and siluer. Glose. Charitie doth more loue the law of God, then the desire of golde and siluer a thousand fold. He therfore that seeth the gospell of Christ troden vnder the foote, which is the eternall glad tidings to be taken away by that cursed one, and doth neglect and contemne the same, or els peraduenture consenteth vnto the same, to the outward appearance of the world: And yet because he will kepe hys temporall dignitie and estimation, refuseth not to stirre vp strife and contention about the same, and so to be euill spoken of: seemeth not to be an Apostle of Christ, but rather a false prophet, if he be a preacher.

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MarginaliaSigne. 26. is that false prophetes are not contented wyth necessary thinges, but looke after superfluous.The. xxvj. signe is, that true Apostles seeke not after such fine lodginges and wealthy habitations, where they may haue all thinges at their commaundementes: but rather such honest restyng places, where they may haue necessary thinges for themselues, with their good wils of whom they haue it. And they take nothyng of such, whom they see to be so redy and liberall in geuyng: as that thinke the one doth hym more pleasure in receauyng the gift then the other doth in geuyng hym the same. Accordyng to that in the x. chapter of Mathew, saying: Into what city or towne so euer ye shall enter, enquire out those that be of good report in the same: and abide you with them, so long as you tary in the same city or towne. Glose. Your hoste with whome ye lodge, ought to be chosen by the good report of neighbours, lest your preachyng be euill spoken of by reason of his infamy. Neither ought such men to runne from house to house. But whom shall we call worthy, or of good report. Glose. Him, who knoweth better to do other men good, then to receyue a good turne of an other: and this is he which geueth willingly for Christes cause, and not in respect of any commoditie. Also true Apostles receaue nothyng of such men as lie waltering in their sins, but rather of those that are washed and clensed from their sinnes, whereupon the. 2. to the Cor. the. 7. chap. They haue geuen themselues first to the Lord. Glose. Because they now amendyng their old errors and vitious maners haue vowed themselues vnto the lord, and afterward gaue of that which they had to their brethrē. For otherwyse, they ought not to haue taken any thyng of them, because gifts do blynd the eyes. But those that geue, where there is no cause of reprofe in their doyng, haue no iust cause to geue. Therfore, those preachers that seeke how to come by dainty fare, and do receaue bribes and rewards of naughty men, that haue this world at will: to the entent that those preachers maye couer and hyde their faultes, and get of others what they can by subtiltie, which geue in dede, rather to remoue the shamelesse importunitie of the crauer, or els for auoyding of present shame, then for any loue they haue to God: are not true Apostles, but false Propphets, according to that in the. 2. to the Cor. the 9. chap. The Lord doth loue a willyng geuer. Glose. He that geueth for present shame, or els for that he may be free from the importunacie of hym that asketh, doth loose both hys substance and merite: wherefore he that hath respecte to these thinges, doth not seke the fruit and profite of the geuer, but the gift it self, as the Apostle to the Philip. the 4. chap. sayth. Seeke not the gift but the fruite or benefite of the geuer.

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MarginaliaSigne 27. is that those that be false prophetes their belly is their God.The. xxvii. signe is, that true Apostles do not endeuour themselues to seke and enioy the fruit of other mens labors that they may be fed therby: because that the belly is suche mens God, accordyng to that in the 2. to the Thes. the. 3. chap. We haue heard of some amongst you which walk vnordinately: not labouryng at all, but liuing delicatly or idlely. Glose. of other mens labours, and deserue they to be fed? The discipline of the Lord cannot away with that doyng: for the belly is their God, which prouide to haue more then necessary dishes of meate. Therfore those preachers which so do, are not true Apostles but false.

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MarginaliaSigne. 28. is that true prophets reioyce not in miracles as false prophetes do.The xxviij. signe is, that true Apostles do not reioyce onely of the miracles, or other excellent workes, which the Lord doth by them: but they reioyce rather of the saluation which they loke for from the the Lord, then that by doyng those miracles they desire any honor. Accordyng to that which is written in Luke x. saying, Reioyce ye not for that the spirites be subiect vnto you, but because your names are registred in heauen. They therfore that boast of their owne miracles, or of any that belong vnto them, for this cause that they are saued by the doyng of them, as many do say, seeme not to be true Apostles but false.

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MarginaliaSigne. 29. is that true prophetes seeke not their owne glory as false prophetes do.The xxix. signe is, that true Apostles do neuer seke their owne glory in this lyfe, but the glory of Christ, as in Ihon. 7. He that speaketh of himself doth seke his own glory: But he that seketh the glory of hym which sēt him (that is of whome he is sent) is a true Apostle. Therfore those which seke the thinges that pertayne to the glory of thys world, of the which one is: To be assistent to those þt beare rule and authoritie, accordyng to that saying of Boetius De consolatione. Those that do desire to be extolled either they raigne, and beare rule themselues, or els do desire to be nere about them, that haue such dominiō. Another is, they desire to haue the fame and victory, of that which they haue nothyng at all deserued before God. Wherupon is written that saying of the Apostle in the. Gal. 5. Let not vs become desirous of vayne glory. Glose. To be desirous of vayne glory is, to haue victory without any merite or desert: and those I say that such thinges do seeme not to be true Apostles but false.

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