Thematic Divisions in Book 4
1. Lanfranc2. Gregory VII3. William the Conqueror4. William Rufus5. Henry I6. Stephen and Henry II7. Frederick Barbarossa8. Thomas Becket9. Becket's letters10. Becket's martyrdom and miracles11. Events of 1172-7812. Waldensians13. Other incidents of Henry II's reign14. First year of Richard I's reign15. Strife at Canterbury16. Richard I and Third Crusade17. William Longchamp18. King John19. Henry III's early reign20. Innocent III and mendicant orders21. Papal oppression of the English Church22. Albigensian Crusade23. Hubert de Burgh24. Gregory IX25. Schism between Greek and Latin Church26. Papal exactions from England27. Louis IX on Crusade28. Frederick II29. Opponents of Papacy30. Robert Grosseteste31. Aphorisms of Robert Grosseteste32. Persecution of Jews33. Papal oppression and Alexander IV34. Conflicts in universities and mendicant orders35. Henry III and the barons36. Battle of Lewes37. Battle of Evesham38. End of baronial war39. Ecclesiastical matters and Edward prince of Wales goes on crusade40. Foreign events in Henry III's reign41. First seven years of Edward I's reign42. War with Scotland43. Philip IV and Boniface VIII44. Events of 1305-745. Cassiodorous's letter46. Pierre de Cugniere47. Death of Edward I48. Piers Gaveston49. The Despensers and the death of Edward II50. John XXIII and Clement VI51. Rebellion in Bury St. Edmunds52. Edward III and Scotland53. Edward III and Philip VI54. Edward III and Archbishop Stratford55. Events of 1341-556. Outbreak of the Hundred Years War57. Anti-papal writers58. Quarrel among mendicants and universities59. Table of the Archbishops of Canterbury
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K. Henry.3. Guliel. de Sanct. Amore, agaynst the Pope.

MarginaliaSigne. 30. is that true prophetes do not force vpon the solemne salutations often as false prophets do.The xxx. signe is, That true Apostles care not for the solemnities of men, neyther their salutations, nor feastings, nor any other benefite of theirs. They therfore which loue and seke the cōpany and fellowship of men, their feastings, and other their commodities, do not seme to be true Apostles but false.

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MarginaliaSigne 31. is that false prophets do resort to other mens boordes, & flatter them for a meales meate which true prophetes doe not.The xxxi. signe is, that true Apostles do not commonly, resort to other mens tables, lest that they shold, for a meales meat become flatterers, as in the 2. Thessalon. 3. That we should geue you in example to follow vs. Glose He that cōmeth often tymes to an other mans table, beyng geuen to Idlenes, cannot chuse but flatter hym, which fedeth him: but Christes religion calleth men to libertie, and to no such bondage. They therfore that resort oftentimes, and that of their owne myndes to other men tables (liuyng idely) are not true Apostles but false.

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MarginaliaSigne 32 is that true prophets do not hate their enemies as false prophets do.The xxxij. signe is, that true Apostles do not hate their enemies, and such as hate them: which doctrine the Lord taught Mathew. 5. saying. Loue your enemies, do well to them which hate you. But false Prophetes do both hurt & defame their neighbors, accordyng as S. Ierome. 14. sayth. The Prophetes of Ierusalem haue defiled the whole earth. Glossa. They are not contented onely to hurt their neighbors, but also whom they before this tyme haue hated: they diffame and speake euill of, in euery place they came. Therfore those preachers which hate them whome they thinke are their enemies, and do diffame them, are not true Apostles but false preachers.

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MarginaliaSigne 33 is, that true prophets do not prosecute men as the false prophetes doe.The xxxiij. signe is, that false Prophets when they are examined, and proued whether they be true Apostles or lyers, take that very greuously. And persecute all those that can proue them to be so. And also do stirre vp and prouoke other to persecute the same men. Which also ioyne thēselues together by secular power euen as certayne false Prophets dyd in the primatiue Church, agaynst the bishop of Ephesus: to whom the Lord sayd in the Apoc. 2. I know, that is to say. I do alowe thy workes and thy labour: that is thy tribulatiō, because thou canst not away with those þt be euill men. Glossa. But that thou hast a desire to amende them, or els to expell them, and hast examined those, which say that they are Apostles, and are but lyers: and also hast suffered this patiently. Glossa. The euils, which these false Prophetes ioyned together by secular power doe bryng in: Are not the doynges of true Apostles but false Prophetes.

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MarginaliaSigne. 34 is, that true prophetes preach to those which be not yet conuerted, which the false prophetes doe not.The. xxxiiij. signe is, that true Apostles go not to preach to those which are conuerted already by other men, but rather do conuert those which are not yet conuerted: lest that they should build vpon an other mans foundation, as S. Paule, Rom. 15. sayth: I haue laboured so, that from Ierusalem to Iliricus I haue replenished the Gospell in euery place. Glose. That is, I haue preached the same abundantly, in whom the great vertue of the holy ghost appeareth: because so many nations, that is the Gentiles haue receyued the Gospell by my preachyng. But I haue preached the Gospell there, where Christ was not preached before, least I shuld build vpon another mans foundacion. Glose. I should not preach to those that were conuerted by an other man. Also. 2. Corinth. 10. we are not such as boast and glory in other mens labours. Glose. Where an other man layd the foundation: for that should be to boast, inordinately. Also in the same place: not thinkyng to boast, where an other man hath gouernment, but in those thinges which are put in experience. Glose. Of other preachers. Because the Apostle did preache vnto those to whom the Gospell was neuer preached, that he might get prayse by hys owne proper labour. Therfore, those preachers which go not to that people which haue neede to be conuerted, but to those which are conuerted already, which haue Apostles of their owne: that is to say, Byshops, and Priestes, and yet do bost ouer an other mans flocke: are not true Apostles, but false Prophetes.

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MarginaliaSigne 35. is, that true prophetes chieflye preach in their owne dioces, and not in other mens.The. xxxv. signe is, because true Apostles when they are sent, go to their own diocesse, and not to an other mans diosesse: euen as Paule beyng sent, went to the Gentiles whē he purposed to preache: Actes. 13. Separate Paule and Barnabas, for the busineses whiche I haue chosen them vnto. Glose. Accordyng to the appoyntment and decree of Iames, Cephas, and Iohn, wente he foorth to bee a teacher vnto the Gentyles. But those Preachers that stande vppon their feete: That is to say, those Preachers which haue but small worldly substance, for which cause they are more readier to go which way so euer it shall please the Lorde to sende them: I say, the Lord hath sente them to preach, not to those which be sufficiently learned, but to those that are infidels, as we read in Ezech. 2. After that, the spirit of the lord set Ezechiel vpon hys fete, in qua spem fitus vnus tangitur, and he sayd vnto hym: O sonne of man behold I send thee to the nations which haue start backe from their profession: Which haue gone from me, that is to the Iewish heretickes, and to those nations which somtime haue bene Christians: as the Egiptians, the Babilonians, and all those that obserue the law of Mahomet. Therfore, if such go to those that are already instructed, and hauyng both Apostles, bishops, and priestes of their owne: they go not into their owne diosesse, but into an other mans dioses: and are not true Apostles, but false preachers. And it is greatly to be feared, least the Church be in hazard and daunger by such, vnlesse they be thurst out of the same betyme: Euen as Ionas which when he was sent to Niniue of the Lord, which is interpreted large or wyde, and leadeth to the hill: that is to the Infidels we spake of before. They go not to those Infidels accordyng to the commaundement of the Lord, but they turne an other way, take their iourney into Tharsis, which is interpreted sekyng after ioy & pleasure: That is, they go vnto those which receaue thē wyth ioy and gladnes, and do well prouide for them, that is to say, to godly and deuoute Christians: And therefore it is to be feared least the ship in which they be (that is the church) be in great perill, vnlesse they be thrown forth. And therefore the Apostle spake of such false prophetes, not without good cause. 2. Timoth. 2. And shonne thou those. Glose. That is, such men as those be.

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MarginaliaSigne 36. is, that false prophets do attribute vnto themselues that which they neuer did.The. xxxvj. signe is, because true Apostles do not boast, neither do they attribute vnto themselues any other thyng, but in that God hath wrought the same by them. Paule, Romaynes. 15. sayth: I dare not say any thyng, but that which Christ has wrought and accomplished by me. Glo. That is, I speake onely those thynges (which by me) that is by my ministery, Christ hath wrought. They therfore that bost of many thynges, and do attribute much vnto thē selues, which they neuer did, are not true apostles, but false Prophets.

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MarginaliaSigne. 37. is, that false prophets do cleaue & leane to logicall & philosophicall reasons.The. xxxvij. signe is, that true Apostles doe not apply themselues, or leane to Logicall or Philosophicall reasons. Therfore those preachers which do indeuour themselues to such kynde of reasons, are not true Apostles, but false Prophets.

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MarginaliaSigne 38 is, that false prophetes do loue carnally and not spiritually.The. xxxviij. signe, is that true Apostles do not loue carnally or after the flesh, but hate what thyng so euer doth resist them in the seruice of God, as Luke 14. He that doth not hate hys father and mother, hys sonne, and sister, and also hymselfe, he cannot be my disciple. Glose. That is, he that doth not hate what soeuer doth resist or let hym in the seruice of God, is not worthy to be a Disciple, neither can he abyde in that office. Therefore, for as much as true Preachers are the true Disciples of the Lord, it must needes follow: that those Preachers which do promote their nephewes and kinsfolkes (how vnworthy so euer they be) to Ecclesiasticall promotions and liuinges, contrary to the will of God: or do any other thyng that letteth or hindreth them in the seruice of God, are not true Apostles, but false prophets.

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MarginaliaSigne. 39 is, that false prophets do hunt after the frendship of the world.The. xxxix. signe is, that true Apostles do not hunt for the frendship of this world: for he that is the friend of thys world, is the enemy of GOD. Therfore, those preachers which purchase the frendship of this world, are not true Apostles but false prophetes. Therefore, for as much as the Scripture is infallible, as in the. 24. chapter of Mathew, saying: heauen and earth shall perish, but my wordes shall endure for euer. And the holy ghost which spake in the Apostle can not lie: for prophecy (for the most part) is not spoken by the wyll of man, but the holy men of God spake by the inspiration of the holy ghost, as it is read in the first Epistle of Peter the. 5. chapter. It remayneth, that all men which are bound to defend the Church, may ryse vp in the defence of the same, accordyng to that in the. 24 chapiter of the Prouerbes. Deliuer those that are ledde to death, and cease thou not to rescue those which are drawen to destruction. Neither may he alleage vayne accusations, because it is sayd in the same place: If he say he is not able, or strong inough, he that beholdeth the thoughtes of mens hartes, shall know it, &c. MarginaliaWhatsoeuer doth perish in the church of God for want of preachers shall be required.What so euer perisheth in the Church of God for want of preachers: all that shall be demaunded of them at the day of iudgement: As Iacob confesseth to Laban, whose sheepe he fedde. Genesis. 31. I dyd restore all thy losse, and that which was stollen I made aunswere for. I will demaund his bloud at thy handes. Ezechiell. 3. Thys is sayd, to the Pastor or Prelate. But if the other thinges which we haue spoken of before could not mooue the Prelates, and Cardinals: this at the least should mooue them. Because that then, the spirituall power which doth consist

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