Thematic Divisions in Book 4
1. Lanfranc2. Gregory VII3. William the Conqueror4. William Rufus5. Henry I6. Stephen and Henry II7. Frederick Barbarossa8. Thomas Becket9. Becket's letters10. Becket's martyrdom and miracles11. Events of 1172-7812. Waldensians13. Other incidents of Henry II's reign14. First year of Richard I's reign15. Strife at Canterbury16. Richard I and Third Crusade17. William Longchamp18. King John19. Henry III's early reign20. Innocent III and mendicant orders21. Papal oppression of the English Church22. Albigensian Crusade23. Hubert de Burgh24. Gregory IX25. Schism between Greek and Latin Church26. Papal exactions from England27. Louis IX on Crusade28. Frederick II29. Opponents of Papacy30. Robert Grosseteste31. Aphorisms of Robert Grosseteste32. Persecution of Jews33. Papal oppression and Alexander IV34. Conflicts in universities and mendicant orders35. Henry III and the barons36. Battle of Lewes37. Battle of Evesham38. End of baronial war39. Ecclesiastical matters and Edward prince of Wales goes on crusade40. Foreign events in Henry III's reign41. First seven years of Edward I's reign42. War with Scotland43. Philip IV and Boniface VIII44. Events of 1305-745. Cassiodorous's letter46. Pierre de Cugniere47. Death of Edward I48. Piers Gaveston49. The Despensers and the death of Edward II50. John XXIII and Clement VI51. Rebellion in Bury St. Edmunds52. Edward III and Scotland53. Edward III and Philip VI54. Edward III and Archbishop Stratford55. Events of 1341-556. Outbreak of the Hundred Years War57. Anti-papal writers58. Quarrel among mendicants and universities59. Table of the Archbishops of Canterbury
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K. Henry.3. Ciuill dissention betwene the kyng and the lordes.

cie and the falsehode of you both, as forsworne traytors, by some mā equall with you in nobility and stocke. All we, are contented with the seales of the aforesaid Lordes, the Lord Richard, and the Lord Edward. Dated the day aforesayd.

MarginaliaThe battaile of Lewes betwene the king and the Barons beginneth.Both which letters beyng read, they drew nearer to the kyng for they were not farre distaunt from the place which is called Lewes.  

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Battle of Lewes

The Foxe Project was not able to complete the commentary on this section of text by the date by which this online edition was compiled (23 September 2008). This commentary will become available in due course from the 'Late Additions and Corrections' page of the edition.

And for that there wanted to the kynges store prouisiō for their horses, it was commaunded them, on twesday to go forth to seeke for hay and prouender. Which when they were gone forth, were preuented most of them, of their enemies and killed: but the residue returnyng, saw their enemies cōmyng very earely, on the Wednesday mornyng, & making outcries styrred vp the kyng, and his host to arme themselues. Then the Barons commyng to the full playne descended there, and gyrding and trimmyng their horses made fit their harneis to them. And there the Earle Simon made the Earle of Glocester, and Robert Deuer, and many other new knightes. Which beyng done, he deuided and distincted his host into foure seuerall battails. And he appointed noble men to guide and gouerne euery battaile. And ouer the first battaile were ordeined Captaines, Henry Mountfort the eldest sonne of the Earle Simon & Guido his brother, Lord Ihon de Bruich the younger, & Lord Humfrey de Boun. Ouer the second battaile, Lord Gilbert Clare Earle of Glocester, Lord Ihon the sonne of Lord S. Ihon and Lord William of Mouncherisiū. And ouer the third, in which the Londiners were at their request, the Lord Nicholas Segraue was assigned. Which required also very instauntly, that they might haue the first stroke in the battaile, at the aduenture come what come would. But ouer the fourth battaile, the Earle himselfe was Captaine with the Lord Thomas of Pilnestone. In the meane season came forth the kynges host, preparyng thē selues to the field in three battailes: of which Edward the kyngs sonne led the first, with the Earle of Warwicke and Valence the kynges brother: and the second the kyng of Almaine guided, with his sonne Henry: but the kyng with his nobles guided the thyrd. And the fourth legion the kyng appointed not, by reason that he had left many of his chief souldiours behynde him, to keepe the Castell and towne of Tunebridge agaynst the Earle of Glocester. And the most part of the kynges army were but young men, for the kyng thought not that his Barons, had bene come so nigh hand. Their armies being on both sides set in aray and order, they exhorted one an other on either party to fight valiaūtly: and after they buckled together, the battaile was great and many horsemen were ouerthrowne euen in a moment. But by and by Edward the kynges sonne with his band, as a fierce young gentleman, and valiaunt knight fell vpō his enemies with such force, that he compelled them to recule backe a great way: so that the hinmost (thinkyng by reason of their geuyng backe, that the foremost were slayne) ran many away of them, and takyng water to passe ouer, were almost threscore souldiours drowned, & a few of them beyng slayne, all the rest fled. Straight way the Londiners which had asked the first fight, knowyng not how the battaile went tooke them to their heales: Whom Edward pursued with his band killyng the hinmost of them, by the space of two or three myles. For he hated them because they had, rebelled agaynst his father, and disgraced his mother when she was caried by barge vpon the Temse, from the tower to Windsore, as is aboue touched, pag. 415.

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MarginaliaRichard K. of Almaine, wyth hys sonne taken prisoners.Whilest that prince Edward was thus in the chase of the Londoners, who had the vawward of the Barons battell: In the meane tyme the mayne battaile of the Barons set vpon the kynges mayne battell, of the which the kyng of Almaine the brother of kyng Henry had the leading: MarginaliaThe Kynges mayne battaile at Lewes discomforted & the K. fayne to take the Abbey.Which beyng soone discomforted, and he with his sonne Henry and Robert de Brus, Iohn Couen with diuers other captaines taken prisoners: the reareward wherin the kyng himselfe fought, beyng immediatly so hardly beset, and seing his knights and soldiours on euery syde about him beaten down and slayne, and diuers other of his soldiours to forsake the field and shift for themselues: thought good to take agayne the town, & so retired into the Abbay from whence hee came, shuttyng and rampering vp the gates, and caused the same to be strōgly warded with soldiours. To be brief, the Barons thus gettyng the field after long fight, and many men on either side slayne: entred also the towne of Lewes, pursuyng in chase such soldiours as thether fled for succor.

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MarginaliaPrince Edward returning frō the first chase findeth altogether lost.In the meane tyme, Prince Edward returnyng from the chase of the Londoners as ye heard, who desired to geue the first onset: and first espieng the Chariot of the earle Simon (which he caused purposely to be made for him) & the horses in the same, without either waggener or any other togouerne the same: fell immediately vpon the chariote, and brake it all in pieces, & slew two Burgeses that were within the same. But when he came nerer to the place where the bloudy battell had bene fought, and sawe the great discomforture and ouerthrow which in his absēce with great mortalitie and slaughter had happened: his hart was much dismayd, and his countenance altered. Yet notwithstandyng, comforting and couraging his knightes and soldiours, of whom he had a valiaunt company, in battell aray marched toward the towne. Agaynst whome, came the Barons agayne with all their power. MarginaliaThe prince fighteth a new battel.And thus was begon betwixt them a fresh field and new battell, and manye men slayne on either side. But at length, the Erle de Warenia wyth the kinges two brethren, forsooke the field and fled: after whō went more then seuen hundred chosen souldioures, which were of their house and family: who the same day came to Penensie, and there toke shippyng ouer the sea. Also Hugh Bigot with diuers other fled, and left the valiaunt Prince fighting in the field: which thing he also perceauyng, tooke the towne. And when he found not the kyng his father at the Castle, he went frō thence to the Abbey where he was. In the meane season the town was deuided in partes: some fighting, some spoyling,MarginaliaPrince Edw. also put to the worse, and faine to take the towne.some gettyng of booties, neyther could scarcely one of them known and decerne an other whether he were his friend or enemy. But whē within a while the Barons had assembled some company, they gaue an assault vpon the Castell, thinking to haue rescued Iohn Gifferd and others whom the kings souldiours had taken prisoners and put therin. But the soldiors within defended manfully the same, and in throwyng out balles of wyld fire, as for the defence therof they had, they also fied part of the towne. Then the Barons retired and left the Castle, and purposed to haue set vpon the Abbey where the kyng and Prince Edward hys sonne was, which also was set on fire by the assault geuen to the castle. But yet it was shortly recouered and quenched. MarginaliaThe Castell of Lewes besiegedThen Edward the kinges son perceauing the bold enterprise of the Barons, prepared wyth couragious knightes and soldiors as were yet remayning and within the Abbey, to haue issued out, and to haue geuē a new charge vpon them. But that perceauyng the Barōs, sent vnto the kyng Messengers to intreat a truce for that day, and on the morrow to talke & conclude of a further peace betwene them. This battel was fought vpon the 19. day of May, beyng the yere of our Lord. 1264.

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MarginaliaA peace intreated betwene the king and Barones.The next day, which was Thursday, there were sent on either side two preaching friers betwene the Kyng and the Barons, with certen articles and demaundes of peace: so that with certaine others, these conditions were agreed on: MarginaliaThe two princes geuē in hostage.that on the morow beyng Friday, the prince shold geue hymselfe in hostage for the Kyng his father and other of his partes. And Henry the kinges sonne of Almayne also should geue hymselfe the lyke for hys father. That those thynges which should be concluded vppon for the benefite and commoditie of the realme, and peaceable quietnes therof might be performed: and that all such prisoners as were taken on eyther syde, should be freely raunsommed and sent home.

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The next day which was Saterday, the king discharged all his soldiours, and other that were wyth hym in the Abbey, licensing them to depart whether them listed. And furthermore, by the aduise of his sonne and the Barons: he gaue commaundement to those which he had appoynted to the keeping of Tunbridge, that they should make no attēpt to the preiudice or hurt of the Barōs, but in hope of þe peace which was now at the point to be concluded, they should also depart euery man to their houses and habitations. MarginaliaThe kinges souldiours in Tunbridge after they had spoyled the Londiners at Crowdown, kept themselues in garrison at Bristow.But they geuing no credit therunto, went with their furniture to Bristow, where they kept themselues in garrisō, vntill the escaping of Edward the kynges sonne out of prison. But first before that, when they heard at Tunbridge that the kyng was vanquished in battayle, and that the Londoners in the forward were put to flight by prince Edward (by a messenger that escaped from the same) and that also the same Londoners were at Crowdowne: they set vpon them in the euening tyde, and taking from them much spoyle: slew also many of them.

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But when Roger Mortimers part begā to decrease & Simon the earles part on the other side to increase: MarginaliaEarle Simon after this victory beareth himselfe so stout, that he imprisoneth the hostages of the kynge.he bare himselfe more stouter, for that both the kyng and all þt was his, did depend vpon the good will and fauour of the Earle: and led with hym the kinges sonne to such holdes and Castles as he thought to be most strongest. As though all were in hys handes to do as him liked, and kept the hostages more straightly then he was wont to do. In so much that when it was blowen abroad that the kinges sonne was kept as a

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