Thematic Divisions in Book 4
1. Lanfranc2. Gregory VII3. William the Conqueror4. William Rufus5. Henry I6. Stephen and Henry II7. Frederick Barbarossa8. Thomas Becket9. Becket's letters10. Becket's martyrdom and miracles11. Events of 1172-7812. Waldensians13. Other incidents of Henry II's reign14. First year of Richard I's reign15. Strife at Canterbury16. Richard I and Third Crusade17. William Longchamp18. King John19. Henry III's early reign20. Innocent III and mendicant orders21. Papal oppression of the English Church22. Albigensian Crusade23. Hubert de Burgh24. Gregory IX25. Schism between Greek and Latin Church26. Papal exactions from England27. Louis IX on Crusade28. Frederick II29. Opponents of Papacy30. Robert Grosseteste31. Aphorisms of Robert Grosseteste32. Persecution of Jews33. Papal oppression and Alexander IV34. Conflicts in universities and mendicant orders35. Henry III and the barons36. Battle of Lewes37. Battle of Evesham38. End of baronial war39. Ecclesiastical matters and Edward prince of Wales goes on crusade40. Foreign events in Henry III's reign41. First seven years of Edward I's reign42. War with Scotland43. Philip IV and Boniface VIII44. Events of 1305-745. Cassiodorous's letter46. Pierre de Cugniere47. Death of Edward I48. Piers Gaveston49. The Despensers and the death of Edward II50. John XXIII and Clement VI51. Rebellion in Bury St. Edmunds52. Edward III and Scotland53. Edward III and Philip VI54. Edward III and Archbishop Stratford55. Events of 1341-556. Outbreak of the Hundred Years War57. Anti-papal writers58. Quarrel among mendicants and universities59. Table of the Archbishops of Canterbury
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K. Henry.3. Ciuill dissention betwene the king and the nobles.

prisoner, diuers counselled hym that were hys frendes, that he should desire to disport himselfe at the barriers, that the people might haue a sight of hym: but he beyng natrowly garded as he knew, & fearing some tumult to arise, thought good to refuse their counsail, and so did.

In this troublesome yeare, which was. 1264. as the Londiners with the Nobles were thus occupied in warre and dissension: the malignaunt Iewes thinkyng to take vantage of the tyme, with priuy treason conspired agaynst the whole Citie and state of the Nobles. Who beyng taken with the maner, were almost all slayne that dwelt in the city of London.

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MarginaliaThe death of Pope Vrbane.
Pope Clement. 4.
Pope Clement first a maried mā and had wife and children.
In this yere after the death of Pope Urbane, succeded the sayd yere of our Lord. an. 1264. Pope Clement the 4. Which Clement, as affirmeth Nich. Triuet, was first a maried man, and had wife and children, and was the sollicitor and counsailor to the French kyng. Then after the death of his wyfe was bishop intituled Podiensis. After that archbishop of Narbone. And at last made Cardinall. Who being sent of Pope Urbane in legacie, for reformation of peace, in hys absence was elected pope by þe Cardinals. MarginaliaThomas Aquine Bonauenture readers at Paris.About thys tyme florished Thomas of Aquine, reader at Paris among the Dominike friers, and Bonauenture, among þe Francis friers. Ex Nich. Triuet.

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MarginaliaAn. 1265.As this passed on, the sonnes of Simon the Earle, to wit Henry, Simon, Guido, and Henry, beyng puft vp, and with the pryde of this successe eleuated, dyd that which nothing contented the Erle of Glocester.  

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Battle of Evesham

The Foxe Project was not able to complete the commentary on this section of text by the date by which this online edition was compiled (23 September 2008). This commentary will become available in due course from the 'Late Additions and Corrections' page of the edition.

In so much, that he chalenged Henry the eldest sonne of the erle Simō Moūtfort, at the barriers, to be tryed at Northampton. But that chalenge was taken vp, least some further inconuenience might haue risen therof. MarginaliaDissention betwene Earle Simon & the Earle of Glocester.But the Earle of Glocester beyng moued therewith in his mynde, sent vnto hys father the Erle that he should deliuer hym such prisoners beyng Noble men, as he tooke at the battayle of Lewes. Amongest whome, the King of Almayne was named first. But he by countermaund aunswered him and sayd: that it might content and satisfie hym, for that he had saued and preserued to hym hys landes, that day the battell was faught at Lewes. And that further more, he would not send him such prysoners as he demaunded: But that he himselfe kepte more nobler, then they, in the Castle of Douer: among whō was Ihon Basset, which vndermined and brast down the walles of Northampton, at that conflict as is sayd before and specified.

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The Erle of Glocester beyng herewith displeased, as soone as he heard this aunswere: sent incontinently to the Lord Roger Mortimer, which alwayes tooke the kinges part, desiryng that they two might talke together, touchyng the benefite and commodity of the King. Who, doubtyng some deceit, desired sureties and pledges for hys safe return, and he would come and talke with hym, and so had. MarginaliaThe Earle of Glocester: & Roger Mortimer conspite together agaynst Earle Symon.When they met, and had a whyle talked familiarly: the erle of Glocester shewed hym all that he was purposed to do: and that further he lamēted, he had so much and greatly offended the Kyng: And that he would with all hys power and abilitie, make amendes for that offence in the restitution of the K. agayne to his kingly dignity, as much as he possible might. Therfore, they sent secretly to Robert, the brother of the Erle of Glocester, which was nere about the Erle Symon, and made hym to consent with them therin. And to worke this thyng more circumspectly, whē oportunitie serued therunto: Roger Mortimer sent vnto the kings sonne, a horse excellyng all other in footemanship, vnto whom he might be sure to trust, when he saw conuenient tyme therunto. After which things thus contriued, Prince Edward desired leaue of the Earle, to proue hys courser against such tyme, he should ryde at the Tilt, as they might when they listed. MarginaliaPrince Edward escapeth frō out of the custody of Earle Symon by arrayne.Assone as he had gotten leaue, and that with gallopyng and ranging the field he had weried dyuers of theyr horses: at the last, gettyng vp vpon the horse which for that purpose was sent, and spying a seruaunt on horseback commyng toward hym with two swords. He turned about vnto his keper, whose name was Robert de Rose, and to other his play fellowes that were with hym, saying: My louyng lordes, thus long haue I kept you company, and haue bene in your custodies: And now not purposing to vse your companies any longer, betake you to God: And quickly turnyng hys horse about, put to the spurres and away went he. The other pricked after a pase, but yet came far inough behynde, and ouertake hym they coulde not. At last, when they sawe Roger Mortimer commyng from hys castle of Wygmore, accompanied with many armed men to mete him as before it was appoynted, they returned agayne home as wise as when they came forth. And when this the Princes escape was diuulgated: much people came vnto hym out of euery quarter, wyth great ioy therof. Amongest whō, the first was the Erle of Glocester, and the other souldiours of the kings, which had long now lien at Bristow, and there abouts. And within a short space he had a great and mighty host.

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Which thing whe then Erle Symond vnderstoode, he much doubted and mistrusted hymselfe: And sendyng into Wales, he gate from thence a great many men and augmented hys power as strongly as he might, from euery part of England. MarginaliaThe Earle Simon sendeth about & in all hast gathereth a power.He sent also Simon hys sonne to the Noble mē of the North partes, that with all possible spede he myght bryng them with hym: who with a great company came with hym, and at Kenelworth a while they stayd, and there pitched their tentes. But leauyng Kenelworth for a certen tyme they went to Winchester, and spoyled the same, and then returned agayne to Kenelworth. And when this by a certen spiall was declared to Edward the kinges sonne, who then was at Wicester, which he had gotten after he came from Glocester a little before: prepared hymselfe with hiys souldiours, in the night season to go to the place where the spye should bring hym, which was into a deepe vally nere vnto the place, where Simon and hys company had pitched. MarginaliaThe first enterprise of prince Edw. after his escape by the meanes of a spie.And when in the mornyng they were very early about to arme themselues, and prepare their horses: they heard a great noyse of their enemies commyng towardes them. Then thynkyng, that they had prepared themselues agaynst their commyng, and so had bene betrayed: they set forth in battell aray marching forward, till that they meete certen of their enemies straggling in long winges, thinking to haue gone a foraging and to haue sought for vitayles: whom they toke, & with their fresh horses, new horsed their souldiors that had their horses tired with long trauell. And so marching forward, came very early in the mornyng vpon their enemies, whom for the most part they found sleepyng: and laying lustily about them: they slew diuers, some they toke, the rest they put to flight: and xv. of their chiefest ensignes they toke, and many other rich spoiles. But yōg Simon himselfe lodged in the castell, who with a few with him escaped and fled. And this was the 4. day before the Nones of August. an. 1265.

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But when Edward, heard that Erle Simon was cōmyng toward Kenelworth, to ioyne with his sonnes battel: he marched forward to meete hym, the third day after at Eusham. MarginaliaThe disposing of the princes battayle against the Earle Simond fought at Fulham.Where he deuided his host into iij. battels, he himselfe hauyng the leadyng of one, the Earle of Glocester the second, and Roger Mortimer the third, which came vppon their backes. The kings sonne Edward came Northward, as though he came from Kenelworth to Eusham, and because he would not be discride, he caused his own standerds and ensignes to be taken downe, and yong Simons which he had taken before to be aduaunced. But the Erle Simōs Scurier, whose name was Nicholas, shewed the erle that such bandes and companies were marchyng towards him: who thinkyng the same to haue bene Simon hys sonnes power, not knowing of the ouerthrow which he had had before, gaue small credite therunto: till that the sayd Nicholas the better to view and discrie them, went vp to the Abbey steple of Eusham, where he might playnly discerne them all and their standerds: For by this tyme, they were mounted the hyll which they laboured to attayne, thinkyng to haue that vantage, when they should geue their charge as they had purposed: and had also aduaunced agayne his own standerdes, and pulled downe Simons, wherby they were the more easier discreed and knowne. MarginaliaPrince Edwardes host described, wherat the Earle was much abashed.Then he cryed aloude to the Earle Simon and sayd, we are all but dead men: For it is not your sonne as you suppose that commeth, but it is Edward the kinges sonne, that commeth from one parte: and the Erle of Glocester, from an other part, and Roger Mortimer from the third part. Then sayd the Erle. The Lord be merciful vnto our soules, for asmuch as our bodies and lyues are now in their handes: commaunding that euery man should make hymselfe redy to God, and to fight out the field for that it was theyr wylles, to dye for their lawes and in a iust quarell: And such as would depart, he gaue leaue to go their wayes that they should be no discomfiture to the rest.

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Then came vnto hym his eldest sonne Henry & comforted him, desiring him to haue no dispaire nor yet mistrust in the good successe of this victory, with other such cherrefull wordes. MarginaliaThe wordes of Earle Simonde to hys sonne.No my sonne (sayth he) I dispaire not: but yet, it is thy presumption and the pryde of the rest of thy brethren that haue brought me to this ende ye see. Notwithstanding yet I trust, I shall die to God and in a righteous quarell. After wordes of comfort geuen to all his host, and the oratiō made as is the maner, they all armed thēselues. The k. also (whom the Erle alwayes kept with him) he armed in an

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