Thematic Divisions in Book 4
1. Lanfranc2. Gregory VII3. William the Conqueror4. William Rufus5. Henry I6. Stephen and Henry II7. Frederick Barbarossa8. Thomas Becket9. Becket's letters10. Becket's martyrdom and miracles11. Events of 1172-7812. Waldensians13. Other incidents of Henry II's reign14. First year of Richard I's reign15. Strife at Canterbury16. Richard I and Third Crusade17. William Longchamp18. King John19. Henry III's early reign20. Innocent III and mendicant orders21. Papal oppression of the English Church22. Albigensian Crusade23. Hubert de Burgh24. Gregory IX25. Schism between Greek and Latin Church26. Papal exactions from England27. Louis IX on Crusade28. Frederick II29. Opponents of Papacy30. Robert Grosseteste31. Aphorisms of Robert Grosseteste32. Persecution of Jews33. Papal oppression and Alexander IV34. Conflicts in universities and mendicant orders35. Henry III and the barons36. Battle of Lewes37. Battle of Evesham38. End of baronial war39. Ecclesiastical matters and Edward prince of Wales goes on crusade40. Foreign events in Henry III's reign41. First seven years of Edward I's reign42. War with Scotland43. Philip IV and Boniface VIII44. Events of 1305-745. Cassiodorous's letter46. Pierre de Cugniere47. Death of Edward I48. Piers Gaveston49. The Despensers and the death of Edward II50. John XXIII and Clement VI51. Rebellion in Bury St. Edmunds52. Edward III and Scotland53. Edward III and Philip VI54. Edward III and Archbishop Stratford55. Events of 1341-556. Outbreak of the Hundred Years War57. Anti-papal writers58. Quarrel among mendicants and universities59. Table of the Archbishops of Canterbury
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K. Edw.1. Scotlād subdued. Trouble betwene the French K. & P. Boniface.

MarginaliaAn. 1303.
The pope setteth kyng agaynst king.
The yeare next folowing, whiche was frō Christ, an. 1303. the sayd Pope Boniface the eight of that name, taking displeasure with Philip the French kyng:  

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Philip IV and Boniface VIII

The Foxe Project was not able to complete the commentary on this section of text by the date by which this online edition was compiled (23 September 2008). This commentary will become available in due course from the 'Late Additions and Corrections' page of the edition.

did excite kyng Edward of England, to warre agaynst him, promising him great ayde thereunto. But he (as myne author sayth) litle trustyng the Popes false vnstable affectiō toward him well proued before, put him of wt delayes Ex Rob. Auesb. MarginaliaEx Rob. Auesb.Wherupō, the French kyng fearing the power of kyng Edward, whom the pope had set agaynst his frendshyp: restored vnto him agayne Wascone, which he wrongfully had in his handes deteined. Concernyng this variaunce here mentioned betwene the Pope and the French kyng, how it began first, & to what end it fell out: the sequell hereof (Christ willyng) shall declare, after that first I haue finished the discourse begon betwene England and Scotland.

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MarginaliaAn other Scottish rebellion supprest.In this yeare. 1303. the foresayd Williā Waleys, which had done so many displeasures, to the kyng before (continuyng still in his rebellion) gathered great multitudes of Scottes to withstand the kyng: till at length, the yeare followyng he was taken, and sent vp to London, and there executed for the same. After which thyngs done, the kyng thē held his Parliament at Westminster, whether came out of Scotland the Byshop of S. Andrewes, Robert Bruse aboue mentioned, Earle of Dunbarre, Earle of Arles, and Syr Ihon cōmyng, with diuers other: The which, volūtaryly were sworne to be true to the kyng of England, and to keepe the land of Scotland to his vse agaynst all persōs. But shortly after the sayd Robert Bruse, who as is sayd maried the second daughter of Earle Dauid, forgettyng his othe before made vnto the king: MarginaliaThe Pope dispēseth wyth due & true obedience of subiectes toward their prince.within a yeare or two after this, by the counsell of the Abbot of Stone, and Byshop of S. Andrewes: sent vp vnto Pope Clement the fift, for a dispensation of his othe made: insinuatyng to him, that kyng Edward vexed and greued the Realme of Scotland wrōgfully. Wherupon the Pope wrote vnto the kyng, to leaue of such doynges. MarginaliaThe popes inhibition neglected in England.Notwithstandyng which inhibition of the Pope, the kyng prosecuting his owne right, after he had the vnderstādyng of the doings of þe Scots, & of the mischief of Robert Bruys (who had slayne with his owne hāds Syr Iohn Comyng, for not consentyng with him and other Lordes at his Parliament) areared his power and strēgth of men, preparyng himselfe toward Scotlād: MarginaliaAn other rebelliō of the Scots repressed.where he ioyning with the sayd Syr Robert and all the power of Scotland in a playne neare vnto S. Iohns towne, put hym to flight and so chased the Scots, that of them were slayne to the number of. vij. thousād. In the which victory, such Bishops and Abbots as were takē, he sent them to the Pope: the temporall Lordes and other Scottes he sent vnto London. &c. MarginaliaThe Scots agayne subdued.Syr Robert Bruys after thys discomfiture, when he had thus lost both the field and chief frendes, seyng him selfe not able to make his party good, fled into Norway, where he kept his abode duryng the tyme while kyng Edward liued. Whō this noble Edward had thus subdued the Scots, he yelded thankes to God for his victory, and so settyng the land in a quyet, and an order, he returned vnto London, which was the xxxv. yeare and last of his raigne. &c.

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MarginaliaA greuous variance betwene Philip the Frēch king & pope Boniface.
Pope Nicolas. 4.
Now returnyng to that which I promised before touchyng the variaunce and greuous dissention betwene Philip the French kyng, and Pope Boniface the eight of that name. MarginaliaPopedome vacāt 2. yeares.After the Byshoprike of Rome had been long voyde through the dissension of the Cardinals, for the space of two yeares and iij. monethes: MarginaliaPope Celestinus. length, Pope Celestinus was chosen, successor to pope Nicolas the fourth. Which Celestinus in his first consistorie, began to reforme the Clergy of Rome, thinkyng to make it an example to all other churches. Wherfore, he procured to himselfe such hatred among his Clergymē, that this Boniface, then called Benedictus, speakyng through a read by his chamber wall nightly admonished him, as it had bene a voyce from heauen, that he should geue ouer his Papacie, as beyng a burden bygger then he could wild. Ex Masseo.

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This pope Celestine after he had set vj. monethes, by the trechery and falsehode of this Boniface, was induced to geue vp & resigne his Byshoprike, partly for the voyce spoken of before, partly for feare: beyng told of certaine craftely subornated in his chāber, that if he did not resigne, he should lose his life. MarginaliaCrafty iuglyng among popes & Cardinales.
Ex Masseo.
Who then after his resignation goyng to liue in some solitary desert (beyng a simple man) was vidly takē, and thrust in perpetuall prison by Pope Boniface: craftely pretendyng that he did it not for any hatred vnto Celestine, but that seditious persōs might haue him as their head, to rayse vp some styrre in the church. And so was brought to hisMarginaliaThe eight Nero.death. Wherefore, this Boniface was worthely called the eight Nero: of whō it was rightly sayd, he came in like a Foxe, he reigned like a Lyon, and dyed like a Dogge.

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MarginaliaPope Boniface. 8.Thus pope Boniface succeedyng, or rather inuadyng after Celestinus, behaued himselfe so imperiously, that he put downe princes, excommunicated kyngs, such as did not take their confirmation at his hand. MarginaliaThe mischief of Pope Boniface described.Diuers of his Cardinals he draue away for feare, some of them as schismatickes he deposed and spoyled thē of all their substaunce. Phillip the French kyng he excommunicated, for not sufferyng his money to go out of the Realme, and therfore cursed both his and him, to the fourth generation. Albertus the Emperour not once nor twise, but thrise sought at his handes to be cōfirmed, and yet was reiected, neither could obtaine, vnlesse he would promise to driue the French kyng out of his Realme. MarginaliaGuelphes & Gibelines 2. factions in Rome.The factious discord in Italy betwene the Guelphes, and Gibellines, which the part of a good Byshop had bene to extinct: so litle he helped to quench the smoke, that he of all other was chiefest firebrande to encrease the flame. In so much that vpon Ashwedensday, when Porchetus an Archbyshop came and kneeled downe before him to receaue his ashes: Pope Boniface lookyng vpon him, & perceauyng that he was one of the Gilbelines part, cast his handfull of ashes in his eyes saying: Memento homo quod Gibellinus es. &c. That is: remember man that a Gibiline thou art, and to ashes thou shalt go. MarginaliaIubilei first begonne in Rome.This Pope moreouer ordeined first the Iubilei in Rome: in the solemnising wherof, the first day he shewed himselfe in his pontificalibus, and gaue free remission of sinnes to as many as came to Rome out of all the partes of the world. MarginaliaThe Pope claymeth & practiseth power of both swords.The second day (being arrayed with Imperial ensignes) he commaunded a naked sword to be caried before him and sayd with a loud voyce: Ecce potestatem vtriusq; gladii. That is, Loe here the power and authoritie of both the swordes. &c.

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MarginaliaPope Boniface 8. author of the booke of decretals. Romishe pardons first begunne by Pope Boniface. 8.By this sayd Pope Boniface, diuers constitutions extrauaganes of his predecessours were collected together, with many of his owne newly added therto, and so made the booke called Sextus decretaliū. &c. By whō also first sprang vp pardons and indulgences from Rome.

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These thynges thus premised of Boniface the Pope, now will I come to the occasion of the strife betwene him, and the French kyng: Concernyng which matter, first I finde in the history of Nicholas Triuet, that in the yeare of our Lord. 1301. the Byshop of Oppanuham beyng accused for a conspiracie agaynst the French kyng, was brought vp to his Court, and so cōmitted to prison. MarginaliaEx hist. Nic. Triuet.The Pope hearyng this, sendeth word to the kyng by his Legate to set hym at liberty. The French kyng not daryng to the contrary, looseth the Byshop: but whē he had done, he dischargeth both the Byshop and the Legate commaundyng them to voyde his Realme. Wherupon, Pope Boniface reuoketh all the graces and priuilegies graunted either by him or his predecessors before to the kyngdome of Fraunce: also, MarginaliaPhillip the Frēch king excommunicated.not long after thunderyng out the sentence of his curse agaynst him. Moreouer, citeth all the Prelates, all diuines, and lawyers both ciuile and canon, to appeare personally before him at Rome, at a certaine day,which was the first of Nouember. Agaynst this citation, the kyng agayne prouideth and commaundeth by straite proclamation, that no maner of person should export out of the Realme of Fraunce either gold, or siluer, or any other maner of ware or marchandise, vpon forfetyng all their goodes, and their bodyes at the kynges pleasure: prouidyng with all, the wayes and passages diligently to be kept that none might passe vnsearched. Ouer and besides, the sayd French kyng defeited the Pope in geuyng and bestowyng prebendes, and benefices, and other ecclesiasticall liuynges, contrary to the Popes profite. For the which cause, the pope writeth to the foresayd kyng in forme and effect as followeth.

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¶ Boniface Byshop and seruaunt to Gods seruauntes to his beloued sonne Philip by the grace of God, kyng of Fraunce, greetyng and Apostolicall blessing.

MarginaliaEx lib. Stephani Anfrefrerij.BOniface the seruaunt of Gods seruauntes, &c. feare God, and obserue his commaundementes. We will thee to ynderstand, that thou art subiect to vs both in spiritual things, and temporall. And that no gift of benefices or prebendes belongeth to thee: and if thou haue the keepyng of any beyng vacant, that thou reserue the profites of them to the successors. But if thou haue geuen any, we iudge the gift to be voyde: and call backe, how farre soeuer thou hast gone forward. And who soeuer Beleueth otherwise, we iudge them heretickes.

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Vnto this letter of the Pope, kyng Philip maketh aunswere agayne in maner and order as followeth, which is this.

¶ Philip