Thematic Divisions in Preface
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A Protestation to the whole Church of England.

vnknowne: as Ioachim Abbote of Calabria, Almericus a learned Byshop, who was iudged an hereticke for holdyng agaynst Images, in the tyme of the sayd Innocentius. Besides the Martyres of Alsatia, of whom we read an hundred to be burned by the sayd Innocentius in one day, as writeth Hermanus Mutius. Adde likewise to these Waldenses or Albigenses, which to a great number segregated them selues from the Churche of Rome. To this number also belonged Reymundus Earle of Tholose, Marsilius Patauius. * Guilielmus de S. Amore, Simon Tornacensis, Arnoldus de noua villa, Ioannes Semeca, besides diuers preachers in Sueuia standing agaynst the Pope. anno 1240.MarginaliaExtrauagant cap. Non sino multa. Ex Cranz. Laurentius Anglicus a master of Paris. an. 1260.MarginaliaEx Nichoalo Emerico. lib. Inquisitionum. Petrus Ioannis a Minorite, who was burned after his death. anno. 1290. Robertus Gallus a Dominicke Frier, anno 1291. Robert Grosthead Bishop of Lincolne which was called Malleus Romanorum, an. 1250. Lord Peter de Cugneriis, anno. 1329. To these we may adde moreouer Gusielmus Ockam, Bongratius Bergomensis, Luitpoldus, Andræas Laudensis.MarginaliaEx Ioan. Auentino, lib. 7.Vlricus Hangenor Treasurer to the Emperour, Ioannes de Ganduno. anno 1330. mētioned in the Extrauagantes,MarginaliaExtrauant. cap. Licet infra doctrinam. Andræas de Castro, Buridianus, Eudo Duke of Burgundy, who counselled the French kyng, not to receaue the new found constitutiions and extrauagantes of the Pope into his Realme, Dantes Alligerius, An Italian, who wrote agaynst the Pope, Monkes and Friers, and agaynst the donation of Constantine, an. 1330. Taulerus a Germaine preacher, * Conradus Hager imprisoned for preachyng agaynst the Masse. an. 1339.MarginaliaEx Bullis quibusdam Othonis Epis. Herbipolensis.The author of the Booke called Pœnitentiarius Asini, compiled about the yeare 1343. Michael Cesenas a gray Frier, Petrus de Corbaria, with Ioannes de Poliaco, mencioned in the Extrauagantes and condemned by the Pope.MarginaliaExtrauagāt Ioan. 22. Ioannes de Castilione, with Franciscus de Arcatara, who were burned about the yeare of our Lord. 1322. * Ioannes Rochtaylada, otherwise called Haybalus, with an other Frier Martyred about the yeare. 1346. Franciscus Petracha, who called Rome the whore of Babilon, &c. an. 1350. * Georgius Ariminensis, an. 1350.MarginaliaEx Ioan. Frosiardo volū. 1. cap. 211. Ioannes de Rupe Scißa, emprisoned for certeine prophesies agaynst the Pope, an. 1340. Gerhardus Ridder, who also wrote agaynst Monkes and Friers a booke called Lachryma Ecclesiæ. an. 1350.MarginaliaEx Tritemio. Godfridus de Fōtanis, Gulielmus de Lāduno, Ioannes Monachus Cardini. Armachanus, Nicholaus Orē preacher, an. 1364. Militzius a Bohemian, which then preached that Antichrist was come, and was excommunicate for the same, an. 1366. Iacobus Misnensis, * Mathias Parisiensis a Bohemian borne, & a writer agaynst the Pope, an. 1370.MarginaliaEx Bulla Gregorij cap. 11. Ioannes Mountziger, Rector of the Vniuersitie of Vlme, anno, 1384. Nilus Archb. of Thessalonica, Henricus de Iota, Henricus de Hassia. &c.MarginaliaEx Illirico.

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I do but recite the principall writers and preachers in those dayes, How many thousands there were, which neuer bowed their knees to Baall, that is knowne to God alone. Of whome we finde in the writinges of one * Brushius, that xxxvj. Citizens of Maguntia were burned, anno, 1390.MarginaliaEx Brushio. Who folowing the doctrine of the Waldenses, affirmed the Pope to be the great Antichrist. Also Massæus recordeth of one hundred and fourty, which in the prouince of Narbon were put to the fire, for not receauyng the decretalles of Rome:MarginaliaEx Christiano Masses.besides them that suffered at Paris to the number of xxiiij. at one time, anno 1210. and the next yeare after were iiij hūdred brent vnder the name of Heretiques. Besides also a certaine good Heremite and Englishman, of whome mention is made in Iohn Bacon. Dist. 2. Quest. 1. MarginaliaEx Ioan. Bacon Dist. 2. Quest. 1who was committed for disputing in Paules Church, against certaine Sacramentes of the Church of Rome, an. 1306.

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To discend nowe somewhat lower in drawing out the descent of the Church. What a multitude here commeth of faythfull witnesses in the time of Ioh. Wickleffe, as Ocliffe, Wickleffe an. 1376. W. Thorpe, White, Puruey, Patshall, Payne, Gower, Chauser, Gascoyne, William Swynderby, Walter Brute, Roger Dexter, William Sautry about the yeare. 1400. Iohn Badby, an. 1410. Nicholaus Tayler, Rich. Wagstaffe, Mich. Scriuener, W. Smith, Iohn Henry, W. Parchmenar, Roger Goldsmith, with an Ancresse called Mathilde in the Citie of Leicester, Lord Cobham, Syr Roger Acton Knight, Iohn Beuerley preacher, Iohn Husse, Hierome of Prage Scholemaster, with a number of faythful Bohemians and Thaborites not to be tolde with whom I might also adioyne Laurentius Valla, and Ioannes Picus the learned Earle of Mirandula. But what do I stand vpon recitall of names, which almost are infinite.

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Wherefore if any be so farre beguiled in his opinion to thinke the doctrine of the Churche of Rome (as it now standeth) to be of such antiquitie, and that the same was neuer impugned before the time of Luther and Zuinglius now of late, let hym read these historyes: or if he thinke the sayd history not to be of sufficient credite to alter his persuasion, let hym peruse the actes and Statutes of Parlamentes passed in this Realme of auncient tyme and therein consider and conferre the course of tymes, where he may finde & read. An. 5. Regis Richardi. 2. in the yeare of our Lord. 1380. of a great number (which there be called euyll persons) goyng about from towne to towne in Freese gownes preachyng vnto the people. &c.MarginaliaStatut. in An. 5. Rich. 2. An. Domini. 1390. which preachers, although the woordes of the Statute doo terme there to be dissembling persons, preaching diuers Sermons containing heresies and notorious errours, to the emblemishment of Christen fayth, and of holy Church &c. as the wordes do there pretend: yet notwithstandyng euery true Christen reader may conceaue of those preachers to teach no other doctrine, then nowe they heare theyr owne Preachers in Pulpits preach, agaynst the Byshop of Rome, and the corrupt heresies of his Church.

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Furthermore he shal finde likewise in Statut. an. 2. Henr. 4. Cap. 15. in the yeare of our Lord. 1402. an other like company of good preachers and faythfull defenders of true doctrine agaynst blynde heresie and errour. MarginaliaEx Statut. in An. 2. Henr. 4. cap. 15. An. Domini. 1402.Whom albeit the wordes of the Statute there, through corruption of that time, do falsely terme, to be false and peruerse preachers, vnder dissembled holynes, teachyng in those dayes openly and priuely new doctrines and hereticall opinions contrary to the fayth and determination of holy Church. &c. yet notwithstanding whosoeuer readeth histories and conferreth the order and descent of times, shall vnderstand these to be no false teachers, but faythfull witnesses of the truth, not teachyng any new doctrines contrary to the determination of holy Church: But rather shall finde that Church to be vnholy, which they preached agaynst, teachyng rather it selfe hereticall opinions contrary both to antiquitie, and verity of Christes true Catholicke Church.

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Of the like number also, or greater, of like true faythfull fauourers and followers of Gods holy worde, we finde in the yeare of our Lord. 1422. specified in a letter sent from Henry Chikesley Archbishop of Canterbury, to Pope Martine v. in the fift yeare of his Popedome, MarginaliaEx Literis Archiepiscopi Cant. ad Martinum. 5. Anno Domini. 1422.where mention is made of so many here in England infected: (as he sayd) With the heresies of Wickleffe and Husse, that without force of an army they could not be suppressed. &c. Wherupon the Pope sent two Cardinals to the Archbishop to cause a tenth to be gathered of all spirituall and Religious men, and the money to be layd in the chamber Apostolicke, and if that were not sufficient, the residue to be made vp of Chalices, Candlestickes, and other implementes of the Church &c.

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What shall neede then any more witnes to proue this matter, when you see so many yeares ago, whole armies and multitudes, thus standing against the Pope? who though they be termed here for heretickes & schismatickes, yet in that, which they called heresy, serued they the liuing Lord, within the Arke of his true spirituall, and visible Church.

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