Thematic Divisions in Book 4
1. Lanfranc2. Gregory VII3. William the Conqueror4. William Rufus5. Henry I6. Stephen and Henry II7. Frederick Barbarossa8. Thomas Becket9. Becket's letters10. Becket's martyrdom and miracles11. Events of 1172-7812. Waldensians13. Other incidents of Henry II's reign14. First year of Richard I's reign15. Strife at Canterbury16. Richard I and Third Crusade17. William Longchamp18. King John19. Henry III's early reign20. Innocent III and mendicant orders21. Papal oppression of the English Church22. Albigensian Crusade23. Hubert de Burgh24. Gregory IX25. Schism between Greek and Latin Church26. Papal exactions from England27. Louis IX on Crusade28. Frederick II29. Opponents of Papacy30. Robert Grosseteste31. Aphorisms of Robert Grosseteste32. Persecution of Jews33. Papal oppression and Alexander IV34. Conflicts in universities and mendicant orders35. Henry III and the barons36. Battle of Lewes37. Battle of Evesham38. End of baronial war39. Ecclesiastical matters and Edward prince of Wales goes on crusade40. Foreign events in Henry III's reign41. First seven years of Edward I's reign42. War with Scotland43. Philip IV and Boniface VIII44. Events of 1305-745. Cassiodorous's letter46. Pierre de Cugniere47. Death of Edward I48. Piers Gaveston49. The Despensers and the death of Edward II50. John XXIII and Clement VI51. Rebellion in Bury St. Edmunds52. Edward III and Scotland53. Edward III and Philip VI54. Edward III and Archbishop Stratford55. Events of 1341-556. Outbreak of the Hundred Years War57. Anti-papal writers58. Quarrel among mendicants and universities59. Table of the Archbishops of Canterbury
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K. Edw.2. Trouble betwene the P. & Ludouike the Emp. Pope Clements bull.

nothyng helpe to mollifie the modest hart of thys Pharao.

The Princes and electors seing the bill with the articles and conditions, wherof some sounded to malicious defacing and destruction of the Empire, abhorring the wickednes thereof: desired the Emperour to stand to the defence of the Imperiall dominion, as he had begon: promysing that their assistance & ayde, to the vttermost therunto should not lacke. Vpon that other orators were sent to pope Clement from the Princes, desiring hym to abstayne from such maner of articles conceaued agaynst the state and maiestie of the Empire. The pope surmising all this to spring from Lewes the Emperour, to the vtter subuersion of him and all his posteritie: MarginaliaLewes the Emperour accused of the pope for an heretike.on Maundy thursday blustereth out most blacke curses agaynst hym, also reneueth all the former processes of hys predecessor agaynst hym, as agaynst both an hereticke and a schismatike, commaunding moreouer the princes electors to proceede in chusing a new Emperour. MarginaliaA good and faithfull Archb. of Mentz.The Archbishop of Mentz seeing the innocency of the emperour, would not consent to the violatyng of hys maiestie, wherfore was depriued by the Pope of all his dignities. MarginaliaBribers corrupted with moneyThe other Byshops electors, as the Archbishop of Colē, which tooke viij. thousand markes, wyth the Duke of Saxonye, which tooke ij. thousand markes, beyng corrupted wyth money by Ihon kyng of Boheme: elected Charles þe sonne of the sayd Ihon, whom pope Clement eftsones in his cōsistory did approue. MarginaliaThe pope sower of discord and bloudshed.Who seeth not here what matter was ministred by the pope of warre and bloudshed betwene these two Emperours, if the patience of Ludouike had not bene more prudent to quench the fire, then the pope was to kindle it? Charles then the new Emperour elect, sped hym to Aquisgraue, according to the custome, there to be crowned. But by the Citizens there, and the Empresse (Ludouicus wyfe keeping there about) was repelled. All thys happened in the tyme and reigne of Edward the 3. kyng of England, wyth whom the sayd Charles, wyth the French king, and kyng of Boheme, MarginaliaThe pope agayne stirreth vp warre.set on by the Pope, encountred in warre: where the kyng of England, had agaynst them a noble victory, and slue a great number of the Frenchmen and Almaynes, MarginaliaCharles the new Emperour put to flight by the Englishmen.and put Charles the new Emperour to flight. In the meane tyme, among the princes and cities of Germanie what sorow and what cōplayntes were agaynst pope Clement and those Electors, it can not be expressed. For as they were altogether at Spires congregated in a generall assembly, so there was none among them all: that allowed þe election of Charles, or that cared for þe popes processe, promising all to adhere & cōtinue faythfull subiects to Ludouik their lawfull Emperour. MarginaliaLudouike the right Emprour resigneth vp hys Empyre.But Ludouicke remembryng his oth made before to the popes bill, voluntarie and wyllingly gaue ouer hys Emperiall dignitie, and went to Burgrauia, where shortly after, MarginaliaLudouike the Emperour impoysoned.through the procured practise of pope Clement (as Hieronimus Marius doth write) poyson was geuen hym to drinke. After the which being dronke, when he would haue vomited out, and could not: tooke hys horse and went to hunt the Beare, whereby through the chafing and heat of hys body to expell the venime, MarginaliaLudouicus Emperour & martyr.And there þe good and gentle Emperour wickedly persecuted and murdered of the pope, fell downe dead, whom I may well recount among the innocent and blessed martyrs of Christ. For if the cause being righteous doth make a martyr, what Papist can iustly disproue his cause or fayth? if persecution ioyned therunto causeth martyrdome, what martyr could be more persecuted then he: who hauing iij. popes, lyke iij. bāddogs vpon hym, at length was deuoured by the same. The princes then hearing of his death assembled themselues to a new election: MarginaliaGunterus de monte nigro made Emp.who refusing Charles aforesayd, elected an other for Emperour, named Gunterus de Monte Nigro. MarginaliaGunterus the right Emperour poysoned.Who shortly after fallyng sicke at Franckford through hys Phisitions seruaunt was likewyse poysoned, whom the foresayd Charles had hyred, with money to worke that feate. Gunterus tasting of the poyson, although he did partly cast it vp agayne, yet so much remayned within hym, as made hym vnable afterward to serue that place. Wherfore for cōcordes sake beyng counsayled thereto by the Germaines, gaue ouer hys Empire to Charles. For els, great bloudshed was lyke to ensue. This Charles thus ambitiously aspiring to the Emperiall seat contrary to the myndes of þe states and peres of the Empire, as he did wickedly and vnlawfully come by it: so was he by hys ambitious guiding, the first and principall meane of the vtter ruine of that monarchie. For that he to haue hys sonne set vp Emperour after hym, conuented and graunted to the princes electours of Germanie, all the publicke taxes and tributes of þe Empire. Which couenaunt beyng once made betwene the Emperour & them, they afterward held so fast: that they caused the emperour to swere neuer to reuoke or call backe againe the same. By reason whereof, the tribute of the countreis MarginaliaThe ruine of the Germaine Empire, and the first cause therof.of Germanie, which then belonged onely to the Emperour, for the sustentation of hys warres: euer since to thys day is dispersed diuersly into the handes of the princes, and free cities within the sayd monarchie. So that both þe Empyre being disfornished and left desolate, and the Emperours weakened thereby: haue neyther bene able sufficiently since to defend themselues, nor yet to resist the Turke, or other forein enemyes. Wherof a great part, as ye haue heard, may be imputed vnto the popes. &c. Hieronimus Marius.

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MarginaliaThe yeare of Iubilei reduced to the L yeare.This Pope Clement first reduced the yeare of Iubiley to euery. L. yeare, which before was kept but on the hūdreth yeare. And so he beyng absent at Auinion (which he then purchased wyth his money to the sea of Rome) caused it to be celebrated at Rome. anno. 1350. MarginaliaPilgrimes in the yeare of Iubilei at Rome.In the which yeare were numbred of peregrines going in, and comming out euery day at Rome, to the estimation of fiue thousand. præmonstrat. The bull of Pope Clement geuen out for this present yeare of Iubiley, procedeth in these words as foloweth. MarginaliaThe abhominable and blasphemous bull of pope Clement.What person or persons soeuer for deuotion sake: shall take their peregrination vnto the holy citie the same day when he setteth forth out of hys house, he may chuse vnto hym what confessor or cōfessours either in þe way or where els he lusteth. Vnto the which confessours we graunt, by our autoritie plenary power to absolue all cases papall, as fully as if we were in our proper person there present. Itē, we graunt that whosoeuer beyng truely confessed, shall chaunce by the way to die, he shall be quite and absolued of all his sinnes. MarginaliaThe pope commaundeth the aungels.Moreouer, we commaunde the Aungels of Paradise, to take hys soule out of his body beyng absolued, and to cary it into the glory of Paradise. &c. And in an other bull, we will (sayth he) that no payne of hell shall touch him, MarginaliaO blasphemy of the Pope.graunting moreouer to all and singular person and persons signed with the holy crosse, power and autoritie to delyuer and release iij. or iiij. soules, whom they list themselues, out of the paines of Purgatory. &c.MarginaliaEx bulla Clementis.

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MarginaliaEx chron. Wals. in vit. Edw. 3.Thys Clement (as myne autor affirmeth) tooke vpon hym so prodigally in hys Popedome, that he gaue to hys Cardinals of Rome, Byshoprickes and benefices, which then were vacant in England: and began to geue them new titles, for the same lyuynges he gaue them in England. MarginaliaThe kyng resisteth the pope.Wherwith the kyng (as good cause he had) was offended, and vndid all the prouisions of the Pope within his realme: Commaunding vnder payne of prisonment and life, no man to be so hardy, as to induce and bring in any such prouisions of the Pope, any more within hys land. And vnder þe same punishment charged the two Cardinals to voyde the realme. anno. 1343. MarginaliaThe tenthes of Church goods geuen to the kyng.In the same yeare all the tenthes as well of the Templaries as of other spirituall men, were geuen & payde to the kyng through the whole realme. an. 1343. And thus much cōcernyng good Ludouicke Emperour & Martyr, & Pope Clement the 6. his enemy. Marginalia1326.Wherin, because we haue a litle exceded the course of yeares wherat we left, let vs returne somewhat backe agayne, and take such thinges in order as belong to the Church of England and Scotland, setting forth the reigne of kyng Edward the iij. and the doynges of the Church, which in hys tyme haue happened, as the grace of Christ our Lord, wyll assiste and able vs thereunto.

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MarginaliaOriall colledge & S. Mary hall in Oxford builded by K. Edw. 2.Thys foresayd kyng Edward the second in hys tyme builded ij. houses in Oxford for good letters: to wit, Oriall colledge and S. Mary Halle.

MarginaliaA story of the commotion betwen the towne & abbay of Bury.Here I omit also by the way the furious outrage and conflict which happened in the tyme of thys kyng, a litle before hys death, an. 1326. betwene the townesmen and the Abbey of Bury,  

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Rebellion in Bury St. Edmunds

The Foxe Project was not able to complete the commentary on this section of text by the date by which this online edition was compiled (23 September 2008). This commentary will become available in due course from the 'Late Additions and Corrections' page of the edition.

wherein the townesmen gathering themselues together in a great multitude (for what cause or olde grudge betwene them, the Register doth not declare) MarginaliaEx latino quodam Registroinuaded and sackt the monastery. And after they had imprisoned the Monkes, they rifled the goods and treasures of the whole house, spoyling and carying awaye their plate, money, copes, vestmentes, sensers, crosses, chalices, basens, iewels, cups, masers, bookes, with other ornamentes and implementes of the house to the value vnestimable. In the which conflict certaine also on both sides were slayne. Such was the madnes then of that people, that when they had gathered vnto them a great concourse of seruantes & light persons of that countrey to the number of. xx. thousand, to whom they promysed libertie & freedome: by vertue of such wryts which they had out of that house, first they got into their handes all the euidēcies, copyes, and instruments, that they coulde finde: then they tooke of the lead, that done settyng fire to the Abbey gates they brent vp nere the whole house. After that they proceded further to the farmes and granges belonging to the sayd Abbey, whereof they wasted, spoiled and brent to the number of. xxij. manour places in one weeke: transporting away the corne, horses, cattell, and o-

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