Thematic Divisions in Book 4
1. Lanfranc2. Gregory VII3. William the Conqueror4. William Rufus5. Henry I6. Stephen and Henry II7. Frederick Barbarossa8. Thomas Becket9. Becket's letters10. Becket's martyrdom and miracles11. Events of 1172-7812. Waldensians13. Other incidents of Henry II's reign14. First year of Richard I's reign15. Strife at Canterbury16. Richard I and Third Crusade17. William Longchamp18. King John19. Henry III's early reign20. Innocent III and mendicant orders21. Papal oppression of the English Church22. Albigensian Crusade23. Hubert de Burgh24. Gregory IX25. Schism between Greek and Latin Church26. Papal exactions from England27. Louis IX on Crusade28. Frederick II29. Opponents of Papacy30. Robert Grosseteste31. Aphorisms of Robert Grosseteste32. Persecution of Jews33. Papal oppression and Alexander IV34. Conflicts in universities and mendicant orders35. Henry III and the barons36. Battle of Lewes37. Battle of Evesham38. End of baronial war39. Ecclesiastical matters and Edward prince of Wales goes on crusade40. Foreign events in Henry III's reign41. First seven years of Edward I's reign42. War with Scotland43. Philip IV and Boniface VIII44. Events of 1305-745. Cassiodorous's letter46. Pierre de Cugniere47. Death of Edward I48. Piers Gaveston49. The Despensers and the death of Edward II50. John XXIII and Clement VI51. Rebellion in Bury St. Edmunds52. Edward III and Scotland53. Edward III and Philip VI54. Edward III and Archbishop Stratford55. Events of 1341-556. Outbreak of the Hundred Years War57. Anti-papal writers58. Quarrel among mendicants and universities59. Table of the Archbishops of Canterbury
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K. Edward.3. Warre betwene the Scottes and K.Edward..

ther moueables belongyng to the same, the price whereof is registred to come to. 922. li. v. s. xi. d besides the valuation of other riches and treasure wythin the Abbey which cannot be esteemed.

The Abbot all this space was at London in þe Parlament, by whose procurement at lēgth such rescue was sent downe, that 14. of the chiefe of the towne (submittyng themselues) were committed to warde: 30. cartes full of the townesmē were caried to Norwich, of whom. 19. wer there hanged, diuers were put in cōuict prison. The whole tounship was condemned in 140000 pound, to be payd for damages of the house. Iohn Berton Alderman, W. Herlyng with 32. priestes, 13. womē and 138. other of the said toune were outlawed. Of whom diuers, after grudging at þe Abbot for breakyng promise with them at London, did confederat themselues together, and priuely in the night commyng to the manour of Chennington, where the Abbot did lye: brast open the gates, who then entryng in, first bounde all his family: MarginaliaThe Abbot robbed.and after they had robbed all hys plate, iewels and mony, they tooke the Abbot, and shaued hym, & secretly with them conueyed hym away to London: where they remouyng hym from streete to streete vnknowen, from thence had hym ouer Thamis into Kent, MarginaliaThe Abbot stolne away to lēgth ouer the sea the ferried hym ouer to Dist in Brabāce: where they a sufficiēt tyme kept hym in much penury, misery and thraldome, till at length the matter beyng searched, they were all excommunicate, first by the Archb. of Cant. then by the Pope. MarginaliaThe abbot restored agayne.And at last beyng known where he was by hys frends, was deliuered & rescued out of the theues hands, & finally brought home with procession, and restored to his house agayn. And thus was that abbey with the Abbot of the same (for what demerites I know not) thus vexed and afflicted about this tyme, as more largely I haue sene it in their latine register. But thus much briefly, touchyng the rest I omitte here, about the latter ende of this Edward the 2. ceaseth the history of Nic. Triuet. and of Flor. Hist. passing ouer to the raigne of the next kyng.

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¶ King Edward the 3.  
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Edward III and Scotland

The Foxe Project was not able to complete the commentary on this section of text by the date by which this online edition was compiled (23 September 2008). This commentary will become available in due course from the 'Late Additions and Corrections' page of the edition.

COnceryng the actes and story of king Edward the second, hys deposing, and cruel death, wrought by the false and counterfet letter of sir Roger Mortimer, sent in the kings name to the kepers (for the which he was after charged and hanged, drawen, and quartered) I haue written sufficiently before, and more paraduenture then the professiō of this Ecclesiasticall history wil well admit. Notwithstandyng for certayne respectes and causes, I thought somewhat to extende my limites herein the more, whereby both kings and such as clyme to be about them, may take þe better example by the same, the one to haue the loue of hys subiectes, the other to learne to flee ambition, & not to beare themselues to brag of their fortune and state, how hie so euer it be. Considering with themselues nothing to be in this world so firme and sure, that may promise it selfe any certain continuaunce, and is not in perpetuall daunger of mutation, vnles it be fastened by God hys protection.

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MarginaliaKing Edward 3.
After the suppression of this king, as is aboue expressed, Edward hys sonne was crowned king of England, beyng about the yeres of 15. and raigned the space of 50. yeres, who was a prince of much and a great temperaunce. In feates of armes very expert, and no lesse fortunate and lucky in al his warres, as hys father was infortunate before hym. In liberalitie also and clemency worthely commended, briefly in all princely vertues famous and excellent. Concernyng the memorable actes of which prince, done both in warres and peace, as how he subdued the Scots, had great victories by the sea, how he conquered France. an. 1332. wanne Calice, an. 1348. and translated the staple thither, toke the French king prisoner, and how the French armes first by him was brought in, and conioyned with the english armes, also how the order of the Garter first by the sayd kyng was inuented and ordayned, an. 1356. Also an. 1357. How the king in hys parliament at Notingham, decreed, that all such in Flaunders or other where, that had skill in makyng cloth, should peaceably inhabite the land and be welcome. For 3. yeres before that, it was enacted, that no wool should be transported ouer the sea. Which was to bridle the pride of þe Flemings, who then loued better the sackes of wooll, then the natiō of Englishemen. All these with other noble actes of this woorthy prince, although in other Chronicles be fully intreated of: yet according to that order I haue begun (saying somwhat of eche kings raigne, although not pertinent to our ecclesiastical history) I haue here inserted the same, makyng hast to other matters, shortly and compendiously abridging thē out of diuers and sundry authors together compacted, men-tioned in this wyse.

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The coronation and solemnitie of king Edward þe third and all the pompe therof was no sooner ended: but Robert of Bruse kyng of Scotland, vnderstāding the state and gouernment of the realme to be (as it was in dede) in þe quene, the yong king, the Erle of Kent, and Sir Roger Mortimer: And that the Lordes and Barons, as he was enformed, did scarcely well agree amongst themselues (although he grew now in age, and was troubled with the fallyng disease:) MarginaliaThe defiance of the kyng of Scots.Yet thought he this a mete tyme for hys purpose, to make inuasion. Hopyng for as good successe and like victory now, as but lately before he had at the castle of Estriuelin. Wherupō, about the feast of Easter, he sent his Embassadours wyth Heraldes and letters of defiance to the yong king Edward the 3. the Quene, and counsaile: declaryng that his purpose was with fire and sword to enter and inuade the realme of England. &c. The king, queene & counsail hearing this bold defiance, commaunded in all spedy preparation Musters to be made throughout all þe realme: appointyng to euery band captains conuenient, and at the city of Yorke by a day assigned thē, cōmaunding euery mā to be with all their necessary furniture redy and throughly prouided. They directed their letters also with all spede to sir Iohn of Heynalt, requiryng hym with such soldiors and men at armes as he might cōueniently prouide in Flaunders, Heynalt, and Brabant: to meete the king and Quene vpon the Ascension day next insuyng at their city of Yorke.

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MarginaliaThe K. & Queene at Yorke, with an army of 6000. mē ready to meet the k. of Scots entering the realme.The kyng and quene made spedy preparation for thys expeditiō: The noble men prouided themselues of all things necessary therunto: the English capitaynes and soldiours (their bandes throughly furnished) were redy at their appoynted tyme and place: Sir Iohn of Heynalt, lord Bedmount mustring hys mē as fast, was redy to take shipping: where at Wysant (in English Bothoms there lying for him redy) he went aboord, and with a mery wynd lāded at Douer, trauelling from thence by small iourneys daily, tyll he came within 3. dayes after the feast of Penticost to the city of Yorke: where the king & quene with a great power of 60000. men (within and about the city of Yorke) expected his commyng: Before whom, in curteous wyse he presented hymselfe, and mustred hys troupe, wherin he had to the number of 500. good men at armes well appoynted & moūted. His commyng and furniture was well liked both of the king and quene, and was by the Harbinger, appointed to be lodged with his household retinue in the Abbey of whyte monkes. To be briefe, such grudge and variance fell betwene some of the kings soldiors and his, within the suburbes of the towne beyng together lodged: That from the little to the more, whilest the kyng and quene with dyuers other of the nobles, (straungers and others) were at dinner: MarginaliaThe great fray in Yorke.the said fray so greatly increased, that the whole army as many as were in the towne then lodged, stood to their defence: so that there was slayn of þe English archers in short space by þe strāgers to the number of 300. men. Wherupon grew (after the fray was with much difficulty both of the kyng & quene ended) such hartburnyng betwene the parties: as that the number of 6000. conspired together against them, thinking to haue burnt them in their lodgings, had they not bene by the great grace of God and discrite handlyng, otherwyse preuented & let. Wherupon, the Heinolders were faine to take and kepe the field, vsing as diligent watch and ward, as though they had bene among their hostile enemies. After this, the kyng set forward his army toward Durham, and incamped hymself nere about the same: MarginaliaCarlile & new castel thē the kayes of England Northward kept wyth gariisonswho also sent the Lord Uford & the Lord Mounbry to Carlell with a sufficient company to kepe that entrance: and also the Lord marshall of England to kepe the towne of Newcastle with a sufficiēt company to defend the same, and the country adioynyng. For well knew the king, that by one of these two entries, the Scots must passe into England, standyng both of them vpon the ryuer of Tyne 24. miles distant.

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MarginaliaThe Scots priuely passe ouer the riuer of Tine, burning & spoyling the countrey all about.But the Scots priuely with their army passed þe riuer betwixt the two towns into England, few vnderstandyng therof: til that the great fiers which the Scots had kindled and made in England bewrayed them: who came burnyng and destroying the country all about as far as Stānoy parke. This thing beyng declared to the king, he commaundeth his host with all spede to march towards thē, which so long trauailed that they came in sight ech of other. The k. also commaunded the passages of the riuer to be so straitly & narrowly garded, that by no meanes the Scots could retire and haue escaped back agayne into Scotland without battail geuen thē of the kyng. But the Scots vnderstanding the great power the kyng was of, kept alwayes the aduantage of the hils retiring in the nightes from one to another: that without great oddes and aduantage of the one side &

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